MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #9

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Mr Currie did turn in the paper that AB wrote. He felt bad about it because he thought if he had seen the red flag he may have been able to stop it. He couldn't handle it and took his life.

That's unbelievably sad. Do you know what the paper was? I mean, a fictional story? I'm curious if it was anything like what her friend posted on MySpace, the "Elizabeth 2000-" thing.

With writings IMO there are only real "red flags" in hindsight for the average person. A psychologist might be able to discern between normal teenage angst and a homicidal person, but I don't think it would be that easy for a teacher or friend to do. ABs friends all said she seemed so normal. Also, I'd think teachers would worry about reporting on writings in case they were wrong - parents start tooting the "first amendment" horn. Sighhh.
Mr Currie did turn in the paper that AB wrote. He felt bad about it because he thought if he had seen the red flag he may have been able to stop it. He couldn't handle it and took his life.

Everything I hear is that Mr. Currie's death has nothing to do with AB.
I don't think we'll ever know the truth on that story.

Well, I have four kids graduate fro JCHS and I can find no reason AB would be in Mr. Currie's class at all. There are many other English teachers in the high school. This was AB's first year in the high school building. Enrollment for the next year is done in or around Feb. That means AB would have enrolled for her soph. yr when she was at the ninth grade center. Their guidance counselors usually help with that. I think for her to end up in Mr. Currie's class would have required some extra special arrangements. Mr. Currie is the advisor for yearbook and school paper. This to me doesn't fit with a creative type class she would have been enrolled in if she was indeed a good writer. If someone knew how she ended up in that class then maybe I could buy the rumor. But that is just my opinion about this.
Oh I hear ya, and totally understand what you mean. I personally don't know what to believe on that particular story. But either way, I still don't think the truth will ever come out. And even if it did there will always be those that doubt it.

Well, I have four kids graduate fro JCHS and I can find no reason AB would be in Mr. Currie's class at all. There are many other English teachers in the high school. This was AB's first year in the high school building. Enrollment for the next year is done in or around Feb. That means AB would have enrolled for her soph. yr when she was at the ninth grade center. Their guidance counselors usually help with that. I think for her to end up in Mr. Currie's class would have required some extra special arrangements. Mr. Currie is the advisor for yearbook and school paper. This to me doesn't fit with a creative type class she would have been enrolled in if she was indeed a good writer. If someone knew how she ended up in that class then maybe I could buy the rumor. But that is just my opinion about this.
Well, I have four kids graduate fro JCHS and I can find no reason AB would be in Mr. Currie's class at all. There are many other English teachers in the high school. This was AB's first year in the high school building. Enrollment for the next year is done in or around Feb. That means AB would have enrolled for her soph. yr when she was at the ninth grade center. Their guidance counselors usually help with that. I think for her to end up in Mr. Currie's class would have required some extra special arrangements. Mr. Currie is the advisor for yearbook and school paper. This to me doesn't fit with a creative type class she would have been enrolled in if she was indeed a good writer. If someone knew how she ended up in that class then maybe I could buy the rumor. But that is just my opinion about this.

First, thanks to all locals for your sensitivity about posting appropriately. From 2000 miles away this hits me hard; can only imagine how it is affecting the local community.

Second, does anyone know first-hand if the R&B accepts articles from students who are not enrolled in Journalism? Some schools do, some don't.
I do not know what was in the paper. If I didn't trust the source of this info trust I would not post it just to start rumors. It appears that alot of people are trying to cover this up. How Mr Currie recieved this paper I do not know. As I said I post this as I feel it to be true.
Pending vacation approval...
I plan to wear the pink ribbon that I got at the funeral. I am sure there will probably be several people there with pink ribbons though, so if anyone else from WS is attending and wants to wear something additional, just let me know.
Since I am a newb and don't know if you can do polls I guess I will ask and figure it out the hard way. I am just curious about these things as I think many of us are. If this isn't allowed or if someone knows a better way to do it so that it can be anonymous if people want let me know and I will delete or change it.

Please quote the question area and put your answers in the quote in a different color so I can get a count on how many answers to each question there is to try and make it easier than going back and forth counting. Answer only what you want or are comfortable to answer.

1.) Do you think AB will be charged as an adult?

2.) Do you think this will ever go to trial?

2A) If you answered no, why?

3.) Do you think that they will move the trial?

3A) Do you think the lack of official information being released will effect
the jury pool?

3B) Do you think all the speculation and rumors will effect the jury pool?

3C) Which side do you think the lack of info will harm?

4.) Would you be able to fairly serve on the jury?

4A) Are you local and could be called to serve?

5.) Do you think EO's family and background will be dragged through
the mud?

6.) How much bearing would AB's background (what we know of it) have
on you?
1.) Do you think AB will be charged as an adult?

2.) Do you think this will ever go to trial?
2A) If you answered no, why?
a plea will be entered
3.) Do you think that they will move the trial?

3A) Do you think the lack of official information being released will effect
the jury pool?

3B) Do you think all the speculation and rumors will effect the jury pool?
3C) Which side do you think the lack of info will harm?
AB's defence. If official info about AB and her life had been released there would have been some sympathy felt for AB. I am not saying that people would justify what happened but there would be more empathy. I can't say if anything would change how I feel but I know enough about human nature to know that it would effect many people.

4.) Would you be able to fairly serve on the jury?
I don't think I could. I have anxiety and would probably have an attack

4A) Are you local and could be called to serve?
5.) Do you think EO's family and background will be dragged through
the mud?
Unfortunately I do. I have seen good people ripped apart even though they are the victims. It seems the defense for the perp thinks if they can make the vic look like a bad person then the perp was right to harm them. The "she was asking for it" mentality.
6.) How much bearing would AB's background (what we know of it) have
on you?

None, I believe you can overcome your demons. If she is menatlly ill enough to get my sympathy then there are a lot of guilty parties in this case. IMO to be ill enough to make a difference to me it would be obvious to everyone AB interacted with not to see the danger she posed to others.
No news? C'mon locals! :)

Lawlady - I am waiting on Tricia to get back to me before I post the information. I too believe my source and the information I have is shocking! I wouldn't ask to post something that I had a remote thought could be rumor. Tricia emailed me last night but she is a very busy gal!
Welcome, MominJC! And hello again to everyone else. I've been absorbed in the Shaniya thread lately, waiting for the adult certification hearing of AB tomorrow.

Information appearing in the Jeff City paper about special security procedures for tomorrow's certification hearing:

From the linked article:
Judge Jon Beetem ruled two weeks ago the 8 a.m. hearing would be open to the public, including news reporters, but that no cameras or other recording devices will be allowed in the courtroom.


The court's news release also noted only 36 seats will be available for the public's use Wednesday morning.

“Those persons who wish to view the proceedings must be present at the Monroe Street entrance to the courthouse at 7:45 a.m. on the 18th, ready to go through security screening,” the court release said. “When all of the public seats have been (filled), there will be no further admittance to the proceedings.
The court's news release also noted only 36 seats will be available for the public's use Wednesday morning.

“Those persons who wish to view the proceedings must be present at the Monroe Street entrance to the courthouse at 7:45 a.m. on the 18th, ready to go through security screening,” the court release said. “When all of the public seats have been (filled), there will be no further admittance to the proceedings.

I guess *if* my vacation time ever gets approved then it will be a very early morning for me tomorrow.
Thanks D-gal for the update! I couldn't get the link to work. It keeps going to a newsarticle about the UN & Iran??? I also couldn't find the article just on the NT website either.

If anyone is going to attend from WS you guys will have to let us know if you were one of the 36. (hopefully you will have a phone with internet) I imagine there will be a line way before 7:45 tomorrow so be ready early.
Thanks D-gal for the update! I couldn't get the link to work. It keeps going to a newsarticle about the UN & Iran??? I also couldn't find the article just on the NT website either.

If anyone is going to attend from WS you guys will have to let us know if you were one of the 36. (hopefully you will have a phone with internet) I imagine there will be a line way before 7:45 tomorrow so be ready early.

Re: the JC paper link, the actual hearing info is found in an odd spot, midway down under the "Iran" heading.
In a news release issued Monday afternoon reminding the public of the hearing, the court noted: “In addition to the normally prohibited items (such as knives, firearms and other weapons), cell phones, digital cameras, other audio and/or video recording devices, personal digital assistants and laptop computers will not be permitted to be brought into the courthouse on the 18th.”

Anyone who is stopped by the security officers because they have those devices will be told to return those items to their vehicles. The court news release noted those items “may not be left at the security screening station for later retrieval.”

That's from the News Tribune article. So if we CAN get in, we can't let anyone know until it's over.
This is more of a survey, than a poll - yes? I like it!

1.) Do you think AB will be charged as an adult? Yes

2.) Do you think this will ever go to trial? No

2A) If you answered no, why? They'll plea out

3.) Do you think that they will move the trial? If there is one, no

3A) Do you think the lack of official information being released will effect
the jury pool? No

3B) Do you think all the speculation and rumors will effect the jury pool? No. I feel jurors take their jobs very seriously. There are a LOT of people out there who do not follow crime in the media. (Like the rest of my family! LOL)

3C) Which side do you think the lack of info will harm? No harm

4.) Would you be able to fairly serve on the jury? It would be hard for me as I've been exposed to so much in the case that might not be brought up at trial. I would do my best to erase other info from my mind if I were chosen, however.

4A) Are you local and could be called to serve? No

5.) Do you think EO's family and background will be dragged through
the mud? I'm not sure? Depends on how it is presented to the judge and what the judge will allow. I hope not!

6.) How much bearing would AB's background (what we know of it) have
on you?
It would help me understand WHY, but I feel that consequences for murder should be the same across the board. People are locked up for murder for a few reasons and one is to protect the rest of society. I think AB is dangerous to society!!!
I do plan to be there tomorrow morning. Not sure exactly what I will be wearing, but I am thinking something pink as that was Elizabeth's favorite color. I will also have on the pink ribbon that I got at the funeral.

Even if I can't get in I will not consider it as waste as I think it is important for Patty just to see that we support her and know that Elizabeth will not be forgotten. So even if I just have to stand outside wearing my pink ribbon that will be ok with me.
Lawlady - I am waiting on Tricia to get back to me before I post the information. I too believe my source and the information I have is shocking! I wouldn't ask to post something that I had a remote thought could be rumor. Tricia emailed me last night but she is a very busy gal!

Any word?
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