MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #8

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Just search the forum for #rubme1. We all got a big kick out of that:)

Let me know if you can't find it and I will link.
Thank you. With your clues it was sort of like playing 'Where's Waldo'. I found four posts discussing the significance of 'rubme1' and virtually no discussion of the significance of an incident report that says nothing. But, thank you nevertheless.

Perhaps it was just a bureaucratic snafu that there was no incident report by the Ferguson Police Department.
Why shouldn't they hear his side of the story? I don't understand that. It would be very one sided and wrong to hear just one side.I heard a saying recently I really like. There is 3 sides to every story.My side,Your side and the truth.If they hear both sides they just might find out the 3rd side.The truth.What really happened.

Typically the GJ does not hear from defendants. It appears this GJ will have to decide if the shooting was justified by the law officer. In order to determine that they would need to have testimony from the officer, I would imagine. The officer is the only one who knows what happened and why MB was shot. Plus it appears that all those who witnessed what happened have entirely different views of what happened. jmo

No evidence has been presented so far. Zimmerman had pictures from the time of the incident and and in the incident report at least had some injuries. Didn't stop the majority of posters from wanting to convict him if my memory is correct.


I would have voted to convict if I were a Zimmerman juror

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I would convict on your narrative, but looking at the facts and the video, I don't see it how you spin it. The police dept. are trying to spin you. I question if officer Wilson knew anything about the incident when the shooting occurred. If MB, felt like he did nothing wrong at the store then it makes it less likely he would act out against the police.


He stole cigars and attacked a store employee and....... he thought he did nothing???
How do you know that and Why would stealing and attacking be ok in his eyes? Tia
Being a thieving bully is never ok.

Too bad this Granny wasn't in the store that day. She might have knocked some of the cockiness out of MB. He might have then skulked home and lived to be packing up and heading for college. Instead, he seems to have been empowered by his "successful" encounter with the store clerk owner which in turn gave him the attitude that he could manhandle a LEO...and the rest is history.
I remember watching I believe it was worlds dumbest criminals.I love that show. Well,some guy robbed this teeny tiny woman's store. I think she was palestinian or something. She was from another county.She ran after him with a huge axe bigger than she was LOL. She was pi$$ed.He ran LOL.I bet he or no one else ever robbed her store again.
Why shouldn't they hear his side of the story? I don't understand that. It would be very one sided and wrong to hear just one side.I heard a saying recently I really like. There is 3 sides to every story.My side,Your side and the truth.If they hear both sides they just might find out the 3rd side.The truth.What really happened.

The argument is that they already have a rapport with Wilson. They will be less likely to convict, because it will call into question on the previous times when they found him credible. It becomes a conflict of interest in the jurors mind according to many legal experts.

Thank you. With your clues it was sort of like playing 'Where's Waldo'. I found four posts discussing the significance of 'rubme1' and virtually no discussion of the significance of an incident report that says nothing. But, thank you nevertheless.

Perhaps it was just a bureaucratic snafu that there was no incident report by the Ferguson Police Department.

From your Time link:

Schellman said that under the Missouri State “Sunshine” Law, the department was not required to release the information during a pending investigation. As a result, Wilson’s account of what happens will remain confidential unless it is presented by a prosecutor, Schellman said.

“We will not release it,” said Schellman, who noted that this is the county’s normal procedure. “This isn’t any different than a typical larceny from a local convenience store.”

Wilson never filed a report on the incident, according to the office of the St. Louis County prosecutor. The case was quickly turned over to the county at the request of local police. According to the document, the St. Louis County police entered the incident report on Aug. 19, 10 days after the shooting. It was approved for release the following morning.
He stole cigars and attacked a store employee and....... he thought he did nothing???
How do you know that and Why would stealing and attacking be ok in his eyes? Tia
Being a thieving bully is never ok.

I already have addressed that in 2 previous posts.
Bumping because it makes me sigh when people take my comments out of context.

Neighbor Kevin Seltzer says, "He was respectful. He didn't bother people."
He, being Michael Brown. Because that's who they are interviewing the neighbor about.

So then I posted, after bolding the part I was commenting on (as evidenced two separate ways, 1. by typing BBM which means 'bolded by me' and 2. by highlighting the part I was commenting on and then hitting the B button which makes the text bigger and darker.

I'm sure the small storekeeper would disagree and probably Officer Wilson. Meaning, I'm sure the small storekeeper and probably Office Wilson would disagree that MB is respectful and didn't bother people.

Because stealing from and assaulting the storekeeper isn't respectful and he's a 'people' and it bothered him to be stolen from and assaulted. And because MB wasn't respectful to Office Wilson and he bothered him, too.

I hope this clears up any confusion about what I posted.

"If his grandma said go upstairs, he went. He was respectful," recalled neighbor Kevin Seltzer, 30. "He didn't bother people. That's why the community here in Ferguson, the real community of Canfield, we're upset now."

Brown stayed at Canfield with friends and, earlier this year, with his grandmother at the adjacent Northwinds apartments. He had just graduated from nearby Normandy High School — no small achievement here.

He was heavyset and quiet, but not shy. He recorded rap music with his best friend and smoked marijuana with other young men. (L.A. Times - National News)


I'm sure the small storekeeper would disagree.

And probably Officer Wilson
Got to make dinner for my wife. I will check in later. Play nice:lurk:
Probably legally, but that is not what happened. What happened is that he was shot by someone who does not have as much freedom as regular citizens who shoot out of self-defense, for the reason that they are always armed on duty and have training to deal with confrontations, and they cannot go around shooting non-discriminately. YKWIM? So yes, the situation would have been different if he had been shot in the store by the shopowner. Because regular citizens and police officers on duty are different circumstances.

Actually, that is not true. Read the Rehnquist decision, which is posted upthread. In fact, cops have MORE of a legal defense to protect themselves forcibly, because they are a target. Cops are shot on a routine basis, for no reason other than their being cops. So they can use lethal force when under assault because a 'reasonable assumption' may be that they are under imminent threat of death, unlike you or I.
And in the one I saw, MB only pushes the shopowner after the shopowner tries to block the door and keep him from going outside. So what was the shopowner thinking?! Why didn't he just let MB and his friends go and call police on them, rather than put himself in danger by trying to block the door?

Or why didn't MB just give the shop owner his property instead of pushing him and turning it into a strong armed felony robbery?!

Are you seriously blaming the victim here????
I remember watching I believe it was worlds dumbest criminals.I love that show. Well,some guy robbed this teeny tiny woman's store. I think she was palestinian or something. She was from another county.She ran after him with a huge axe bigger than she was LOL. She was pi$$ed.He ran LOL.I bet he or no one else ever robbed her store again.
I found it. Here it is. LOL LOL. She runs after him out side.Still chopping after him.I won't mess with her.
Typically the GJ does not hear from defendants. It appears this GJ will have to decide if the shooting was justified by the law officer. In order to determine that they would need to have testimony from the officer, I would imagine. The officer is the only one who knows what happened and why MB was shot. Plus it appears that all those who witnessed what happened have entirely different views of what happened. jmo

Adding to your comments...

CLAYTON • A criminal trial is public, but whether there will be one is often the decision of a grand jury in a secret process that may seem mysterious.

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch has chosen to have a grand jury consider whether Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson should face charges in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.

A prosecutor exercises substantial control by deciding what evidence to present and what specific charges to consider. A New York judge, Solomon Wachtler, famously said a prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

“It’s no joke,” Cohen said. “That vividly places the power of the prosecutor in context.”

Grand jurors are pulled from the same pool of ordinary people as petit jurors, the ones who decide trials, and are paid the same, in St. Louis County about $18 a day plus mileage.

A judge tries to balance members’ gender, race and geography. Here, a grand jury meets on Wednesdays for four months. The current one is set to expire Sept 10 but will be extended to hear all the evidence in the Brown case, McCulloch said. He said the grand jury had three black members, out of 12 total.

The process provides no opportunity for a defense. Subjects of the investigation are invited to testify, but few accept, and must leave their attorneys outside.


Obviously as stated by LambChop, OWs version of events is pretty vital to the decision making process of the GJs.

He will give his statement, and be subject to questioning, but he will not have a defense lawyer interceding on his behave during the proceeding. This should not be hawked as some sort of special treatment. There are laws and rules governing this process, and this case can't exist in a vacuum.

Ditto to those making outraged noise over the proceedings being secret.
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