MO MO - Teresa Butler, 35, Risco, 25 Jan 2006 *GUILTY*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
-A tip of a key was broken off in a lock in the home. (4)

I've been searching everywhere for more details on this. Where was the lock? Which door?

-Two calls were placed from Teresa's cell phone after she was last seen. The first was at 3:16 am to a number in Gideon. Owner of phone did not answer and does not know Teresa or her family. The other call was to Clarkton. Two elderly ladies own that phone, and answered to dead air. They, too, do not know Teresa or her family. (2)

This keeps nagging at me. If she were tied up dialing random numbers you would hear rustling of some kind, or distant noise. Also, it's not entirely random - what are the chances that two random numbers you enter in your phone will be in your same state? Even less random - the same county. EVEN LESS RANDOM - THE SAME AREA CODE. I looked up the three towns - Risco, Gideon and Clarkton. They are all within more or less 10 minutes of each other. All three towns have the same area code - 573. She must have been intentionally dialing numbers within the same area code. This means she probably wasn't tied up in a way to prevent her from doing this. But it only adds more mystery as to why there was just dead silence. If she were thrown in the trunk of a car you would have heard movement. UNLESS - the car stopped, and she dialed nearby numbers in hopes of leaving a phone trace behind. But she didn't say anything becuase the abductor(s) didn't realize she had her phone on her and she was too scared to say anything.

Another possibility is that the calls were made by the abductor(s) themself. This could temporarily throw the police off track as they try to investigate other leads that would be dead-ends. I think this could be too much out of their way though. It would make more sense for Teresa to have dialed.

Also, what time was the second phone call made? I've been trying to find that tidbit too.

-DNA and fingerprints were obtained from the home. However, Teresa was "always cutting people's hair and that kind of thing," according to Gary. (2) (4)

Did they still look into all these fingerprints and DNA traces? Regardless if she contaminated herself frequently with other people's DNA and fingerprints from cutting hair, these should be looked at. Somewhere in that thicket could be an answer.

-Gary states his mother received a "strange letter" regarding the disappearance, the contents of which he did not disclose. (4)

This is frustrating because I desperately want to know what's in that letter. Was it handwritten? Typed? I bet it didn't have a return address obviously. I'm surprised they couldn't come up with any leads from this. If Gary still thinks she's alive, it's not anything that implies danger or harm to Teresa. It must be some kind of obscure phrase or babble or a threat to him and the sons that he's freaked out about.

2. Only small items were taken - the total contents could have fit into a backpack. The TV, for instance, was not taken. This makes me think that the person who took the items wasn't physically capable of moving larger items, or did not have the means to transport them.

The burglar(s)/kidnapper(s) doesn't necessarily have to be physically weak. Most of the time you don't want to create that big of a scene. If you move too many things you create a trail of evidence. These items are easy grab-n-bag stuff. Plus, they wouldn't have wanted to stick around for too long in case the boys woke up.

5. If I tried to call my husband "over and over" and couldn't reach him at a time I normally would be able to, I would not be stopping on the way home to run errands and have breakfast with my mom. And I'd probably be calling nearby family and asking them to pop in and check on my family. But maybe that's just me?

Just you. There have been times when I called up my girlfriend (and vice versa) around 11 PM and she didn't answer and I said to myself "She probably passed out already". It's not so alarming to raise a red flag, IMO. We have to consider the fact that this family had lived hundreds of normal days and they would be hard pressed to think of the abnormal. Daily life makes you slow, bogs down your critical thinking, leaves you totally unaware of what could go wrong.

8. Further to my pondering above. Teresa's friends have stated numerous times how "poor" she was. Now, where I come from, "poor" people don't have several vehicles including a Jeep, multiple pieces of camera equipment, multiple gaming systems, leather jackets, etc.

Not necessarily so. I know many low income people (my girlfriend herself) who own such equipment. They just know how to save for things they really want. Sometimes I too wonder how the hell some friends of mine with lower incomes have cooler stuff than me but then I realize it's because I'm just not that stingy with my money. Plus, a lot of those things can be bought for cheap used, refurbished or knockoff brands. The Jeep could be used or leased for all we know. But even if it were bought, it's not a great indicator that they could have used drug money to buy it.

I think this is my theory. MY OPINION/SPECULATION ONLY. I believe they may have been drug dealers. Meth or maybe heroin. Customers would likely come to the house while Gary was at work. Teresa may have made friends with some of the customers and started partaking in the drugs herself. Maybe just a little at first. But worse as time went on, resulting in the weight loss. (Perhaps the ex-wife caught wind of this and this is what the threats were related to? And why Gary is so quick to dismiss the ex's involvement, to not bring any attention to the drug dealing?) Then one night it gets a little out of hand and the party goes all night. She realizes her mistake and that she has to replace the money for the drugs she's done. The customer she's been partying with says, let's pawn some stuff and get the money back. Teresa, not in her right mind, sees this as the only solution. Leaves her precious wedding rings behind. Takes her purse and small pawnable items and heads out with the customer. They pawn the items, but are coming down off the drugs and decide to go find more. What happens after that? We see Teresa just over a week later, unaware of her own name. And then...? To the streets. Meth is ugly and one of the few things I could see enticing a mother away from her children. Heroin is no better.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this. It certainly doesn't explain everything but I feel it covers quite a bit. I mean no disrespect to Teresa or her family in any way. Rather, I would hope that she's still out there and could maybe still be saved. For what it's worth, I had a completely different theory in mind before I went through all the facts. Now, nothing else really seems feasible to me.

I think the drug dealer theory is stretching it. Too many holes in it. It just wouldn't be kept quiet for this long. There would have been more clues before her disappearance. People who do meth and other hard drugs tend to become disheveled and lose teeth. Dealing weed is small time stuff and is much less likely to get out of hand. I have a relative who did meth and I spotted it right away. She looks absolutely horrible. Going by weight loss alone as the physical clue is too general. Also - the kids. Kids are always unpredictable and say the darnest things. They could have said stuff midly suspicous. Not that they would understand, but they would slip something out that a cop would know. Also, the police would have definitely found out by now. You can't keep that under the radar for this long after what happened. Unless this is really a crap town with poor police work. Still - I don't see this happening.

I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of a stranger from Wal-Mart having approached her and taken her.

Let's see - small, rural town Amercia. Wal-Marts always attract odd people. She could have become acquaintences with a frequent customer who became interested in her. She had no idea he was a creeper with sexual or other malicious intentions. There are numerous ways they could have figured out where she lived. Heck, maybe she used the Photo Lab to print out her own photos and printed out some of her house, prompting a discussion with said frequent customer about where she lived.

If that alleged sighting of Teresa is true, the abductor(s) would have drugged her to keep her disoriented in public, unable to say who she is and what happened.

My theory could change based on some more details I mentioned above that I don't know about.

For example: was the key in the lock an extra copy of the house key that Gary doesn't remember making? Because Wal-Marts have those key copier machines. This could support my theory where a stranger(s) who kept visiting Teresa at her job became infatuated with her, and then when she wasn't around they copied her key. This could also explain why the key broke off in the lock. Those machine are never 100% accurate. I copied a key once on one of those machines and it came out horrible - I couldn't open the door with it.
I quit following this case about a year or so ago. For some reason, I thought an arrest had been made, but I believe I had it confused with another case 20 years earlier involving someone else with the same name. I've looked at that intersection - County Hwy 241 at Hwy 62 - and there are not a lot of homes in that area. That means no neighbors to see or hear anything.

Coming back to the case I've learned some things I didn't know before. The broken tip of a key in a lock, the sister-in-law contacting her the night before and the husband passing a lie detector test. I have to sit down and think about this case now since I've been gone from it too long.
I'm still curious what lock in the house the key was found. I can't find that bit of information anywhere.

So do I. But as isolated as that house was, it could have been the front door. (Of course, if that were the case, would the husband be able to get the key in the lock when he got home?) And I suppose LE can't tell if it was an actual copy of key or a 'bump' key. That would depend on how much of the tip was still there.

If it was a copy of the key, I can see Teresa hearing the key in lock and maybe going to the door, curious to see why her husband was home so early. She probably didn't even look, assuming that only her husband would be using a key. That would imply premeditation. (Even if the premeditation was robbery only, in most states if you kill someone while in the act of committing another felony - robbery, car theft, etc. - the killing automatically become first degree murder.)

We also don't know - assuming the tip didn't prevent a key from being used - how long it was in the lock. Teresa herself may have done it and since she is gone we don't know that for sure. That is, it may not have any significance to the case.
Teresa Butler case still active 10 years after disappearance

Family and friends still want answers as to what happen to a Risco, Mo. woman 10 years after she went missing.

Teresa Butler disappeared from her home in Risco some time between 10 p.m. on January 24, 2006 and the early morning January 25, 2006. She would be 45 years old now.

Brenda Wilson, Teresa's sister, says she is still hopeful for new information.

"We would love to see someone arrested," Wilson said. "We just take it day by day. There has been no news lately so... We are content with that she is probably dead and in a better place. We just want answers."
I'm afraid that because Teresa met so many people through work the number of possible suspects makes it difficult to find a suspect. It may be someone who knew her as a customer, but LE can't make the connection the person never gave others a reason to suspect them.
Just checking in to see if there was any news. Do we have any locals in that part of Missouri or Arkansas that might be hearing something about the case?

There's nothing new reported in the link below but it does provide a summary of the disappearance and the investigative effort that followed. Sadly after almost eleven years, it seems they are still no closer to figuring out what happened to her.

Quotes from family and friends are included as well, illustrating that Teresa is still loved and missed. November 26th would have been her 46th birthday.

A Mother Missing: What Happened to Teresa Lynn Butler?

Like many other mysterious disappearances, there are no smoking guns in this case. Though there have been many theories and rumors over the years, no conjecture regarding Teresa’s fate truly seems any more convincing than the others. However, there are a few aspects surrounding Teresa’s case that suggest logical, and therefore more popular, possibilities.

Teresa’s purse and cell phone were both missing from her home, and there was a broken key in the door lock.

It seems unlikely, but not impossible, that an abductor would allow her to bring her purse and cell phone. It also seems unlikely, but not impossible, if this had truly been a ‘standard‘ home-robbery-gone-wrong type of situation, that this burglar (who was entirely uninterested in traceable items such as Teresa’s wedding rings, television, and vehicle) would have intentionally stolen such easily identifiable, and potentially trackable, items.

The broken key evidence most likely suggests one of two scenarios. Someone could have been trying to pick/force the lock open with the key (which was an incorrect key or a bad/old copy of the correct key). Or, Teresa was roughly grabbed while she was unlocking the door.
Checking in after checking the internet. Nothing since around the 10 year mark last January. (I find it strange to call in an 'anniversary'.) This and other sites like Reddit are about all we have left to go on. Her kids are 11 years older and probably at the point where they don't just want to ask their father, but others as well. I can't imagine growing up that way. We don't even know if LE has something that can be tested using technology that wasn't available 11 years ago.
Authorities, community mark somber anniversary in Teresa Butler case

They've searched for 11 years but Teresa Butler is still missing, and what happened to her remains a mystery.

New yellow ribbons dot the landscape in the small town of Risco, marking this somber anniversary.

But now, New Madrid County authorities are ready to try something new.

Sheriff Terry Stevens and Teresa's family have agreed to let us profile her case on our next Heartland Unsolved.

As we've done in the past, I will be taking you behind the scenes of Heartland Unsolved on my KFVS Facebook page, so watch for video clips and live streams in the coming weeks.

Heartland Unsolved: In the Dark, the Disappearance of Teresa Butler will air in late February on Heartland News at 10.
A recent interview with the Administrator of both the Find Teresa Butler website and Facebook Page:

Good catch! I've searched for info on Teresa's case and have not come across this. Very little is out there and the podcast host notes that about this case. I also learned something about this case that I have not previously heard. That was about the ex-wife showing up with a deputy from another county at her house.

It's one of the most well-known cold cases in the Heartland, the 2006 disappearance of New Madrid County mom Teresa Butler.

Now, you're about to learn about her case in a whole new light, with new clues, and a surprise announcement from authorities.

Authorities say they are closer than ever to breaking this case wide open.

A search of the house also turned up a possible clue.

"When we looked under the couch, we found a set of ladies rings, which we later found out belonged to Teresa,” Stevens said.

"A lot of times at night she would take them off," Dale recalled of his wife’s rings. "Like if she was laying on the couch if they were irritating her, she would take them off."

Or, Stevens said, it could have been a more deliberate move.

"That possibly the people she was interacting with she didn't feel completely comfortable with. So, she may have been securing them in her own way."

Authorities say it's possible more than one person spent time inside the Butler home in Risco the night Teresa disappeared.

And no one believes she willingly left her sons home alone.

One clue pointing to how she may have been taken out comes from the Butler's front porch.

"You know, we had the lightbulb that was unscrewed, as to not illuminate the porch where if anybody was driving by couldn't see anybody coming or going to the residence," said Hensley.

And what does that say to you as an investigator, when you see a lightbulb unscrewed on a front porch? I asked.

"That someone has some type of experience in burglaries, some type of criminal past,” Hensley responded. “You know, if that is his MO to do that, that is one of the things we've been looking for is other burglaries where the lightbulb has been unscrewed."

A big break in Teresa's case came a year and a half after she went missing, when a tip led authorities to a camcorder dumped in this ditch between Malden and Risco.

How did the sheriff found the camcorder?

"Through the investigation, we interviewed an individual who told us a story about exchanging some illegal drugs for a camcorder. And they had viewed the contents of the camcorder after they got it, and realized that it belonged to 'the girl that was missing from Risco,' in their words."

Teresa Butler?

"Teresa Butler and her family," he said.
Just sitting wondering and hoping about Teresa's investigation and is LE close. It's past due.
Bumping up.
hoping some day there will be an answer to what happened.

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