Motion for George's Grand Jury Transcript MERGED

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I was assuming it was the opposite,that there was more "truth" in the GJ testimony and interviews and the inconsistancies [lies] came during the recent hearing testimony. He has gone from implicating KC to totally covering for her.

The fact that each are contradictory, make me believe that either one isn't the whole truth or the entire story. The truth doesn't change.
BTW, if it does come out that GA helped indict KC then I'll eat a big helping of crow. I just won't believe it till I see it. lol.
I was assuming it was the opposite,that there was more "truth" in the GJ testimony and interviews and the inconsistancies [lies] came during the recent hearing testimony. He has gone from implicating KC to totally covering for her.

Yep, and George appeared to be the most honest when seperated from the rest of the family. At the GJH he did not have Cindy staring him down. Months have gone by and George is towing the line now. Perjury in regards to your beliefs are tough because what he believed happen can change. Memories can change, dates mistaken, showing the intention of providing false information will be interesting if that is the intent of pulling these.

I personally think they are pulling them to see where the defense is planning to take their case and go proactive in shutting it down. And because they will be useable at the murder trial. If George says he never thought Casey could have killed her, they can show the jury he did say that. If he tries to say he didn't think the smell in the car was a dead body, they can show the jury he did indeed think that. Making any attempt at pointing blame somewhere else or his claims that Casey was the mother of the year have no validity.
And GA's version of events got even more rediculous as time went on. That interview with LKL, hours before Caylee was found, was absurd.

We sure didn't need any body language expert for GA on the Dec. 10th LKL show, now did we. GA's body shuffling, his stuttering, eye fluttering and facial expressions were expertly read by all who watched. And I think we all know what the the CA squeeze was intended to impart to GA! MOO
BTW, if it does come out that GA helped indict KC then I'll eat a big helping of crow. I just won't believe it till I see it. lol.

I'm personally dying to know what he told the Grand Jury. Before he went in he looked overwhelmed with the gravitas of what he was about to do.
By the next day he had done a 360 and was back toe-ing the Cindy line and lying brazenly again. I think he probably thought that Cindy would never hear what he said to the Grand Jury....
...this can't possibly help any book deals that may be in the can. The last thing a publisher wants is a collection of "mistruths' that can be easily found out.

Hah! Brilliant thought :)

Someone should tell the A's this, maybe money will motivate them the stop the games!
The fact that each are contradictory, make me believe that either one isn't the whole truth or the entire story. The truth doesn't change.

That is perfect :clap::clap::clap:THE TRUTH DOES NOT CHANGE.

Now we need to get this as his bumber sticker.:dance:

Casey Anthony case: State says George Anthony contradicted himself when giving sworn testimony
"In the motion, filed Thursday, WESH reports that Assistant State Attorney Jeffrey Ashton wrote that George Anthony “testified at deposition in a manner that, to the recollection of the undersigned, was materially inconsistent with his grand jury testimony on some points.”
BTW, if it does come out that GA helped indict KC then I'll eat a big helping of crow. I just won't believe it till I see it. lol.

I always wondered just what GA said to the GJ. I have my doubts that he told them exactly what he thought of KC's involvment in Caylee's death. I think there was a great deal of shading given to any statements made.

If I am wrong, SuziQ, can you save me a helping of breast meat? LOL! I wonder if crow is better baked or fried.
I remember a long while ago when CA first started coming out with the words"mistruths" and half truths", wouldn't your mama have given you "something to cry about" if you offered up, I didn't lie, I just told a mistruth?LOL! It is pretty obvious that GA changed his approach dramatically after he faced it that Caylee was dead and went in to full save Casey at any cost mode. His initial statements to police will be the only truths we get from him. Thank God they were all memorialized. Cindy can say it was Pizza all she wants, but I will never forget George sitting in that FBI interview, a broken man, saying "There are just some smells you NEVER forget" and that he smelled decomposition. I hope he told the truth to the grand jury that day. If he did I think it was the very last time.

Slightly OT in a personal sort of way - my mother used to say that phrase to me "stop crying or I'm going to give you something to cry about...." and she meant it too! To this VERY DAY - I cannot tell a lie. I might can fudge out a small white lie, but a whopper - I just can't do it. Don't know if that is from my mom and her following through with all of her threats!!!!! or if I am just a "good" girl :angel:
July 15: the retrieval of the Pontiac from the impound yard, the odor, the clean-up, and any conversation he had with Casey that evening before the police responded to Cindy's 911 call.

George's inconsistencies likely revolves around one of the above key dates/points.

Respectfully Snipped Leila :)

Hello WS :)

IIRC, we have seen this inconsistency already. In one of George's interviews with LE he says that he did talk to Casey, did have a chance to talk with her and in another statement he says that night(July 15th) he did not arrive home till after ten/LE had already arrived. (This is one of those things that I might be remembering wrong, I have the GA transcripts in my notes and I will look but I am being tired right now.)

Wait! Maybe it is in an interview that George says he did get a chance to speak with her, because I am pretty sure it was his statement to LE that he got home and officers were already at his house. I do think it may have even been George and Cindy's last interview with LKL. If anyone knows what I am talking about, or if I am just crazy please let me know. :loser:

Plus and also: George telling LE that he did not get to the house till after the responding officers(yes, he says that because IIRC he also says he had to(paraphrased)"call his son to go over to the house because your mom's upset")and Lee makes it sound like his dad was not at the house when he was sent to go get the rest of Casey's stuff from AL's apartment, mostly because he does not mention him until his statement gets to him getting back home again. And then he gives a time that LE questions a bit, and questions whether or not Casey was at the house when he returned and Lee tries saying she was there but it seems LE feels she would have been at Universal, then Lee "gives in" and says he really doesn't know if she was there or not because there were officers all around her or had her in a circle.

But! In Cindy's third 911 call it seems George is at the house. Did he get there right after Lee?


Dispatch: how long has she been missing for?

Cindy: I have not seen her since the 7th of June.

Dispatch: what is her date of birth?

Cindy: um. 8. 8-9, 2000. Oh god she's 3. She’s 2005.
George, Caylee's missing.

George: what?

Cindy: Caylee's missing. Casey says (Zenaida) took her a month ago. (inaudible).

Dispatch: okay. I need. um. I understand. Can you. Can you just calm down for me for just a minute. I need to know what's going on. Okay. I’m gonna try and...

(snip end)

So, with my limited understanding I am going to assume that lying to a grand jury is way worse than lying on LKL? What I need more understanding on is this: they are going to compare GA statements/testimony from the grand jury and his statements from the morgan depo because they would not use LE statements or interviews because what you say only counts when you are under oath? Or will and can they use all of a person's statements no matter where they came from(only speaking of direct words from said persons mouth)? I am posing my question in an awkward way, sorry its how it is coming out.

Lying under oath is illegal; lying on tv is not illegal. GA gave a deposition to the state a few weeks ago which may be different from his GJ testimony according to the motion to release that part of the GJ transcript. (And is likely different from his civil case depo; and sworn statements given to LE, FBI.)

The various sworn statements and depos may be used to refresh someone's memory while on the stand and/or to impeach them if they try to lie while testifying. Where the tv stuff may come in would be when someone is on the stand, to impeach them.

ETA: TV interviews are not sworn testimony but like in the Morgan depo could be used to show someone is a liar. Hope I'm clarifying that distinction.
I was assuming it was the opposite,that there was more "truth" in the GJ testimony and interviews and the inconsistancies [lies] came during the recent hearing testimony. He has gone from implicating KC to totally covering for her.

Miss James, IMHO I think you are spot on. I think of GA hiding from CA to talk to LE and not wanting LA to know either, and his comments to LE and apologizing for CA's behavior and untruths to LE. And I think of how GA told CA that it was rotting pizza that caused the decomp odor (IMO to protect CA from the truth) and how CA took that and ran with it, to protect herself from having to admit it was human decomp which would mean the child was dead, in the trunk, and that her daughter had killed Caylee. And I think of LKL, and how nervous GA was when LK specifically asked GA about the smell. GA just couldn't tell the truth about what he thought in front of Cindy - and how he took a breath and then spouted off about the pizza. And I then think about the interview with NeJame in front of the courthouse. GA knew that what he said before the GJ would be secret and protected and CA would never find out. GA told the truth to the Grand Jury.

But as long as CA would hear what GA was saying, GA told lies that would be acceptable to CA.

And I think the reason was that GA was trying desparately to protect CA. CA was his livelihood, he didn't want the divorce she had been threatening him with. For GA, telling the lies was self-preservation. Protect CA from the truth at all costs, and put up a united front, and then GA would also be protecting himself. And he followed CA's lead.

He just didn't anticipate the LE interviews would be made public, and he never ever thought there would be a possibility that the GJ testimony would be released. GA told the truth when he thought he could, when he thought he had to, and when he thought he was protected by law.

IMO, GA knew when he first smelled the decomp odor at the tow yard what had happened. I do not think that GA or CA had anything to do with the murder/accident or any sort of physical cover up, i.e. moving or hiding the body. That was all KC.

"If I have lost my grand daughter, I have lost my daughter" is the most visceral, gut wrenching, agonizing truth that we got out of George. This was his first videotaped interview. He is at times trying to be one of them, LE, very upset, nervous, stunned, you name it. At that point, his head was spinning, sitting there at the police station, hearing all these crazy lies Casey had told,he knows there is or never has been any Zanny the Nanny and lies at short notice are his daughter's specialty. He tells them that she has no limits regarding being deceitful,even falsifying bank deposits and putting his mortgage in literal harms way was not beyond her, realizing she had been living with different boys on different parts of the weeks, she had said she was in one city, really she was in another, all the wild goose chases she took the detectives on......his head must have been spinning. All the while, he is desperate to hold on to some faint hope that Casey has hidden Caylee away at a friend's home to punish mom somehow. Totally defeated, hunched over there at the table he resigns to fate and lets out the one obvious conclusion, "If I have lost my grand daughter, I have lost my daughter".
Lying under oath is illegal; lying on tv is not illegal. GA gave a deposition to the state a few weeks ago which may be different from his GJ testimony according to the motion to release that part of the GJ transcript. (And is likely different from his civil case depo; and sworn statements given to LE, FBI.)

The various sworn statements and depos may be used to refresh someone's memory while on the stand and/or to impeach them if they try to lie while testifying. Where the tv stuff may come in would be when someone is on the stand, to impeach them.

ETA: TV interviews are not sworn testimony but like in the Morgan depo could be used to show someone is a liar. Hope I'm clarifying that distinction.

If the prosecution attempts to trap GA with his own many past lies and variations when answering the same question, I can envision the defense agreeing whole-heartedly that GA is unstable, delusional, or an habitual liar and therefore nothing he says can be given any credit by the jury...including the bad things about his daughter. In fact, even if GA testifies honestly against KC and the prosecution doesn't need to bring up any of George's many past lies, the defense will surely bring them up to negate his testimony. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
If the prosecution attempts to trap GA with his own many past lies and variations when answering the same question, I can envision the defense agreeing whole-heartedly that GA is unstable, delusional, or an habitual liar and therefore nothing he says can be given any credit by the jury...including the bad things about his daughter. In fact, even if GA testifies honestly against KC and the prosecution doesn't need to bring up any of George's many past lies, the defense will surely bring them up to negate his testimony. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I sure hope the defense doesn't open that door...cause he supposedly was the last person to see Caylee other than Casey on June 16th. If he's shown to be a liar then Casey's whole "story" goes down the toilet. I think by association it would clearly make Casey the biggest liar of them all. (Nothing like stating the
To be honest with you, I'm having a really hard time coming up with a plausible defense for this "mother". I agree that everything the prosecution presents will be attacked. There will be no story that will reveal innocence IMO.
If the prosecution attempts to trap GA with his own many past lies and variations when answering the same question, I can envision the defense agreeing whole-heartedly that GA is unstable, delusional, or an habitual liar and therefore nothing he says can be given any credit by the jury...including the bad things about his daughter. In fact, even if GA testifies honestly against KC and the prosecution doesn't need to bring up any of George's many past lies, the defense will surely bring them up to negate his testimony. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

ITA. But not only George! The entire Anthony family falls under this same umbrella. I have often wished I could find a pure list of facts with no references to any statements by this family. I think if we could see or read a list that was compiled in this manner that the truth would be easier to find!!!
"If I have lost my grand daughter, I have lost my daughter" is the most visceral, gut wrenching, agonizing truth that we got out of George. This was his first videotaped interview. He is at times trying to be one of them, LE, very upset, nervous, stunned, you name it. At that point, his head was spinning, sitting there at the police station, hearing all these crazy lies Casey had told,he knows there is or never has been any Zanny the Nanny and lies at short notice are his daughter's specialty. He tells them that she has no limits regarding being deceitful,even falsifying bank deposits and putting his mortgage in literal harms way was not beyond her, realizing she had been living with different boys on different parts of the weeks, she had said she was in one city, really she was in another, all the wild goose chases she took the detectives on......his head must have been spinning. All the while, he is desperate to hold on to some faint hope that Casey has hidden Caylee away at a friend's home to punish mom somehow. Totally defeated, hunched over there at the table he resigns to fate and lets out the one obvious conclusion, "If I have lost my grand daughter, I have lost my daughter".

World According, I so totally agree. I'm betting George told the truth in front of the Grand Jury, for Caylee, and because Cindy was not there I just posted something similar on another thread :in the beginning, they just wanted to find Caylee/ get to the bottom of it all. Sooner, rather than later, it became abundantly clear, because of all the damning evidence, car smell, No Caylee & the knowledge that Casey was capable of some pretty horrible things, ( by their own admission) that Casey probably did something "unthinkable" to Caylee. Each for their own reasons, went into cover up mode, each for self preservation. Denial is the only way they can cope. I'm not making excuses for their outrageous behavior, and I bet they're in some ways still in shock over the fact that not only was the baby murdered, but by Casey, which they just can not accept on so many levels.Neither of them have had a "real job" since July 17th 2008. I'm not going to touch cindy, we all know way more about her than we ever want to know. Cindy is stuck with George, at least for now, or half of the house and all assets will be divided. And of course now, it's really going to be about the $$$$. They can't bring Caylee back & Casey is done for, no matter what. A staff of 30 Psych Docs, nurses & therapists could spend the rest of their lives on this bunch. MOO of course.
If the prosecution attempts to trap GA with his own many past lies and variations when answering the same question, I can envision the defense agreeing whole-heartedly that GA is unstable, delusional, or an habitual liar and therefore nothing he says can be given any credit by the jury...including the bad things about his daughter. In fact, even if GA testifies honestly against KC and the prosecution doesn't need to bring up any of George's many past lies, the defense will surely bring them up to negate his testimony. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

You may be right but there's a thing about testifying against one's own penal interest being more credible than maybe some other testimony. I realize GA isn't on trial but it doesn't seem too difficult, imo, to show his proven lies were to try to help his daughter. Any testimony that he gives that hurts her then would be similar to 'against own penal interest' and I'm confident the jury will draw that conclusion. I'm also confident the state will be well prepared to help them to draw that conclusion. ;)
I sure hope the defense doesn't open that door...cause he supposedly was the last person to see Caylee other than Casey on June 16th. If he's shown to be a liar then Casey's whole "story" goes down the toilet. I think by association it would clearly make Casey the biggest liar of them all. (Nothing like stating the
To be honest with you, I'm having a really hard time coming up with a plausible defense for this "mother". I agree that everything the prosecution presents will be attacked. There will be no story that will reveal innocence IMO.

Don't feel badly that you can't think of a plausible defense. Bill Shaeffer, WESH legal analyst, feels the best lawyers in the world would have a tough time defending this woman.

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