MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #4

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I'm sorry, lawyer or no lawyer, there is no reason to stop talking to LE if your baby is missing.

Unless there IS a reason.

I think LE's first and foremost priority would be to find Lisa. All leads would be followed up on immediately. Arrests would come later. My gut tells me there is something the parents are holding back from LE. They may not be involved but they know who is and it may implicate them.

I won't go any further than that. 3 cellphones is a big clue. I mentioned earlier that someone took those cellphones because there was something on them the perp (s) wanted.[/quote]

...or maybe someone got rid of them because of something that was on them...texts, pics, contacts?

I think that if an intruder had taken the baby and the cells, police would have been quick to use the cells to track the location of the person who took them. My impression after watching the latest presser is that police aren't completely convinced that the cell story is true.:twocents:
OK...I'm upset and have to get this off my chest. I haven't made a judgment on whether the parents are or are not involved in this, but it really makes me mad that people are insinuating that something is "wrong" with the dad because he isn't acting "right?" Tell me please how a person who has just been involved with causing their child to be missing "act?" And, how should a person "act" if they are innocent? This is ridiculous to think that any of us can know how a person should act! Maybe his mother or father or close friend would be able to read him, but I would propose that not one person on this board can do that!

This is a victim friendly site and I'm just tired of reading it.

I just wanted to say that when I said that dad seemed "off" to me, I didn't mean that his behavior was "off" or that he wasn't acting like a parent whose child is missing should. I specifically didn't go into what I meant because this is a victim friendly site. :fence:
could it be that LE asked the parents to take a poly, maybe parents refused, got in an argument with LE since nerves are frayed and said "we're done" leaving LE to say they are refusing to cooperate? MHO
I remember after Elizabeth Smart was found... her dad talked about how the police were certain he was the one who did it, and how it wore on him emotionally, and how the accusations were constant and continuous, and how they didn't pay much attention to his other daughter who gave the description etc. He said it was a horrifying, brutal, unbelievable time in his life. And as we know, Mr. Smart is an educated, refined man.
As far as I know, Elizabeth Smart's dad never stopped cooperating with LE, even if they were certain he 'did it'. I just do no recall an instance were a family stopped cooperating so soon (less than a week) and was later cleared of any wrongdoing. I am just flabbergasted.
Wish one of the news outlets would get a statement from the family as to what is going on.
Did I read wrong that a relative was a Lawyer?

A reporter (off camera) was asking Steve young during the presser about whether the parents ending their cooperation was related in any way to a relative arriving from Texas. I cannot be sure it was the same reporter, but believe it was who then followed up with a question about a family member being a lawyer and did this lawyer advise them to stop cooperating.

Neither question was confirmed or denied by Steve Young.
Without giving anything about yourself away, could you give an example of a very specific purpose?

I'm honestly not sure what their purpose is. From working with KCPD in the past, I have recognized that they are tactical in what they release to the public, and they wouldn't make a big deal out of something like this unless they had a reason to.

IMO, there are three possibilities:

A: Maybe they're trying to trick the perp into letting down his/her guard.... if the perp thinks that LE isn't involved, maybe they'll contact the parents (or the perp already contacted the parents and told them to stop cooperating... parents told this to LE and LE is pretending they've stopped cooperating to trick the perp). or:

B: (I'm leaning more toward this one), Maybe they're releasing this message to put pressure on the parents to cooperate more.

or C: A reason we are not aware of.

I'm sorry I'm not very clear what my relationship is with LE. I don't like giving information about myself away on public forums!
I frankly don't know HOW I would act in this situation. But I do think I maybe could be VERY capable of cutting off cooperation with Law Enforcement IF I felt I/we had given every bit of info we had and 1.) they refused to follow up on our information/ tips coming in and/or 2.) they turned their sites on me and began to badger and accuse and torment me as a suspect.
After all this time, what further "cooperation" does LE need from the parents? Seems like LE has plenty to go forward with?
If the family is upset or angry with LE, you would think they would be happy to tell the media why, to keep the story going, and stay in the news...JMO
I just wanted to say that when I said that dad seemed "off" to me, I didn't mean that his behavior was "off" or that he wasn't acting like a parent whose child is missing should. I specifically didn't go into what I meant because this is a victim friendly site. :fence:

Your comment wasn't one I was referring to, but thanks for clarifying...:)
Here is what I hope...

I hope the parents had contact with the kidnapper ... who said "NO LE involved" otherwise, we will hurt her... So, then it makes sense for this sudden new issue, I felt the LE officer was in a rush or panicked or something....
Oh, if LE is treating the parents like some on this board have treated them (right down to shorts vs pj's, ex'es, and leaving a light on for a late-arriving spouse) it would be no wonder they said "Enough!"
I live in KC. I don't believe the police have stopped investigating. I believe the command post was for the searches going on in the wooded areas, not the entire investigation.
I don't understand the parents decision to no longer cooperate.
I can understand that perhaps they were feeling overwhelmed by the questioning, but would it not be better to cooperate with an attorney present, than to shut the door entirely?
As someone else stated, if this is just a matter of them feeling the police aren't doing enough, then we should be seeing them all over the tv soon. I guess time will tell.
I did some shopping today, in the northland where I live, and did not see one missing poster for that sweet baby.
I had a situation once where one of my children was endangered by someone locally, and I didn't think the police reacted properly. Not only did I "not cooperate", I went to the police department and I read them the f'in riot act, big time, as loud as I could, for quite a while. I'm lucky they didn't arrest me. Although I would have sued the piss out of them if they did. A couple of plain clothes detectives came to my house the next day and were very cool, and promised to do what they could, and we all sort of kissed and made up. But I can tell you, mess with my kids, and I don't care if you're a RSO or a cop, you better get out of my way. I can imagine more than one scenario here. I'm withholding judgment.
So...despite your reservations, you cooperated (i.e., worked with) LE to try to clear things up.

I can understand being pissed with LE (I was once falsely accused of a rather serious crime and was lucky that things worked out), but I cannot understand total refusal to work with them...doing so only solidifies their opinion of you as 'bad guy' and does NOTHING to help your child. In my case way back when, refusing to talk with them may have hurt me and only me. I talked, because I was trying to convince at least one person in LE to listen to me (and they eventually did). I cannot fathom refusing to talk to LE and putting my child in even MORE danger than they were in by doing's beyond belief, IMO.
there is a chance that LE is thinking this: Mom gave too much cold meds to child and she died, mom calls hub at work and tells him what happened, hub tells her wait until I get home, hub comes home and they work up a plan, hide the baby somewhere, and rid of the phones too because she called him on his cell phone. If this is the case LE needs enough probably cause to get a subpoena to their cell phone records and I don't think they have it. Maybe LE asked them to provide that information and they refused then stopped cooperating.

You don't need probable cause for a subpoena. Probable cause is a charging concept. I do think your scenario makes a good deal of sense, and is frighteningly realistic. Sadly. But as someone else said, if it's something like this, the mom deserves an Oscar.
All right, I'm signing off for the night -- I have so much I need to get done, but I've been glued to the screen since I got home! I'm keeping Lisa in my thoughts and prayers and hope that she's alive and will soon be safe at home.
Thank you illinialum, your input is really appreciated and I certainly understand keeping your private info private on forums.

OT Go illini! (central IL here ) I know you have been on Websleuths a little while but I have never seen you til this case. Just wanted to say Welcome :)
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