GUILTY MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17 in 2007; Jessica Runions, 21 in 2016; found deceased - *ARREST* #2

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a minute agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

The defense calls Logan Walsh, he grew up with Kylr.

The defense will not allow a camera on their witnesses.

He met him when he was four or five. He was a good person, fun. They went to school together. Threw footballs, went sledding. Kylr always liked art.

He liked going to school with him and that they were so close. It was his first friend.

He didn't notice anything earlier, but now he's been reading and realized he didn't have his mom. He was raised by his grandparents. He says Kylr's grandparents were great people.

They were neighbors 15 years, and he's met his mother one time.

Kylr's dad was around sometimes. Kylr spent time with his family and went to his birthday parties until he was about 10.

He's a great person. This is not the Kylr I know. That's not him. I really hate to be here today, but Kylr is a great person. He is.

When he was seven or eight he told him his father was abusing him. He did not elaborate on what kind of abuse.

The state has no questions.

He steps down.
I see that the Title still has Verdict Watch - I will report my post here and have a Mod change it to GUILTY!!

I too have tears in my eyes reading what Jessica's & Kara's people said.... :(
7 minutes agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

The defense calls Ciara West, she's known Kylr since she was 15. They had overlapping friend groups, and reconnected when she was in college.

We are able to see her.

He was a few years older than her. He was super friendly, and charismatic. They would hang out at her house. Ride 4-wheelers. They would listen to music together and hang out with a friend group.

She says he was a really talented artist and would draw with felt tip markers and do art for his band, the Seraphim.

They would have deep and interesting discussions. Her tone is very happy as though she is remembering really positive times.

She was never in a romantic relationship with Yust.

She says he was a magnetic person and liked to laugh.

She says Kylr emotionally was there for her when she was stressed out because of school or finals. They would sit on the floor of his living room and listen to music.

It was hard to be his friend because he killed Kara. There would be signs around his neighborhood, but she would ignore them and spend time with him.
4 minutes agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

She says people looked at her differently because she believed him. She's never seen him raise is voice or be derogatory.

She was shocked when she heard he was charged, along with the federal case. She didn't see Kylr that way. She felt like he was going places, and people looked up to him, and that the accusations were “completely unfounded.”

She has no concerns about coming forward to speak on his behalf. She says she was never scared. She was always happy and excited to see him.

“I'll never forget all the good times we had.”

The state on cross.

Butler asks her if she remembers all those good times. She says yes.

“You're alive, aren't you,” Butler said.
a few seconds agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

This witness does not want to be on camera, AG.

She met Kylr in 2006 from some acquaintances, and they became friends five years ago. She met Kylr through music.

She couldn't believe when he was charged with killing both girls.

He's a sweet, kind, genuine person. Very caring. They became very good friends, and was always there to listen. She reached out to him when he was in jail.

They stayed in communication through mail, video chats. They talked about books, comics, and she would send him things. A really nice friendship.

Even though he was in jail he supported her emotionally.

She supports him, and says the Kylr she knew he couldn't do these things.

He always supported her and helped her talk through what she wanted to do with her life. He was a consistent, solid friend. Always there to give advice, and she did the same.
a few seconds agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

The defense calls LW. Kylr was her neighbor from when he was two and they moved in 2006. This is the mother of the first witness. He was a toddler when she met him.

She never met Kylr's mother. She saw his grandparents every day. They carpooled. She drove the kids to school.

Kylr was a precious little boy with big brown eyes. Always happy. He would help her with her groceries. He liked to ride bikes, play basketball, hot wheels.

She says it was a long time before he knew he was a suspect in the cases. She felt like someone else had to be responsible.

She believes he's innocent.
a few seconds agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

The jury is given instructions for sentencing.

Butler addresses the jury.

He says Kylr Yust is a convicted drug offender that spent time in the federal penitentiary. To use that to consider their decision, and it can't be overlooked. Nor can the entirety of evidence in the trial. That speaks for itself. That is evidence to which you think through.

The skull in the woods, the bones on the table — those don't need to be argued.

There are some cases that warrant a low number of years, and some high. Fifteen years is where you should fall solely on what you listened to in this trial, before you even get to what you heard this morning.

Kopetsky was probably around 15 when she met the defendant. She left this earth at 17. I think it's appropriate to give him 15 for each year of her life.

Jessica never got to twenty-two. There is a year for every year she was on this earth.

You didn't ask for this, and they didn't either.

For murder in the second degree there is a possibility of life. There is a reason you need to select that box “life.” That's what's gone. That's what's missing. Life is the cost of all this death that we've all suffered. Spend time on numbers if you want, but life on that page is what we need.

Kara and Jessica don't have it here with us, but they are here with us.

Butler steps down.
a few seconds agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

Hastings addresses the jury.

We want to recognize the incredible efforts and commitment the jury has shown in this case. The gravity of the situation is lost on no one. The sadness is palpable, and the loss is immeasurable. This defense conducted in the most hostile of settings with setback after setback with insurmountable odds didn't get the result they hoped for, but they respect what they did.

They've always fought for Kylr no matter the judgement, and “we will continue to fight for you.”

Each of you have been selected specifically for this job. The maximum is not the default sentence in every circumstance.

They should have thoughtful and meaningful discussion of how this would end.

They had the opportunity to send him to prison for the rest of his life, and they are grateful they rejected that. There's got to be a reason for that.

They hope he has a semblance of a future, and will continue to pay a heavy price. The consequences have been severe and life changing.

Whatever sentence you determine will forever impact everyone, Kylr as well. It can shape and mold who Kylr will be on the other side of his sentence. What do you want that person to look like?

We hope his potential is not entirely lost on the number you fix to his future. We hope you can see Kylr as we see him, as these witnesses have seen him.

There has been a steadfast effort on the part of the state, media, and an angry community to strip him of any humanity. To incessantly point at him. Refuse to say his name. Label him a monster. Pathetic. These are their words. They are intentional.

If you were to see him as we do, as these people do. As we heard on the phone call to his own mother as the child sitting in the front window of his house with his backpack on just waiting for his mom to show up who never does.

He is driven, and despite popular opinion, Kylr Yust is worth something.
a few seconds agoApril 16, 2021

Sherae Honeycutt

There is a chance for redemption that only you can give him. We are respectfully asking that you once again can summon your courage to see the value we know Kylr has within him, and allow that to guide you in deciding what happens next.

We will never stop fighting for him, and we hope and pray there is something in you that is willing to fight for him to.

Hatstings steps down

Butler — Call him what you want to.

Call Jessica Runions, Jessica Runions. Call Kara Kopetsky, Kara Kopetsky. I'm done. There are two girls that will never be seen again.

If he's an artist he took the bones of Kara and Jessica and he painted them across the woods and left him there to rot. That's not life.

The court is in recess.
This is unbelievably emotional testimony that came from Kara and Jessica's families. Their parents especially have shown so much strength to be able to walk into a courtroom where the man who murdered their daughters sits and bravely give their testimony in the midst of so much sadness and anger.

Molly Hastings and the rest of the defense team, however, are completely infuriating. Enough is enough. The families of these girls have hurt enough. No one cares about how Yust feels today, or any other day for that matter if I'm being completely honest. Give him the maximum sentence possible and be done with it.
State (Butler) gets back up there & says he's heard enough about what Yust has done, about him being an artist. Said if Yust is an artist, he took the bones of Kara and Jessica and "painted them across the woods and left them there to rot. That's not life.


"KILLER" headline in the North Cass Herald Facebook page after Kylr Yust's conviction in the deaths of Kara Kopetsky and Jessica Runions Thursday night. #YustTrial
Now jury tasked with Yust's sentencing.

This is unbelievably emotional testimony that came from Kara and Jessica's families. Their parents especially have shown so much strength to be able to walk into a courtroom where the man who murdered their daughters sits and bravely give their testimony in the midst of so much sadness and anger.

Molly Hastings and the rest of the defense team, however, are completely infuriating. Enough is enough. The families of these girls have hurt enough. No one cares about how Yust feels today, or any other day for that matter if I'm being completely honest. Give him the maximum sentence possible and be done with it.

I've not liked a lot of defense attorneys, but the majority of them are very professional and do their jobs. Hastings and Turlington, on the other hand, are a special kind of thoughtless, toxic and gullible. I am so relieved not to have to sit through another second of their victim blaming and wild conspiracy theories.
I will probably be gone when the sentencing verdict comes in. I am leaving for the afternoon in about 10 minutes.

I pray the jury sentences him for a very long time!

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