Found Deceased MO - Nicholas Diemel, 35, & Justin, 24, brothers missing, Clinton County, 21 July 2019 *ARREST*

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Notes from (Early) Start of Presser
  • Investigators following up on leads, doing their due diligence.
  • LE does know that the 2 missing brothers arrived at the farm in the rental truck on Sunday.
  • They were there for a business deal with cattle.
  • Arrested JN for tampering w/ a motor vehicle; he admitted driving the vehicle from the farm to the commuter area in Holton, MO where he abandoned it.
  • LE has a lot of leads that have come in, they are diligently working those leads.
  • They have not found either of the brothers yet.
  • Security camera video captured Nelson driving through Polo; investigators are following up on tips re: how he got back after he dumped vehicle.
  • LE stated he's been cooperative with "anything regarding the tampering charge" ***
***Translation: he's definitely not cooperating with LE re: the search for the brothers.

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No the police charged him with that as a means to hold him until they found more to charge him with-the Ford was in Nick Diemel name so he didn’t give permission or press charges because he’s missing/deceased
That's what I said.
"Charging documents state Nelson “knowingly and without the consent of the owner unlawfully operated an automobile,” specifically, the Ford F-250 truck rented by the Diemel brothers."
That would be a lot of driving.

I don’t think it would have been discovered where it went in. The river flows east/south, so it could have come into the river from a tributary, like the fishing river, or shoal creek or some river North of KC. I am not familiar with the area, but it looked like a lot of waterways fed into the Missouri River near or around KC. Just wondering if it could be linked, as they just found the man’s body Sunday, and apparently there was 5 inches of rainfall over the weekend.
The sheriff said they are searching other properties as well. With so much farmland, who knows where the brothers could be? Seventy acres is a lot but there have been a lot of volunteers and its been almost a week since the searches started. I'm thinking maybe they aren't at the farm. Surely, JN's family has some idea what happened but I bet they are keeping quiet as well.
I wish they could say why they think the brothers are dead-he said because of the truck but what changed from last Thursday to Friday?
Sounds like the brothers could be anywhere


Nicholas Diemel rented a 2019 Ford F-250 truck from Budget Rent a Car. The vehicle was found the day after the brothers were reported missing, abandoned in a commuter parking lot in Holt, near Interstate 35.

Garland Joseph “Joey” Nelson, 25, of Braymer, was charged Friday with tampering with that truck. He admitted to driving the vehicle from the farm to the lot, though he did not have permission to do so, according to charging documents.

GPS route information from the truck’s black box showed the Ford was at the farm on the morning the brothers went missing, court records show.

More than two hours after it arrived there, it left and was later seen on video near a Casey’s General Store in Polo, according to charging documents. There appeared to be no passenger in the front seat of the truck, a deputy wrote in the records.

The truck was left running. It was found with the keys in the ignition and the lights on, where Nelson admitted he left it, according to charging documents.

After the truck was located, the search became a death investigation, Fish said.

The linked article is well-written and provides a lot of current case info.

The video of LE's press conference from earlier today is also at the link.

Re: the search becoming a death investigation after the recovery of the truck, I'm wondering if any forensic evidence was found inside the truck that led LE to conclude the brothers were deceased.

I'm also wondering about the possibility of cadaver dogs alerting to the scent of human decomposition in or near the truck.

I keep wondering why it took him so long to drive from the farm (left farm at 11:44) to Polo Casey’s? (security video of him at 12:18)It’s maybe a 13 mile drive.

Well, one thing's for sure: Dude would have made sure he kept it under the speed limit the entire way there.

JN could ill afford to be pulled over by LE in a rental vehicle that had been rented by ND.
The jig would have been up for him right then and there in that event.

The other thing I suspect is that he would have taken the least trafficked route to get there, even if it took him considerably longer. I don't know whether he could have taken back roads to that location or not as I haven't mapped it, though.

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Yes, it was LE who stated JN was "cooperating."

However, people shouldn't mistake "cooperating" for "confessing."

I'm guessing we're looking at any "cooperation" by him happening on a very limited basis here.

Namely, JN's probably just admitting what LE already has him dead to rights for, i.e., the tampering charge r/t moving/ditching their rental vehicle.

Pretty sure that's the full extent of his "cooperation" right now.
Even that "cooperation," will, I'm quite sure, be chock full o' deception, lies and obfuscation on his part.

On account of he's a lying liar who lies.

I don't believe for one minute that JN is "cooperating" with LE in any way, shape or form w/ regard to their search for ND and JD; otherwise, LE wouldn't be carrying out searches at multiple locations.


Exactly, if he is cooperating by talking, it doesn't mean he is telling the truth. But hey, let him talk. Give him plenty of rope to hang himself with.
This guy reads like a textbook sociopath.
The way he glibly justifies all of his wrong, illegal, immoral and harmful actions is stunning.
I agree wholeheartedly. He comes across as someone who thinks that he doesn’t have to abide by the rules everyone else does. Or someone who believes he is the one who decides what’s right and wrong whether legally or morally.

In the IA Public TV video, Nelson says, “I thought well, at the worse case scenario, I’ve done something where I’ve broke a rule on a loan.”

A look at the charging document in the previous case tells a much different story, IMO:

“3. It was part of the scheme that in March 2013, defendant Nelson applied for, and on April 1, 2013, received, two livestock operating loans under his legal name ‘Garland J. Nelson’ from the United States Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the FSA, in the amounts of: (1) $38,000; and (2) $120,000. The limited purpose of the loans was to buy and raise cattle.”

“6. It was further part of the scheme that on April 25, 2013, defendant Nelson signed an updated security agreement after he purchased 83 breeding cows with the FSA loan proceeds.

7. It was further part of the scheme that on April 29, 2013, defendant Nelson signed an updated security agreement after purchasing three bulls with the FSA loan proceeds.

8. It was further part of the scheme that on or about August 20, 2013, a senior farm loan officer conducted a site visit at Nelson’s farm. Defendant Nelson indicated he owned 88 cows, 82 calves, 3 bulls, 7 ewes, and 5 items of equipment. Defendant Nelson signed an updated security agreement.

9. It was further part of the scheme that on August 5, 2014, a senior farm loan officer conducted a second site visit at defendant Nelson’s farm. During the visit, the officer observed one cow and several items of equipment whose ownership interest appeared to be in question.

10. It was further part of the scheme that defendant Nelson reported only one authorized sale of collateralized property to the FSA, for one bull, for $176.22.”

“13. It was further part of the scheme that on or about February 12, 2014, St. Joseph Stockyards issued a check to ‘Joey Nelson and FSA.’ Defendant Nelson then called the stockyards back, and stated that there was a mistake and the check should have been made out to Nelson’s Friend.”

“16. It was further part of the scheme that on or about February 21, 2014, a money order for $17,329.97 was issued from Nelson’s Friend’s Bank Northwest account. On the same day, it was deposited into defendant Nelson’s Pony Express Bank account. Defendant Nelson then used the funds for his personal use and enjoyment. The proceeds were not submitted to FSA.”

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I still can’t get over the fact that he was only 18 when he started the fraud in March 2013, about a month before his 19th birthday.

[More in a separate post]
Missouri man linked to missing Shawano County brothers denied bond as search continues

In 2016, Nelson was convicted in federal court of cattle fraud and sentenced to two years in prison. According to a 2016 news release from the U.S. Department of Justice, Nelson scammed his victims out of more than $262,000.

However, Nelson's criminal history doesn't end there. He pleaded guilty in 2015 to two misdemeanor counts of passing a bad check. A judge that year also granted someone's protection order against him barring him from abusing or stalking the person.


It would be interesting to hear more details about what led to the protection order being granted against him.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he had some kind of juvenile record, either.

This creep is rotten to the core.

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Does anyone find it odd that JN does not have an attorney yet? I checked Missouri Casenet and there is no attorney listed for him.

I could be wrong, but in small communities like this everyone knows everyone. I doubt any local attorney wants to represent him. He'll likely be appointed a public defender. Why he doesn't have one yet...
More from the charging document in the previous case [names changed to initials by me]:

“17. It was further part of the scheme that beginning in or about June of 2014, defendant Nelson knowingly and intentionally devised a scheme to defraud three farming entities who had left cattle in his care. Defendant Nelson was paid by: (1) A.W. to feed and care for about 69 head of cattle; and (2) Cyclone Cattle Company, LLC (“Cyclone Cattle”), to feed and care for about 577 head of cattle. Thereafter, defendant Nelson commingled these cattle with his own, and he removed identification tags in order to sell livestock undetected. In addition, defendant Nelson commingled these cattle with those owned by his neighbor and landlord, M.S., and he sold some of MS’s cattle as well.

18. It was further part of the scheme that defendant Nelson sold livestock in various locations, including Missouri and Iowa, without always knowing whether he, A.W., Cyclone Cattle, or M.S. owned the cattle he sold. Defendant Nelson deposited checks for the sales into his Pony Express Bank account.

19. It was further part of the scheme that on or about July 17, 2014, Cyclone Cattle sent farmhands to defendant Nelson’s land due to complaints of cows getting into neighboring lands. They found emaciated cows, not properly fed, roaming around together. Many cattle had their identification tags cut out of their ears. Cyclone Cattle could not identify who all the live cattle belonged to. They also found cows that had died with the identification tags cut out, which concealed who the dead cows belonged to. Further, many cattle were missing from Cyclone Cattle, A.W., and M.S. Cyclone Cattle sorted out as many cattle as they could. In the end, some cattle could not be identified, and many others were missing.

20. It was further part of the scheme that Cyclone Cattle is missing 32 yearling steers, 8 cows, and 4 heifers, for a total of 44 head of cattle at an approximate value of $63,000. A.W. is missing 3 cows and 13 calves for a total of 16 head of cattle at an approximate value of $32,000. M.S. is missing 12 calves and 19 cows for a total of 31 head of cattle with an approximate value of $29,000. These private rancher cattle losses total approximately $124,000.”

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[More in a separate post]
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