Found Deceased MO - Nicholas Diemel, 35, & Justin, 24, brothers missing, Clinton County, 21 July 2019 *ARREST*

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It's also possible the gun was there before he became a felon. When someone becomes a felon, I'm not sure they do a search of the residence for weapons (though they should, IMO).

Oh they do. We hand out weapons relinquishment forms upon sentencing and they are required to fill them out and relinquish any weapons they have. Not doing so is a violation and a separate crime in and of itself.
I hope a Mod can clarify this as it is confusing to me also. My understanding is that if the comments are on the FB page of a media source they can be discussed but we cannot discuss anything posted on someone's personal page.



Since these guys went missing, I have thought about them and their family several times every day. It’s impossible to grasp the pain and devastation his family must be feeling. Those poor kids never getting to see Daddy again. I wish them all strength and peace.
Since these guys went missing, I have thought about them and their family several times every day. It’s impossible to grasp the pain and devastation his family must be feeling. Those poor kids never getting to see Daddy again. I wish them all strength and peace.

Thank you for clarifying!
Farmers have a big problem with nuisance wildlife eating crops, killing chickens, etc. You have to kill them when you see them. There is no time to call and expensive to call someone to do it.
All true, we never were without a shotgun, rifle on the farm or in the fields. Even now here where I live, I would not be without one or 2.... legally owned guns and trained to use them. Hubby and I pretty much have lived lives around guns due to jobs and of course the farm. Most people now days do not have that exposure and I totally get it, just have to stop and remember that.
Sorry! I should have clarified. I think they'll be able to identify who, but the fact that they are using so many labs leads me to believe they didn't find two bodies.
Or they don't know if its one body, two, three ... who the heck knows what went on out there. I have been keeping quiet but all I can think of is the Avery case minus the sexual assault. All of this is too close to home.
From the sounds of them needing a forensic anthropologist's assistance, it doesn't sound like the remains are in one piece and perhaps what some had feared/speculated about was true regarding equipment that may have been used to try to hide the remains.

Also sounds like they have determined how JN got back to the property but they aren't releasing it as this time. Wasn't sure if I heard that right.
I agree with you. I’m including a link to the description of forensic anthropologist for those that may not know what they specialize in. I didn’t and it was difficult to see it on writing.

Forensic anthropology - Wikipedia
@riolove77 perhaps you can explain why the court docs for JN were updated today and now read
Writ Requested
Application For Writ Of Habeas Corpus Ad Prosequendum.

Is this just so he can appear tomorrow in court or via poly com?

I am confused as I thought he was in Caldwell County Jail; however, when I looked up the definition, I was even further confused by the request.

Habeas corpus ad prosequendum
is a writ of habeas corpus. It is issued for the purpose of removing a prisoner in order to prosecute him in the proper jurisdiction, wherein the act was committed, or to enable him to become the prosecuting witness in a criminal case.

Is this normal procedure for his appearance tomorrow or is this to enable him to become a prosecuting witness?
I agree with you. I’m including a link to the description of forensic anthropologist for those that may not know what they specialize in. I didn’t and it was difficult to see it on writing.

Forensic anthropology - Wikipedia
Again back to the Avery case and how he disposed of her body. He dismembered her then burned her body. Appr. 40% of Theresa was found as he did not have the same tools as on this farm, ie cutter/chopper. It was believed he used a saw, due to marks on her pelvic bones. It is possible that this occurred here too, dismember and burn. Totally barbaric and is just all wrong as wrong can be. As said before both Avery and now Diemel are too close to home.
I agree with you. I’m including a link to the description of forensic anthropologist for those that may not know what they specialize in. I didn’t and it was difficult to see it on writing.

Forensic anthropology - Wikipedia
His timeline is pretty tight IMO from the last contact with the family to the truck being left in plain sight - did he have help?
I fully believe JN has an accomplice - one way or another. He had to get away from the parking lot so someone picked him up. And I just think these 2 guys would have fought for their lives. MO but also a gut instinct.

Good morning Molly, and all.

I replied to your post yesterday, then for some strange reason it showed I had duplicated my post so I deleted one, and they both went poof! Lol!

But anyhoo, I will try it again.

I believe he totally murdered both brothers right by himself just likes many other murderers have done with many being able to murder even more multiple victims than two.

It doesn't take, but mere seconds to murder two people. Neither would have anytime to react.

I believe this was a surprise attack. They may have started to return to their truck, and he shot them both in the back. Although he still would be able to murder both even if both were facing him at the time. No human can outrun bullets.

When he pulled the weapon on them they would immediately go into protective mode trying to save the other one. Imo, if they even knew he had drawn a gun on them they would be trying to reason with him being compliant hoping neither would be shot.

Of course like so many cases the cold blooded murderer would have no mercy.

Many sole perpetrators have carried out multiple murders..even way more than two victims. In fact most who have murdered multiple victims did it all right by themselves including the aftermath, and coverup.

This murderer will be no different. Imo.

As far as having an accomplice taking him back after he got rid of the brother's truck this person could have easily been totally unaware he had just murdered two victims.

He may have given them some excuse as to why he needed a ride. Imo, no one's mind immediately thinks crimes have been committed just because someone may ask them for a favor.

If there was a willing accomplice we will know shortly. I highly doubt anyone else will be charged, and arrested. Imo, the person giving him a ride has already come forward to LE. It wouldn't be the first time a criminal used an unwitting person involving them unfairly.

Even though I knew this would be the heartbreaking outcome it never gets any easier knowing once again two decent loving victims have been destroyed when they crossed paths with pure diabolical evil.

May God be with this family, and give them strength, and courage as they go forward seeking justice.

The attack could have even been such a surprise that a gun wasn’t needed. For example, the suspect is alone with one victim in the barn, under a ruse of showing him something. Any number of things could be used to bludgeon the unsuspecting victim. Then second victim is called in and bludgeoned.

If it was truly an impulsive killing, the weapon could have been anything, not just a gun IMO.

And I think it was impulsive rather than premeditated because the suspect seems to think he can talk and explain his way out, based on prior behavior.
The attack could have even been such a surprise that a gun wasn’t needed. For example, the suspect is alone with one victim in the barn, under a ruse of showing him something. Any number of things could be used to bludgeon the unsuspecting victim. Then second victim is called in and bludgeoned.

If it was truly an impulsive killing, the weapon could have been anything, not just a gun IMO.

And I think it was impulsive rather than premeditated because the suspect seems to think he can talk and explain his way out, based on prior behavior.
Unless the two victims were truly separated, if the weapon wasn't a gun, how could the perpetrator be sure that one blow would be enough to prevent the first victim from fighting back or at least alerting the other person?
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