MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3

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I will add that I am so glad to know about Dad's who check on their children when they come home from work. I wish Zahra had had one like that!!

Also I'm convinced that the baby did not cry out. I don't know about you other mothers but I could sleep through anything when the kids were young except on little peep from them and I was ready to spring into action. Don't know if it's maternal instinct but the slightest sound from either of them would penetrate my deepest dreams immediately. I just assumed it's a mother thing.

I agree. I've slept through earthquakes, thunderstorms, car alarms, soon as I had kids, I could hear a fly fart. :crazy:
I am sure that there are. These are old houses and most are maintained nicely that takes hiring people for most. Stuff like this is why we have learned to do most maintenence ourselves. There is only 1 that I know of for sure and it is only about 4 doors down from there. It is a foreclosure and a couple has been working on it. I don't know if they are potential buyers or just working for the real estate company. I haven't been able to exit my neighborhood that direction since then to know if they are still there or not though as the road is still blocked off.

I still don't believe this is a random act. If it is, this person had the most astronomical odds working for them possible for it to work. They should have bought a lottery ticket while they were out!

KCPD's crime map showed an assault reported right on the 3600 block, on 9/21. Anybody been able to find out more about that reported incident?
You mention the foreclosure a few doors down - is the house being lived in?
Is it the sort of appearance that might draw a squatter?
Not that I expect the perp to be sane or anything but why would the exit be through a front door that appears to be fully viewable from the street? Why not exit out another door that you can be more "hidden?" - unless there are dogs in the back yard or something, of course.
police captain...parents thought there was a new development. rushed to the area. no new development. everything is fine with parents. assumed there was a big break.

ETA: police captain seemed to shrug this off. states that he's sure the parents are frustrated after 3 days and no solid leads.

This is the statement re: the "heated" exchange I was referencing. I didn't see it myself. Does anyone know if this is online somewhere/what station, etc.?
I totally agree if they boys room were first in line, but I just know I read somewhere that he immediately knew or felt something was wrong. I think if he felt that strongly the urge would be run to baby, run to my own child.

I think I would have checked the boys rooms first. They are old enough to turn on lights and open doors, and be little rascals. I'm not saying they are, but that I'd prob ably check their rooms first.
I'm not sure why the parents wouldn't want to go through the house to see if anything else is missing or why LE have not requested them to do so.

it is has been reported that they have been in LE interviews for the majority of each day.

I believe one article today said they were being interviewed until 1130 last night.. also crime scene techs have been in the house all three days.

you would think LE would want to know if anything else is missing but at this point we don't know what evidence they do have.

this case is driving me nuts with worry and concern......
I totally agree if they boys room were first in line, but I just know I read somewhere that he immediately knew or felt something was wrong. I think if he felt that strongly the urge would be run to baby, run to my own child.

If I had felt something was wrong, I think my first thought would be to find the adult. The adult is the one who would be able to give the details on the problem. Then after seeing her and one child, I would then search out the kids.
KCPD's crime map showed an assault reported right on the 3600 block, on 9/21. Anybody been able to find out more about that reported incident?
You mention the foreclosure a few doors down - is the house being lived in?
Is it the sort of appearance that might draw a squatter?

Think that our local (In da middle?) posted in a previous thread that it was a minor domestic dispute.
Hello again. I have not posted since the heartbreak of the Casey Anthony trial, but I have been "lurking" and following cases. I have read most on this case, but have a question. Has there been any word on the police trying to follow the cell phones?

Praying and praying for little Lisa. I can't imagine this happening. I have an 8 year old and I sleep every night with my "mommy ears" on even though we live in a low crime area. I SO hope they find her safe.
I agree. I've slept through earthquakes, thunderstorms, car alarms, soon as I had kids, I could hear a fly fart. :crazy:

I'm the same. I always was a super deep sleeper, still am when it comes to alarm clocks, ringing phones, etc. But if I hear a peep from my daughter, I wake up immediately, no matter how deep. DH, on the other hand, rarely hears her in the night or remembers me getting up with her. He just snores right through it all. So it's definitely a mom thing.

(we used the baby monitor until it pooped out when DD was 6, and just switched to walkie-talkies so that she can still call me easily at night from her room across the hall and I can communicate back, without her having to get up. She still doesn't like to get out of bed until I come to get her, even in the mornings, she just calls me on the walkie talkie and gets up only after I come into the room to help her get ready - she's 6 1/2! Such a little primadonna :))
Is there somewhere I can watch the video of the parents being interviewed this morning?
I have to say I am a little skeptical as well. They took a baby and the *cell phones*?

1. If I am going to kidnap a child, the LAST thing I want in my possession is a de facto tracking device. Cell phones, even if turned off, can give off pings and let LE know where they have been. Some even have gps.

2. If I have harmed my own child and had a cell phone with me when I was hiding the body, I would definitely want to be rid of the cell phone. I might even claim they were stolen by whoever took my child.

I really hope these parents are innocent and they get their precious little baby back. But this just looks hinky to me. Sorry.
Sigh, I don't want to even get up to use the bathroom in case I miss some good news.

Re-posting timeline

Lisa Irwin Timeline

Abducted by intruder through bedroom window. Far right window of house.

UPDATE—according to police spokesman window may not be correct.

3620 block of North Lister 64117


Lisa in bed at 7:30 p.m. Debbie in bed at 10:30 after checking on Lisa. 5 year old son slept with Debbie in parents room. Point of entry by abductor was unlocked front door, window mentioned earlier was NOT tampered with.

UPDATE 10-6-11 3 cell phones also taken. One does not even work. Also, dad came home to find front door unlocked, most of the lights on and front window open.

Jeremy Irwin, Lisa’s father, told local media that whoever took his daughter also took all three of their cell phones so they couldn’t call anybody, including 911.

Read more:

~one of the cell phones did not work.. all three were on the counter and she was in the midst of reprogramming them/putting numbers into them

~phones were gone

~she did not notice if anything else was taken.. all she cares about is that the baby was gone.

~she grabbed the boys and went out into the yard and flagged down LE when they pulled into the yard

~she said nothing else appeared to be missing but she does not know

(thank you NBM)


Other two sons asleep in different bedrooms. (sons are half brothers to Lisa-the mothers children from another relationship)

Father is electrician that works nights. Just started job on this night.--Jeremy

Mother is a SAHM--Debbie

Monday October 3, 2011 10:00 p.m. Last seen in crib wearing purple shorts and purple shirt with white kittens on it.

**Possibly seen by Mr. Parscale (a man that lives in the area) according to his wife Lisa around 12:00 a.m. Tuesday wearing only a diaper being carried by a male. Quote from Lisa--“He seen the guy act like he was going to go into a residence,” Parscale said, “but then my husband drove off so we’re thinking that maybe he was just doing that so that my husband would leave.”

**Parscale says her husband saw the man walking on a street perpendicular to North Lister, where Lisa Irwin lives with her parents and brothers.

Tuesday October 4, 2011 3:30 a.m. (first report stated it was 4:00 a.m.) Father returns home from work and discovered baby missing from crib.

UPDATE at 2:00 p.m. October 4 presser Capt. Steve Young speaking—Parents’ story has no holes. Looking into neighbor that possibly saw Lisa being carried by the male. No suspects other than neighbor sighting.

Tuesday October 4, 2011 approx. 7:00 p.m. amber alert cancelled. Lisa is considered a MISSING/ENDANGERED JUVENILE. Per police the alert has served it’s purpose. Police and dogs will search for a while into the night.

*** Tuesday night authorities searched a van and car at the home. There is no word on what police found or were looking for. Officers searching for the child focused on areas near the family's home such as railroad tracks near the north side of the Missouri River and a wooded area behind the home.,0,6273053.story

Tuesday 9:25 p.m.

Mass exodus of police from the command center. Looks like K-9's are finished searching for the night. Police search will continue in AM
by cliffjudy via twitter 9:25 P

**family stayed with relatives after being questioned until 10:30 p.m.

Wednesday October 5, 2011

9:00 a.m. press conference Capt. Steve Young speaking—basically no new information. Still searching with dogs, however there have been no hits. Parents not ruled out, but also not suspects. Very cooperative.

** KMBC's Jana Corrie: Children who were also inside the home at the time of the disappearance staying with neighbors

Read more:

**conflicting reports…unless the Grandparents are being referred to as “neighbors”

NBC Action News reporter Sloane Heller reports Lisa’s grandparents are watching the couple’s other children and have not been able to reach them since earlier Tuesday.

Read more:

Next news conference sometime this afternoon.

2:00 news conference—Jeremy spoke with Deborah (Bradley?) by his side. Begged for baby to be dropped off somewhere safe. The brothers are waiting to see their sister. Declined to take questions.

Again, Capt. Has no leads, not ruling out anything. 300 knocks and searches. 46 tips. No ransom note. Family is free to go where they would like. Family does not want to be at house.

**Alleged sighting of Lisa with a middle aged white male and female at a Love’s gas station in St. Joseph, MO I-29 and US HWY 169. Driving older model SUV. Article came out around 5:15 p.m. Surveillance video has been turned over to LE. Police say it doesn’t seem to be a major lead.

Thursday October 6, 2011

**Jeremy and Debbie provided LE with a list of 9 names of people that could be possible suspects.

**Per Debbie regarding cell phones and possible other missing items:

~one of the cell phones did not work.. all three were on the counter and she was in the midst of reprogramming them/putting numbers into them

~phones were gone

~she did not notice if anything else was taken.. all she cares about is that the baby was gone.

~she grabbed the boys and went out into the yard and flagged down LE when they pulled into the yard

~she said nothing else appeared to be missing but she does not know

(thank you NBM)

** police detectives are meeting early this morning to talk about where to search next.

**per Debbie, “Lisa is very sweet and will go to almost anybody.”

**per Jeremy, window was not tampered with, so perp (s) must have come in through unlocked front door.

**Lisa went to bed at 7:30 p.m. Debbie went to bed at 10:30 after checking on Lisa. 5 year old son slept with Debbie in parents room.

***Debbie and Jeremy have a heated discussion with LE before speeding off in police car to command center to find out about possible new lead.,0,5671503.story
Someone may have already said this and if so I am sorry for repeating and please don't take offense, I just have a 1,000 different scenarios whirling through my head.

I find it a little odd that he said he checked on the boys as soon as he felt something was wrong and then checked on Lisa. Here is why: I know some damn good step dads (my DH is the best) but I think generally you would be drawn to check on your own child first. Especially as a father of a girl. And Lisa being the youngest , I think I would assume my spouse was up for a drink, potty, diaper change or because the baby woke up. The youngest room is where I would be drawn first, because usually it's the young ones that need something in the middle of the night.

I am sure it's probally nothing but just stating what bothered me.

On the other hand, Step-Dad might have been drawn to the boys room because he suspected little boy shenanigans - Mom would turn the lights back out and not leave the door open/adjar. A little rascal might when getting up for something. I don't know every stepdad, but those I do know aren't really shy about suspecting a little naughtiness, and might check with a scolding in mind if necessary.

(according to one post at Websleuths, one of the little boys was sleeping with mom, so maybe the kid DID get up and snap on the lights when seeking out the parent's room.)

Who is Brazen?

Not buying the dad's idea of why the cellphones were stolen. To easy just to go to a neighbor.

I think the cellphone theft is symbolic too.

Just thinking, but maybe an ex or a scorned lover was calling, wouldn't leave them alone, they changed their ph. numbers, so they took the phones to make a point. Real sicko.
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