MO - Michael Brown's stepfather being investigated for inciting riot

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I'm going to say it one more time. Move on and discuss the topic of this thread. Stop going off topic about social issues other than what is related to LH.
To whom are you directing your anger in this post? Is it to me specifically? Or a community of people? I was talking about a solution. Ways we can get better by what's going on in the world right now.

My anger is not at someone but is more for the many young black children affected by this. They are being raised to feel that cops hate them and want them dead. They are being raised to fear the people that they need to be able to trust and go to for help when needed. They are being shown by LH that when we are don't like what is going on that the best way to deal with it is by destroying the property and livelihood of innocent people.

LH had a moment when he knew he was in the spotlight. He has had many weeks to consider what is going on and how to deal with the verdict (no matter which way it went). He had a chance to show himself as a leader and to exhibit positive ways of dealing with the disappointing verdict. Instead he ordered "Burn this B**** down".

Consider some men who have been wronged and their reactions to it, and how we feel about them today. Look at Nelson Mandela, MLK and Jesus to name a few. All suffered at the hands of enemies. I don't remember them advocating violence, looting and chaos. We remember them for their dignity, grace under pressure and their perseverance. They did not strike at others in the midst of their struggle, especially at completely innocent people. They behaved in ways that can be admired, that even their enemies cannot disparage. They didn't seek destruction and violence. They taught us ways to effectively make changes in this world and to make it a better place.

They didn't want to change people's hearts and minds (or the laws) with violence, threats and force. They didn't seek to destroy their perceived enemies but to change their enemies thru non violence, thru perseverance and by advocating for the good in men, not calling to men to show their worst by hurting others.

So , yes i am disgusted by LH. His attitude does a HUGE disservice to the young protesters who are looking for guidance and leadership and a way to show their disapproval of what happened. Impressionable young minds listening to a man who advocates and calls for acts that can hurt or kill others - others who have done NO wrong!!! By calling for the burning of the city, he called for young people to commit criminal acts and potentially jeopardize their futures and their lives.

LH had a chance to rise above the occasion and to help others rise above and find appropriate ways to cope with their disappointment and anger. Not only did he NOT rise above the occasion, he couldn't even be bothered to pull up his own pants.

I guess in the end it is a fitting image. Here is a man who could have pulled the community together, pulled them out of the cycle of senseless destruction and violence. Instead he showed that he didn't even have enough initiative and sense to pull up his own pants.

I am a former inner city teacher. I am well versed on the challenges that young black children face and had to lead 30 little people a day and show them effective ways to cope and to effect change and to make their world a better place. I had to deal with racial issues and poverty and prejudice and all of that. I loved those little people very much and it saddens me to think that people like LH speak and act as they do. LH did a huge disservice to those young people. He ought to face charges or at the very least apologize and make amends. But I ain't holding my breath on that , ya know.

So that is why I am angry. I am angry for the innocent kids caught up in this and being taught all the wrong things about it. They are being taught lies and violence. Very sad indeed.
I don't disagree with that. At all.
What I disagree with is when assumptions are made that because of the color of my skin or who I worship or how I wear my pants. Assumptions that black and poor means criminal? That low hanging pants means criminal, that how I talk means criminal. We live in a biased world, and if you don't see that it is because you haven't experienced it. As you said, BEHAVIOR is what people are not getting. That's the problem, people aren't being judged on their behaviour, they are being judged on HOW THEY LOOK. That is what has to stop.

Assumption, here is where the problem lies. Many people have misperceptions about other peoples belief systems. The majority of our assumptions/perceptions of what other people are thinking are based on our own lack of self worth/self esteem. When we let our own perceptions of what others think rule us - whether they are valid or not - we become our own worst enemy.

The person who thinks no one likes me because I am overweight, or the guy who thinks no one likes me because I have long hair and ride a motorcycle, or no one likes me because (insert any number of reasons..... is a self defense mechanism which allows an individual to point the finger elsewhere rather than dealing with their own irrational thinking/negative self talk. We all have it to different degrees, but when we use it as a shield to make a blanket statement that no one likes me because of my race, religion, ethnicity, we self isolate and close ourselves off from the many many good people out there who DO care. Who ARE compassionate and choose to treat all people with equal respect.

The majority of people are good, honest people, who could care less about someone's skin color.

Self responsibility ranks higher than worrying about what others think. It is the individuals choice as how they are going to let other peoples thoughts affect them,or not.
My anger is not at someone but is more for the many young black children affected by this. They are being raised to feel that cops hate them and want them dead. They are being raised to fear the people that they need to be able to trust and go to for help when needed. They are being shown by LH that when we are don't like what is going on that the best way to deal with it is by destroying the property and livelihood of innocent people.

LH had a moment when he knew he was in the spotlight. He has had many weeks to consider what is going on and how to deal with the verdict (no matter which way it went). He had a chance to show himself as a leader and to exhibit positive ways of dealing with the disappointing verdict. Instead he ordered "Burn this B**** down".

Consider some men who have been wronged and their reactions to it, and how we feel about them today. Look at Nelson Mandela, MLK and Jesus to name a few. All suffered at the hands of enemies. I don't remember them advocating violence, looting and chaos. We remember them for their dignity, grace under pressure and their perseverance. They did not strike at others in the midst of their struggle, especially at completely innocent people. They behaved in ways that can be admired, that even their enemies cannot disparage. They didn't seek destruction and violence. They taught us ways to effectively make changes in this world and to make it a better place.

They didn't want to change people's hearts and minds (or the laws) with violence, threats and force. They didn't seek to destroy their perceived enemies but to change their enemies thru non violence, thru perseverance and by advocating for the good in men, not calling to men to show their worst by hurting others.

So , yes i am disgusted by LH. His attitude does a HUGE disservice to the young protesters who are looking for guidance and leadership and a way to show their disapproval of what happened. Impressionable young minds listening to a man who advocates and calls for acts that can hurt or kill others - others who have done NO wrong!!! By calling for the burning of the city, he called for young people to commit criminal acts and potentially jeopardize their futures and their lives.

LH had a chance to rise above the occasion and to help others rise above and find appropriate ways to cope with their disappointment and anger. Not only did he NOT rise above the occasion, he couldn't even be bothered to pull up his own pants.

I guess in the end it is a fitting image. Here is a man who could have pulled the community together, pulled them out of the cycle of senseless destruction and violence. Instead he showed that he didn't even have enough initiative and sense to pull up his own pants.

I am a former inner city teacher. I am well versed on the challenges that young black children face and had to lead 30 little people a day and show them effective ways to cope and to effect change and to make their world a better place. I had to deal with racial issues and poverty and prejudice and all of that. I loved those little people very much and it saddens me to think that people like LH speak and act as they do. LH did a huge disservice to those young people. He ought to face charges or at the very least apologize and make amends. But I ain't holding my breath on that , ya know.

So that is why I am angry. I am angry for the innocent kids caught up in this and being taught all the wrong things about it. They are being taught lies and violence. Very sad indeed.

I agree with 90% of your post. Let me make something perfectly clear. I am not here writing in support of LH. He is a criminal and as far as I can tell has been for a good portion of his life. If he gets charged with this I wouldn't argue that whatsoever, although I do think the rioting was going to happen whether he said what he said or not. Yes he could have stepped up and became a leader, but I just don't think he was raised to deal with problems in that fashion. It has nothing, NOTHING, to do with the color of his skin or how he wears his pants or how he talks.
My beef is when I hear people making the assumption that one who wears their pants sagging is a criminal. Because that just breeds this thought that all young black men are criminals.
Maybe young black children are being raised to hate cops. Maybe, I'm not sure that is true. Maybe they are being raised to be aware of cops because maybe the bias that is so prevalent in our society against young black men is also a bias within LE communities and maybe even to a greater degree within the LE community which can be explained because a large majority of their work involves dealing with young black criminals? Doesn't mean young black men are inherently criminal, just means that it may appear that way to many cops.
I have said this many times over these threads the past few months but I will say it again: all of these protests that are happening all over America (hundreds of thousands protesting just this past Saturday) are not just some fabrication. They are not making it up. They are not pretending. They really truly feel that there is a bias against young black men specifically and minorities in general. If you don't believe them, then maybe it is only because you haven't experienced it yourself. But can you at least consider the idea that there may be some truth to it, and that it is time for a change. It is time that every person is given a clean slate at the time of their birth so that they can live theirlife in a way that they can learn and grow without having to fight against a societal bias that we thought we had abolished 50 years ago.

Also, I have tremendous respect for how Nelson Mandela lived the later portion of his life, but if you think he wasn't involved in violence and destruction to battle racism and apartheid then you have some reading to do.

Assumption, here is where the problem lies. Many people have misperceptions about other peoples belief systems. The majority of our assumptions/perceptions of what other people are thinking are based on our own lack of self worth/self esteem. When we let our own perceptions of what others think rule us - whether they are valid or not - we become our own worst enemy.

The person who thinks no one likes me because I am overweight, or the guy who thinks no one likes me because I have long hair and ride a motorcycle, or no one likes me because (insert any number of reasons..... is a self defense mechanism which allows an individual to point the finger elsewhere rather than dealing with their own irrational thinking/negative self talk. We all have it to different degrees, but when we use it as a shield to make a blanket statement that no one likes me because of my race, religion, ethnicity, we self isolate and close ourselves off from the many many good people out there who DO care. Who ARE compassionate and choose to treat all people with equal respect.

The majority of people are good, honest people, who could care less about someone's skin color.

Self responsibility ranks higher than worrying about what others think. It is the individuals choice as how they are going to let other peoples thoughts affect them,or not.

So racism isn't real? A system that is biased is ok, because those who are on the short end of the bias can just overcome it with their own perceptions?

Yes I agree it is up to each individual to overcome whatever problems life hands them. But what is wrong with giving everyone an equal chance? I see nothing wrong with that, but I do see something wrong with not doing it.

The majority of our ghettos are black.
The majority of our prisons are black.
Young black men die due to homicide at greater rates than any other race in America.

Those are all facts right now. My question is why? Why is it like that?

In my mind there are two possible answers.

1) black people are inherently criminals and killers
2) there is something wrong with the system

I know what I think. I would be glad to consider any other explanations you or any other may have.
Back on topic.........

Seriously, how much investigation does it take? Any LEO with local jurisdiction can walk in the magistrate's office with the tape vs the timing of the two GJ releases and file an affidavit swearing that LH had prior knowledge of the results and with premeditation and intent, incited a riot.

In addition, he clearly broke the Federal Code for inciting a riot by using Federally controlled airways to incite others to riot elsewhere.
Back on topic.........

Seriously, how much investigation does it take? Any LEO with local jurisdiction can walk in the magistrate's office with the tape vs the timing of the two GJ releases and file an affidavit swearing that LH had prior knowledge of the results and with premeditation and intent, incited a riot.

In addition, he clearly broke the Federal Code for inciting a riot by using Federally controlled airways to incite others to riot elsewhere.

Maybe they feel at this point in time the community would be better served if they just let it go. Maybe they know exactly who (individual or group) is responsible for the burning and rioting and priority is to go after them?
As a LEO, I am sure you know every crime committed doesn't result in an investigation or indictment. Especially when it is probably a pretty good chance that if that does happen it is just going to lead to more chit. Or maybe it is coming anyday, who knows.
Ok, I don't want to get this thread closed, so I am not going to participate in a circular argument. Yes, the system needs to change. But violence and destroying innocent people isn't going to do it. Vote to change the law if one doesn't like the law, don't burn down a city because one doesn't like a decision.
Maybe they feel at this point in time the community would be better served if they just let it go. Maybe they know exactly who (individual or group) is responsible for the burning and rioting and priority is to go after them?
As a LEO, I am sure you know every crime committed doesn't result in an investigation or indictment. Especially when it is probably a pretty good chance that if that does happen it is just going to lead to more chit. Or maybe it is coming anyday, who knows.

I have seen media reports that he has been charged, however you can't believe the media much anymore on getting the facts right.

IIRC it's a Felony and 15 years in Missouri, barring any previous rap sheet. I hope he has to flat foot it day by day for 15 years. He caused, encouraged or approved a lot of misery to many people.
Ok, I don't want to get this thread closed, so I am not going to participate in a circular argument. Yes, the system needs to change. But violence and destroying innocent people isn't going to do it. Vote to change the law if one doesn't like the law, don't burn down a city because one doesn't like a decision.

I can agree with that no problem. But I will point out that the protests that have been happening as of late have been relatively violence free.

What happened in Ferguson was something different and was likely just the tipping point of a problem that was likely going on in that town for a long time.
Maybe they feel at this point in time the community would be better served if they just let it go. Maybe they know exactly who (individual or group) is responsible for the burning and rioting and priority is to go after them?
As a LEO, I am sure you know every crime committed doesn't result in an investigation or indictment. Especially when it is probably a pretty good chance that if that does happen it is just going to lead to more chit. Or maybe it is coming anyday, who knows.

Yeah, let a crime go so we don't have more crime - that's a sure way to stop criminals.
Yeah, let a crime go so we don't have more crime - that's a sure way to stop criminals.

Nope definitely not a way to stop criminals, but could definitely prevent another riot. Didn't say it was my idea. Just said that it could be the rationale being used.
Back on topic.........

Seriously, how much investigation does it take? Any LEO with local jurisdiction can walk in the magistrate's office with the tape vs the timing of the two GJ releases and file an affidavit swearing that LH had prior knowledge of the results and with premeditation and intent, incited a riot.

In addition, he clearly broke the Federal Code for inciting a riot by using Federally controlled airways to incite others to riot elsewhere.

I actually posted the link to the Federal Law Louie violated. I just gave up after a couple of days.
I actually posted the link to the Federal Law Louie violated. I just gave up after a couple of days.

That's the problem, those who abide by the law give up; those who don't yell, scream, riot and loot. There's a pattern here, folks, and Hand is just one more example of people being allowed to run amok as far as I'm concerned.
I can agree with that no problem. But I will point out that the protests that have been happening as of late have been relatively violence free.

What happened in Ferguson was something different and was likely just the tipping point of a problem that was likely going on in that town for a long time.

The protests in Berkeley have been getting pretty out of control. Lots of property damage, small fires. But it really concerns me that there was an attack on 2 NYC cops on the bridge a couple of nights ago. One had his nose broken when he tried to arrest someone. The person arrested had a backpack full of hammers. And he was a college professor? YIKES [ Juts saw this on CNN]
The protests in Berkeley have been getting pretty out of control. Lots of property damage, small fires. But it really concerns me that there was an attack on 2 NYC cops on the bridge a couple of nights ago. One had his nose broken when he tried to arrest someone. The person arrested had a backpack full of hammers. And he was a college professor? YIKES [ Juts saw this on CNN]

Yikes is right. That Prof needs to be thrown out on his can, then he can go live in Ferguson.
The protesters that want all cops dead and now. Do they really believe the US can be a more peaceful place without them?I would like to know who and why these things are being said and done now. I followed the links being set up for the "peaceful protests" pages and they're are gazillions, these were not made just after MB died at least not all. Why all the hate to white cops and people and just what does all this mean? This has been in the making for quite awhile and the MB was the set off on G-d only knows what is being planned. I may be over reacting, but like I said this has been planned, it seams for some time, IMO.

Mods if out of place please delete
Another thing, if Al S. is so popular why doesn't the president or some of his friends have a talk with him about keeping this mess riled up. Surely they're some smarter ways to go about this before matters get worse. Sorry for the rambling. but I am concerned.
IMO, the authorities may be waiting to see what is going to happen with the assault accusation before deciding whether or not charge him with inciting a riot. Have we heard any more on whether or not he and the mother will be charged for assault and/or theft over the t-shirt sale debacle?
IMO, the authorities may be waiting to see what is going to happen with the assault accusation before deciding whether or not charge him with inciting a riot. Have we heard any more on whether or not he and the mother will be charged for assault and/or theft over the t-shirt sale debacle?

Not a peep which is telling in itself.

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