Found Deceased MO - Nicholas Diemel, 35, & Justin, 24, brothers missing, Clinton County, 21 July 2019 *ARREST*

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Hi all!

Been following along and just thought I’d share a little info about feeding cattle that may help answer some questions. My husband has a cow/calf operation, has fed cattle at similar to what these two brothers do, and also used to be a financial lender for cattle feeders.

It’s not surprising (to me) that the men would feed cattle with someone who is known to be a criminal. Finding a quality lot to feed at is tricky, and even though he may have committed fraud, if he’s a good feeder (meaning he feeds cattle well, they gain weight and stay healthy in his care, show well at a sale), then I could see them giving him a shot at caring for their animals. There are also times where you just need a place to take your cattle at the last minute and if the “good” lots are all full, you may settle for a less than ideal place.

Because buying often happens at the drop of a hat (prices fluctuate greatly based on markets, number of cattle at the sale barn that day, etc), the last minute nature and short duration of their trip aren’t red flags to me. My husband often traveled like this (still does), and if you didn’t know the ins and outs of his business it would seem super sketchy. I think it’s also fairly common to show up at a feed yard unannounced with plans to only stay a short while as you look your cattle over.

While there are many less than upstanding feeders out there, the whole situation is pretty mind boggling! We’ve been shorted money or billed unfairly, and my husband has even had to report a feeder who had actually committed fraud, but it’s hard to imagine a scenario that would lead to the murder of two adult men. Hoping things aren’t what they seem and these two can get home to their families!

Hi Flossieflo,

Thanks for the great information! Is it common for your husband (or those in his line of business) to travel with large amounts of cash during these visits?

And if these men were going to a farm to pick up money (as it’s been said), is that usually done in cash form? I would think check or money transfer, but wanted to get your thoughts.

And if they showed up to check on their livestock and found the cattle not there, what normally happens then?

Many thanks, and welcome to a websleuths!
That's a good point. But why not, you know, just stop committing fraud? Obviously not a snarky question to you but to him. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think they can outsmart LE when it comes to stuff like this. I mean, we're talking about two grown men who have gone missing.
In the Life After Leavenworth YT video he makes it sound like he committed fraud out of necessity, since the business was losing money, he went into debt and the cattle would be starving if he didn't sell some of them.
Wow! Thanks for the heads up. Here is a YouTube link

That video is very, very alarming. Very.

This JN comes across as an utterly charming, completely remorseless sociopath.

What's most disturbing watching that video is that it's quite apparent JN feels entirely justified in all of his actions.

He did what he did for practical reasons and without any regard for the law, social norms and/or how his actions would negatively impact other people.

It appears that JN simply does what's most expedient and beneficial for himself. Period.

The decisions he makes are straightforward, because he doesn't have to weight things against his conscience, on account of he doesn't appear to have one.

Watching that video, it's abundantly clear that JN doesn't regret his fraudulent actions, because in his eyes there was nothing wrong with what he did.

If the brothers were doing business with this man, and they had concerns that his dealings with them were shady and flew out to check on/confront him, then I'm very much afraid they've met with foul play.

If this JN is in fact who those brothers flew out to see, then this is not going to end well.

Having done time in Leavenworth already, I'm sure he's none to eager to return.

If JN is responsible for the disappearances of these 2 brothers, however, it won't be Leavenworth he's looking at: it will be either the needle or the gas chamber.

So sad, sickened and sorry for their families.

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If these 2 brothers have been victims of foul play, which unfortunately at this point appears to be more likely than not, Missouri does have the death penalty:

Capital punishment in Missouri - Wikipedia

IF, indeed, something nefarious has happened to these 2 men, I would certainly expect the prosecutor to file capital murder charges against the perpetrator(s), given the utter devastation this would wreak upon their family members.

Tragic case.

I hope they're find alive.

I hope they're found, period.

2 adult men with a business just don’t go off somewhere, something happened to them- I think as they are so focused at this one farm that is where it happened. Could be they got there, got concerned about something, maybe they made the trip there because they had suspicions about who they dealt with- an altercation may have occurred- then the truck was taken to the lot, left running- in hopes of it being stolen- probably dark out- cell phones and wallets are with the men
OR after Nick Diemel called his family member at 11 am the brothers left as they were driving -someone from that farm followed them, got them to pull off in that lot, forced them at gun point to leave with them and took them elsewhere
I don’t see a scenario where these 2 are alive but hope I’m wrong-they both have families people who care about them no way would they not contact them if they could
It’s a puzzle to me how cattle theft can turn into murder though- seems crazy-but then again criminals are crazy
Hi Flossieflo,

Thanks for the great information! Is it common for your husband (or those in his line of business) to travel with large amounts of cash during these visits?

And if these men were going to a farm to pick up money (as it’s been said), is that usually done in cash form? I would think check or money transfer, but wanted to get your thoughts.

And if they showed up to check on their livestock and found the cattle not there, what normally happens then?

Many thanks, and welcome to a websleuths!

My husband never purchases with cash and I don’t know of others that do. Typically, a check is sent following the sale. For example, if dealing with the owner/manager of a feed yard, he would bill you monthly for feed and expenses which you’d pay by check OR he may bill you following the sale of your cattle for the feed/time/etc.

Where we are from, the feeder would also never have access to the money from your sale of cattle. So really the only way he could get money from you would be to sell your cattle as his or bill you unfairly.

If he had sold the cattle that should have been yours, he should be smart enough to show you someone else’s cattle and tell you that they’re yours (that’s usually how people commit fraud - if he feeds for many buyers, you wouldn’t know how many cattle he is supposed to have on hand and could be easily tricked). If you suspect something is going on, you’d probably call around to sale barns/others you know feeding there to find out as much info about current numbers as you can and follow up with police from there.
Jul 26, 2019 Updated 10 min ago

Law enforcement officials are searching a home on Catawba Road, where there appears to be a command post. Crime scene tape is surrounding the property.

Justin and Nicholas Diemel, ages 24 and 35, didn't make their Sunday afternoon flight out of Kansas City after they traveled to the area on business. Multiple police agencies, including the Caldwell, Clinton and Buchanan County Sheriff's offices have been searching several sites in both Caldwell and Clinton counties.


Two search sites are known to the public. One was an ‘open area’ near where the brothers' rental truck was found in a commuter parking lot in Holt, Missouri. That lot is a dirt patch just off of Interstate 35, just a few hundred yards from multiple gas stations. The other site is a farm property near Braymer, Missouri. Police said they're scouring that location, checking ponds and waste piles as part of the search.

Police still haven't located missing brothers, searches extended
I'm not sure how likely it is that the rental truck was left running at the lot where it was found. Something probably happened to them on Sunday around noon and the truck was found only on Monday. IMO people who harmed them wanted to get rid of the truck ASAP.
Where we are from, the feeder would also never have access to the money from your sale of cattle. So really the only way he could get money from you would be to sell your cattle as his or bill you unfairly.

If he had sold the cattle that should have been yours, he should be smart enough to show you someone else’s cattle and tell you that they’re yours (that’s usually how people commit fraud - if he feeds for many buyers, you wouldn’t know how many cattle he is supposed to have on hand and could be easily tricked). If you suspect something is going on, you’d probably call around to sale barns/others you know feeding there to find out as much info about current numbers as you can and follow up with police from there.

I'm wondering if something along the lines of the bolded scenario above has happened here.

ND and JD may have gotten the wind up that something was amiss, and decided to make a quick trip out to MO to drop in unannounced and personally check up on things at the N's ranch.

If JN was up to his old tricks and caught unawares by the brothers' visit, he may very well have acted quickly, decisively and ruthlessly to prevent any criminal activity on his part from being reported.

This case is just so heartbreaking, and it continues to trend in an awful direction toward a seemingly inevitable tragic conclusion.

This many days passed with no word from the brothers + authorities focusing all efforts on searching one site for days + dogs being brought in + words like “burn pile” and “pond” being mentioned + the property being tied to a former felon all adds up to a very ugly picture. I’m afraid the authorities have a really good idea of what happened and where, and they’re just waiting for remains to be discovered at this point for the arrest and announcement to the press.

I so hope I’m wrong, especially for the sake of those sweet little kids who miss their daddy.
If you saw the local news here in mo they had a station set up next to the burn pile for the silage bags sifting through the burnt remains-I think the police know more than they are saying-and none of it is good news

I'm wondering if something along the lines of the bolded scenario above has happened here.

ND and JD may have gotten the wind up that something was amiss, and decided to make a quick trip out to MO to drop in unannounced and personally check up on things at the N's ranch.

If JN was up to his old tricks and caught unawares by the brothers' visit, he may very well have acted quickly, decisively and ruthlessly to prevent any criminal activity on his part from being reported.


RBBM - Agree with this assessment. Having been charged with federal crimes pertaining to cattle fraud, I'm sure he'd be looking at almost guaranteed jail time if it was to happen again and I put nothing past these asshats who will do anything to avoid going back to jail for a significant period of time. The irony is that murder charges have the tendency to get you a lengthy prison sentence.
Does anyone have a gut feeling that does not involve the brothers being no longer with us? I absolutely hope I'm wrong but I can't think of a scenario so far (that makes at least some sense given what we know) that puts them alive somewhere waiting to be found.
Unless they are held against their will but 2 big guys farmers kind of doubt it-plus leads people to believe more than one person involved because they are strong men-one person would have a hard time controlling 2 men
In the Life After Leavenworth YT video he makes it sound like he committed fraud out of necessity, since the business was losing money, he went into debt and the cattle would be starving if he didn't sell some of them.

Sociopaths are very adroit at justifying and rationalizing their actions, both to themselves and others.

"Of course I committed fraud! Who wouldn't, when the alternative is letting the poor cattle starve," etc.

Oftentimes, the arguments sociopaths make sound downright logical and persuasive...they use insidious, twisted logic to lead others to a point of questioning their own sense of morality, when it's really the sociopath who lacks any moral compass whatsoever.

I agree. I think maybe they suspected something. They arrived at the farm so the owner wouldn't have time to cover up any illegal activity. Something went wrong and the truck was driven back by the suspect and their accomplice and made to look like it was abandoned.
“The wife of one of the missing Shawano County brothers tells FOX 11 she was told not to be alarmed about volunteer firefighters being added to the search for her husband.”

I can’t imagine this being a good thing. I feel as if it would worry me immensely.
they just want to get as many people looking as they can speed up the search
What if they aren’t at this farm though? They could be anywhere unless the police know more than they are saying
Sociopaths are very adroit at justifying and rationalizing their actions, both to themselves and others.

"Of course I committed fraud! Who wouldn't, when the alternative is letting the poor cattle starve," etc.

Oftentimes, the arguments sociopaths make sound downright logical and persuasive...they use insidious, twisted logic to lead others to a point of questioning their own sense of morality, when it's really the sociopath who lacks any moral compass whatsoever.

He should have told the cyclone cattle company he couldn’t handle 800 head of cattle-I don’t understand how he thought he could? The feed alone would be costly and the labor would be long working that many head.
I do think there should be more advising for kids who get these loans that are 19 that is way too young to be in debt $300,000 and or understand the meaning of how long it takes to pay back that kind of money-financial counseling should be mandatory for young farmer loans before any loan is given.
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