MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #9

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I have no personal knowledge, but I can't imagine that AB is having the same priveledges as the other children there.

Surely she is in lockdown, for her own protection if for no other reason.

Sure, most kids there can do these things.... (rec room), but I'm pretty sure AB is the only one in for murder 1 right now.
Jodibug - yes I agree with you. I just wanted to provide you guys with my knowledge of the inside of the building. I know many people have not been there and I was there day after day for several weeks for work back in 1999.

I also asked my source for more information regarding the teacher that killed himself. (I felt kind of bad probing for more information). After what I was told I truly believe the exact circumstances surrounding his death will NEVER be published in the media. However, I can say that more of what I read makes alot of sense now. Sorry guys, but I am a little concerned about posting what I was told.

Also I can say that what Tricia has posted about her source (last entry in diary, two graves, silk scarf) source has also told me the same thing with the exception of a silk scarf. I am not saying a scarf was not used....just my source didn't mention one.

If a mod tells me it is ok to post what I was told about the circumstances of the suidcide then I will post it. Again, I am a local and what I have posted is based upon information I deem reliable from a trusted source but should not be taken as fact.
Ack! So is it 8am or 1pm??? I have to be at work half the day for some training. I put in for the morning off, so I sure hope it is 8am!

Sorry if I added to any confusion Jodi. I only mentioned that Juvenile hearings USUALLY start at 1. Criminal hearings (adult, not juvenile) USUALLY start at 9. But judges can set their own schedule and this is not a usual case. It would not be suprising at all if the usual schedule and courtroom assignments were juggled to accomodate this hearing and anticipated public turnout.

I should have caveated my previous post and this one by saying that I am not a local and I have never appeared in that court. I have no inside information. I am a lawyer but I'm just making educated guesses based on available information like everyone else here.
Jodibug - yes I agree with you. I just wanted to provide you guys with my knowledge of the inside of the building. I know many people have not been there and I was there day after day for several weeks for work back in 1999.

I also asked my source for more information regarding the teacher that killed himself. (I felt kind of bad probing for more information). After what I was told I truly believe the exact circumstances surrounding his death will NEVER be published in the media. However, I can say that more of what I read makes alot of sense now. Sorry guys, but I am a little concerned about posting what I was told.

Also I can say that what Tricia has posted about her source (last entry in diary, two graves, silk scarf) source has also told me the same thing with the exception of a silk scarf. I am not saying a scarf was not used....just my source didn't mention one.

If a mod tells me it is ok to post what I was told about the circumstances of the suidcide then I will post it. Again, I am a local and what I have posted is based upon information I deem reliable from a trusted source but should not be taken as fact.

Hi there!!! If you would write to Tricia, she can give you the perimeters of posting as a local. She will need to clear you and then you will have more freedom to post what you have heard. Otherwise, your posts could be deemed as "rumors" and not allowed. Her email:

:blowkiss: and great to have you on our team!!!
I also asked my source for more information regarding the teacher that killed himself. (I felt kind of bad probing for more information). After what I was told I truly believe the exact circumstances surrounding his death will NEVER be published in the media. However, I can say that more of what I read makes alot of sense now. Sorry guys, but I am a little concerned about posting what I was told.

I completely understand the hesitation. I had heard his suicide was related from a fairly reliable source, and so have others, yet I was hesistant to bring that back to this forum, too. I don't know about his involvement beyond his knowledge of the suspects wrtitings and that he did apparently inform LE during the search.

I'm not sure any other information about the teacher's involvement is necessary to understand the timeline of the invesitgation or possible motive/planning of the crime.

HOWEVER, I believe the circumstances surrounding his involvement and the events that followed, raise some serious questions that this particular community need answered. Given how this town operates, I don't expect the NT or local TV to probe this too much either.
FYI - have emailed Tricia. Will post more information if she okays it. I realize the teacher's death is not exactly what this forum is about but since it was related to this case (IMO) I thought I would share. However, for those of you from Jeff...the information is appauling for our school district (IMO). Just goes to show what information the media can actually keep us from knowing! I will wait until I get word from Tricia......thanks for the warm welcomes! (Pardon my Bootheel English)

This hearing is open to the public, it is the adult certification hearing, so it involves a juvenile, but the judge had the option to open it. I think he specifically noted in his decision that he would open the hearing to the media, but without cameras or recording devices. I'm not sure what plans are made for other "public" attendance. The consensus seems to be the hearing is bright and early 8 am Wednesday. Which courtroom and how are still up in the air.
Are hearings involving minors open to the public?

Judge Beetem has said the certification hearing is open to the public and the press. However, there is to be no videotaping or cameras allowed.
FYI - have emailed Tricia. Will post more information if she okays it. I realize the teacher's death is not exactly what this forum is about but since it was related to this case (IMO) I thought I would share. However, for those of you from Jeff...the information is appauling for our school district (IMO). Just goes to show what information the media can actually keep us from knowing! I will wait until I get word from Tricia......thanks for the warm welcomes! (Pardon my Bootheel English)

I am very interested in what you have to share. Others here are as well. I am glad there are others who understand how this situation impacts things locally. If this is not the proper forum, as determined by the TOS or Tricia, I would be interested in learning more about what you have heard.

The media hasn't kept anyone from knowing anything, they are just showing their true colors. But things could break loose after Wednesday, we'll see.
Are hearings involving minors open to the public?

Not usually, but in cases like this one where the juvenile is accused of first degree murder, the certification hearing like the one to be held this Wed. can be opened to the public as Judge Beetem has elected to do.
I know most kids held at the prenger center are given class work to do as not to get behind too much. I am not sure about AB due to the circumstances having much freedom.
I am waiting for the other poster to share her info. I was told today that the teachers sudiced is related due to some papers AB had written. There is more but I am going to wait till I see if the other poster is allowed to post.
I am waiting too on what I have heard from what I consider a reliable sources as well. I am like most I want see what happens Wednesday. I agree it is a shame what is happening, not just here, but everywhere across America.
I am waiting too on what I have heard from what I consider a reliable sources as well. I am like most I want see what happens Wednesday. I agree it is a shame what is happening, not just here, but everywhere across America.

yes it is. I for one am shocked at what has played out since this happened. I can't believe this happened in this area.
It has been many years in the making, and now that it is happened in such a dreadful manner that some are now scared they will not be "quote" Right. That it is ok to admit problems and that maybe there are others with useful suggestions and insights. And maybe we do need to go back to some of the basics this country was founded upon.
It has been many years in the making, and now that it is happened in such a dreadful manner that some are now scared they will not be "quote" Right. That it is ok to admit problems and that maybe there are others with useful suggestions and insights. And maybe we do need to go back to some of the basics this country was founded upon.

We have become a Politically correct nation. Everyone wants to sue someone for something. You are afraid to disipline your kids for fear of DFS getting envolved. It is a shame and I agree we need to go back to the basics.
Tricia posted that if you are local you can post what you have heard on the ground in the area, you just have to note that since its not confirmed its a rumor. Lemme find her post to bump it up.
Here's Tricia's post, I'm pasting from thread 7:

stole it but I am the real "Inexperienced whanna be" Just ask Cindy's P.I

Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Under that huge "house of cards" falling on me. Wow!
Posts: 7,046
Originally Posted by Flashforward
Are people allowed to post rumors yet??? I am a bit confused I have been reading here since day one and it seems as if some are allowed to post rumors and not be in trouble while when others do they get a time out. Others claim they know the family but if you look at all the post some of the post seem to contradict one another... or maybe it just seems that way to me-- I could be wrong.

I live in the Jeff City area and am familiar with all the talk that is going on. First off let me start by saying the weather during the events was nasty, cloudy, rainy, soggy. If/when AB did kill EO there is no way she could have came back to the house without some sort of indication she was in the woods. I also don't think there is any way she could have drug the body (well at least not by herself) so I am going to guess she some how tricked her to somewhere close to the grave. Also if she did have to drag her I really think the dogs would have caught onto the scent but maybe I am wrong about that. The story about the 2 graves has been floating in this area since the day they found EO... and there is more to that if we have a rumor thread.
I am glad you brought this up. What I have posted came from a source that I trust.

Right now there are tons of rumors flying around and I hate seeing Websleuths turned into posts with tons of rumors. People then take rumors as fact and everything gets messed up.

I Love Cookies has been verified by me as someone who knows the family. Therefore what ILC posts is based on direct information.

If you want to post information based on how close you live by the perp that's great. Also, posting theories is a great way to go through the evidence.

The only reason we have a rumor thread on the Haleigh Cummings case is because so many, I mean a huge amount, of locals were posting. They all knew the family in some way. We have that rumor thread in the private area of the forum.

I do not want to see this case become another Haleigh case on Websleuths by starting a rumor thread. A rumor thread has to be moderated very closely and we don't have the mods nor the time to do that now.

Let's try something a bit different. If you are a local and you have heard a rumor you think is worth repeating then you can post it on Websleuths as long as it is clearly marked rumor and as long as it doesn't violate TOS.

We will not allow any innocent names to be used. Just because someone knows the family or whatever does not mean they can be thrown out on the Internet.

OK here is the deal. If you are a local and you have heard a rumor that is not ridiculous post it clearly as a rumor.

I won't check if you say you are a local. This is different than saying you know the family.

If this doesn't work out because people start relying on rumors or repeating rumors as fact we will change it back.

If anyone has any questions go ahead and ask me, PM me or email me at
Mr Currie did turn in the paper that AB wrote. He felt bad about it because he thought if he had seen the red flag he may have been able to stop it. He couldn't handle it and took his life.
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