Mothers Who Kill Their Children

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nanandjim said:
Dolly is a talented songwriter, too. Lonnie Anderson said that she was offered far more jobs as a blonde. That's why she changed her looks--for her career.
Yes, Hollywood likes it's blonde bombshells, but how demeaning. To be constantly exploited for a might be better than slinging hash in a local diner but, gees, not very appealing to me.
nanandjim said:
I had "Glamour Shots" and they turned out fantastic. I hate to sound conceited, but I look like a model in mine. That being said, they are not going to be able to perform miracles and make a fat person look thin or a homely person look gorgeous.

I went with a co-worker of mine, and she hated her photos. However, I thought that they made her look better than she looked in "real life."
That is what they are supposed to do. Make you look better than you actually do. I don't see anything cheap about them.
deandaniellws said:
Speaking of Dolly....Working 9-5 is on right now! I am watching it. "I am going to change you from a rooster to a hen in one shot!" Gosh....I love that line. I love Dolly. She is just precious!!!:)
My favorite line in a movie was Kathy Bates in that Leno movie when she called some studio suit a "dickless wonder"! hahahahahhhah. I laugh everytime I think of that one.
Dolly is also a very successful business woman. She owns Dollywood and makes a lot of the decisions herself. She has certain charities she helps thru the amusement park and they reach out to the community in various chidren's projects. Dolly never forgot her roots and never thought she was better from whence she came. I admire her in a zillion ways.
Goody said:
There are some very nice photos of the family and poses with just the boys. Maybe they are in one of the books or on some of these TV shows. Darlie looks just beautiful in them.
The boys look so cute. It is all very sad.:(
Goody said:
Dolly is also a very successful business woman. She owns Dollywood and makes a lot of the decisions herself. She has certain charities she helps thru the amusement park and they reach out to the community in various chidren's projects. Dolly never forgot her roots and never thought she was better from whence she came. I admire her in a zillion ways.
I would love to go there. My sister and my mother have both visted Dollywood. One day I am going to see it. :p
nanandjim said:
I had "Glamour Shots" and they turned out fantastic. I hate to sound conceited, but I look like a model in mine. That being said, they are not going to be able to perform miracles and make a fat person look thin or a homely person look gorgeous
well, of course you think you do. Haha, teasing..

deandaniellws said:
Speaking of Dolly....Working 9-5 is on right now! I am watching it. "I am going to change you from a rooster to a hen in one shot!" Gosh....I love that line. I love Dolly. She is just precious!!!:)
She was great in Steel Magnolias. "I haven't been out of the house without lycra on these thighs since I was 17". Might not be an exact quote, but it's close.
Goody said:
I guess it is all in one's perception of what "cheap looking" is. I have never found them offensive, so maybe I am not a good person to discuss it with. Of course, some Hollywood types made fun of Tammy Wynette for having a velvet painting on the wall in her home, but I remember when those things came out. Us working class peons thought they were so cool. My mother actually made me a peacock with beads and feathers on black velvet and it hung in my house for years. I never thought of us as being "cheap trailer trash" but maybe we were. They say you can't see yourself as clearly as you see others.
Yes, black velvet paintings were great in their day. So were parachute pants in the 80's.
But, Goody anything that you can buy at roadside gas stations has had it's day and then some.
Goody said:
No, you are saying that she looks cheap BECAUSE she killed her children. If she hadn't done that you all wouldn't think twice about that look. You'd have an each to his own attitude.

I am just wanting to take an objective look at who Darlie was before the murders, at evidence that is laying just below the surface. But I guess if you reeeeeeeally don't want to, you don't have to. :p

I am just saying to set all that aside while looking at certain elements, but I guess if you reeeeeeeally don't want to, you don't have to. :p

It is called Hollywood bull feces.


You are kidding. Looking cheap is all Dolly ever talks about. She is the most down to earth entertainer I have ever seen. Lonnie, on the other hand, believed her own hype. I think she was jealous of Dolly because rumors had Burt Reynolds (Lonnie fiance at the time) linked to both women romantically. They had to make a personal appearance with Burt over the Best Little Whorehouse In Texas movie, I think. I can't tell you how many times Lonnie rolled her eyes and sighed rudely over comments Dolly made about herself being cheap. Like Lonnie thought she was so much better than Dolly. And there was Burt stuck in the middle. hahahahahah.

Years later when Dolly was promoting her book, someone asked her if she had told the whole truth. She replied, "Shoot, no! If I had, I'd have hung myself and five others." She is such a character! She could buy and sell Lonnie Anderson countless times over. That is the best part!!!!

But I agree. Dolly doesn't look cheap and neither does Darlie in those glamour shots.

get a grip goody I am not, she looks cheap period. and we have only been exposed to her in the context of killing her kids. If she hadn't killed her kids, you, me, none of us would even know who she is would we. I have never heard dolly talk about looking cheap so no I am not kidding--honest I never have or if I have I've forgotten. I don't follow that sort of thing. It doesn't interest me in the least. I do like Dolly that's all, she was good in those movies and she's a good singer I suppose if you like her type of voice--I don't. And once again, I could care less what Darlie was like before she killed her children or now that she's been convicted. It just doesn't mean that much to me. As for Lonnie I've seen her in one movie and on that stupid WKRP that's it. I don't watch sitcoms--I don't find them remotely funny. WEll Cheers was good as was Friends but those are the only two. I really am Hollywood illiterate. I prefer to watch sports or documentaries on tv.

You go for it though girl, do your thing. I hope you find what motivated Darlie to kill her kids.
cami said:
get a grip goody I am not, she looks cheap period. and we have only been exposed to her in the context of killing her kids. If she hadn't killed her kids, you, me, none of us would even know who she is would we. I have never heard dolly talk about looking cheap so no I am not kidding--honest I never have or if I have I've forgotten. I don't follow that sort of thing. It doesn't interest me in the least. I do like Dolly that's all, she was good in those movies and she's a good singer I suppose if you like her type of voice--I don't. And once again, I could care less what Darlie was like before she killed her children or now that she's been convicted. It just doesn't mean that much to me. As for Lonnie I've seen her in one movie and on that stupid WKRP that's it. I don't watch sitcoms--I don't find them remotely funny. WEll Cheers was good as was Friends but those are the only two. I really am Hollywood illiterate. I prefer to watch sports or documentaries on tv.

You go for it though girl, do your thing. I hope you find what motivated Darlie to kill her kids.
Me, too. But if Darlie looks cheap when she is all decked out, so does Dolly (and I love her to death because those feet of hers are so well rooted) and so does Lonnie. Now if Darlie walked around looking like Pamela Anderson, I'd agree with you. (She probably did in that thong bikini <grin>)

I don't watch sitcoms either. Borrrrring! Give me a good whodunit or docs anyday. I also like some of the reality shows. (But Jerry Seinfeld was good hahaha)
Something that boggles our minds especially when we look at our children and know we couldn't hurt a hair on their heads.

Anyway here's something I found whilst researching. I remember saying to my late bf, Darlie is smiling at the bday party because the source of her stress is reminded me of Scott Peterson grinning at the vigil for Laci. He agreed with me...(or else, LOL)

Why do mothers kill their children? Over at Scientific American, guest blogger Eric Michael Johnson, of Primate Diaries fame, has fashioned a nicely turned essay considering one answer to this question— or at least a partial answer — offered by researcher Dario Maestripieri: When mothers kill their children, they are reacting to a particularly toxic combination of stress, powerlessness, and social disadvantage.

Maestripieri, Johnson writes,

has spent most of his career studying maternal behavior in primates. In particular, he’s focused on the factors that influence a mother’s motivation towards her young. As a professor of Comparative Human Development, Evolutionary Biology, Neurobiology, and Psychiatry at the University of Chicago he has enjoyed the kind of cross-disciplinary success that most scientists only dream of. His 153 academic papers and six books have been cited more than a thousand times by scholars (including this one) in many of the world’s top scientific journals. His latest paper is scheduled to be published in early 2011 by the American Journal of Primatology. In it Maestripieri lays out the argument he’s built over the last two decades showing how one of the most serious impacts on maternal behavior, one with potentially lethal results, is so common in modern life as to be nearly invisible: stress.

Caveat: It's based on monkey behaviour!
Interesting. Thanks for posting. My noneducated guesses will be. ....I think mothers kills for
1. Removal of stress. Kids are expensive and they are your whole world. You must sacrifice a lot and some aren't capable
2. To please a man or attract a man (some men are firm in stating they don't want the burden)
3. Attention. Everyone fawns over a grieving mother.
4. To hurt the father
5. Some moms believe the child is better off dead than to live in this cruel world
6. Possessive. Its MY child and I can take their ife if I choose to. I deserve to make the choice
7. Mental illness and PPD
Interesting. Thanks for posting. My noneducated guesses will be. ....I think mothers kills for
1. Removal of stress. Kids are expensive and they are your whole world. You must sacrifice a lot and some aren't capable
2. To please a man or attract a man (some men are firm in stating they don't want the burden)
3. Attention. Everyone fawns over a grieving mother.
4. To hurt the father
5. Some moms believe the child is better off dead than to live in this cruel world
6. Possessive. Its MY child and I can take their ife if I choose to. I deserve to make the choice
7. Mental illness and PPD

I agree with all of those. I'd add depression too not just PP or post natal as we call it. There is always motivation, it's just us lay people or anyone really doesn't have a clue why a mother would kill here own child. I certainly don't.

No one talks about hidden anger but I bet it's at the heart of a lot of these cases and when something triggers it watch out. That's what I think happened here.
I agree with all of those. I'd add depression too not just PP or post natal as we call it. There is always motivation, it's just us lay people or anyone really doesn't have a clue why a mother would kill here own child. I certainly don't.

No one talks about hidden anger but I bet it's at the heart of a lot of these cases and when something triggers it watch out. That's what I think happened here.

I'm sure Darlie had tons of hidden anger because her entire world was falling apart because her money was running out. There are alot of people who are motivated only by money and material things and I see Darlie as being one of those people. Darlie needed tons of attention and I've often wondered if she didn't kill them just to get the attention of a poor mother that just lost her children.

for anyone who has not see this clip, I figured I'd post it here.. The first 16 or so minutes is of The Routier Murders...

Opinions. Thoughts?

It's not really anything we haven't seen over and over again but again, just sharing! They really emphasized in this one how vain and materialistic they both were though! It still sickens me knowing she did this and won't admit to it when all the FACTS//EVIDENCE point to HER Guilt, again just stating MO.

This case has always stuck with me. Perhaps because I have 2 little boys of my own and could not fathom doing this to my little guys, My heart always goes out to those little boys, Devon && Damon Routier, who deserved so much more than they got!

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