Found Deceased MO - Marina Bischoff, 39, Kansas City, 28 May 2020

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
John has a great update video about Marina:
Starting at 14 mins in.
He's been in contact with the woman (Yolanda) whose yard Marina drove into. The woman is stating that she didn't think Marina appeared to be intoxicated by alcohol or street drugs. Very interesting.

He also talks to Marina's brother Victor:
Initially, Victor was told Marina was released at 3am. She was actually released at 7am. The missing persons division in KC wouldn't let Victor file a missing persons report until a week after the disappearance.
He says the report states it was a hit and run but there was no hit and run, Marina hit a cable box when her car came up over the curb. Yolanda validates this.

The private investigator of the case said:
She was seen at 820am.
Her cellphone and keys were found down the street down the street from where the accident happened in the bushes.
She left the station carrying a yellow envelope.

O/T (but relevant to the video link) Can anyone tell me what happened to the Julia Mann case on WS? It seems to have been scrubbed rather than moved to the "located" section but I don't understand why that would be the case so I suspect I'm just missing something. Any help would be appreciated.
O/T (but relevant to the video link) Can anyone tell me what happened to the Julia Mann case on WS? It seems to have been scrubbed rather than moved to the "located" section but I don't understand why that would be the case so I suspect I'm just missing something. Any help would be appreciated.
Sometimes people's families want to erase stuff online after they're found safe; I think that's probably what happened here.
O/T (but relevant to the video link) Can anyone tell me what happened to the Julia Mann case on WS? It seems to have been scrubbed rather than moved to the "located" section but I don't understand why that would be the case so I suspect I'm just missing something. Any help would be appreciated.

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children posted the following Tuesday night:

"Our prayers have been answered and our precious Julia is safe. She showed up at a grocery store in Louisville, Kentucky this morning and asked an officer to call her mom and dad. We want to thank everyone who cared about Julia and shared her story. We appreciate the hard work of all the law enforcement agencies involved. We are so grateful to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, The National Child Protection Task Force, The Morgan Nick Foundation, and the media. Thank you all for your overwhelming support over these last several months. We kindly ask that our family be given the privacy we need at this time.

- Terrie Clark & Mitchell Mann
Parents of Julia Mann"
Human remains found near banks of Shoal Creek degraded beyond ability to test for DNA

A new article today has come our saying that the remains are degraded beyond the ability to test DNA and it may take 3-6 months for identification. I know I’ve watched too much CSI in my life, but does anyone know what would cause that to be the case? Would being exposed in the heat +/- being in the water for 1 1/2 months likely to cause that?
Bumping as I am following this case and have the same question!

ETA: Ok, this actually sounds really fishy to me. I am by no means an expert but have heard of several cases where bodies where exhumed for the purpose of matching/testing DNA. I have read that the remains found at Shoal Creek were someone "wearing blue jeans", which leads me to believe that they were not THAT degraded. It doesn't make sense. I also read today a post by someone who had been part of the search party for Marina a few weeks ago that the group was approached by a "man in a gray car" who asked if they were searching for Marina and suggested that they check the banks of Shoal Creek. This person reported this to police on the same day in person at the search, but now police are denying that they ever received that information. Something just isn't adding up here.
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Bumping as I am following this case and have the same question!

ETA: Ok, this actually sounds really fishy to me. I am by no means an expert but have heard of several cases where bodies where exhumed for the purpose of matching/testing DNA. I have read that the remains found at Shoal Creek were someone "wearing blue jeans", which leads me to believe that they were not THAT degraded. It doesn't make sense. I also read today a post by someone who had been part of the search party for Marina a few weeks ago that the group was approached by a "man in a gray car" who asked if they were searching for Marina and suggested that they check the banks of Shoal Creek. This person reported this to police on the same day in person at the search, but now police are denying that they ever received that information. Something just isn't adding up here.

I read that as well about the man in the gray car - but then I read an update that the person was identified as the spouse of a coworker who lives in the area and felt that Shoal Creek should be searched.

I haven't read anything thus far to cause me to believe that there is foul play involved, but I really don't understand what they're saying about the DNA. I mean, I've seen 40 year old cases recently solved by DNA. Obviously I don't know anything about it, but it doesn't seem to make sense.
Bumping as I am following this case and have the same question!

ETA: Ok, this actually sounds really fishy to me. I am by no means an expert but have heard of several cases where bodies where exhumed for the purpose of matching/testing DNA. I have read that the remains found at Shoal Creek were someone "wearing blue jeans", which leads me to believe that they were not THAT degraded. It doesn't make sense. I also read today a post by someone who had been part of the search party for Marina a few weeks ago that the group was approached by a "man in a gray car" who asked if they were searching for Marina and suggested that they check the banks of Shoal Creek. This person reported this to police on the same day in person at the search, but now police are denying that they ever received that information. Something just isn't adding up here.
agreed, im no forensic master but i have seen DNA successfully extracted from burned remains, buried remains, long deceased remains, evidence kept for decades, etc. If too degraded for nuclear DNA they usually have more luck with mitochondrial DNA. Then again, i don't know much about the condition of these remains or what degrades DNA naturally i.e. was the heat intense enough? was the water very acidic or alkaline? was there intense insect activity producing a lot of lytic chemicals?
just browsing online, the intro of this article (
An assessment of preserved DNA in decomposed biological materials by using forensic DNA profiling) has some quick info about what degrades DNA/how long it usually lasts.
There aren’t any updates at this time. The last thing that was said was that the remains they found near her last known location were too degraded for easy identification and they can’t make a dental ID due to missing remains. My understanding is that it is expected to take an extended amount of time for a positive ID but I feel like the general consensus of family and the community is that this is Marina. I know there are still questions about information on her phone and computer but it doesn’t really feel like anyone is continuing to search for her. It’s just so so sad.

"I think the key information we're missing is the three phone calls she made in the morning on Thursday," Victor Bischoff said. "(Detectives) said their internal IT team had reviewed the phone calls but they were not able to identify those numbers."

Victor said he asked detectives to check with the department's IP system provider to find out who she called, and he found out they had not done so.

"That was shocking. I would think if you want to solve a case, you would have checked those things," Victor said.

He's also shocked that none of the people Bischoff called that morning have come forward to the police, to his knowledge.

Victor Bischoff also is confused about how and why his sister got a DUI because she didn't drink.

"Did something else happen that we don't know? That's still in the back of my mind," Victor said. "I don't see her just drinking by herself for no reason. Where exactly was she? Why did she drink?"

Victor was told that his sister appeared to be disoriented when she hit the pole. Her friends received the same information.

Police said staff deemed her competent to be released and couldn't keep her detained anyway due to COVID-19 protocols.

Sounds like the police are lying!?? What else could it be? Either she made calls and they absolutely know to whom or she didn't and they said she did so it would make it seem like they thought she had a ride coming. But really they don't care if you do when you're leaving jail they straight up just kick you out. And sometimes they keep your stuff like your drivers license for example.
Human remains found near banks of Shoal Creek degraded beyond ability to test for DNA

A new article today has come our saying that the remains are degraded beyond the ability to test DNA and it may take 3-6 months for identification. I know I’ve watched too much CSI in my life, but does anyone know what would cause that to be the case? Would being exposed in the heat +/- being in the water for 1 1/2 months likely to cause that?
@10ofRods do you have any insight as to why they would say the remains are degraded beyond the ability for DNA? I've not heard of this before. Your opinion please? when you have a chance?
Sounds like the police are lying!?? What else could it be? Either she made calls and they absolutely know to whom or she didn't and they said she did so it would make it seem like they thought she had a ride coming. But really they don't care if you do when you're leaving jail they straight up just kick you out. And sometimes they keep your stuff like your drivers license for example.

Or they're just not telling the family everything. I think it's pretty common not to share all the details in an ongoing investigation. But the way he said check the IP address made me think it might be a VOIP system. I'm not sure how phone records are kept with a system like that. I mean, if all they have is an IP address it might not be as simple as calling someone back.

Maybe I'm naive, but I really don't think the police are being shady. I don't know what they would gain from it. She's an adult. She walked away on her own. She was sighted after she left the police station. There's been no public suspicion of foul play. I don't think it is as high priority as we would like it to be. It's definitely not getting the same attention that a missing child would. But there doesn't seem to be much to go on. And if they have a high suspicion that the remains found nearby are hers (more so than they have publicly said, I mean) then it doesn't seem that there would be much movement until the remains are identified.

I feel like as a society we are always looking for someone to blame for things. But bad things happen and there is not always fault to it. How can we blame law enforcement for not knowing that something bad would happen to her when she walked away? I just can't imagine a normal where the police arrest someone for something, release them, and then drive them home to make sure they get there safely. That would be a full time job in itself.

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