GUILTY MO - Hailey Owens, 10, Springfield, 18 Feb 2014 #1

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There needs to be tougher laws/punishment so that the next will think twice before grabbing a child and doing as he wishes with them.

Cruel and unusual punishment is against our constitution. The laws already are harsh enough that men who do this kill their victims rather than setting them free, trying to cover up their act. The death penalty is on the table here, after all.

In countries where people are tortured to death or stoned for this kind of thing = it STILL occurs. Men STILL act on their sexual compulsions no matter what fate awaits them if they are caught. Sexual drive is a motivator that causes men to act even if they will die doing it.
Let's remember everyone's emotions are very high right now. It's easy to sit back and say we'd do something differently, and maybe we would. Some people are not take action types, some people are, remember this two teens chased an abductor and saved a little girl. They were the take action type. The people who call 911 did what they thought was best, they did something. They are not to blame, they didn't kidnap Hailey.

The police are not to blame, yes I wish they'd issued the amber alert quicker, but they didn't kidnap Hailey.

Craig Michael Wood kidnapped Hailey, focus your rage and anger on him. He is the reason we are all upset and angry today, he's the one who ripped Hailey's life away.
There needs to be tougher laws/punishment so that the next will think twice before grabbing a child and doing as he wishes with them.

Tougher laws will not deter pedophiles. It never has. Many stranger pedophiles who have kidnapped, raped, and murdered innocent children have gotten the death penalty.

So tougher punishments will not deter these kind of POSs. It only means when they are finally caught they will either spend the rest of their lives in prison or on death row waiting to be executed.

Unfortunately they are going to act out on their urges when the opportunity arrises and they don't give a damn about laws when they are doing it.

MO has the death penalty and I think the DA is going to ask for death.
There needs to be tougher laws/punishment so that the next will think twice before grabbing a child and doing as he wishes with them.

IMO This is the biggest issue we have at the time. I really don't want to get started because I will go on a rant.
But we don't punish IMO at all, without going into details, I have expierence more than I'd like with the system.
These get a bed to sleep in, their laundry done, their utilities paid, their meals made, and don't get me started on the education and medical they get while behind bars.
I'm harsh because of what I have been dealt with and these people just need put to rest, if my dog bits a child it is put down however a human which knows right from wrong can rape a child and got out in 10 years only to rape again and perhaps kill this time. And we still won't put the human down whom hurts our children. Instead we will work to pay to take care of them the rest of their lives.
What would you think, honestly, if you saw this playing out? I would think the man was looking for a specific address, a specific child he is responsible for, a dog or cat, a cell phone that flew off the top of a car, etc. You do see people driving round and round in an area doing just those things, especially in broad daylight. Even when he pulled up to the girl, I would assume he was asking something innocent because that's usually the case when a car pulls up beside a pedestrian and engages them.

It's extremely rare that he would then snatch her and race off.

Honestly, if I saw this described scenario, my "red flag" alarms would be ringing in high gear the moment he stopped in the street near her. The witnesses even said that it was obvious the little girl did not know this fella. The fact that he is a 45 yr old man, pulling up to a 10 yr old girl to me is a "no brainer", especially after he has made 4-5 slow passes down that street, and especially seeing that the girl showed every sign of not knowing him.

Yes, if I was in that "line of sight" nearby garage, I'd instantly holler out and head towards the "unknown fella" pronto. To think that most wouldn't do this is quite troubling to me.
I think that's completely unfair to the witnesses. The guy said it took less than ten seconds for it all to happen. When you're sitting there and seeing this going on, who in earth thinks a criminal will be this brazen to grab her in front of witnesses? It's very rare, despite all the cases that come to our attention here. When he realized what was going on, he acted.

Lets keep the blame exactly where it belongs - on Craig Wood. I see so many comments trashing these witnesses who did everything they possibly could - even to point of racist remarks against him! :furious: It's ridiculous, and makes me feel its no wonder that often people truly DON'T get involved. Why the hell would they, when they'll just suffer being torn apart by the public for not doing things 100% perfectly??? :furious:

Edited to add - the comments I am seeing about the witnesses are on media FB pages, and media webpages, not here other than the one quoted.

As the witness was talking, I thought i can't imagine watching this play out in front of me. You would have to be in shock, yet they got all the information. And he chased after the truck. He said, I should have got in my car and followed. Hindsight is always 20/20. I think him and his wife did a great job getting all the information. I know they had to be in shock. I don't know how anyone could blame them. If not for them, no one would know what happened to her.

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Kansas Department of Transportation - Northeast Kansas shared SGF Police - Springfield, MO's video.

about an hour ago · Edited

Springfield PD SGF Police - Springfield, MO reports that SPD has asked that the AMBER Alert be cancelled, are not accurate. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted by this tragedy.

Chief Paul Williams delivers media briefing on child abduction case.

Facebook - Kansas Department of Transportation - Northeast Kansas
I know what we can do, as a society! It's cruel and unusual but this situation has blossomed in the last couple of generations. There are ten or twenty times MORE pedophiles on the streets today than there were some years ago. This is an epidemic and needs to be treated as such. I said in an earlier post that one pervert has dozens or even over 100 victims before being caught ( source: gavin de becker ) . Once a child is abused , their own odds of becoming a predator increase. ( not saying all but their odds certainly do increase . i do not believe very many pedophiles are not victims themselves in childhood, Mooo ) So let's just make up a number and say in 1950 there were 100 predators of children in the US ( made up number, obviously no bearing on reality) . If those 100 had 100 victims each and 50% of their victims became predators themselves, then it's easy to see how we got to this point today. Every time a group of child victims reach adult hood, and 50% of them are becoming predators themselves , then every 12 to 18 yrs , roughly, the amount of predators on teh street is increasing by 1000% ? ( math is not my strong suit)

I think sex crimes need to be removed from the criminal statues as they are today and given their own category. A first time robber of gum at a convenience store I can see getting probation and another chance. A first time molester of a child I do not think needs probation and a second chance. There is no study anywhere that I have ever heard of that says a pedophile can be rehabilitated . It cannot be done. Judges, lawyers, LEO's, KNOW this so why are first time offenders treated like first time possession of weed offenders?
I also think when a SO is picked up , that person should be able to press charges on their own molester from childhood. It would not reduce their sentence at all, but only bring in a few more sickos. Whoever molested them as a child is STILL molesting some child somewhere so they need off the street as well.
Would any of that help ? Thoughts?

ETA , I made up the numbers above just for demonstration but I swear I read somewhere years ago that over 95 % of all pedophiles were themselves victims. I do not have a source but given how the mind works, I would not be surprised at all if those numbers were true.

ETA Not to be confused with 95% of victims will become predators( which is not true ) ... two totally TOTALLY different things here.
Unfortunately i think we will learn its because he was yet another pervert who has been flying under the radar.

Other thoughts -

If he was so bold as to grab Hailey in a well populated residential street, with witnesses sitting outside, then I think he HAS to have been up to some ish before now. Whether its acts directly upon other children, or child *advertiser censored* somewhere on his computer or in his possession. No one suddenly becomes a Pedo at his age. He's been indulging his disgusting perversion before now. :furious:

Sadly I have to agree. I'm also worried about the access he's had to children via his work with the school and as a coach.
Really? A snails pace? His wife runs in to call 911 while dude runs after the truck and memorized the plate number, make and color?

Why are people attacking the witness here? Do you know how many times I see cars in my street circling? I keep a watch because we have a lot of neighborhood kids, but most of the time they'll circle about 8 times before I will go do/say something. Usually it's someone looking for their dog that got loose, nurses from the hospital next door smoking (they banned smoking on premises so now they drive our hood lol), someone lost and looking for a road or place (I've approached people and asked what's up if they look really suspicious). Any one of those times while I've stood in my yard or looking out the window deciding whether its suspicious enough to go do/say something, a kid could have walked by and been thrown in the vehicle.

The fault is squarely on the perp. Cripes I hope these witnesses aren't reading what people are saying. Guy was obviously shook up in that interview, said how upset his wife was, they probably already feel horrible enough!

I agree! I honestly don't think the witnesses could have done anything more. While they saw the vehicle and saw the abduction, I get the impression that they were not RIGHT THERE, that they were in their garage a little down from where everything transpired.

That they were able to get the license tag and a description and called so quickly is amazing to me. I don't think I could have done so. I tend to freeze in emergency situations. They did everything right in my book!
The fault is squarely on the perp. Cripes I hope these witnesses aren't reading what people are saying. Guy was obviously shook up in that interview, said how upset his wife was, they probably already feel horrible enough!

If they are reading i hope they know not everyone thinks the same. We can all say they should have done this or that, or i would have….? We don't have that luxury. IMO he did the right thing, whose to say that had he run at that truck to grab her to safety….maybe the perp would have shot at them both or attacked the witness and still got her? Then drove off never to be seen? likely the only info would have been a tan truck. He took down the plate and while the outcome is not what we hope for, the blame is not on him. I am sure he is wondering the same things so many others are. It's a sad tragic case, and like GL said, the fault is all on the perp.
in cases like these, would school still be in session? What about where he was working? How are they dealing with this? So confused. I can't even begin to imagine what her parents must be going through at this moment. And has anyone figured anything about his family yet? I know we can't sleuth family members but they must be devastated as well.
My gosh, you gotta give kudos to these witnesses! Don't you realize how many people will witness crimes in progress and walk right by?! Or they refuse to call police because "I don't wanna get involved." UGH

These folks jumped in pronto with both feet first. And my heart just goes out to them since I know they are devastated by this.
True for the "only seconds to grab her", but by the witnesses own statements they were sitting in a nearby garage in plain view of the Wood and the victim prior to him stopping. The witness and his wife also stated they had time to hear the "conversation" between Woods and the victim. So not exactly an instantaneous stop, grab, and run.

There's plenty in the scenario that this was not anyone the witness knew. I still believe had the witness hollered and ran towards Wood, things are likely to have ended quite different.

That is probably true. I can only think they had no idea that he was about to kidnap her. My family makes fun of me, I always see where a crime could be committed. They don't see the world as I see it.
RIP Hailey. Why you sick weirdo did you do this to this little girl ????
People make me so sick sometimes.
I know what we can do, as a society! It's cruel and unusual but this situation has blossomed in the last couple of generations. There are ten or twenty times MORE pedophiles on the streets today than there were some years ago. This is an epidemic and needs to be treated as such. I said in an earlier post that one pervert has dozens or even over 100 victims before being caught ( source: gavin de becker ) . Once a child is abused , their own odds of becoming a predator increase. ( not saying all but their odds certainly do increase . i do not believe very many pedophiles are not victims themselves in childhood, Mooo ) So let's just make up a number and say in 1950 there were 100 predators of children in the US ( made up number, obviously no bearing on reality) . If those 100 had 100 victims each and 50% of their victims became predators themselves, then it's easy to see how we got to this point today. Every time a group of child victims reach adult hood, and 50% of them are becoming predators themselves , then every 12 to 18 yrs , roughly, the amount of predators on teh street is increasing by 1000% ? ( math is not my strong suit)

I think sex crimes need to be removed from the criminal statues as they are today and given their own category. A first time robber of gum at a convenience store I can see getting probation and another chance. A first time molester of a child I do not think needs probation and a second chance. There is no study anywhere that I have ever heard of that says a pedophile can be rehabilitated . It cannot be done. Judges, lawyers, LEO's, KNOW this so why are first time offenders treated like first time possession of weed offenders?
I also think when a SO is picked up , that person should be able to press charges on their own molester from childhood. It would not reduce their sentence at all, but only bring in a few more sickos. Whoever molested them as a child is STILL molesting some child somewhere so they need off the street as well.
Would any of that help ? Thoughts?

ETA , I made up the numbers above just for demonstration but I swear I read somewhere years ago that over 95 % of all pedophiles were themselves victims. I do not have a source but given how the mind works, I would not be surprised at all if those numbers were true.

ETA Not to be confused with 95% of victims will become predators( which is not true ) ... two totally TOTALLY different things here.

I agree with 0 tolerance for sex crimes. First offense = either life in prison or death penalty. There is no rehabilitation.

Heck, everyone on the RSO list, round them up, put them back in prison. They are a danger to society and should NOT be free.
That is probably true. I can only think they had no idea that he was about to kidnap her. My family makes fun of me, I always see where a crime could be committed. They don't see the world as I see it.

By the time they realized what was actually happening, there was no time to do anything except write down the plate and thank God they did that !
These witnesses are the reason this man is caught in my opinion. They did all they could and it was enough to point LE to the perp ! The blame is on the freakshow **ntsock! No one else !
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