MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #8

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Sorry for the loss of your dad. 32 years in the force - wow....I thank him for his service and protection! I lived in Anne Arundel Co. and went to Anne Arundel High when I was a teen. I grew up in a military family, but Anne Arundel was by far the best place I ever lived. Good people there!

Class of 74 here
So, according to the update in this article:

UPDATE: Ferguson City Attorney, Stephanie Karr told The Huffington Post that the St. Louis County Police Department is in charge of deciding when the shooting incident report will be released.

It seems that either there is or was NO incident report by Officer Wilson or the Ferguson Police Department - OR - the document I linked to previously IS the be all end all official report of the Michael Brown shooting.

Curious. Is that standard operating procedure?
I don't know if this has been addressed, but if M.Brown had lived would he have even been charged with anything for the cigarillos incident? I have seen videos that look like he paid for them and was leaving the store when the store owner confronted him and touched him, then MB responded by shoving him off. I am under the impression that the call to police was made by a bystander and not any of the store employees. I have also seen conflicting reports from the media. The store's attorney is reported as stating:

1. The store owner was not pressing charges.
2. It was an "attempted" robbery.
3. It was a robbery.

The reason I ask is why did the Ferguson Police Department release this information at the same time they released Officer Wilson's name last week when they were supposedly so concerned about public safety. Supposedly, it was because of FOIA requests, but no FOIA has been released to confirm that statement. They have not released the incident report of the shooting. At the time when I saw the video and saw the video still shots, it seemed very damaging. It seemed like MB had the store owner in a choke hold, some "Gentle Giant". However, when I saw the video the police released it seemed like he was in the wrong, but not nearly as damaging. Ok, not something I would have done, but I had friends or acquaintance that would have done it around that age under the wrong conditions. However, now that I have seen more of the video before what the police dept. released it looks like he paid for the merchandise and there was some confrontation about the price, not putting the cigarillos back, or some other discrepancy which cause the physical altercation.

I just find it very troubling that the police department has been so non-transparent through this entire process. They only release things that impugn M.B. but can't give out basic information like the officer's name and incident report in a timely manner like a non-corrupt police department. They leak things like eye orbital socket injury, but never provide a picture of his face or information on his injuries.

I just don't get why people are willing to accept all of this from Missouri officials, when in other cases in MO like the one in Maryville so many were so willing to accept corruption or incompetence. I am not arguing that Office Wilson should be presumed guilty in any respect, but all this effort to discredit M.B., the protestors, seems like a side show to protect malfeasance on the department's part. I mean they have pointed guns at the media and protestors, and even arrested media hanging out in a McDonald's. It's Missouri, and there have been some really shady things happening in Missouri Police Departments the last half decade or so, if you pay attention to things in that area.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown." Keeps ringing in my head whenever I read of a clust**** in Missouri.
Disregarding the event with Officer Wilson, so does pushing a storekeeper warrant him getting shot 6 times?!

Hmm? If after MB "strong-armed" the store clerk and then pivotted toward him menacingly, would the clerk be justified in pulling out his Glock and firing 6x? I think he might, given the size deferential and the previous assault.
So, according to the update in this article:

UPDATE: Ferguson City Attorney, Stephanie Karr told The Huffington Post that the St. Louis County Police Department is in charge of deciding when the shooting incident report will be released.

It seems that either there is or was NO incident report by Officer Wilson or the Ferguson Police Department - OR - the document I linked to previously IS the be all end all official report of the Michael Brown shooting.

Curious. Is that standard operating procedure?

They have said numerous times they don't release info until they have completed the investigation.
I don't know if this has been addressed, but if M.Brown had lived would he have even been charged with anything for the cigarillos incident? I have seen videos that look like he paid for them and was leaving the store when the store owner confronted him and touched him, then MB responded by shoving him off. I am under the impression that the call to police was made by a bystander and not any of the store employees. I have also seen conflicting reports from the media. The store's attorney is reported as stating:

1. The store owner was not pressing charges.
2. It was an "attempted" robbery.
3. It was a robbery.

The reason I ask is why did the Ferguson Police Department release this information at the same time they released Officer Wilson's name last week when they were supposedly so concerned about public safety. Supposedly, it was because of FOIA requests, but no FOIA has been released to confirm that statement. They have not released the incident report of the shooting. At the time when I saw the video and saw the video still shots, it seemed very damaging. It seemed like MB had the store owner in a choke hold, some "Gentle Giant". However, when I saw the video the police released it seemed like he was in the wrong, but not nearly as damaging. Ok, not something I would have done, but I had friends or acquaintance that would have done it around that age under the wrong conditions. However, now that I have seen more of the video before what the police dept. released it looks like he paid for the merchandise and there was some confrontation about the price, not putting the cigarillos back, or some other discrepancy which cause the physical altercation.

I just find it very troubling that the police department has been so non-transparent through this entire process. They only release things that impugn M.B. but can't give out basic information like the officer's name and incident report in a timely manner like a non-corrupt police department. They leak things like eye orbital socket injury, but never provide a picture of his face or information on his injuries.

I just don't get why people are willing to accept all of this from Missouri officials, when in other cases in MO like the one in Maryville so many were so willing to accept corruption or incompetence. I am not arguing that Office Wilson should be presumed guilty in any respect, but all this effort to discredit M.B., the protestors, seems like a side show to protect malfeasance on the department's part. I mean they have pointed guns at the media and protestors, and even arrested media hanging out in a McDonald's. It's Missouri, and there have been some really shady things happening in Missouri Police Departments the last half decade or so, if you pay attention to things in that area.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown." Keeps ringing in my head whenever I read of a clust**** in Missouri.

We need a fact page.

FACT: Both Dorian Gray and the attorneys involved have agreed there was a robbery at the store.
IMO, assaulting a shopowner and assaulting a police officer are two totally different things. I don't think MB would have equated the two, so as to take assaulting a police officer as such a light matter. JMO. I'm not saying he did NOT assault the police officer, I'm just saying that I don't think it's fair to say that b/c MB assaulted the shopowner, that he would have just as easily assaulted a police officer, as if the two were equal.

I think the assault on the clerk has a tremendous impact upon what happened 10 minutes later. If you look at how intimidating and aggressive that MB was in the store, and how he then walked right down the middle of the street, blocking traffic, carrying the stolen merchandise--even refusing to follow the cops initial orders to get out of the street. EVERYTHING points to MB still being in an aggressive, rebellious mode.

Then you have to compare the officer to the teen, since this is a 'he said/he said' type of case. We have seen a video showing the aggressive felonious actions perpetrated by MB, 10 minutes before meeting up with the officer. But I have no evidence, at this point, of the officer being in an aggressive, felonious mode at the time he sees the teens. As a matter of fact, he told them to get out of the street, THEN DROVE ON BY. He was not even going to stop them until the teens blew him off and refused to step to the side of the road. Again, THEY were the ones being defiant and reckless, imo.

St. Louis County, Missouri is Majority White.,_Missouri

thank you, I took Meghan at her word on the stats. One day I will get better about that in this new world where alleged journalists report as fact non fact. [ETA I am now wondering why on earth Senator Nasheem did not correct her on that as it is a very different demographic than Kelly was suggesting]

Here is a more specific breakdown than wiki has to offer but the numbers are basically the same. http://

Still makes me angry this no confidence stuff. Because frankly if the man has been reelected 3 times to that seat then the majority of the constituents want him there and that is how our system works. people run, populace votes, elections are held, winners announced.

why should 23.7% of the population get to oust an elected offical from doing his sworn job because they don't like him and it's not fair we don't think he will find the way we want him to? That is not how this system works. You know, that same system that elected that Senator who is calling for McCullough to step aside? Double standard much?
IMO, assaulting a shopowner and assaulting a police officer are two totally different things. I don't think MB would have equated the two, so as to take assaulting a police officer as such a light matter. JMO. I'm not saying he did NOT assault the police officer, I'm just saying that I don't think it's fair to say that b/c MB assaulted the shopowner, that he would have just as easily assaulted a police officer, as if the two were equal.

This is what I said days ago too. MB knew very well that the cop was armed, and I don't for a minute think he assaulted the cop. There's a huge difference between strong arming a much smaller, unarmed shopkeeper and assaulting a known-to-be-armed cop.

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wow so the guy who was shot just robbed a store? This is the first I am reading about this, I will have to go back and catch up.
BBM for emphasis: I am supporting Officer Wilson because he is an Officer of the Law!

Good Gawd! It's these generalizations that create the divide! IMHO of course

Amen sista'

I don't know if this has been addressed, but if M.Brown had lived would he have even been charged with anything for the cigarillos incident? I have seen videos that look like he paid for them and was leaving the store when the store owner confronted him and touched him, then MB responded by shoving him off. I am under the impression that the call to police was made by a bystander and not any of the store employees. I have also seen conflicting reports from the media. The store's attorney is reported as stating:

1. The store owner was not pressing charges.
2. It was an "attempted" robbery.
3. It was a robbery.

The reason I ask is why did the Ferguson Police Department release this information at the same time they released Officer Wilson's name last week when they were supposedly so concerned about public safety. Supposedly, it was because of FOIA requests, but no FOIA has been released to confirm that statement. They have not released the incident report of the shooting. At the time when I saw the video and saw the video still shots, it seemed very damaging. It seemed like MB had the store owner in a choke hold, some "Gentle Giant". However, when I saw the video the police released it seemed like he was in the wrong, but not nearly as damaging. Ok, not something I would have done, but I had friends or acquaintance that would have done it around that age under the wrong conditions. However, now that I have seen more of the video before what the police dept. released it looks like he paid for the merchandise and there was some confrontation about the price, not putting the cigarillos back, or some other discrepancy which cause the physical altercation.

I just find it very troubling that the police department has been so non-transparent through this entire process. They only release things that impugn M.B. but can't give out basic information like the officer's name and incident report in a timely manner like a non-corrupt police department. They leak things like eye orbital socket injury, but never provide a picture of his face or information on his injuries.

I just don't get why people are willing to accept all of this from Missouri officials, when in other cases in MO like the one in Maryville so many were so willing to accept corruption or incompetence. I am not arguing that Office Wilson should be presumed guilty in any respect, but all this effort to discredit M.B., the protestors, seems like a side show to protect malfeasance on the department's part. I mean they have pointed guns at the media and protestors, and even arrested media hanging out in a McDonald's. It's Missouri, and there have been some really shady things happening in Missouri Police Departments the last half decade or so, if you pay attention to things in that area.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown." Keeps ringing in my head whenever I read of a clust**** in Missouri.

Dorian Johnson already ADMITTED to the FBI that the cigars were STOLEN from the store. No one is setting out to FALSELY discredit MB. But the officers life is now at stake. So relevant facts need to be revealed. And that strong armed robbery is truthful and relevant.
This is what I said days ago too. MB knew very well that the cop was armed, and I don't for a minute think he assaulted the cop. There's a huge difference between strong arming a much smaller, unarmed shopkeeper and assaulting a known-to-be-armed cop.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And yet, people do it all the time.
Is this what you meant to post? It has been out for a while.
Thank you for your concern. Perhaps you can point me to the thread or posts where the incident report of the shooting have been previously linked and discussed? I must have missed it.

At this point, that is how I feel. jmo :moo:

There will definately be two polar opposite sides of support during trial, if this does go to trial. I am thinking the jury would come down somewhere in the middle, if that makes sense? Like, deciding that Wilson did feel some level of threat, but at the same time, over-reacted. I don't know if this makes sense, but I think that will be the conclusion of all of this. JMO.
Disregarding the event with Officer Wilson, so does pushing a storekeeper warrant him getting shot 6 times?!

Pushing? What I observed in the video was viewed as an assault, imo. The audio would likely have shed more light on MB's intent if it had been available.. I am sure the store clerk would have filled out an incident report unless he was in fear of retribution..

Why would you even consider disregarding the assault on Officer Wilson?
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