MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #3

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I'm thinking a new delivery, post-game victory and extending the celebration. JMO though.
At first, i was thinking but the game had been over for hours.

But, then i realized, they might have gotten the bag much earlier... There was a little left in it, so they decided to finish it off? Idk, is that a thing? It seems like it would be.
Do keep in mind that 5th guy was, apparently, a drug dealer - at least as reported in MSM, he has a record. And yes, they could have used fentanyl separately. I've known people to add in opiates to a night of doing coke, because they realize they are never going to "come down" and sleep (and they may have work the next day plus they don't want their families to know they're wired, so they use an opiate to "down" themselves).

Those details will be interesting to know/find out. It was the fentanyl that killed them, IMO. 10 mg is 5x what the novice user can overdose with. (See my earlier post and that link). In that article it states that 2 mg would look approximately like 5-7 grains of salt. If a person is used to snorting coke, that would seem like "nothing."

I need to find the article that gives the toxicology data (I can't find it anywhere this morning).
Geez….we would just take a Tylenol PM back in the day.
Outside of my experience- I would mill mine for several hours and then run it on HPLC/MS and GC/MS against USP reference standards, but that's just me.
I have no idea what that means.

I have never seen anyone have or use cocaine irl. So, i really don't know what they do with it. I know some people who smoke, tamp down the pack. Because cigarettes are legal, i have seen this a lot. Idk why. But, i thought maybe... There's something with coke, too.
They should probably stop using it, ever.

Illegal drugs can have anything in them, but right now a lot of them have fent as well as whatever else might be in there. I know there are test kits, but cocaine is a powder and i don't see how anyone could test all of it. Idk, i am not really familiar with using any if this stuff.

But, i have been hearing about a lot of people dying who did not think they were taking fent, but they were taking fent. They get reported as fent users in the media. Some probably for real were, but some were trying to take something else.

I agree but they are not about to stop for anything or anyone. They think the news is exaggerating the problem. "Fake News" they claim.
Detectives are combing through the phones of the victims to reveal possible crucial clues from photos and exactly who each of them called in their final hours.
HIV scientist was known as 'The Chemist' in high school

It seems like maybe Daily Mail is running with the story from this cousin Caleb. I've taken a step back from when I first heard it. Not sure it would even have anything to do with it unless JW actually supplied the toxic drugs in this case. I'm reserving belief in what Caleb has to say until it's more confirmed by others because even in this article it sounds like only him saying it. What do you think?
HIV scientist was known as 'The Chemist' in high school
Clayton McGeeney's cousin Caleb claimed to News Nation that Willis had a long history of making drugs for friends.
'Jordan's the chemist,' he said. 'Jordan is somebody that is known from high school as, like, creating drugs for people, to make them feel better in certain situations.
'They all knew him as that.'
You understood what I was getting at. Thank You for your reply, @mom2chloe. If the CoD turns out to be a toxic & deadly fentanyl that actually killed them first, not the cold, then I'm going to keep wondering why they succumbed to a deadly batch so late in the evening.

Why it matters would be because the families seem to want to know where the drugs came from. I'm sure #4 & #5 are going to have to clear themselves from being accused of supplying the drugs. After all JW's been accused of, it is going to matter where those drugs came from, IMO. Why did they get the deadly drug after having partied all day long without deadly effect? Where did the drugs come from is somehow important to me. Just something I can't help wondering.

Will LE investigate the source of the drugs? I rarely ever hear about that.
I agree but they are not about to stop for anything or anyone. They think the news is exaggerating the problem. "Fake News" they claim.
The news is exaggerating, i think, about the people who were for real trying to use fent. But, imo, they are underplaying how much this problem is increasing. It's going to just get worse.
You understood what I was getting at. Thank You for your reply, @mom2chloe. If the CoD turns out to be a toxic & deadly fentanyl that actually killed them first, not the cold, then I'm going to keep wondering why they succumbed to a deadly batch so late in the evening.

Why it matters would be because the families seem to want to know where the drugs came from. I'm sure #4 & #5 are going to have to clear themselves from being accused of supplying the drugs. After all JW's been accused of, it is going to matter where those drugs came from, IMO. Why did they get the deadly drug after having partied all day long without deadly effect? Where did the drugs come from is somehow important to me. Just something I can't help wondering.
I completely agree with this. Typically you'd think they would have been doing the coke earlier in the evening as well BUT I had also thought at one point maybe they hadn't had any yet and had left JWs to head home, got to their cars and felt too messed up from drinking/smoking all day and with the weather/roads being bad maybe went back in to do some coke as an upper to "sober" them up knowing LE was also probably out and about after the big win.

Maybe they left to go get some down the street or to their car or met someone out front and came back inside or maybe they knew JW had a stash somewhere but were unaware (as JW could have been too) that it was laced...all took a little and then started to feel really off so they went outside to possibly try and get fresh air/smoke a cig or do something to make them feel more normal but it hit too swiftly and there they were.
Now, what bothers me is the gap between very late Sunday night/ Monday morning on January 7/8 and the fiancee and Johnson's mother reaching out to Weamer-Lee, over 24 hours later, on Tuesday.

I assume that the fiancee/mother/ and Harrington's loved ones would have noticed they didn't come home Sunday night/Monday morning. Why were there absolutely no calls to the police within this time? Let's assume the earliest a family member or loved one noticed they were missing was Monday morning January 8th, Maybe they assumed they had missed them and they had gone to work? Maybe they were used to not seeing them in the morning because of schedules. So it gets to dinner time on Monday, and they are not home. If not noticed missing in the morning, they would be missing at dinner, phone calls to them start, either morning or evening, no answer, so calls to immediate family and close friends. No one has seen them.
So they do nothing for the next 12 to 18 hours, nothing as in, they don't call the police. Did the three men's families talk to each other at this time? Why did no one call the police?
9. AM, the NEXT morning, the fiancee and mother contact Weamer-Lee. He gets no answer from Jordan. Does he try calling the three missing guys? Does he go over to check?
Not until another 10 hours later does someone attempt to knock on the door.
Two hours later, the fiancee does the same, and we know the rest.
In all that time, no one, not one friend or family member, calls the police to report them missing.

Why not?
This is what is bothering me

ETA: Thank you so much for the time line
My ex was an alcoholic, and he often went missing for days at a time...I never called the police because I was embarrassed for him...and myself. Of note...40 years later and he is still alive,despite his lifestyle
It seems like maybe Daily Mail is running with the story from this cousin Caleb. I've taken a step back from when I first heard it. Not sure it would even have anything to do with it unless JW actually supplied the toxic drugs in this case. I'm reserving belief in what Caleb has to say until it's more confirmed by others because even in this article it sounds like only him saying it. What do you think?
Yeah, the cousin sounds very ready to find someone to blame other than his own family member. I don't put a lot of stock in what he has to say. I think he is grieving and in the angry phase of that process.

three decedents all with illicit drugs in their system. A party host who appears to have also been on the nod for a couple of days, a fifth attendee who left early. I don't think anyone who was present intentionally created this mix of illicit drugs. I think it far more likely that one of the attendees obtained the fatal mix from someone else and then shared with his very good friends not realizing what the results would be.

Could have been one of the dead men. Could have been JW and could have been AWL. five candidates exist in my mind. But I don't think any personally mixed the cocktail.
I completely agree with this. Typically you'd think they would have been doing the coke earlier in the evening as well BUT I had also thought at one point maybe they hadn't had any yet and had left JWs to head home, got to their cars and felt too messed up from drinking/smoking all day... snipped to reply
I appreciate your thoughts, @StarRemy8. I just don't believe if someone had coke on them that they wouldn't do it sooner, and not wait. They were partying, and if someone had coke, then they'd do it during the partying. People don't wait to do some coke until the party is over, IMO.

Of maybe they didn't have any coke until it came into their possession later, and that's when and why they did it so late in the night. Perhaps someone brought it over late? Or one went out and got some late?
So a little for repeat customers but some over do it?
I have lots of friends who recreationally use cocaine and they have no plans to stop this worries me.
I doubt those who lace the drugs know what amount is lethal. Those who use them recreationally are taking a very large risk. I hope your friends reconsider their choices.

The phones hold the answers to a lot of this, IMO.
I would also be interested in person 5's phone, but I doubt that LE has it (unless I missed something in this very large thread).
BBM. If LE doesn't have 5's phone they most certainly know his number. And the phone provider will provide call detail but sometimes that can take a couple of weeks.

Did any of the guys smoke? I can see one or more of the friends joining a smoker outside for a few minutes, and partaking in something that immediately knocked them out. The guy in the house could have been drunk, high, sleepy, and didn’t even know at the time. I have a harder time believing that he never knew the guys were dead in his yard. The digital trail will tell a lot.
There's a photo of the back porch from the NY Post showing cigarette butts on the ground.
MorningDove's post with a link to the original photo
Photo with butts circled by me (there are others I missed)
edited MD's handle
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How much is 2 gm? More than a few grains of salt

My handy dandy digital kitchen scales say... (Products on hand)

•Mortons Table Salt - slightly less than a dime (one layer)
•Walnuts - 3 very tiny pieces
•Pepper- less than 1/2 dime size

Moo...mixed with Cocaine, easily a small "line" could be deadly, solid form a small piece.
I appreciate your thoughts, @StarRemy8. I just don't believe if someone had coke on them that they wouldn't do it sooner, and not wait. They were partying, and if someone had coke, then they'd do it during the partying. People don't wait to do some coke until the party is over, IMO.

Of maybe they didn't have any coke until it came into their possession later, and that's when and why they did it so late in the night. Perhaps someone brought it over late? Or one went out and got some late? you are wrong there. Coke is expensive-ish. People are often very picky about who they share with.....moo

It seems like maybe Daily Mail is running with the story from this cousin Caleb. I've taken a step back from when I first heard it. Not sure it would even have anything to do with it unless JW actually supplied the toxic drugs in this case. I'm reserving belief in what Caleb has to say until it's more confirmed by others because even in this article it sounds like only him saying it. What do you think?
HIV scientist was known as 'The Chemist' in high school
I do not believe JW made drugs in high school. Where on earth would he make them? In the school lab?

I wonder if Caleb has a drug history.

I’m fairly confident that they all thought they were only getting coke. Being laced with fentanyl is always a risk, of course, but I really think most people figure it won’t happen to them.

It’s also likely that they have a regular source that they buy from. If there’s never been a problem up until that point, they probably wouldn’t really think there was a risk.
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