MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #9

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I DO have a case I just heard about that illustrates what you are saying. My daughter is 22 and her good friend told me a nightmare encounter he had with the LA County Sheriffs. I think they should have been demoted or fired.

This 23 yr old, intelligent, law abiding handsome young black man was all excited for a date he was going on. He lives in Santa Monica area, which is pretty diverse. And the cops are well trained so he never had bad experiences there. But this night he was going to the 'midnight movie' and picking up a girl he met at community college. She lived with her parents in Malibu.

Bodhi, which is his nickname, was driving his very nice Mustang convertible. He works at the Ford Dealership as a computer tech/mechanic so he has a very nice newer model car. He was driving up in a canyon off Pacific Coast Highway, looking for the correct home, so he was driving slowly and looking at addresses. Finally he got close to the right address and was getting ready to park on the street. Suddenly a squad car pulls up and begins barking orders from a megahorn thing. GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE. NOW LAY DOWN ON YOUR STOMACH!

Bodhi is thinking WTH? I am going to get my new clothes all dirty lying in the street. And then a few people were coming out on their porches and looking. And he sees the girl he is coming to pick up for their date. She and her parents are watching him being forced onto the pavement.

And both cops were very rude and condescending, asking where he got the car, and where he was going. He was trying to tell them but it took awhile. There were paper plates on the car so the cops thought it might have been stolen. But they did not give him the courtesy to have a normal conversation. He was directed to lie face down in the street. For no reason. He was so humiliated and angry and embarrassed. The date was very awkward he said. It was pathetic and I felt so badly about it.

Here you have an educated, hard working, law abiding young black man, and he was treated so harshly and unfairly, it is maddening. :furious:

Statistically, the police have a reason to have been concerned. First "paper" license plate tags always raise their eyebrows (stolen cars) and secondly the crime stats for that age/subset.
Emotionally, the situation you described isn't nice or fair but from a statistical standpoint it has merit.
We also don't know if the police had a BOLO for someone that evening.

What will matter is how we handle ourselves during difficult situations. Our own takeaways can make us stronger and build relationships. Or our own takeaways can give us more excuses to hate others.

Not only "to," but the autopsy report(s) I read all said "from the front". That's a critical distinction for Forensic Pathologists.

(I hope we can all agree that Parcell's endless comments about one or two possibly from the back are worth the non-paper his non-creds are not written on. ;) )

Did any reporter ask Baden if he was making an assessment on if he was referring to the body diagram or to Brown's physical position when he was shot? I don't think that is clear and when Parcell's made his speculation at the press conference why didn't Baden correct him? In addition, he stated his facts were provisional and had to be considered along with witness testimony, x-rays, and other evidence he was not yet privy. I think this is where people are assuming more than in evidence at the moment.

Excuse me. I don't believe anybody here has said you were stupid. Please don't post statements that are not true. Most of us here are open minded. Many have been reading these threads and links since this incident first happened. There are now 9 threads. That is a lot of pages, comments and links to read. We are all interested in fairness and justice for both MB and LE. I have learned a tremendous amount of information by reading the posts from main stream media.


It is the poster's opinion on how he is being treated. Not sure he needs a lecture. He may be mistaken, but you are assuming to be an authority on how someone is perceiving things. Not really sure how you can post with any authority on someone else's perception.

Many people are able to post fact or opinion that are demonstrably untrue. I try to point it out to the moderators, but I can't read everything. I let most of it go, because I am in the minority. One type of bias is accepted and another counter view, certainly more nuanced perhaps even more objective view is censored or not allowed. Posters are allowed to call certain people miscreants, thugs, etc. when that is not normally allowed of victims or witnesses. Certain assumptions based on rumor or speculation are allowed to stand. Posters are allowed to constantly refer to politicians and officials like Eric Holder and cast aspersions on their character with no repercussions. I have stated things about Nixon in response to other posters, so I am not without my transgressions.

However, this constant harping on the U.S. Attorney General Holder and praising for former U.S. Att. Gen. Alberto Gonzalez is right wing propaganda.


It is the poster's opinion on how he is being treated. Not sure he needs a lecture. He may be mistaken, but you are assuming to be an authority on how someone is perceiving things. Not really sure how you can post with any authority on someone else's perception.

Many people are able to post fact or opinion that are demonstrably untrue. I try to point it out to the moderators, but I can't read everything. I let most of it go, because I am in the minority. One type of bias is accepted and another counter view, certainly more nuanced perhaps even more objective view is censored or not allowed. Posters are allowed to call certain people miscreants, thugs, etc. when that is not normally allowed of victims or witnesses. Certain assumptions based on rumor or speculation are allowed to stand. Posters are allowed to constantly refer to politicians and officials like Eric Holder and cast aspersions on their character with no repercussions. I have stated things about Nixon in response to other posters, so I am not without my transgressions.

However, this constant harping on the U.S. Attorney General Holder and praising for former U.S. Att. Gen. Alberto Gonzalez is right wing propaganda.



Do you feel it is possible for someone to be a victim and also a criminal? Or are all victims innocent?

Also, could you please provide the post # of the comments regarding Holder and Gonzalez here on WS? This thread moves along so fast that I may have missed it.
This is a prime example of why it might be a good idea to have the old celly telly fully charged and hit record...
Would it have picked up the entire thing? Maybe if it was in his pocket. I don't know how I feel about the whole dashcam thing, but AI do know if I was a young black teen/man I would want an audio recording of every interaction I had with LE. Perhaps even telling them your are being recorded... I have heard too many stories. I have witnessed it myself as my husband is mixed. -and adopted so he doesn't even know who is who!
Olive complexion, hazel eyes and used to have ringlets like Tubbs from "Miami Vice"...

Lol. I changed my avatar. This was taken right after Noah and his ark dried out!

All posts are MOO
It's probably best that the man didn't reach for his mobile. It's night time and visibility isn't great, and the police are already assuming he might be violent by asking him to lie down.
That fact has always stuck in my mind, that only 3 were recovered from the body.

I honestly would not be suprised to find out that MB wasn't hit by 6 bullets.

IMO and according to Dr G (she was on Fox or CNN the other day) the first autopsy is the most accurate of all. And I'm wondering why we heard about the 2nd autopsy on Mon and still nothing about the 1st one.

Case released some info this week on autopsy 1, but claimed more could not be released due to the GJ hearing.

Baden's autopsy is #3 I believe, I think #2 was done by the Feds and that has not been leaked AFAIK.

Case released some info this week on autopsy 1, but claimed more could not be released due to the GJ hearing.

Baden's autopsy is #3 I believe, I think #2 was done by the Feds and that has not been leaked AFAIK.


What information did Dr. Case reveal in regard to autopsy #1 this week? I must have missed that. One of the many things I do not understand is that only three bullets found in MB's body IIRC. If he was in fact shot 6 times, where did the other bullets go? I did not see any exit wounds from the back for any through and through shots. I would think that there would be trajectory paths from entry to show angles of body when hit.

JMO's and Questions
I also had the priviledge of meeting 'Fannin and Union County GA's Finest' in 2009. Fannin County Sheriff pulled me over at the county line after following me for miles. Union Co Sheriffs came in on the Help Call...'Three Cars in All!

I was ordered to stick both hands out the window while the Deputy held his 9mm glock pointed at my head with the Safety off, turn around and back towards him, then drop to the doggie position and cross my feet, then as he approached me from the rear, to place my hands behind my back(felt like a contortionist). Once handcuffed, I was frisked, top to bottom(keep in mind that I haven't had a traffic ticket in 40 years).
For those who want a link, all I can tell you to do is order the dashcam video...

I was then asked if they had my permission to search my PU Truck. I granted permission, knowing that if I didn't, I would have to wait for a warrant to be issued. I was then placed in the back of the squad car for over an hour while my truck was searched by all three Deputies.

When the first Union County Sheriff arrived, he told the Fannin County Sheriff's Deputy, that he got the call and expected him to be closer to where hwy 60 and hwy 180 intersect. Then he said, "what happened, did he try to run?" I thought oh sh...!
Once my truck was cleared from the search. I was interrogated briefly and the tightly sinched handcuffs were removed.
After reading all personal receipts, mail, books, and pics, in my truck. All three deputies began asking questions about , and why I was so knowledgeable about him.
I first ask if they knew about the 1994 Deadly Run movie he had written the script for(14 years before his capture), his IQ, duration and magnitude, considered his lack of a victim profile, etc.
I was then asked to follow the Union County Sheriff' vehicle to the Union County sheriff's Department to share my information(2 more hours of interrogation from the OIC and detective)..

I am a white guy in my 50s, married 40+ years with 6 grandchildren and no priors... It happens folks.. Ya just have to roll with the flow...
Just one honey...

Not even the shopkeeper? He wasn't a victim of shoplifting and intimidation?

Not even the store owners of Fergus*n who've had their stores looted & their business plans/life earnings go poof?

And there are more that I see also.......
Here is the Sean Hannity show from last night. If you don't watch it all.. watch at least the first 20 minutes or so. Great views voiced imo. Enjoy!

He didn't? So what did he get shot for? Did he get shot for the robbery?

Or are we to believe that an officer simply asked him nicely to step aside, and he ended up attacking the officer like a pit bull and trying to get the officer's gun to shoot the officer?

Does that sound more likely?

IMO, both scenarios are far-fetched.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, as I said before, I don't think either side is completely innocent in this.


Late to this but .......MB got shot after assaulting a police officer
Dorian Johnson WILL be thrown in jail when police catch up with him again but not for anything to do with MBrown. I believe I read that the police will not file charges for the cigarello heist. Jeff City wants him big time.

DJ is a very skinny little fella. In that pic he's shown with a big, burly dude's hand on his shoulder, reason unknown. Encouragement? Intimidation? Big dude wants to be on tv? Who knows, but I bet little DJ's mo is to be an ingratiating, verbally adept side-kick to bigger, more macho big guys. <modsnip> jmo
Please do not personalize a post and attack another poster. If the poster has used the word "you" and clearly states the post is not directed to anyone in particular please do the same and not personalize it.

It is against TOS and will be removed.

Late to this but .......MB got shot after assaulting a police officer

Just to add context re Ofc. Wilson's actions:

1) In the last 10 yrs. there have been 53 officers killed by someone who'd wrestled their gun away
2) In 80% of the incidents where a person wrestles an officer's gun away, they then shoot them.
Case released some info this week on autopsy 1, but claimed more could not be released due to the GJ hearing.

Baden's autopsy is #3 I believe, I think #2 was done by the Feds and that has not been leaked AFAIK.

Baden clearly states in the Hannity show above, that he did autopsy #2.
Do me, do me! No really. I do wonder what other posters think from my avatar. I know avatars must shape how we view other posters. I still view one poster on here as an older gentlemen because he/she has had Bob Harrod as his avatar as long as I can remember. Jmo and sorry for the off topic.

Your not YODA? Dang jethro will be disappointed.

No I am not a blond, but I have a fondness for animals like she did.
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