GUILTY MO - Jacque Rawson Waller, 39, Jackson, 31 May 2011

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Just heard about this story and read through all the threads. So glad that she was found to where her family could give her a proper burial and hopefully find some peace. I hate that Jacque's dad blames himself. I understand his thought process but hoping he sees that the only person to blame for this horrible act is the monster that killed her.
Never forgotten Jacque! So glad he will never hurt anyone again! Bless your triplets as they live a life without you but with love and I am sure lots of people reminding them that you loved them!

Good background information in this article if you haven't heard of Jacque's murder.

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Waller was released on Friday, Dec. 4.

He was serving time on a federal internet charge for threatening Jacque Waller's sister on Topix.

Waller received a five year sentence for the crime.

The Cape Girardeau County Sheriff's Office says he was transported back to Missouri to serve his state sentence for the murder of his wife, Jacque Waller.

Jacque Waller, mother of triplets, went missing June 1, 2011. Her buried remains were discovered almost two years later.

Court documents show Waller was sentenced to 20 years in state prison for the crime.

Missouri Department of Corrections spokesman David Owen said Tuesday convicted murderer Clay Waller now is at the state prison in Fulton.

The Southeast Missourian reported Monday he had been transferred from a federal prison in Florida, but local officials did not disclose the Missouri location.

Convicted murderer Clay Waller was transferred Sunday by Cape Girardeau County sheriff's deputies from a federal prison in Marianna, Florida, and is in the custody of the Missouri Department of Corrections to serve the remainder of a 20-year sentence.

Cape Girardeau Sheriff's Capt. J.P. Mulcahy could not disclose Waller's exact location because of security reasons.

I love the bolded part of this quote!

Prosecuting Attorney Chris Limbaugh said in that same story Clay Waller's involvement was crucial to finding Jacque's body.

"Prosecuting Attorney Chris Limbaugh said in that same story Clay Waller's involvement was crucial to finding Jacque's body.

"Obviously it was something we weighed -- is it more important to give him what he deserves or to give Jacque what she deserves? -- and ultimately, Jacque won out," said Angel Woodruff, assistant prosecuting attorney for Cape Girardeau County in June 2013.
This is facing life now thanks to Federal Charges!!!! :happydance:

Federal prosecutors announced on Monday, May 23, James Clay Waller is facing a new federal charge
According to the United States Attorney's Office, a federal grand jury has indicted Waller on an Interstate Domestic Violence charge.
The offense was enacted by Congress in 1994 as part of the Violence Against Women Act.
The charge carries up to a life in prison sentence.
The indictment alleges that in June of 2011, Waller traveled back and forth between Illinois and Missouri with the intent to kill his wife, Jacque Waller.
Waller will be brought back to Cape Girardeau County to face the new charge.
He is expected in court Tuesday afternoon.
Jacque Waller's parents, Stan and Ruby Rawson are very pleased with the new development.
"Our family is happy that Jacque will be getting the justice she deserves," Stan Rawson. said. "The Cape County citizens are lucky to have such dedicated law enforcement at every level. Sheriff Jordan has put together a top notch department.
Thank you so much Desired!!

Confessed murderer Clay Waller may face more prison time, as federal prosecutors seek to prosecute Waller on federal charges.

The United States attorney's office for the Eastern District of Missouri announced Monday "the unsealing" of an indictment, charging Waller, 45, with interstate domestic violence. That charge can come with a sentence of up to life in prison.

A Cape Girardeau County man serving 20 years in prison for the murder of his wife helped investigators working towards a new federal charge when he wrote a tell-all book about the murder, prosecutors said Monday.

FBI agents on March 8 obtained a copy of a manuscript by James Clay Waller, now 45, titled, “'If You Take My Kids, I'll Kill You!': The Public Confession of Missouri's Most Notorious Wife Killers," Waller's May 19 indictment says. It was not clear why the title references the plural "killers."

In a statement announcing the charge, prosecutors acknowledged that seeking a federal charge against a man already serving a state murder sentence for essentially the same crime was “highly unusual.” But U.S Attorney Richard Callahan said in a statement that “the facts and circumstances of this case begged for such a prosecution.”

In a phone interview, Callahan said, "The circumstances that I refer to are the particular brutality of the murder along with the fact that he was able to extract an agreement with the prosecutors' office taking advantage of her family, who did want the body recovered and wanted some closure.”

Callahan said that Waller was told at the time of his plea that he could still face federal charges. Federal investigators had been looking at the case after Waller's plea. "There were some legal issues as to whether we would be able to use his guilty plea as evidence," Callahan said. "So the manuscript certainly provided for an independent source of evidence.”

I am SO glad this is so full of himself that he dug his own grave!!! Justice for Jacque! :jail:

And for him to think he was going to hit pay day writing a book. First court date today. Can't wait til he's sentenced to life. I prayed for this Federal Charge from the time we found out where he buried her.
This is a well written story, full of contempt for the wife killer

Waller took the life of a mother of triplets. He robbed her of her life and damaged the futures of his own children. He feigned meekness but desired attention. He lied about his innocence then bragged of his violence. Far from a notorious wife killer, Waller would not look Jacque's family or the judge in the eye at trial. He is a coward.

Waller deserves every slow ticktock he spends in prison. Twenty years is not nearly enough.

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. • A man already serving 20 years in state prison for killing his wife in Missouri could be facing a life sentence if he's convicted on a federal charge for moving her body to Illinois.

U.S. District Judge Abbie Crites-Leoni ruled Tuesday that Clay Waller, 46, is mentally competent to stand trial for violating the interstate domestic violence act. The ruling followed two psychiatric reports filed with the court last month.
Cape Girardeau man who killed wife and wrote tell-all book accepts 35-year plea deal
By Robert Patrick, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
October 6, 2017 - 6 hrs ago


The plea agreement calls for a federal prison sentence of 35 years for James Clay Waller, 45, and bars him from making money from the book, a movie, or anything else that attempts to capture any part of his story either now or in the future.

“That seems like a long time,” Waller told U.S. District Judge Audrey Fleissig in court. Fleissig can accept or reject the deal, and will decide once a pre-sentence report has been completed.


It’s no secret that Jacque Waller may have endured years of abuse before being brutally murdered by her estranged husband, Clay Waller, and her family is ready to speak out on the abuse as a warning to others.

Cheryl Rawson-Brenneke, Jacque’s sister, said the family has been approached many times about doing TV shows about Jacque. Only now they have decided to tell their story to Crime Watch Daily, hosted by Chris Hansen.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Cedric Dean had just left Sunday services in the chapel of a Louisiana prison when a killer offered him a deal.

Help me tell my story, fellow inmate Clay Waller said in the spring of 2013, and I’ll pay you $10,000.

The plot for Waller’s narrative would involve the murder of his estranged wife, Jacque — a killing that sent him to prison and still tormented the Mississippi River town where it had occurred.

50 pages a day

From the start, Waller had insisted his goal with the tell-all was “setting things right.” While he couldn’t bring back Jacque, he told Dean he would use any proceeds from the sales to establish a trust fund for the triplets. Dean, Waller knew, had a passion for kids.

“He was a great manipulator,” Dean now says. “He was telling me what I wanted to hear.”


They also became aware of Cedric Dean.

That October, Ferrell and an FBI agent traveled to a prison in northern Ohio to meet Dean face to face. The Missouri prosecutor carried a copy of the manuscript. He says he remained skeptical Dean had truly written it.

“I was a little bit pessimistic about it,” Ferrell explained last month. “He hadn’t finished high school. He’d gotten a GED in prison.”


n late November, federal authorities filed a document that officially thanked and rewarded Dean for his help in closing the Waller case. When U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn of Asheville added his signature, the last years of Dean’s sentence from his long-ago drug conviction disappeared.

A few days after Thanksgiving — 22 years and 11 months since he left Charlotte — the 45-year-old Dean came home.
I can't figure out how to post a link to the Crime Watch video. If you go to and scroll down the right side you'll find the 6 Devils Island videos. The children speak the last 3 min of the 6th video. They are now 12

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