MO - Lindsay, 8, & Samuel Porter, 7, Independence, 6 June 2004

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OMG who knew that Lindsay and Samuel's fate would have been held in the hand of their dad. May he rot.

May Lindsay and Samuel rest in peace.
lymom I think he does think about the children all the time, not in a good way more in the way of being haunted by what he has done and I feel certain he will always be thinking of his children and I pray that he always thinks of Sam and Lindsay. He is sorry because he is paying the consequences of what he did and for no other reason. My prayers are with Tina and the family. May Lindsay and Sam rest in peace.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A state appeals court on Tuesday overturned two of four kidnapping convictions against a Missouri man who has since confessed to killing his children.

Daniel Porter was convicted in February 2006 of two counts of kidnapping with intent to terrorize his ex-wife, Tina Porter, and two counts of parental kidnapping. He was sentenced to 38 years in prison.
All I've got to say is that this inhuman monster had better be found guilty of murder at his upcoming trial... because so help me god, a lynch mob will come after this... this... "thing" and mete out their own punishment.

8 years... 8 years for taking or "kidnapping" his children with the intent to murder them... 8 years... I think someone needs to lynch these so called "justices" when they do stupid things like helping to turn an inhuman monster free again.
This creep is the scum of the earth. What is wrong with the judicial system...has every court in the land gone crazy! This worthless piece of chit murdered his children because he wanted to get back at their mother. They were his kids! He had no intention of bringing them back fact he knew that he was going to murder them when he took them that day. I can't understand why any of the charges should have been dropped. He might have had visitation but he didn't bring the kids home...he didn't follow the court order. Let's just hope that he gets the death penalty for the murders and that his ex is sitting right where he can see her when that day comes.

If we don't speak up and fight there will be no death penaltys anywhere pretty soon. They say that the needle is cruel and unusual punishment. Well take a look at the things these killers did to their victims. Was that not cruel and unusual in more ways then one! What is so cruel about getting a needle or two stuck in their arm and going to sleep. Let's bring back hanging and the electric chair. Even that wouldn't be bad enough for some of these killers.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
This creep is the scum of the earth. What is wrong with the judicial system...has every court in the land gone crazy! This worthless piece of chit murdered his children because he wanted to get back at their mother. They were his kids! He had no intention of bringing them back fact he knew that he was going to murder them when he took them that day. I can't understand why any of the charges should have been dropped. He might have had visitation but he didn't bring the kids home...he didn't follow the court order. Let's just hope that he gets the death penalty for the murders and that his ex is sitting right where he can see her when that day comes.

If we don't speak up and fight there will be no death penaltys anywhere pretty soon. They say that the needle is cruel and unusual punishment. Well take a look at the things these killers did to their victims. Was that not cruel and unusual in more ways then one! What is so cruel about getting a needle or two stuck in their arm and going to sleep. Let's bring back hanging and the electric chair. Even that wouldn't be bad enough for some of these killers.

I'm so sick of their "rights". :razz:

Hey, what happened to that wierdo lady that was a friend of the murderer? Isn't she guilty of something here? Wonder how she feels about her attitude now?
Thanks for that info Jersey Girl. I'm so afraid that this is going to start happening all over the U.S. Guess I'd better get on the ball and start sending out emails to all of the politicians in Washington State. Some people just deserve the death penalty and who gives a rip if it burns the hair right off of their heads or they blow up!!! Nothing could compare to what their victims suffered....Jessica Lunsford, ect. How can these politicans have any compassion for these killers? I don't get it.
I don't get it either. I never really knew where I stood on the DP until I came to WS. After reading what some of these innocent, helpless children have had to endure, it made the issue much clearer in my mind. Just in time to watch the DP come undone in the U.S., I'm afraid.
Hey, what happened to that wierdo lady that was a friend of the murderer? Isn't she guilty of something here? Wonder how she feels about her attitude now?

I think she knew. After I saw her on Dr. Phil I felt she knew what had happened. I truely beleive if the mom had went with him when he tried to get her to she would be dead also.
Thanks for that info Jersey Girl. I'm so afraid that this is going to start happening all over the U.S. Guess I'd better get on the ball and start sending out emails to all of the politicians in Washington State. Some people just deserve the death penalty and who gives a rip if it burns the hair right off of their heads or they blow up!!! Nothing could compare to what their victims suffered....Jessica Lunsford, ect. How can these politicans have any compassion for these killers? I don't get it.

I agree!
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Daniel Porter Pleads Guilty in Death of Sam & Lindsey[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In a plea deal with Jackson County Prosecutors, Daniel Porter pleads guilty to killing his two children. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Porter was charged in November with two counts of first-degree murder in the fatal shootings of his two children,7 year old Sam and 8 year old Lindsey. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The children's remains were found in September in a wooded area in Sugar Creek. Sources tell KMBZ News Porter met with Jackson County Prosecutor Jim Kanatzar Tuesday and Kanatzar then consulted with the children's Mother. As part of the deal, the prosecutor will recommend life without the possibility of parole. Porter was already was serving a 38-year prison sentence after a 2006 conviction for kidnapping the children. Sam and Lindsey Porter went missing in the summer of 2004, after their father picked them up for a weekend visit and never returned them to Tina Porter. KMBZ's Bill Grady is at the Jackson County Courthouse in Independence where a news conference will be held. For the latest developments on this developing story, tune in to KMBZ 2,3,4 times this afternoon, and during Shanin & Parks, for in-depth team coverage from the Voice of Kansas City... NewsRadio 980 KMBZ. [/FONT]

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 3:19:06 PM confirms the above breaking news email.
This is one killer who shouldn't have gotten a plea bargain. It really ticks me off. I don't care if he sat on death row for 20 years he shouldn't have been given a thing. Think of what he did to those two innocent kids and all for revenge. He wouldn't tell anyone until after they were found and then he knew that he was had. The guy deserves to be hung by his "you know what" and to die slowly. I despise this monster.
Daniel Porter will always try and have the focus on him, his antics in the courtroom proved that yesterday. It is Tina I'm worried about. Some people are not strong people and then are forced into the public's eye through facing a tragedy and become strong. Tina has been strong in the public's eye through this whole ordeal but now that it is "over" [it will never be entirely over as there is no such thing as closure] what happens to Tina now? My thoughts are on her and not her ex. My prayers are for her. Everyone's focus should be on Tina and not her ex, let him rot in prison. Focus on the good not the evil.

Wife of missing USMC (Ret.) MSGT Jon R. Van Dyke
INDEPENDENCE, Mo. -- A Missouri man pleaded guilty Wednesday to two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of his children and was sentenced to life in prison.

Daniel Porter, 44, admitted killing his 7-year-old son, Sam, and 8-year-old daughter, Lindsey, who had been missing for more than three years when their bodies were found in September. In exchange for the guilty plea, prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty, and he was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

More at link:
Daniel Porter will always try and have the focus on him, his antics in the courtroom proved that yesterday. It is Tina I'm worried about. Some people are not strong people and then are forced into the public's eye through facing a tragedy and become strong. Tina has been strong in the public's eye through this whole ordeal but now that it is "over" [it will never be entirely over as there is no such thing as closure] what happens to Tina now? My thoughts are on her and not her ex. My prayers are for her. Everyone's focus should be on Tina and not her ex, let him rot in prison. Focus on the good not the evil.

Wife of missing USMC (Ret.) MSGT Jon R. Van Dyke

I agree that Tina has been a tower of strength throughout this whole thing. No, there is no such thing as closure or putting it behind you or anything else.
I think what Tina probably feels right now is relief. Relief that that part of this horror is over. He has been sentenced and will never get out of prison. She is no longer tied to him in any way. As long as she didn't know where her kids were he kept her tied to him. Until he was sentenced and that part of this tragedy was over she was tied to him. Now she can try and go on with her life and leave him there in prison for the rest of his rotten life. time..will be able to focus on herself and her life.

I am only guessing and drawing from my own experience so maybe Tina's feelings are totally different. I just know how I felt after waiting an eternity for a trial or sentencing...he pled guilty so it was a sentencing. I felt like I could finally close that chapter of the nightmare. I was under his control as long as he was on the run and in jail after he was caught. It's a huge relief when justice is served for your child. There could never be enough justice or anyway to get your children back but it is like a door closing on that killer.

I think it is normal for our focus to be on the killer and to rejoice when he is sentenced and know that he will never be free again. I think that most of us have prayed for Tina throughout this whole nightmare and will continue to pray for her and her well being and healing.
I think what Tina probably feels right now is relief. Relief that that part of this horror is over. He has been sentenced and will never get out of prison. She is no longer tied to him in any way. As long as she didn't know where her kids were he kept her tied to him. Until he was sentenced and that part of this tragedy was over she was tied to him. Now she can try and go on with her life and leave him there in prison for the rest of his rotten life. time..will be able to focus on herself and her life.
I hope you're right BA. But what often happens, from what I've heard (as I fortunately have never had to live something like this first-hand), is that during the ordeal from beginning to end, especially one that's been this lengthy, a person becomes completely focused and absorbed. It almost becomes a purpose for living - figuring out what happened and then seeking justice. After this much time to have everything "resolved" and over with, many people end up feeling lost. Suddenly the focus is gone and they are lonely and empty. Their "purpose" is gone and they end up asea. I truly hope and pray that Tina doesn't feel that emptiness and that there is something that can help carry her through this next phase of her suffering.

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