MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17 - 2007; Jessica Runions, 21 - 2016; found deceased - *ARREST*

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No surprise there. Kylr Yust will likely never take any responsibility or own up to any of the evil that he's done or show any remorse for the amount of pain he's inflicted.

Which at this point is fine. His hatefulness won't stop the process that LE began by filling these charges today. The truth will prevail. Kylr's day will eventually come and he'll get his. I have a feeling he won't go down without a long drawn out fight, but God willing he'll never walk another free day as long as he lives. Jessica and Kara will rest with justice served, whether he likes it or not.

It is astonishing that JC was the one that turned him in!!! So do we think his recent arrest was a protection situation or a cover? He is now an incredibly important witness.

I'm off to read the docs...
So.... finally got to my missing threads! So glad to hear that both ladies have been found!

So that court date of Oct 13th is not going to happen? Since the felony charges have been dismissed. And no court date on Oct 23rd.

Has anyone see any dates for the new murder charges yet?


:rose: RIP KARA :rose:

:rose: RIP JESSICA :rose:
Kylr has been moved to Cass County to await trial for first degree murder charges (sorry if this was already posted):

Jackson County has also dismissed the charges pending against Kylr for knowing burning Jessica's SUV.

The prosecutor in Jackson County has said that his office will work with Cass County to pursue justice for the girls.

Reactions to charges and probable cause statement on Dana & Parks radio show (click download to listen in the browser)

He still does not read the first letter KY sent him.

Seems Parks was supposed to have received another letter from KY, but it never showed. I don't think Parks will ever read the letter he did receive on the air, and I hope that he doesn't give it any attention beyond what's already been said. Parks has said that he won't read it because he doesn't want to give KY the attention or gratification, which ultimately I think is what KY wants.

I'm curious as to what's in the letters, but not so curious that I want KY to be given that avenue to express himself. Give him an inch, he'll take a mile. I'm going to just assume that he professed his innocence and asked for an interview.

I don't think this is a man wanting to exonerate himself, wanting to clear his name and tell his side of the story. I believe he's a sociopath and a narcissist. He wants attention. He wants notoriety. He knows the bulk of the public's attention regarding this case is centered on the girls and he wants to be the one driving the narrative. A sociopath would get off on the attention, and since KY also appears to be extremely controlling, I'm sure it's driving him at least a little bit nuts to know that he can't steer the narrative or paint the picture of himself that he wants the media to paint.
Yust told friends he killed Kara Kopetsky, but was it enough to file charges?

Excellent article and timeline! jmo

Thanks for linking, I hadn't seen this one! Personally, I think that LE wouldn't have filed the charges now if they didn't think that they could get a conviction. I think if they were the least bit concerned about a lack of evidence, they would have waited for a conviction on the knowingly burning charge in Jackson County before proceeding with the murder charges. And they may have more evidence that's under seal that can't be produced in the charging documents released. Either way, I think they've done their due diligence and that they can get this done and put KY away for the rest of his life. They've waited so patiently for this to come, I don't think they'll let it be screwed up. JMO, of course, but I think they've got this.
Sorry for the back to back posts, all, but I just saw this article. Alfred Yust (KY's Grandfather) is quoted within and appears briefly in the news video in the link.

The article also states that KY will make his first appearance in front of a Cass County judge on Tuesday, October 10th at 2 p.m. His cash-only bond is set at $1 million.

Kylr Yust Booked into Cass County Jail on Murder Charges:

From the article:

A caravan of sheriff cruisers brought Kylr Yust to the Cass County jail Friday afternoon.

Alfred Yust had no sympathy for his grandson who is now charged with murder in the deaths of Kara Kopetsky and Jessica Runions.

“You do a bad thing, you’re going to get bad things done to you,” Alfred Yust told 41 Action News.

We first met Alfred Yust last September when police searched his Raytown home looking for evidence in the disappearance 21-year-old Runions from Raymore.
Sorry for the back to back posts, all, but I just saw this article. Alfred Yust (KY's Grandfather) is quoted within and appears briefly in the news video in the link.

The article also states that KY will make his first appearance in front of a Cass County judge on Tuesday, October 10th at 2 p.m. His cash-only bond is set at $1 million.

Kylr Yust Booked into Cass County Jail on Murder Charges:

From the article:

A caravan of sheriff cruisers brought Kylr Yust to the Cass County jail Friday afternoon.

Alfred Yust had no sympathy for his grandson who is now charged with murder in the deaths of Kara Kopetsky and Jessica Runions.

“You do a bad thing, you’re going to get bad things done to you,” Alfred Yust told 41 Action News.

We first met Alfred Yust last September when police searched his Raytown home looking for evidence in the disappearance 21-year-old Runions from Raymore.

I am really sad for him. I hate how often criminals will prey on or fall to their grandparents or other elderly relatives because they are more likely to be generous and accommodating. As sketchy as the Yust and extended family are, we need to keep in mind that it hurts them too. JC took a full day of what was likely fearful, tentative and conflicted deliberation - between wanting to keep his brother safe and knowing what was best for his kids - before he turned him in. I think KYs no guilty plea is like twisting the knife - knowing all these people will have to face him on the stand, knowing whatever other details will come out (like the elephant in the room non of us want to talk about openly here out of respect for Jessica). I agree with you, scout, he isn't worth a name, or a movie, or a wikipedia article and I really hope they don't televise the trial for that reason.
I am really sad for him. I hate how often criminals will prey on or fall to their grandparents or other elderly relatives because they are more likely to be generous and accommodating. As sketchy as the Yust and extended family are, we need to keep in mind that it hurts them too. JC took a full day of what was likely fearful, tentative and conflicted deliberation - between wanting to keep his brother safe and knowing what was best for his kids - before he turned him in. I think KYs no guilty plea is like twisting the knife - knowing all these people will have to face him on the stand, knowing whatever other details will come out (like the elephant in the room non of us want to talk about openly here out of respect for Jessica). I agree with you, scout, he isn't worth a name, or a movie, or a wikipedia article and I really hope they don't televise the trial for that reason.

You are so right, Vail. As far as I understand, KY's grandfather played a large role in his upbringing and likely tried to do everything in his power to give KY a good life. And now, this. I can't imagine bringing KY back into your home and believing, that he was getting his life together and that he was finally on the right path to then wake up the realization that it was all a terrible lie. Alfred Yust's heart must be shattered. KY's devastation is far reaching, and yet, even knowing how badly he has hurt his own people all he still cares about is himself. Just plain evil. What a waste.

It's possible too that since so much of the case has been sealed the trial will not be televised. As much as I'm interested in seeing justice fulfilled after being so invested for so long, I just don't care to give him the time of day. I would like to see the verdict read when the time does finally come.

There also may be several who are protected witnesses, which may play a role in whether or not the case is televised. I honestly think that J.C. played a big role in LE's decision to seal the case.
I'm not convinced JC gets a pass just yet, despite turning KY in. JC was there when KY burned the vehicle, drove him down to Edwards. But let's not forget the police stop. There were guns in the vehicle as JC was trying to avoid getting stopped by the police while speeding and swerving all over the road. I'm thinking JC may have thrown KY under the bus to cover his own butt, maybe in order for a lesser charge on another case or possibly he was originally going to help KY out, but once he found out that law enforcement was on it, he didn't want to get pinned with the crime, so he may have ratted him out. To me, it doesn't seem like the normal set of circumstances for turning someone in.
I'm not convinced JC gets a pass just yet, despite turning KY in. JC was there when KY burned the vehicle, drove him down to Edwards. But let's not forget the police stop. There were guns in the vehicle as JC was trying to avoid getting stopped by the police while speeding and swerving all over the road. I'm thinking JC may have thrown KY under the bus to cover his own butt, maybe in order for a lesser charge on another case or possibly he was originally going to help KY out, but once he found out that law enforcement was on it, he didn't want to get pinned with the crime, so he may have ratted him out. To me, it doesn't seem like the normal set of circumstances for turning someone in.

I thought that at first, but I really do think that sometime between the car and driving him to Edwards, whether it was his wife or his own concience, he remembered he has kids to raise and cannot afford to take the fall for KY. Did he throw him under the bus? Absolutely. Covering his own *advertiser censored*? Yes of course - he's not being a good samaritan, just protecting his family by doing the best thing which is not going down for accessory. I think the fact that he hasn't been charged speaks volumes as to how LE regards him right now.

Scout - the case for burning the car was sealed and is now closed as the case moves to Cass County - I am not certain the murder case is sealed since the probable cause and KY's arrest record was released to the media. While witnesses were protected via initials, it isn't hard to figure out who they are. Have you seen any confirmation they are sealing it from this point?
I'm not convinced JC gets a pass just yet, despite turning KY in. JC was there when KY burned the vehicle, drove him down to Edwards. But let's not forget the police stop. There were guns in the vehicle as JC was trying to avoid getting stopped by the police while speeding and swerving all over the road. I'm thinking JC may have thrown KY under the bus to cover his own butt, maybe in order for a lesser charge on another case or possibly he was originally going to help KY out, but once he found out that law enforcement was on it, he didn't want to get pinned with the crime, so he may have ratted him out. To me, it doesn't seem like the normal set of circumstances for turning someone in.

You may be right. I think he likely gave it some good thought on his way out of Edwards after dropping KY off at his residence there. I'm sure the thought crossed his mind that if they had been stopped only a few hours later, when reports of Jessica missing really started to spread out, he could have been picked up for aiding and abetting a murderer. If he hadn't called, and police found out he was an accomplice, he could be charged and serve life in prison. But, he did also call the police on the 10th, and seems to have cued them into where KY was staying. It may not matter to police that he did some shady things along the way. It may just matter to them that they've finally got KY right where they want him.

We also have to consider that he may not have been in the most rational of mindsets. His brother had just called him and told him that he committed a murder and put a body in the woods and needed helping disposing of evidence. If JC didn't know the truth about Kara and was just giving KY the benefit of doubt for the last ten years, that phone call cemented everything that everyone has been saying about his brother all along. It had to be shocking to go to him and see his scratched face, witness him burning himself, and then having to contend with the idea that if he stepped out of line or went against his brother, he could be the next victim.

He seems to have done what he had to do at the time. Once he got KY where he needed to be, he likely considered the consequences of being involved in such a coverup, what it would mean for his family, and the potential of what his brother might be - a serial killer with a temper a mile long and nothing to lose. This is all JMO, of course, and only based on what I've read in the court docs and concluded based on that. Not saying that JC is a saint or anything - he's clearly proved otherwise. Only he knows what really happened between him and his brother that night.

Per, JC appears to still be going through the system regarding that stop for reckless driving, resisting police stop, etc. last year. So he's definitely not out of the woods. But LE does need his witness testimony to cement their case. I would guess they've offered him some sort of immunity or at least a lesser sentence for him to give up information. Again, all JMO.
I thought that at first, but I really do think that sometime between the car and driving him to Edwards, whether it was his wife or his own concience, he remembered he has kids to raise and cannot afford to take the fall for KY. Did he throw him under the bus? Absolutely. Covering his own *advertiser censored*? Yes of course - he's not being a good samaritan, just protecting his family by doing the best thing which is not going down for accessory. I think the fact that he hasn't been charged speaks volumes as to how LE regards him right now.

Scout - the case for burning the car was sealed and is now closed as the case moves to Cass County - I am not certain the murder case is sealed since the probable cause and KY's arrest record was released to the media. While witnesses were protected via initials, it isn't hard to figure out who they are. Have you seen any confirmation they are sealing it from this point?

I'm sorry. I'm only assuming. The case info is now accessible on Missouri, at least so far as the murder charges are concerned. I can't imagine them not eventually sealing the murder case though if they would seal the burning case. The media have been surprisingly well-behaved and somewhat tight-lipped, too, which sort of tells me that they've been put on a leash or not given much information. Maybe we'll get more information tomorrow after KY appears in court, but I'm not expecting too much. LE seems hesitant in this situation to give the media too much leeway.
I think they sealed the burning case to protect a potential murder case....Now that they have what they need to proceed, they may not. KY is never going to confess, so a trial is going to expose all of the details eventually.

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