Motion for George's Grand Jury Transcript MERGED

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Wasn't he required to testify before the Grand Jury because of his " unmistakeable smell of human decomposition" comments? I was under the impression that was what the Prosecution wanted to hear from him in the presence of the GJ, and it was my feeling at the time,considering how extremely nervous he was before he went in, that he was prepared to confirm that. If that is what he did, then what have his latest comments been regarding the smell etc?

He sure changed his tune on Larry King Live when he said he never realized how bad rotting food could smell (when asked about his understanding as ex LE of the smell of decomp in the Pontiac.) And he lied pathetically, IMO.
Originally Posted by whiteangora View Post
Wouldn't this be quite rare? I have not heard of GJ testimony becoming public knowledge before, even with the FL SS Laws.

It is my understanding that the State is requesting the transcript of George's Grand Jury testimony to look for specific portions where George gave contradictory testimony in the later State deposition. If found, then the State will ask the Judge to UNseal only those specific portions of the GJ testimony, and release only those portions to the Defense as Discovery (which would then become public record unless the attorneys ask the Judge to REseal the GJ testimony).
The Grand Jury testimony would not be released in its entirety. And the select portions can only be UNsealed and released through proper legal procedure.

Yup, you've got it. :clap:
He sure changed his tune on Larry King Live when he said he never realized how bad rotting food could smell (when asked about his understanding as ex LE of the smell of decomp in the Pontiac.) And he lied pathetically, IMO.

It is hard to lie convincingly when you heart's not in it...and it's hard to have your heart in it when you know it isn't true and you are being forced by someone whose holding your hand with a death grip.
Found this online about one man that got 15 years in prison for lying to the grand the state of fl. Just incase the A's think they are gonna get away with the lies.
It appears that fl juries are not stupid....lookout GA...

.and the bad boys in prison do not like cops!!!!!

And this is in 2009!!! Great job of finding vitally important info!! If GA lied to the Grand Jury then, then in all fairness, GA should be/must be prosecuted just as Mr. Brace was prosecuted.
Haven't seen much discussion on this motion filed the other day, and I thought the wording was pretty interesting. Also attached is Baez's response - he has no objection.

SA Ashton says his recollection of what George testified to at the Grand Jury is different than what he testified to at his deposition.

Could this be the first step towards a perjury charge?

And also, since both the SA and Baez will get their copies simultaneously, will we see this?



Bumping for Riley 1833

I'm extremely surprised that GA wasn't thrown on under the bus long ago. Think about it.

Cindy wanted to divorce him, but didn't want him to take half of the assets. So she stuck it out with him, not out of love, not for her kids, but for monetary assets.

KC and GA had a strained relationship, as most friends reported, and even KC stated.

KC and Lee blamed GA for the separation. Because he was talking to that woman online, lost a lot of money, etc. They didn't even like their dad, and even joked via myspace about buying him a book "how to find a job" for dummies.

Perhaps that's why KC always cries when her father is on the stand? Maybe he's going down. Who knows.

What happened to the GA at the beginning who told LE, "I think my daughters hiding something", the GA that looked under the playhouse for his Gdaughters dead body knowing what KC was capable of. The GA who almost physically attacked KC after she got out on bond, demanding the truth.

I'm not sure why he blatently lied after the fact (I think he told the truth in the LE interviews and GJ testimony) when it could be easily disproved. I think after a few weeks, he seen his family being torn apart. The whole pity me suicide thing? I think he realized that his family, as much as they loathe him and think he's a joke, is all he has. So he hopped on the A train, took blood money from Caylee, set up a phony charity to make a living..etc...etc. Good job george, you sold your very SOUL.

Btw cindy, from your blog, who is watching out for the little angel now? Thankfully not your sick family, but the LORD already had her by the time you wrote that post.
Right because the only way the morgan depo is going to be admitted into evidence is if GA lies on the stand. The SA can then use the Morgan Depo for impeachment purposes. Basically, you can bet it will be admitted. GA and CA are going to get ripped to shreds on the stand. If they had any hopes of lying to save their daughter it went out the door when they testified in the manner they did at the Morgan depo.

Bold mine.

YES!!! :dance:
Very interesting article!
I believe George told the truth to the Grand Jury, and lied in the deposition given to the State last month. George is now going to be held accountable for the TRUTH he told and the jury in the murder trial will rely on George's Grand Jury testimony, not on George's perjury in the depo testimony.

Me too- she was indicted after all, with his testimony I am sure, carrying a lot of weight. There was no body at that point and only 'Junk Science' as CA would call it, otherwise...
I agree, I also believe that he was asked to the GJ because at the time he was trying to be honest and honorable to Caylee. His actions showed that he could be trusted in there, IMO. If I recall correctly, (and it has been a loooooong time folks) he went up to LE sort of secretly before they got to the house and said he believed KC was hiding something and he also went to the station to speak with them in private, secretly. Remember the whole bit about getting LA down there to hear the 911 tapes and they played the game with him and acted like he wasn't already there. They were going to pretend that he had been called too and got there a few minutes before Lee. I think this might have also been the tapes where they left the recording on and GA had to excuse himself and got sick. I believe that all of this factored in to them asking him to testify. I was actually proud of him back then.

It's also part of the reason that I made my last post. I believe that the family blames George to some extent for KC being arrested again. Especially since she was arrested right after he testified at the GJ.

Also, let's not forget that NeJame was GA's attorney at the time of his Grand Jury appearance. Having a decent, law-abiding attorney like NeJame, maybe made GA more truthful at his GJ appearance.
Right because the only way the morgan depo is going to be admitted into evidence is if GA lies on the stand. The SA can then use the Morgan Depo for impeachment purposes. Basically, you can bet it will be admitted. GA and CA are going to get ripped to shreds on the stand. If they had any hopes of lying to save their daughter it went out the door when they testified in the manner they did at the Morgan depo.

I would PAY to see that :woohoo:
...and perhaps his recollection as to what day/time he last saw his granddaughter alive wasn't truthful as well?

That's one of the thoughts that immediately popped into my head in thinking about inconsistencies between GA's grand jury testimony and the SA depo. Although we aren't privy to either transcript, we can guess what some of the questions were.

We know one thing.........George's testimony before the grand jury wasn't too long. Because of the time involved, I doubt the grand jury asked too many probing questions about KC's background. Their questions likely pertained to events between June 15th and July 15th. There are some key dates and points in that time frame.

June 15 - 16: when was the last time George saw Caylee.

June 15: fight between Cindy and Casey.

June 16: did George see either Casey or Caylee on this day.

June 24: the police report of the shed being broken into and gas cans being stolen. George's story about confronting Casey that afternoon about those gas cans and her reaction when he wanted to retrieve the chocks from the trunk of her car.

July 15: the retrieval of the Pontiac from the impound yard, the odor, the clean-up, and any conversation he had with Casey that evening before the police responded to Cindy's 911 call.

George's inconsistencies likely revolves around one of the above key dates/points.
If George is charged with lying to the Grand Jury now, wouldn't he take the fifth at Casey's murder trial? I'm just trying to understand why it would be in the prosecutions best interest to bring this up now. Are they trying to impeach him as a witness or what?
If George is charged with lying to the Grand Jury now, wouldn't he take the fifth at Casey's murder trial? I'm just trying to understand why it would be in the prosecutions best interest to bring this up now. Are they trying to impeach him as a witness or what?

That's my question. Are they trying to show that all the A's are liars? Do they have other evidence that can back what they need the A's to testify to? I'm not sure where they are going either. Although, what choice do they have. If the evidence presented so far shows they are liars.....what can they do? MOO
Good Morning and msinformed thanks for the bump.

I have checked all the media websites and am still unable to find the motion can anyone help me locate it?

TIA Riley

Welcome Riley. The motions are in the very first post on this thread. You may need more posts (like 50 or so) in order to view attachments on this site. You can get a bunch more quickly by going to the Games forum, I think .

MyFoxOrlando also has them - go to this story, click on "Click here to read motions" it's 2 pages, about halfway through.
If George is charged with lying to the Grand Jury now, wouldn't he take the fifth at Casey's murder trial? I'm just trying to understand why it would be in the prosecutions best interest to bring this up now. Are they trying to impeach him as a witness or what?

Princess, I think he probably lied in his SA depo last month, not to the GJ. Although he may have lied in his GJ testimony too. :)

There is nothing about charging him right now, that is just speculation on our part. But the inconsistent statements could be used to impeach him on the stand.

Regardless, they want written transcripts of both because his statements between the 2 are inconsistent, in the SA's recollection.
I wonder what in particular they thought he had changed his testimony about?

Of course we don't know what was said to the grand jury, but we got to watch those depos, and apart from thinking GA was an even sillier fool than I had hitherto thought of him as being, I can't recall that he said anything too interesting.. must go watch that depo thing again..

It's best to watch the Bond Hearing first, then LE/FBI interviews, then go to MM depo and then watch George's recent testimony at the motions hearing. Then of course all the TV interviews .... :banghead:
Welcome Riley. The motions are in the very first post on this thread. You may need more posts (like 50 or so) in order to view attachments on this site. You can get a bunch more quickly by going to the Games forum, I think .

MyFoxOrlando also has them - go to this story, click on "Click here to read motions" it's 2 pages, about halfway through.

Thank you so much. I kept looking here and couldn't find them. I read all the time but seldom post. Guess I have to post more often. Fox sure hide these. Thanks again for your quick response to my shout-out. Riley
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