MO - Sherrill Levitt, 47, Suzie Streeter, 19, & Stacy McCall, 18, Springfield, 7 June 1992 #14

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I also think the cars were staged. The whole house seems staged; like when someone stages a suicide for someone else. IMO

I agree. The question is if we can believe the girls actually arrived simply because the police found the cars , clothes and purses. Someone could have staged that. It would be interesting to know what made the police believe the house was staged.
Mrs. McCall says Stacy ´s shorts were in Suzie´s bedroom and that those were the only pairs she had. This means Stacy was half naked when she disappeared.
I read Stacy ´s bra was also found with her shorts and jewells. It would be interesting to know if it was normal for Stacy to sleep without a bra (some women do it) and with her panties (no pijama) when she was spending the night at her friend´s house. It is super strange for me to know that Stacy didn´t take a pijama or something knowing that she was going to sleep over at a hotel/or at a friend´s house.
I agree. The question is if we can believe the girls actually arrived simply because the police found the cars , clothes and purses. Someone could have staged that. It would be interesting to know what made the police believe the house was staged.
Mrs. McCall says Stacy ´s shorts were in Suzie´s bedroom and that those were the only pairs she had. This means Stacy was half naked when she disappeared.
I read Stacy ´s bra was also found with her shorts and jewells. It would be interesting to know if it was normal for Stacy to sleep without a bra (some women do it) and with her panties (no pijama) when she was spending the night at her friend´s house. It is super strange for me to know that Stacy didn´t take a pijama or something knowing that she was going to sleep over at a hotel/or at a friend´s house.
They absolutely made it to Delmar...
Stacy's prints were found (she had never been there before that night)
I also think the cars were staged. The whole house seems staged; like when someone stages a suicide for someone else. IMO
I agree that it's staged to a degree....biggest giveaway is the money not being taken..
the perps wanting these women silenced did so at a value far greater than monetary....
I know they found (as they publicly declared) clothes and tissues with make up (or sth like that). Never heard or read about the fingerprints.

I know they took fingerprints but that was after 18 plus people had been in and out of the house. I don't remember Stacy's prints bing mentioned or maybe I just figured she was there at some point either that night or before. Janelle claimed she was never there before that morning. She and others made themselves at home. MOO
I couldn't sleep last night and of course my mind went to the 3mw, and the more I tossed and turned the more I realized how obsessed I've become with this case.

Eventually I started thinking of the "facts" we know about this case and how little we actually know.

So now I want everyone else to brainstorm where my mind went last night.

If we didn't have the (MOO a Red Herring and a straight up Lie) Van sighting by the Porch Lady I doubt LE would have purchased a van and perused this theory. Of course, we also have the Yard Sale Lady's claim of being ran off the road. (I saw the supposed YSL on a FB post of the missing three and she claims she saw Larry Hall driving the van.) I'm not sure about this one. While she seems certain I'm not because of the number of people trying to attach themselves to this case and LE's investigation of hall and this crime about a decade ago.

Next we have the sighting at Georges. I don't think the waitress lied, I just think she got her night's confused and maybe Sherrill and Suzie were there with another woman at some point. (MOO another (Accidental) Red Herring)

Then we have the APOC sighting. I was sure of this until @Missouri Mule was kind enough to post an actual article from a newspaper at the time that stated the woman the attendant saw was identified. I don't think the attendant intentionally lied. (But another Red Herring.)

Another (HUGE RED HERRING and the worst of all in my opinion) was the "Drugs" angle. Anytime someone is murder or goes missing, especially in 92, people are so judgmental and quick to jump to the "Oh, they were on drugs angle." As if that makes them a bad person.) Anyone who looks back at the old papers and tv episodes can see the way the media painted this case. Stacey was the "wrong place wrong time victim" and Sherril and Suzie were "hiding something related to drugs." This absolutely disgusts me, and I couldn't imagine a family member that I know going missing and then to have their names dragged like that. (I want to repeat that I DO NOT think Drugs were involved with Sherrill and Suzie.) (MOO but if anyone was to be linked to drugs in the case it would be the graverobbers.)

Stemming from my above Red Herring we also have (Asher's favorite Red Herring) that Bartt was involved. I made a post few pages back about this but this Red Herring actually hurts me. Barrt lost so much that night and I can't imagine how people who never met him judged and treated him and also judged his family for false accusations. (Again MOO but it should also be common sense that Bartt has absolutely nothing to do this case.) (Also speaking of Asher, his character and inept ability as a detective is definitely shown in the latest tv segment.)

We also have the grave robbers. (I'm not able to refer to this as a Red Herring because I'm not sure of my stance on them.) I don't think they were involved, and if they were I think it would only be two of them. They couldn't even pawn gold without getting caught so I don't think their "criminal skills" would be advanced enough to hide this for so long. I will say that the only connection I believe to them and this case, would be the accidental, or intentional, like to Garrison.

One must also remember another (IDIOTIC RED HERRING IMOO) that Psychics were consulted about this case and although it came from an online psychic, the "PARKING GARAGE THEORY" wasted a lot of time on this case. (MOO but I highly doubt they are buried there unless the actually killer made the online account to admit where the bodies were.)

Finally, we have the motley cast of killers linked to the area at the time.

1) Robert Craig Cox. (Killed Sharron Zellers who bit off part of his tongue.) He was in the area at the time, had his gf (then mother) lie about his alibi, and happened to (supposedly) work near Sherrill's home and also worked with Stacy's father. He also stated that he "knew the women were dead and that their bodies would never be found." (MOO but I don't think it was Cox. He could have gotten better, but he couldn't even hide one body so I seriously doubt he could hide three.

2) Steven Eugene Garrison (and Kidnapper and Rapist) claims a friend "confessed" to the crime during a drunken evening. There is also a GAG order by the grand jury preventing what he said to be made public. LE also searched the area he claimed they were buried at but didn't find anything. (I'm not sure what to think about him. The Gag order peaks my interest but not knowing where they were buried doesn't sit right with me.)

3) Larry Dewayne Hall & Gary Hall (Twin brothers that traveled around the states doing Civil War Reenactments) Larry is a Serial Killer who targeted young women and drove a van similar to the one purchased by SP LE.) This is also the man the YSL claims to have ran her off the road while driving near Delmar. ( If I were to believe the sighting of the van, and I'm not sure I do, then he would be my number one "Serial Killer" suspect. If you search the list of victims at the hands of Larry you can see both Stacy and Suzie were his "type", and that he was known to be meticulously about his crime scenes. They were also supposedly in Springfield that weekend for a CWR. Larry also said "three of his victims were from Springfield" before later recanting.)

4) Gerald Carnahan (Convicted Serieal Killer of Teenage Girls Raped and Murder Jackie Johns in 1985.) It took many years for this man to get caught, and unlike the killers above, (aside from Garrison becuase I couldn't finding anything stating he'd murdered anyone.) this man seemed pretty sly about his crimes. He was somewhat of a successful business man and was able to keep his wife in the dark about his crimes. (I'm not sure of his invovlement, but would consider him if there was a link to the 3mw.)

I personally woudln't want to be around any of these men and I'm glad they're behind bars. The first time I read about this case (Back in 2014 when I was 20) I thought to myself that it had to be one of these men. I mean, how can all these Serieal Killers be in the area without commiting the crime? But the further I wonder down this 28 year old Rabbit Hole, the more I think I know, I actually do not.

One thing is clear based on the way LE consulted Psychics, ruled people out quickly, performed unprofessional interviews, and ignored certain angles to make their own theories work, its obvious their investigation was Shoddy, at best.

I believe there is a Reason that stems beyond a single individual that this case remains a secret all this years. In my opinion only, I believe the staged house to be the biggest clue. Someone wanted, (and got exactly what they wanted) to make whoever came across the house think that the three women just disappeared. Gone. And 28 years later that's all we still know. Hall is the only one I think would stage the house, but his irrational behavior and the way he "blacks out" makes me think otherise. I believe multiple people (at least four know what happened that night and have a great amount to lose which is why no one is saying anything.) I wouldn't even rule out an "accident" with Stacy and Suzie and that Sherrill happened to hear them parking the cars and was taken.

One also has to remember the (at least to me) Sketchy actions of JK and MH, and the fact that 18 people were let into 1717 E. Delmar that day. I don't know if any of the above men harmed animals, but it seems suspect they would let the dog survive. After reading and rereading, I can't help but feel like this crime was personal and that someone not on this list had a reason to harm at least one of them women. With both Sherril and Suzie being taken one automatically thinks they were the prime targets, but I'm not so sure. Could this be an assault gone wrong by one man? Maybe. I can't help but feel this is deeper.

If the person(s) responsible do happen to be reading this, you've had 28 years, and destroyed numerous lives. You've learned to live with yourself while other's have had to learn to live without those they loved. Do the right think and turn yourself in. If you're too much of a coward for that at least reveal where the bodies are. I don't think this is possible because I believe that revealing the bodies would lead to an arrest.

It’s also only my opinion but I believe the Red Herrings and deliberate lies of the psychics and people who wanted to be a part of this case helped keep this secret by spreading misinformation.

Anyway, if you read this all the way through, thank you. I'm 26 years old and hope that I live long enough to see this case solved. And to the missing three, I'm sure you'll remain on many minds for a long amount of time.
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Another (HUGE RED HERRING and the worst of all in my opinion) was the "Drugs" angle. Anytime someone is murder or goes missing, especially in 92, people are so judgmental and quick to jump to the "Oh, they were on drugs angle." As if that makes them a bad person.) Anyone who looks back at the old papers and tv episodes can see the way the media painted this case. Stacey was the "wrong place wrong time victim" and Sherril and Suzie were "hiding something related to drugs." This absolutely disgusts me, and I couldn't imagine a family member that I know going missing and then to have their names dragged like that. (I want to repeat that I DO NOT think Drugs were involved with Sherrill and Suzie.) (MOO but if anyone was to be linked to drugs in the case it would be the graverobbers.)
My thought is this:
These women didn't have to be using drugs or hiding anything about drugs for this to be drug related.
All it takes is someone thinking one or more of them knew something about a drug operation for someone to want to silence them.
I believe these women can be totally innocent about drugs, but it can still be a drug related crime.
@Valiant True. Which would further my suspicion towards Garrison and any associated with the people he hung out and happened to know some of the grave robbers.
Outstanding analysis. I first started getting immersed in this case when I was 48. I am now 76. I have experienced intense interest in the case for periods of time and then backed away to regain my sanity. Don’t let it rule your life.

IMO this was committed by one person. I would not rule out a police officer, or one who faked being an officer. The problem with that is why it would have happened so late.

If not an officer, then someone at the Hanover party who merely followed them home. It would not necessarily be a recent graduate. He could have been a stalker who fit in with that age group.

The police have told us it was a male “kidnapper.” They have told us it was sexual assault.
I know they took fingerprints but that was after 18 plus people had been in and out of the house. I don't remember Stacy's prints bing mentioned or maybe I just figured she was there at some point either that night or before. Janelle claimed she was never there before that morning. She and others made themselves at home. MOO
Over sixty finger prints ( not persons ) were identified . I don’t recall any statement by SPD as to who’s they were , or included Stacy .
Conversely, where is the evidence this was a sexual assault?

There is no evidence for either theory.

I have no idea. That is what the police have said. I suppose they could have been guessing or lying. If there was something, they have not released specifics.
I have no idea. That is what the police have said. I suppose they could have been guessing or lying. If there was something, they have not released specifics.
When do we believe the police and when do we not ??
Can't say Asher is wrong but then say cops are right the next sentence...... we have to establish an empirical data set to go off of..
When do we believe the police and when do we not ??
Can't say Asher is wrong but then say cops are right the next sentence...... we have to establish an empirical data set to go off of..

So far as I know the “politics” are out of the case right now. That, I believe, plagued the case in the early days. All of those people have largely left or retired. There is no reason, I know of, that would indicate there are cliques of officers who are pushing a narrative that certain things were true or believed that may not be true. Personally I believe whatever we are getting today, which unfortunately is very little at the current time, is what we are left to speculate over.

I wish we would get a thorough explation of what is known and believed today by the current administration of the department. I know of nothing in the offing.

If nothing else a further explanation of the believed motive would be welcomed.

Speculation: We have a large period of time that is unaccounted for in Sherrill’s night. There is only an accounting of her time until about 11:15 PM. (the last known phone call) From that time until approximately 2:45 AM when the girls were believed to have arrived at the Delmar home nothing is known. So about 3.5 hours are unaccounted for. That would be, in my opinion the time when the “sexual assault” might have taken place. That probably took place in Sherrill’s bedroom. That would not have been evident to the first responders and officer who examined the house much later in the day, even into the night. That may have included such things as the scraping of skin cells, minute traces of blood, or even semen of some unknown male whose DNA is not in CODIS.
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If not an officer, then someone at the Hanover party who merely followed them home. It would not necessarily be a recent graduate. He could have been a stalker who fit in with that age group.
What about Craig Wood who was attending MSU in 1992. Wood was convicted of the 2014 murder of 10 year old Hailey Owens. Someone on a facebook page said he saw him trying to talk to Suzy a few months prior to her disappearance.
What about Craig Wood who was attending MSU in 1992. Wood was convicted of the 2014 murder of 10 year old Hailey Owens. Someone on a facebook page said he saw him trying to talk to Suzy a few months prior to her disappearance.
That would sure make for an interesting coincidence as Thomas Mountjoy was the prosecuting attorney at the time of this disappearance, and later would be the judge that sentenced Wood to death.
When do we believe the police and when do we not ??
Can't say Asher is wrong but then say cops are right the next sentence...... we have to establish an empirical data set to go off of..

That is a relevant question, yes. But after 27 years, when does it go "public"? Give the information they have out to the public.

The SPD is not going to solve this case. Actually, no one will. the only answer will come when someone confesses.
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