MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #10

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Go check out the comments now ;)

Good for you, Danni!!

Keep her honest!!


And good for you, all WSers who posted! These folks will profit from WS info and WS logic!
When you read the docket entries it says it is displaying 13 out of 14 entries. Wanta guess what entry 14 might say? I am guessing she may have been there and back. If she hasn't been transferred yet it can hardly be an immediate hospitalization as motion requested. And since it is a hospitalization I am going to guess it is covered by the medical privacy laws and that is why the entry is not displayed. Or the motion was denied, but then I think it would have displayed that. jmo
I forgot WS member are the only people that know how to use google!
We've got to start our 20+ lbs smokin' at midnight.... someone please remind me why we do this??? LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to all my new friends here. Please take time to remember our Men and Women serving our country who are not going to be home with their families. My Brother in law is back for tour 3.
Interesting back and forth with the "insider" who paid WS a visit -- on that other blog -- did anyone see her post on her own blog about her visit to WS?

Was speculating about the case on other sites (as of October 21) and started developing a story. Pretty easy to find.
The sad thing is, I suggested that she simply refrain from posting her facts because she admitted that her bf is the one from the jail who transports the incarcerated, which to me narrows down who she is talking about. If she is releasing info that the courts don't want released, he could get fired. So I was just trying to help her. I don't think it's very fair of her to call the people on this forum names on her own personal blog. It's for her own security as well as ours that those involved be careful with what they post and verify with the mods first.
Wow, I always feel like the caboose on the train here due to the time difference... But to the WSers on this thread, as tomorrow approaches, I must say thank you. Thank you for sharing your insights and questions and disagreements and your personal experiences. Thank you for your integrity and your openmindedness and your combined sleuthing skills that help us all in our attempts to make sense of the incomprehensible.

Tomorrow I'll be thinking of Elizabeth's family, and of Alyssa's, and of Alyssa too. It's heartening to imagine that you will all be doing the same. Little spots of light and compassion dotted across a wide, wide world. Thank you.
Wow, I always feel like the caboose on the train here due to the time difference... But to the WSers on this thread, as tomorrow approaches, I must say thank you. Thank you for sharing your insights and questions and disagreements and your personal experiences. Thank you for your integrity and your openmindedness and your combined sleuthing skills that help us all in our attempts to make sense of the incomprehensible.

Tomorrow I'll be thinking of Elizabeth's family, and of Alyssa's, and of Alyssa too. It's heartening to imagine that you will all be doing the same. Little spots of light and compassion dotted across a wide, wide world. Thank you.

Wow, wish I'd said I'll just agree wholeheartedly! :)

Gotta go finish T'day prep. Good night to all websleuthers!

...and THANKS!
Please remember it is against TOS to try and "guess" a members true Identity and against TOS to be rude or attack.

I was in the process of confirming one of our guests but left and is not coming back because of how they were treated.

I have not looked at this thread to see what happened so I am certainly not accusing anyone of anything. Just a reminder that we need to make sure we don't make other posters feel like they are being attacked and to respect their privacy.

If you are someone who wants to join WS because you know something or someone in the case I need to confirm your identity. Please email me at All identities are strictly confidential and no one will know but me.


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Tricia warned you all just a few posts up. I will delete any posts I feel is against TOS. No attacking and don't respond to rude or attacking posts, please press the alert button in the top right corner and let us know about any problems. Thank you. Please Continue...
The sad thing is, I suggested that she simply refrain from posting her facts because she admitted that her bf is the one from the jail who transports the incarcerated, which to me narrows down who she is talking about. If she is releasing info that the courts don't want released, he could get fired. So I was just trying to help her. I don't think it's very fair of her to call the people on this forum names on her own personal blog. It's for her own security as well as ours that those involved be careful with what they post and verify with the mods first.

I, too, had see her posting about bf and was worried about her jeopardizing the BF's job and ultimately her relationship with BF. I think it was an excellent call on your part.
Ok, I'm fairly new to this site but have been reading up on this case since it first came to light. I've taken the last month just like everyone else to digest all the information and come to some sort of conclusion. This case just really bothers me, perhaps because I'm the father of a 15 year old (NOT a local and NO connection to this case whatsoever).

I realize I will probably get flamed but here's my opinion (not that anyone is asking for it). I have read a ton of posts labeling AB a "monster" or hoping that she comes to some great harm in prison, etc, etc. I understand the raw emotions that come with a case like this and in no way excuse what has happened to EO, there is no way to excuse it or understand it.

But I do also feel that the ball was severely dropped on a very sick teenage girl, and I do believe mental illness is just that - a sickness. AB was obviously born of two poor excuses for parents and who knows what trauma and sick acts she was exposed to or had acted upon her at a very young age.

And while I credit the grandparents with taking the kids and trying to start a new life, I'm still left to wonder how a 15 year old girl with known mental/emotional issues could be left unsupervised for what seems like huge amounts of time. Why would you let a girl that tried to commit suicide spend hours on the internet (which she obviously did by the number of webpages and photos she has splattered all across it)? There's never an adult present in any of the videos. I guess all I am saying is that if my daughter had tried to commit suicide, was a cutter with all the evidence on her wrists, and showed other evidence of a "dark" personality...I don't believe spending hours on the internet would be the first thing on her list of activities, in fact I'm pretty sure the internet would be shut down at my house and she certainly wouldn't have a cell phone. And most likely, the door would have been removed from her bedroom. Call it harsh, call it an "invasion" of your teens privacy....or call it parenting.

I'm not saying anyone could have prevented this horrible act - and I know every child that has horrible parents will not end up murdering someone but you cannot discount the fact that her childhood most likely did play a huge roll in who she is. Honestly, if all of the evidence is correct, I hope her parents suffer far more then she does because ultimately, they created this tragic event. If anyone should be labled a monster, it is them.

I am in no way excusing AB for her actions, but I find it terribly sad that this girl felt the only way out of her miserable existence was to take another life. And that miserable existence likely started at a very young age with a life we wouldn't wish on our enemies.

Flame away...

The best post I have seen on this forum in a loooooong time. It is disturbing to me how many people are willing to accept that she should be tried as an adult. She should not be IMO and this is a classic case of what happens when you put troubled kids on SSRI medication, if I was here lawyer I would be going for the prozac defense.

Thanks for this post, you have restored some of my hope for humanity and it is good to know I am not alone in being disturbed by those who call this young very troubled girl a monster and hope the worst for her.
If she's tried as an adult there is less likely a chance she could get out by 21 and be someone's neighbor to endanger other people's children or have children,that could wind up as Elizabeth.I'm glad she's tried as an adult.What she did was horrendous.I am so tired of teens commiting violent crimes and getting minimal time,walking out with no record the public can obtain,since juvy records are private.Then you hear when they commit another violent crime,as an adult they had a juvy record of murdering someone already.It's time teens are tried as adults as AB is and also the boys who set that child on fire.
For all the people who think AB can be fixed, when she is, provide a nice loving home for her, but not in my town, please.
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