Motion for George's Grand Jury Transcript MERGED

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I hope it gets unsealed too because Enough is Enough!
These people must think everyone is a fool, do they not realize that every word they have uttered is forever cataloged either on paper or video/audio? I can only wish that they get a stern reprimand because it seems like criminal charges are not meant to be.
Your link didn't work for me. Here's a good link:,0,6082282.story

I'm wondering which of George's statements were contradictory too. I hope the judge unseals his testimony.

We do not know which specific statements of George's in his State deposition done last month, contradict with his GJ testimony, because the State has not released George's (or Cindy's or Lee's) State depositions.

I want Baez to get the UNsealed portions of George's GJ testimony, so he can show KC exactly what Daddy said that will seal her fate! Back before Daddy was rewriting history, on the stand, under oath.
I hope it gets unsealed too because Enough is Enough!
These people must think everyone is a fool, do they not realize that every word they have uttered is forever cataloged either on paper or video/audio? I can only wish that they get a stern reprimand because it seems like criminal charges are not meant to be.

not yet ..... on the criminal charges ...... there may be strategic reasons for the State to NOT charge the A's with anything until after the murder trial, so they cannot claim the 5th and clam up.....
George the bus is coming-time for you to decide which side of the law you are on....
So which of George's statements were conflicting? Ah yes, that is the question. I thought for sure it would be CA before GA but this really is quite a twist seeing that the SA filled the motion. So what could happen to GA if it is proven that he has given conflicting statements? What effect if any will this have on KC's trial?

I believe the State needs the Grand Jury testimony to protect the believability of George's GJ testimony and to show that George lied later in the State deposition. The State needs the GJ testimony to be believed in the murder trial. What happens to George in regards to perjured testimony or any other charges, after the murder trial is another matter, to be determined at a later date .... in my opinion. The State cannot afford to let George's contradictory deposition testimony go unchallenged.
So which of George's statements were conflicting? Ah yes, that is the question. I thought for sure it would be CA before GA but this really is quite a twist seeing that the SA filled the motion. So what could happen to GA if it is proven that he has given conflicting statements? What effect if any will this have on KC's trial?

I'm betting he lied about the timeline and other misc. facts regarding the last time he saw Caylee alive. And when he allegedly saw Casey flying down the freeway in Cindy's car.
Thanks JSR.

What I'm wondering is, if they charged George with perjury and threw him in jail now - with the GJ and depo statements as evidence - would that knock some sense into the A's heads about how serious lying is, and make them more likely to tell the truth on the stand without having to impeach them?

Or would being charged with perjury affect George's ability to even be called to testify?

I do not believe that any one in the family will be charged at all, and especially not before the trial. But on the off chance that GA is thrown in jail now, do I think it would knock sense into the As head? Not a chance. When I read your post all I could see in my head is CA, LA and KC writing letters back and forth at lighting speed and passing them through JB getting all of their stories straight and planning how to concoct some evidence that throws GA under the bus for the murder. Poor KC has been covering for him this whole time because of his mental issues, etc, etc, etc... Sense knocked into their heads? I think not! I think CA would feel she had been done a favor. Too bad she can't see what a favor it was for her daughter to end up there. (I am one of the ones that believes that KC had it in for them next)
Wouldn't this be quite rare? I have not heard of GJ testimony becoming public knowledge before, even with the FL SS Laws.

Thats what I was thinking too.
My other thought while reading this thread is how different members reactions would be if it had been JB asking for the transcript to be guess is that the thread would be 20 pages long already with with lots of 'who does he think he is?" remarks.
ETA: Does this mean that Ashton was present at the GJ? Forgive my ignorance- I'm still learning about how all this works.
Originally Posted by whiteangora View Post
Wouldn't this be quite rare? I have not heard of GJ testimony becoming public knowledge before, even with the FL SS Laws.

Thats what I was thinking too.
My other thought while reading this thread is how different members reactions would be if it had been JB asking for the transcript to be guess is that the thread would be 20 pages long already with with lots of 'who does he think he is?" remarks.
ETA: Does this mean that Ashton was present at the GJ? Forgive my ignorance- I'm still learning about how all this works.

It is my understanding that the State is requesting the transcript of George's Grand Jury testimony to look for specific portions where George gave contradictory testimony in the later State deposition. If found, then the State will ask the Judge to UNseal only those specific portions of the GJ testimony, and release only those portions to the Defense as Discovery (which would then become public record unless the attorneys ask the Judge to REseal the GJ testimony).
The Grand Jury testimony would not be released in its entirety. And the select portions can only be UNsealed and released through proper legal procedure.
Thanks AZ.

So Baez won't even get to see it, unless the SA determines it is inconsistent and then files a motion to unseal it? And then provides to Baez "pursuant to the rules of discovery"?

Or would Baez's motion allow him to see it regardless, as long as the judge rules in his favor (and I don't see why he wouldn't). And would that allow them to skip the discovery process, and thus skip the public release?

It seems to me that in the State's Motion they have already requested that the Judge have the GJ testimony transcribed and let the SA look at it, in search of specific portions that show contradictory statements, and already asked the Judge to let them provide these located portions to the Defense as "Discovery". The Defense would only get to see the specific portions that show contradictory statements (not the entire GJ transcript). The public would only see the portions that Baez gets through Discovery. There would be no need for further motions .... the State and Baez have already made all the necessary requests in their Motions (copied on page 1 of this thread).
I do not believe that any one in the family will be charged at all, and especially not before the trial. But on the off chance that GA is thrown in jail now, do I think it would knock sense into the As head? Not a chance. (When I read your post all I could see in my head is CA, LA and KC writing letters back and forth at lighting speed and passing them through JB getting all of their stories straight and planning how to concoct some evidence that throws GA under the bus for the murder. Poor KC has been covering for him this whole time because of his mental issues, etc, etc, etc... Sense knocked into their heads? I think not!) I think CA would feel she had been done a favor. Too bad she can't see what a favor it was for her daughter to end up there. (I am one of the ones that believes that KC had it in for them next)


I have to agree with you. There is no way that if GA were to be arrested that it would knock any kind of sense into the rest of the family's heads. I see it just like you do. The minute he's in the clink, they up the anty and throw him under the bus so fast he won't know what hit him. I could even see them using his suicide attempt as proof of his overwhelming guilt. Creeps.
Found this online about one man that got 15 years in prison for lying to the grand the state of fl. Just incase the A's think they are gonna get away with the lies.
It appears that fl juries are not stupid....lookout GA...

.and the bad boys in prison do not like cops!!!!!
In REreading the State and Defense Motions ..... I have to correct myself ..... I do not believe the State has "already" asked the Judge to let the State provide the specific portions of the GJ testimony that prove contradictory statements, to the Defense in Discovery .... this is something the State said they will have to do at a future time ("move this court" = file another Motion) ..... after the State has reviewed the GJ testimony and located the contradictory testimony.

And then Baez comes along and tries to hitch onto the State's request and asks that the ENTIRE GJ transcript be released to the Defense as well as to the State -- "at the same time". This is definitely NOT what the State is requesting. The State is asking to search for specific contradictory portions of the GJ testimony -- not to release the ENTIRE GJ testimony to the Defense. That Baez is a sly one .....

COMES NOW the State of Florida and moves this Honorable Court to Order the Official Court Reporter, to transcribe for purposes of trial preparation and DISCOVERY, the testimony of George Anthony .....

.....2. ........testified ....was materially inconsistent with his grand jury testimony ON SOME POINTS. (not the entire transcript/testimony)

....... 3. It will be necessary for the undersigned (the State) to examine the testimony (not the State AND the Defense) .....move this court to unseal the testimony and allow the undersigned (the State) to provide that testimony (the specific portions which show "materially inconsistent" - not the entire transcript) to the Defendant (Defense) pursuant to the rules of DISCOVERY.

Baez says: The Defendant also requests to examine the testimony before the grand jury and that the testimony be unsealed and provided to the Defendant (Defense) at the same time it is provided to the State.
George the bus is coming-time for you to decide which side of the law you are on....

Amen! The jig might be up for the A's. Between all the dishonest television appearances, depos and police interviews they just might be finally facing the music. Here's hoping!
Found this online about one man that got 15 years in prison for lying to the grand the state of fl. Just incase the A's think they are gonna get away with the lies.
It appears that fl juries are not stupid....lookout GA...

.and the bad boys in prison do not like cops!!!!!

Very interesting article!
I believe George told the truth to the Grand Jury, and lied in the deposition given to the State last month. George is now going to be held accountable for the TRUTH he told and the jury in the murder trial will rely on George's Grand Jury testimony, not on George's perjury in the depo testimony.
In REreading the State and Defense Motions ..... I have to correct myself ..... I do not believe the State has "already" asked the Judge to let the State provide the specific portions of the GJ testimony that prove contradictory statements, to the Defense in Discovery .... this is something the State said they will have to do at a future time ("move this court" = file another Motion) ..... after the State has reviewed the GJ testimony and located the contradictory testimony.

And then Baez comes along and tries to hitch onto the State's request and asks that the ENTIRE GJ transcript be released to the Defense as well as to the State -- "at the same time". This is definitely NOT what the State is requesting. The State is asking to search for specific contradictory portions of the GJ testimony -- not to release the ENTIRE GJ testimony to the Defense. That Baez is a sly one .....

COMES NOW the State of Florida and moves this Honorable Court to Order the Official Court Reporter, to transcribe for purposes of trial preparation and DISCOVERY, the testimony of George Anthony .....

.....2. ........testified ....was materially inconsistent with his grand jury testimony ON SOME POINTS. (not the entire transcript/testimony)

....... 3. It will be necessary for the undersigned (the State) to examine the testimony (not the State AND the Defense) .....move this court to unseal the testimony and allow the undersigned (the State) to provide that testimony (the specific portions which show "materially inconsistent" - not the entire transcript) to the Defendant (Defense) pursuant to the rules of DISCOVERY.

Baez says: The Defendant also requests to examine the testimony before the grand jury and that the testimony be unsealed and provided to the Defendant (Defense) at the same time it is provided to the State.

I appreciate you taking the time to explain all of this in your above message and also in post #62.
Wasn't he required to testify before the Grand Jury because of his " unmistakeable smell of human decomposition" comments? I was under the impression that was what the Prosecution wanted to hear from him in the presence of the GJ, and it was my feeling at the time,considering how extremely nervous he was before he went in, that he was prepared to confirm that. If that is what he did, then what have his latest comments been regarding the smell etc?
In REreading the State and Defense Motions ..... I have to correct myself ..... I do not believe the State has "already" asked the Judge to let the State provide the specific portions of the GJ testimony that prove contradictory statements, to the Defense in Discovery .... this is something the State said they will have to do at a future time ("move this court" = file another Motion) ..... after the State has reviewed the GJ testimony and located the contradictory testimony.

And then Baez comes along and tries to hitch onto the State's request and asks that the ENTIRE GJ transcript be released to the Defense as well as to the State -- "at the same time". This is definitely NOT what the State is requesting. The State is asking to search for specific contradictory portions of the GJ testimony -- not to release the ENTIRE GJ testimony to the Defense. That Baez is a sly one .....

COMES NOW the State of Florida and moves this Honorable Court to Order the Official Court Reporter, to transcribe for purposes of trial preparation and DISCOVERY, the testimony of George Anthony .....

.....2. ........testified ....was materially inconsistent with his grand jury testimony ON SOME POINTS. (not the entire transcript/testimony)

....... 3. It will be necessary for the undersigned (the State) to examine the testimony (not the State AND the Defense) .....move this court to unseal the testimony and allow the undersigned (the State) to provide that testimony (the specific portions which show "materially inconsistent" - not the entire transcript) to the Defendant (Defense) pursuant to the rules of DISCOVERY.

Baez says: The Defendant also requests to examine the testimony before the grand jury and that the testimony be unsealed and provided to the Defendant (Defense) at the same time it is provided to the State.

Hi! I am still very new and often very lost!! Would someone please direct me to where I can read both the motion and the response? Thanks so much. One of these days I will get the hang of it!! Riley
Wasn't he required to testify before the Grand Jury because of his " unmistakeable smell of human decomposition" comments? I was under the impression that was what the Prosecution wanted to hear from him in the presence of the GJ, and it was my feeling at the time,considering how extremely nervous he was before he went in, that he was prepared to confirm that. If that is what he did, then what have his latest comments been regarding the smell etc?

I agree, I also believe that he was asked to the GJ because at the time he was trying to be honest and honorable to Caylee. His actions showed that he could be trusted in there, IMO. If I recall correctly, (and it has been a loooooong time folks) he went up to LE sort of secretly before they got to the house and said he believed KC was hiding something and he also went to the station to speak with them in private, secretly. Remember the whole bit about getting LA down there to hear the 911 tapes and they played the game with him and acted like he wasn't already there. They were going to pretend that he had been called too and got there a few minutes before Lee. I think this might have also been the tapes where they left the recording on and GA had to excuse himself and got sick. I believe that all of this factored in to them asking him to testify. I was actually proud of him back then.

It's also part of the reason that I made my last post. I believe that the family blames George to some extent for KC being arrested again. Especially since she was arrested right after he testified at the GJ.
Very interesting article!
I believe George told the truth to the Grand Jury, and lied in the deposition given to the State last month. George is now going to be held accountable for the TRUTH he told and the jury in the murder trial will rely on George's Grand Jury testimony, not on George's perjury in the depo testimony.

ITA!! There was a time back then that I really had hope that George would be the voice for Caylee in all of this. He was my only hope. I may be stupid, and giving George too much credit, but I do feel he is in a very awkward position. I think CA probably guilt trips him and blames him to his face for KC's circumstances, in more ways than one. It in no way excuses the behavior at all, but I still have hope that when this is all over with and she is convicted, I hope that GA will speak for Caylee during sentencing phase. I don't see LA or CA doing it at all, but I do have hope that GA will.

ETA: I also believe, besides the fact that they knew she would lie through her teeth, CA was not there because they knew that her not being there, even if just out in the hallway, by CA not being there GA could speak freely. And knowing that things in GJ are always left underseal, except in rare instance, I actually feel a little sorry for GA that all this is happening. Not much tho. If he were still standing up to CA and speaking for Caylee and "not living this lie" as he said I would feel really bad for him.
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