Found Deceased MO - Toni Anderson, 20, North Kansas City, 15 Jan 2017 #6

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Although not a lake and my outcome was much better people can get lost and confused. I was coming home from a long trip. In the middle of the night. I wanted to go through a drive-thru for coffee. It was really late/early. Dark and a lot of snow. Instead of going through the drive-thru I went towards a closed car wash. I couldn't get out as I couldn't back out as it was all loopy and I couldn't go toward as the car wash doors were there and closed.
Again I know this isn't what happened to Toni and I wasn't in immediate danger and knew I would be fine eventually but I had a huge panic attack which made it sooo much worse. Eventually the store sent people out to help me. They had to shovel a pathway for me to drive out off. Never again!!! I was sober but excited and tired to get home. My panic about being stuck made things so much worse. I can see how this is just a sad sad, tragic accident. I'm sorry Toni. Fly free sista!

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Lets use this to make the world better. How does someone under drinking age work in a strip bar? It is a disgusting predatory environment. Of all the crap our society wont allow.. we allow this?

IMO drinking age had little to do with this. It seems simple enough that this is a great lesson in the importance of nighttime driving safety and the need for better gating/signage for boat ramps.

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IMO drinking age had little to do with this. It seems simple enough that this is a great lesson in the importance of nighttime driving safety and the need for better gating/signage for boat ramps.

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It is not about underage drinking as much as it is just flagrant disrespect for the law by the people that run the the strip bars. At the end of the day... that culture, where Toni was immersed, had a lot to do with why she is dead.
If it was truly a tragic boat ramp death, it's time to either get a gate, install cameras, or shut it down.

Public boat ramps have been in operation throughout history and are located in many municipalities with public waterways. To suggest a boat ramp is shut down over one death is an overreaction and deprives the legitimate users of the ramp many recreational opportunities.

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Public boat ramps have been in operation throughout history and are located in many municipalities with public waterways. To suggest a boat ramp is shut down over one death is an overreaction and deprives the legitimate users of the ramp many recreational opportunities.

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Until you can provide actual statistics on the number of people who patronize that boat ramp each year, I disagree. This was a new boat ramp built in 2014 that provides desolate access to a very strong part of the river. I understand boat ramps are all over the country but this particular ramp may be a mistake for many reasons.

I also don't think you'd feel it was an overreaction if your child died this way.

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To the point about gates on the boat ramp: its a nageivible waterway. People use it for transportation and/or sporting (fishing) at all hours of the night.

Gating the boat ramp could happen if the corresponding authority decides to do it, but I don't see that happening.

You also have to consider that a boat ramp is designed for people who are experienced in launching boats on trailers. It's not easy to learn and most boaters have to take boater safety courses (depends on state I suppose).

Generally speaking, launching into a river is harder than launching into a lake.

If someone is using a river boat launch, they are experienced in boat launches. If Toni drove down, it was an accident.

How she got there and how that happened is more about the accident and not the boat ramp itself.
Until you can provide actual statistics on the number of people who patronize that boat ramp each year, I disagree. This was a new boat ramp built in 2014 that provides desolate access to a very strong part of the river. I understand boat ramps are all over the country but this particular ramp may be a mistake for many reasons.

I also don't think you'd feel it was an overreaction if your child died this way.

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What is the name of this boat ramp? Name of the park? There likely are stats online somewhere... I'll look.
What is the name of this boat ramp? Name of the park? There likely are stats online somewhere... I'll look.

Platte Landing Park. Parkville, MO

I will still respectfully disagree with you on the basis that I assume you haven't been following this case very closely and were quick to dismiss serious concerns about the ramp without knowing anything about the location, circumstances, etc. Many on this thread agree that the ramp needs to be investigated and potentially gated based on how confusing the strip of pavement is in the night, how shallow of a turn you can make to go down it, why there is a stop sign instead of a "road ending" sign, etc.

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Have you used this boat ramp to launch a boat? Do you boat?

My point is: boat launches are for people who launch boats. How steep, etc is for the boats, not the public who don't own boats.

Whether the signage needs to be changed will probably be discussed among appropriate organizations.

Again, how steep boat launches are and the point of entry into a waterway are for people who are launching boats.

For instance, this boat launch is designed for people who have larger boats. Say someone has a F250 with a long bed plus a 26 foot boat on a trailer... that means the boat launch has to accommodate a length of 40+ feet. This person has to be able to clear all signs and go in reverse down the ramp, sometimes on a turn, and then launch, get back up the ramp, maneuver around people, sightseers, other boaters getting in formation to go down next, etc and then get to the truck/trailer parking spaces.

Signs can't interfere with a boater's line of sight in doing all of the above.
Have you used this boat ramp to launch a boat? Do you boat?

My point is: boat launches are for people who launch boats. How steep, etc is for the boats, not the public who don't own boats.

Whether the signage needs to be changed will probably be discussed among appropriate organizations.

Again, how steep boat launches are and the point of entry into a waterway are for people who are launching boats.

I'm not arguing the value of boat ramps.... or the grade of the slope (this was only 8 degrees). Just my personal opinion that you go look at the photos and watch the video of the u-turn path to see what the concerns actually are.

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It is not about underage drinking as much as it is just flagrant disrespect for the law by the people that run the the strip bars. At the end of the day... that culture, where Toni was immersed, had a lot to do with why she is dead.

What law(s) are you referring to? 18+ year olds can work in the adult industry legally. And while certainly there may be harms that come from this job just like there are harms from smoking cigarettes, the law can only do so much to protect people without encroaching on personal liberties. IMO.

Yep already read those stories as I've been on this story since day 1. I still stick with my opinion and encourage you to watch the videos.

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I'm not arguing the value of boat ramps.... or the grade of the slope (this was only 8 degrees). Just my personal opinion that you go look at the photos and watch the video of the u-turn path to see what the concerns actually are.

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It looks like a very nice place to launch a boat and is exactly what I would want. There is the nice long stretch to get set up to go down, once you come back up, you go right and around into the parking area.

FOR BOATERS, this is a nice set up for launch, especially for larger boats (for which it was intended).

There are no concerns.,-94.694908,19z/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en-us
Still catching back up but I wanted to share my two cents on things.

Firstly and respectfully, the police don't owe us anything. They don't owe us a press conference or a new release or any details at all. If that's owed to anyone, its Toni's family and AFAIK we don't know everything they know. All JMO but if what I've read is still correct, that her parents (or at least her mom) do not question the accident verdict at all, I think we should take that as more valuable as it seems like we have. Her mom knows her far better then any of us (excluding anyone on here who may have known her personally), and seems to find this very plausible. Maybe there are details not released to the public. Maybe there are lots of little things about Toni we don't know. Maybe she has a history of doing little things like that or being a distracted driver. JMO but I think her moms reaction is important in this case, and I think we all need to remember that we don't know everything that LE or her family do about this case.

Secondly, I just wanted to share my opinion on how possible it is this is an accident including some personal experience. I'm not saying there arn't any other possible scenarios, and I'm not saying LE has handled everything 100% how they should. But like Toni I'm a young woman, and I could see myself or at the very least someone I know doing what they are saying she did stone cold sobber. I read on here somewhere that her parents are saying she backed into it. To me this sounds like she maybe even knew it was a boat ramp and was using it to turn around. Not saying it's a super logical thing to do, but I'll be the first to admit as a young person my friends and I don't always make the best decisions when driving.

This is all assuming she was sobber, which we don't know. I think, in fact I know it is very possible to get high in the amount of time between her leaving QT and ending up in the river. I know because my friends and myself have gotten high in that time or less. Just last week my friend took an edible to school and ate it 10 minutes or so before lunch assuming it wouldn't kick in until lunch. She was gone by the time I saw her at lunch. Like one look at her and you knew she was high. And that's just talking about something like pot. And having been around drugs and high people I can easily see a high person doing something to accidentally end up in the river trying to leave or turn around.

Also if she was buying drugs she may have had her lights off which has been discussed. And I again know for a fact (because i used to go with my friends to deals on both sides) that some people commonly do that especially when in a park because sometimes police will patrol. I've been hanging out in a park like this after dark and had a cop see my head lights and come talk to me because most of those parks close after dark (at least in St.Louis). And although at least to the east the ice storm was a "let down", it was below freezing and the ramp could have still been icy especially since I doubt they salted it. JMO.

So I guess I don't really see why a lot of you (and I could be miss reading things do apologies if that's the case) think the given explanation is too fishy to believe because it seems like a fitting scenario to me. JMO. Again not saying there isn't something going on but I don't see the given explanation as hard to believe

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings

Good information, thank you for sharing! It's a good perspective on situations exactly like this. I don't think this conclusion is fishy, I can completely see it. What I am interested in, is the lack of correct information that has come out in Toni's case. I personally am interested in why some cases like this are handled differently and why Toni's has been so conflicting. Unfortunately when conflicting statements are made, conflicting timelines, conflicting evidence of A traffic stop, conflicting evidence of whereabouts, things are going to be assumed. In my opinion those things need to be sifted through for reasoning. I want Toni to have the best. I respect her parents for going through this $&@"storm of an investigation. They have been drug through the ringer publicly. Their only daughter was missing for two months and has now been found in the Missouri River. As a mother of four children, I feel that I would literally die of heartbreak. I also feel like I would want the least invasive outcome for my child for sure.
There is nothing wrong with seeking truth. I think until some things are cleared up, someone out there will always question this case as an accident. If there is justice that needs to had here, I hope the truth comes out. And if these things can't be explained away logically, we are all going to have to figure out a way to deal with it. But if there is anything in your gut that says something doesn't add up, follow through. Why on earth should would we take Anyone's word that this is just an accident unless they were with Toni that night. Not that I discount anyone's theory's! An accident is the most obvious for sure! There are just some nagging questions that seem to be on my mind, and I'm sure many of your as well. Thx

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Everyone is starting to focus solely on the boat ramp when the main issue is why on earth would she be out there in the first place. It has been mentioned before that it would have been very obvious that she was not on a normal road. No street lights, traffic signs etc. There were also plenty of places to turn around before she got to the end where the boat ramp is located.

The suggestion that she was drunk is just ridiculous, the cop pulled her over for such a minor offence because he was checking for drunk driving. That's typical at those hours of the morning and pulling someone over for a lane change isn't normal unless you suspect drunk driving. So if she had been drunk or even buzzed he would have noticed, smelled it etc.

There is definitely more to this story than her slipping down an icy boat ramp unless the boat ramp is not where she entered the water. It just doesn't make any sense. I also read someone suggesting that if there was foul play they wouldn't have kept her in the car but buried her... I'm sorry but that is so wrong, burying a body is no easy task not to mention having the tools on you to do so and the time. If this was a crime it was not premeditated. And keeping her in the car and dumping it is actually smart if there is no reason for anyone to suspect her being out in such a remote area.
Good information, thank you for sharing! It's a good perspective on situations exactly like this. I don't think this conclusion is fishy, I can completely see it. What I am interested in, is the lack of correct information that has come out in Toni's case. I personally am interested in why some cases like this are handled differently and why Toni's has been so conflicting. Unfortunately when conflicting statements are made, conflicting timelines, conflicting evidence of A traffic stop, conflicting evidence of whereabouts, things are going to be assumed. In my opinion those things need to be sifted through for reasoning. I want Toni to have the best. I respect her parents for going through this $&@"storm of an investigation. They have been drug through the ringer publicly. Their only daughter was missing for two months and has now been found in the Missouri River. As a mother of four children, I feel that I would literally die of heartbreak. I also feel like I would want the least invasive outcome for my child for sure.
There is nothing wrong with seeking truth. I think until some things are cleared up, someone out there will always question this case as an accident. If there is justice that needs to had here, I hope the truth comes out. And if these things can't be explained away logically, we are all going to have to figure out a way to deal with it. But if there is anything in your gut that says something doesn't add up, follow through. Why on earth should would we take Anyone's word that this is just an accident unless they were with Toni that night. Not that I discount anyone's theory's! An accident is the most obvious for sure! There are just some nagging questions that seem to be on my mind, and I'm sure many of your as well. Thx

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I think the truth will come out soon. You have to understand that they are building a case against the suspect/suspects. The public is being kept in the dark, IMO, because these people are quite active on several SM platforms and they are already on edge. Also ME still hasn't released a cause of death to police so that needs to be fully completed before anyone could be arrested. I give it a month and all our questions will be mostly answered.
Everyone is starting to focus solely on the boat ramp when the main issue is why on earth would she be out there in the first place. It has been mentioned before that it would have been very obvious that she was not on a normal road. No street lights, traffic signs etc. There were also plenty of places to turn around before she got to the end where the boat ramp is located.

The suggestion that she was drunk is just ridiculous, the cop pulled her over for such a minor offence because he was checking for drunk driving. That's typical at those hours of the morning and pulling someone over for a lane change isn't normal unless you suspect drunk driving. So if she had been drunk or even buzzed he would have noticed, smelled it etc.

There is definitely more to this story than her slipping down an icy boat ramp unless the boat ramp is not where she entered the water. It just doesn't make any sense. I also read someone suggesting that if there was foul play they wouldn't have kept her in the car but buried her... I'm sorry but that is so wrong, burying a body is no easy task not to mention having the tools on you to do so and the time. If this was a crime it was not premeditated. And keeping her in the car and dumping it is actually smart if there is no reason for anyone to suspect her being out in such a remote area.

Yes exactly.

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It is not about underage drinking as much as it is just flagrant disrespect for the law by the people that run the the strip bars. At the end of the day... that culture, where Toni was immersed, had a lot to do with why she is dead.
JMO but she chose to work in that environment and if what I read is true she liked that life style. Not the fault of the place she worked that she chose that life style.
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