MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #3

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Hi RR004,
My post was not meant to blame. The person I am referring to knows who they are, and also knows that I know that they love Kara
My only point is that sometimes we, out of care, out of grief, out of anger, tend to overlook the 800 lbs. gorilla in the room. That gorilla being those who called themselves Kara's close friends, but never came to a search, and never posted a message on her behalf.

My God-Daughter just graduated from high school in Tennessee, class of 2008. In a couple of months she will be a freshman at a fabulous school in Tennessee.
In a short time Belton's class of 2008 will don their graduation garb also.. but one seat will be empty.
Hi RR004,

In a short time Belton's class of 2008 will don their graduation garb also.. but one seat will be empty.

What a sad thought you bring up Peter J.
Thinking of Kara and wishing she was there to celebrate her graduation with her friends and family.
What a sad thought you bring up Peter J.
Thinking of Kara and wishing she was there to celebrate her graduation with her friends and family.

Hi Stillhoping,

Yes it is. When I saw my God-daughter Kelsey’s graduation pictures and thought of Kara it brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of all the other young people with missing friends that I have gotten to know over the internet, and how profound a impact that missing person has had on their lives. BTW all of Belton’s class of 2008 wore white ribbon’s in Kara’s honor

I hope for a quick resolution to this case but I know that this one, like others, may take years.

Her friends will get jobs, go to college, move to different towns or states, and all along the way they will never stop thinking about that one friend who is not there to share those milestones with them.

They will get older, get married, have babies, but their picture of Kara will remain one of a young woman on the brink of adulthood. She will remain forever a teenager, full of hopes and dreams.. Dreams that never came true.
Don't stop hoping, Peter...for Kara's sake.
Hi RR004,

I have not given up all hope, but I know just how slim the chances of Kara be recovered safe are. In writing to some of Kara’s friends I have stressed the fact that on rare occasions people have been recovered safely after a long period of time, and listed a number of examples.

One of the things that I find very interesting is that while all of Kara’s friends hope and pray that she is working in some little bistro on the Mexican coast, hope she is sitting on a beach somewhere margarita in hand watching the sun sink into the ocean.. NONE do.

In fact of all the people I have contacted, and all of those who have been quoted in the press, only one person provided a explanation for Kara’s disappearance that would indicate that she was in fact a runaway.. Her ex-boyfriend.

Kylr Yust, the ex-boyfriend who a week before Kara vanished was charged with kidnapping. Kylr Yust, the man who Kara had a restraining order taken out against. Kylr Yust, the man who it was reported had on a separate occasion choked her and threatened to slit her throat…. Is the only person to publicly state that Kara may be a runaway.

This is the same Kylr Yust who explained away a large wound on his arm as a botched suicide attempt.

The fact that the only person who benefited from Kara’s disappearance, is also the only person to publicly suggest that she ran away, is a fact that I find.. Interesting.

Hi RR004,

I have not given up all hope, but I know just how slim the chances of Kara be recovered safe are. In writing to some of Kara’s friends I have stressed the fact that on rare occasions people have been recovered safely after a long period of time, and listed a number of examples.

One of the things that I find very interesting is that while all of Kara’s friends hope and pray that she is working in some little bistro on the Mexican coast, hope she is sitting on a beach somewhere margarita in hand watching the sun sink into the ocean.. NONE do.

In fact of all the people I have contacted, and all of those who have been quoted in the press, only one person provided a explanation for Kara’s disappearance that would indicate that she was in fact a runaway.. Her ex-boyfriend.

Kylr Yust, the ex-boyfriend who a week before Kara vanished was charged with kidnapping. Kylr Yust, the man who Kara had a restraining order taken out against. Kylr Yust, the man who it was reported had on a separate occasion choked her and threatened to slit her throat…. Is the only person to publicly state that Kara may be a runaway.

This is the same Kylr Yust who explained away a large wound on his arm as a botched suicide attempt.

The fact that the only person who benefited from Kara’s disappearance, is also the only person to publicly suggest that she ran away, is a fact that I find.. Interesting.

I agree Peter, I have always suspected Kylr and always will until there is definite proof otherwise.

If I recall she even spoke with him that morning and requested he pick her up from school..or am I wrong on that?
I agree Peter, I have always suspected Kylr and always will until there is definite proof otherwise.

If I recall she even spoke with him that morning and requested he pick her up from school..or am I wrong on that?

Kara spoke with three males after she talked to her mother. I have been told one was Kylr but I don't know that to be a fact.

BTW: On most boards people have dismissed Kylr for one simple reason, early in the investigation police were quoted as saying he passed a Polygraph test.

I have been in contact with two adults close to this case but not family members. They don't know each other and don't even live in the same state. Early on, in early July of 2007 I believe, I asked one about that statement. I was told that it was not accurate, that in fact Kylr only passed sections of that test.

Eight months later I asked the same question from my second source without revealing what I had already been told; I got the exact same reply.
a polygraph is not absolute assurance - a polygraph can be beaten on purpose and even by accident. They can falsely indicate lies and falsely indicate truth.
Kara spoke with three males after she talked to her mother. I have been told one was Kylr but I don't know that to be a fact.

BTW: On most boards people have dismissed Kylr for one simple reason, early in the investigation police were quoted as saying he passed a Polygraph test.

I have been in contact with two adults close to this case but not family members. They don't know each other and don't even live in the same state. Early on, in early July of 2007 I believe, I asked one about that statement. I was told that it was not accurate, that in fact Kylr only passed sections of that test.

Eight months later I asked the same question from my second source without revealing what I had already been told; I got the exact same reply.

I guess then, peter, if what you are saying is true this is one of those cases where everyone "in the know" knows what happened to Kara, they just need evidence to indict.
Well, will have a hard time convincing me he benefited any more than the step-father. There were obvious signs things were not all they were cracked up to be in that household. It appears he and Kara did not get along well. Frankly, I think there is a lot more to that story. I also think it is quite possible Kara made it home that day. The only person who could verify it is the step-father and of course...he would never tell if he was responsible. I think LE needs to redo the background of their relationship from Day One of when he entered the family. Kara would have been around 9 years old with my calculations. This is also the time her photos show a definite change in her. I would like to know why!

I realize her old BF raises some red flags, but there are reasons I just don't feel he is involved in this.
I agree 100%!!!

Well, will have a hard time convincing me he benefited any more than the step-father. There were obvious signs things were not all they were cracked up to be in that household. It appears he and Kara did not get along well. Frankly, I think there is a lot more to that story. I also think it is quite possible Kara made it home that day. The only person who could verify it is the step-father and of course...he would never tell if he was responsible. I think LE needs to redo the background of their relationship from Day One of when he entered the family. Kara would have been around 9 years old with my calculations. This is also the time her photos show a definite change in her. I would like to know why!

I realize her old BF raises some red flags, but there are reasons I just don't feel he is involved in this.
Why are there so few of us that see that, Busy?! To me, it is the most logical place to investigate.
Im not sure really. Maybe for some its easier to blame the ex boyfriend because of the one incident. I personally think people are putting to much into the restraining order. The order shows filed by her mother, Kara was sneaking around and still seeing him so obviously she wasnt afraid of him or too happy about the restraining order being filed in the first place.

Something doesnt sit right with me about the step father from day one. Looking at the pictures of Kara when she is older just breaks my heart, she appears to be so sad and angry in all of them.

Why are there so few of us that see that, Busy?! To me, it is the most logical place to investigate.
I think you are right. While we know the BF was in the wrong in that situation, I think people are only judging him by the past. While it is easy to pick out the logical suspect because of abuse in their isn't always accurate.

As I understand it, the step-father is quite controlling and to me...watching the interviews...I feel he has something to hide. He bothers me and always has. I feel the mother is intimidated by him when they are on television. If she feels that way...I can only venture a guess as to how Kara would feel about him and visa versa. I don't see Kara being intimidated, but actually disrespectful and downright hateful would be my best guess. That would be a normal teen reaction to someone trying to control her that is not actually a parent. If that person had also done things which she deemed inappropriate to her...she wouldn't hesitate to act out, but might not neccessarily tell anyone. Girls in such situations do this every day. It could have led to a huge argument between them if she came home early that day from school and he took it too far.

We don't know what happened to Kara.. so anything is possible.

At the time I looked into and asked questions about Kylr, I also asked questions about both the Beckford's and the Kopetsky's. Nothing I was told would indicate that either family was involved in Kara's disappearance. Nothing I found on Kara’s or her friends MySpace pages indicated that Kara had been physically or sexually abused by Mr. Beckford. There were a number of very interesting things on those pages but they all had to do with the Kylr/Kara hookup.

If I wanted to I could pick one brief statement, take it out of context, and claim that it was proof of potential wrongdoing. A example; early on Mike Kopetsky questioned the wisdom of all the press coverage, all the rallies, all the TV news coverage. He said that he was afraid that it may hinder Kara’s willingness to call or come home. I could say something like:
“I think it is strange that the father of a missing child seems to want news coverage about his child to go away, Why is that? What does he have to hide? What was the real relationship between Mr. Kopetsky and his daughter? Why is Mrs. Kopetsky never quoted? Why is she silent on the subject”

If I had done so I would not only have been crass and uncaring, I would have been guilty of totally twisting Mr. Kopetsky’s words. I would have been guilty of questioning a couple’s integrity without a shred of proof.

So in looking at Jim & Rhonda Beckford I ask myself the same question, where’s the proof? I could point out the fact that Mr. Beckford acknowledged that his household was not “Ozzie and Harriet”, and then imply whatever negative connotation I wanted to. But if I did this I would be just as guilty of twisting Mr. Beckford’s words as I was of twisting Mike Kopetsky’s.

It seems to me that for the last two or three pages on this thread people have been focusing on Mr. Beckford for one reason only, the false belief that somehow pictures of Kara show a change in her demeanor after age nine when her mother remarried.

I have seen dozens of pictures of Kara. From the time she was a small child to the time she vanished. The first picture of Kara that was given to the press does in fact make her look sullen or pensive. There was quite a bit written on KC crime blogs because of that picture. For many people thats all they needed to know. Kara is, in their minds eye, a sullen child who probably ran away.

The truth is just the opposite. In the vast majority of Kara’s pictures she is smiling. Not only smiling but a radiant smile that lights up the room. I have not only seen those that are in general circulation but several of Kara with her friends that most have not seen. Nothing in those pictures suggest anything more then the fact Kara was a teen, and like all teens subject to mood changes.

So if pictures are the only indication of wrongdoing by Jim Beckford, only proof, then in truth we don’t have any.

In looking at any missing person case you look at those people close to the missing person. You look for reason, motive, and opportunity. Then you try to find FACTS to back up a belief. I believe I have found information both in the press and on MySpace that indicates to me that Kylr should at the very least be considered a person of interest. I have not found any such information about either the Beckford’s or the Kopetsky’s

What was going on in Kara’s life just before she vanished? I will let Kara speak for herself.
"So life hasn't been the greatest for me lately, over the last 9 months of my life iv dedicated my life to kylr … I made no other time for any of my friends nor my family. over those 9 months I forgot the person that I was. im trying to find that person again."
It is more than just Karas pictures. It is the note left on her door after she went missing signed by mom and her brother, not stepfather. On all the sites where family have left personal messages for Kara none from the stepfather. Mr. Kopetskys comments about if for some reason you don't want to go home you can come stay with me. The time line of him being home if Kara did go home before work.

She was still sneaking around seeing Kylr. Kylr has been investigated by LE thoroughly, has the stepfather? We do not know what happened to Kara, but in my opinion all avenues need to be looked at not just the convenient ex boyfriend scenario.
It is more than just Karas pictures. It is the note left on her door after she went missing signed by mom and her brother, not stepfather. On all the sites where family have left personal messages for Kara none from the stepfather. Mr. Kopetskys comments about if for some reason you don't want to go home you can come stay with me. The time line of him being home if Kara did go home before work.

She was still sneaking around seeing Kylr. Kylr has been investigated by LE thoroughly, has the stepfather? We do not know what happened to Kara, but in my opinion all avenues need to be looked at not just the convenient ex boyfriend scenario.


I agree with you that all avenues should be looked in to. As far as Kara’s step-dad goes check out

What do you find there? Well you will find a large number of pictures of Jim and Rhonda Beckford trying to raise awareness about Kara, trying to make sure she is not forgotten. You also find a Gif made for Kara that mentions both Jim and Rhonda but not the Kopetsky‘s. What should I make of that? Should I take that to mean that Mr. & Mrs. Kopetsky should be viewed as persons of interest?.. I think not.

Now, lets look at what little we really know. Who do we know had a reason to want Kara to disappear? Who suggested that she just ran away? Who had a documented case of violence towards Kara?

Convenient.. Maybe. But facts don’t lie no matter how much we may want to ignore them. When I see real facts,not rumor and innuendo, that point in Mr. Beckford’s direction, I will change my focus. But not until then.

BTW, if you or anyone else has those type of real facts, please call the Belton PD, make a appointment with the detective working Kara's case and tell him or her everything you know.
I realize he has been active in the fundraisers. The personal messages I am speaking of are the ones when Kara first went missing

I agree facts need to be looked at but I guess it depends on what you deem as fact and what you deem as speculation. I do not know for a fact who had a reason for Kara to disappear and why? (Kara didnt file the restraining order her mother did). In reading various boards and myspace accounts several of her friends felt she ran away. Yes Kylr has a documented case of violence towards Kara but I do not know the facts of that case have heard several different stories about what happened there not sure which are facts and which are not. (Kara was still seeing Kylr which says alot to me)

My point is yes Kylr should be looked at and has been looked at, but all others shouldnt be ignored.

I agree with you that all avenues should be looked in to. As far as Kara’s step-dad goes check out

What do you find there? Well you will find a large number of pictures of Jim and Rhonda Beckford trying to raise awareness about Kara, trying to make sure she is not forgotten. You also find a Gif made for Kara that mentions both Jim and Rhonda but not the Kopetsky‘s. What should I make of that? Should I take that to mean that Mr. & Mrs. Kopetsky should be viewed as persons of interest?.. I think not.

Now, lets look at what little we really know. Who do we know had a reason to want Kara to disappear? Who suggested that she just ran away? Who had a documented case of violence towards Kara?

Convenient.. Maybe. But facts don’t lie no matter how much we may want to ignore them. When I see real facts,not rumor and innuendo, that point in Mr. Beckford’s direction, I will change my focus. But not until then.

BTW, if you or anyone else has those type of real facts, please call the Belton PD, make a appointment with the detective working Kara's case and tell him or her everything you know.
The reason you don't find mentions of the Kopetskys on one site or the Beckfords on the other is telling, imo. I noted early on that Kara's father's family put together one site and there was only one vague mention of her mother. Period. I take this to mean there are estrangements between the exes.

The note on her doorway is another thing that jumped out at me from the first mention of it. It sounded like an apology of sorts from her mother. It contained the brother's name and mom...without Jim's name. Why? On any card or note I ever signed to one of my children...I would always include my husband's (step-father's) name. She did not and it is a blatent omission, imo.

What is Jim's alibi? Can anyone verify where he was during the time between Kara being seen on the video and his phone call to her mother? He places himself at home, IIRC. Since no one can state that Kara absolutely did not go home before she went missing, it seems it is possible she saw Jim either there or maybe on the way home.

I was told by a person in direct contact with the Beckfords at a fundraiser that he was indeed controlling and the wife seemed intimidated by him which verified to me what I was reading into it during interviews.

If there are so many of these great smiling photos of Kara...then why aren't they on the family website? Many I have seen do show Kara to be unhappy and if you look closely at her eyes plus the body language...she isn't the same happy-go-lucky child. If you had ever witnessed such a look in a child's eyes, you would understand. You can definitely see when their spirit has been dampered. The spark is not there.

Digging into her family life is important. What went on behind closed doors? How many aguments were Kara and Jim involved in preceeding her disappearance and how heated did they become? Was Jim allowed to physically discipline Kara? While the BF may have had limited contact with Kara...the step-father was always present. Taking his word or her mom's word isn't good enough. This is an area that should be peeled open layer by layer to make certain there is nothing to hide.

I don't think that LE department is large enough and quite honestly...professional enough to have dealt with this case as it should have been from the beginning. The FBI only looks at information collected from the local LE and if they didn't investigate avenues they should have...the information is then lost when passed on. I know personally that small departments in Oklahoma and Kansas simply do not have the expertise in these areas to do the job. They don't work similar cases often and it is not like writing a speeding ticket. All they are going to do now is to wait until her body turns up as we have seen when other bodies have surfaced in the area.

I would be glad to consult with them. I feel like there are so many unanswered questions.
I would like to know why they refused to help search for Kara at the lake for one thing. They had willing students to cover the area, but refused to participate in any way. I would also like to know why TES wasn't asked to stay on to search for Kara after finding Kelsey Smith. They missed golden opportunities. Why?
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