Motion In Limine To Exclude Mental Health Experts

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Well, well, it appears that neither shrink diagnosed KC with any recognized mental health disorders and are basing their opinions solely on statements KC made to them. From a legal standpoint, I can't see how the doctors' testimony would ever be admissible. KC's statements are hearsay (unless she testifies before they do and we know that ain't happening). It also appears that the defense believes the opinions are admissible under the "state of mind" exception to the hearsay rule to explain her actions after Caylee went missing. But that's an improper use of the exception and I doubt it will fly with JP. It would also appear that the DT is trying to get some sort of character evidence admitted improperly so even if KC testified I can't see how the doctors' opinions would be admissible. Just glad they're not using PTSD because that had me screaming angry!! Now, I'm wondering if the motion will be argued in open court on Friday since it's obvious the lawyers were instructed not to mention any specifics just yet.
The DT is going to use anything and everything to prevent ICA from being judged a murderer by the jury. I would even dare to say "you ain't seen nothin' yet" when it comes to the DT and the Audacious Anthony liaison formed by CA-GA.
Prosecutors: Casey’s Defense Strategy Not Legal
Posted: 11:13 pm EDT April 12, 2011
Prosecutors in the case against Casey Anthony say her lawyers want to use a defense strategy that’s not legal. The defense wants to tell Casey's side of the story, through two mental health experts, who would testify about Casey's state of mind. But prosecutors say Casey would have to take the witness stand before that could happen
Prosecutors: Casey’s Defense Strategy Not Legal
Posted: 11:13 pm EDT April 12, 2011

"Prosecutors in the case against Casey Anthony say her lawyers want to use a defense strategy that’s not legal. The defense wants to tell Casey's side of the story, through two mental health experts, who would testify about Casey's state of mind. But prosecutors say Casey would have to take the witness stand before that could happen. According to prosecutors, the new defense experts are basing their opinions only on what Casey has told them. So even if she were to take the witness stand, their opinions still might not be admissible. Last month, the defense listed two new mental health experts it wants to call to testify about Casey Anthony's state of mind. The judge hasn't decided whether to allow it. Prosecutors have the experts' reports, and have started to question them under oath, but late Tuesday the prosecution filed a motion asking the judge to bar all discussion of their possible testimony during the trial unless Casey takes the stand in her own defense."

Is this what that motion is all about? She's not taking the stand IMO so the DT can forget about getting these mental health experts "opinion" admitted.

Well, well, it appears that neither shrink diagnosed KC with any recognized mental health disorders and are basing their opinions solely on statements KC made to them. From a legal standpoint, I can't see how the doctors' testimony would ever be admissible. KC's statements are hearsay (unless she testifies before they do and we know that ain't happening). It also appears that the defense believes the opinions are admissible under the "state of mind" exception to the hearsay rule to explain her actions after Caylee went missing. But that's an improper use of the exception and I doubt it will fly with JP. It would also appear that the DT is trying to get some sort of character evidence admitted improperly so even if KC testified I can't see how the doctors' opinions would be admissible. Just glad they're not using PTSD because that had me screaming angry!! Now, I'm wondering if the motion will be argued in open court on Friday since it's obvious the lawyers were instructed not to mention any specifics just yet.

WOW. Thank you, this is fascinating. So Casey is just a normal,thieving, lying, coldhearted, spiteful young lady, no 'mental health disorders' to be found. Sounds accurate to me.
I like pondering what these two witnesses want to testify about...the defense is so funny...they want to come up with great reasons for KC's ugly coping, they want to blame George, they want us all to understand how truly lovely KC is. HA HA HA.

I love thinking back on Judge Strickland saying something along the lines of KC's psych evaluation being "indescribable" (or similar words). I would love to read that one.
WOW. Thank you, this is fascinating. So Casey is just a normal,thieving, lying, coldhearted, spiteful young lady, no 'mental health disorders' to be found. Sounds accurate to me.

I know!!! What a surprise! I've never believed that KC suffered from any personality disorders or mental health conditions. Working in the justice system for 30+ years, I learned a long time ago that some people are just bad.
WOW. Thank you, this is fascinating. So Casey is just a normal,thieving, lying, coldhearted, spiteful young lady, no 'mental health disorders' to be found. Sounds accurate to me.

Or maybe Casey didn't like the sound of deviant sociopath.:floorlaugh: Well, I guess Jose will have to do a hasty re-write of that first minute of his opening statements. :waitasec:

The State could phone theirs in. :giggle:

27 days from Jury selection. :seeya: All the shrinks and mock juries in the world won't get this girl off. She was the last person with Caylee, 31 days on the razzle, dead body in her car, how many non-existant people are we up to?
And who could count the lies? :bricks:
WOW. Thank you, this is fascinating. So Casey is just a normal,thieving, lying, coldhearted, spiteful young lady, no 'mental health disorders' to be found. Sounds accurate to me.

I couldn't figure this out. These non-experts :giggle: were supposed to testify as to her "state of mind" but there is nothing wrong with her. :waitasec: So her state of mind was that she was completely normal when partying up after her daughter either died or was kidnapped? How does that help them?

So they are being disingenuous and really just want to have her testimony given by allowing her shrinks to talk about it? Do I have that right?? :banghead:

Has the defense filed a response to the State's motion for examination? ( I can't believe how much law procedure I know now that I didn't last year)
I guess Baez is trying his best to get his client acquitted without her ever taking the stand...:maddening:

I also believe, ICA would not allow any mental health examination so the best he could do is offer up her statements to police and find that ace in the won't fly...JA will shut it down, before it begins...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Or maybe Casey didn't like the sound of deviant sociopath.:floorlaugh: Well, I guess Jose will have to do a hasty re-write of that first minute of his opening statements. :waitasec:

The State could phone theirs in. :giggle:

27 days from Jury selection. :seeya: All the shrinks and mock juries in the world won't get this girl off. She was the last person with Caylee, 31 days on the razzle, dead body in her car, how many non-existant people are we up to?
And who could count the lies? :bricks:

BBM. I was entertaining the theory that ICA said she would talk to them AS LONG AS they said there is nothing wrong with her. I bet she's been fuming for 2 1/2 years about being called "bizarre" (although she didn't blink when HHJS said that), a sociopath, etc.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I guess Baez is trying his best to get his client acquitted without her ever taking the stand...:maddening:

I also believe, ICA would not allow any mental health examination so the best he could do is offer up her statements to police and find that ace in the won't fly...JA will shut it down, before it begins...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

IMO Casey would LIE during any mental health evaluation, so in my mind it's worthless. Another thing DT has dreamed up to distract (the jury) from the truth of what happened. JMO
BBM. I was entertaining the theory that ICA said she would talk to them AS LONG AS they said there is nothing wrong with her. I bet she's been fuming for 2 1/2 years about being called "bizarre" (although she didn't blink when HHJS said that), a sociopath, etc.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Calling her "bizarre" is being too kind, and is definately a huge understatement.
I'm sure she's kept abreast of all the other names the public has for her.
She's possibly the most hated woman in the country. (And I use the term "woman" loosely.)
I don't think KC cares what anyone calls her as long as she is in the spotlight.
BBM. I was entertaining the theory that ICA said she would talk to them AS LONG AS they said there is nothing wrong with her. I bet she's been fuming for 2 1/2 years about being called "bizarre" (although she didn't blink when HHJS said that), a sociopath, etc.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Bold mine

I'm sure you're right, in that there were conditions to ICA meeting with any shrink.

Looks like if they couldn't come up with some sympathetic syndrome such as PTSD, they were just asked to parrot her version of events at trial.

I'm sure Judge Perry knew how this was going to play out. His face was a picture when he described the two reports as............. letters. :giggle:


Did a mock mental health expert testify for Miss Anthony to the mock jury? :crazy:

I bet Jeff Ashton really wants to know. :maddening:
I really believe jurors would discount anything the mental health experts would say about her state of mind without hearing directly from Casey. And it would be suicide for her to take the stand because of her coldness and lack of any emotion regarding her child. That is the most outstanding thing that would resound with me (if I were a juror). A few minutes of sniffing and wiping her face would not override the total lack of emotion when Caylee or Caylee's remains are mentioned. I truly believe that Casey cannot fake caring one bit about Caylee being gone. She may try, but it would come off as phoney emotion.

It seems that any emotion that she attempts to display is geared to one thing - manipulation.
In this clip: [ame][/ame] Judge Strickland orders a psych eval, and makes the "bizarre" comment. Is there a clip where he comments on the results of the eval? I would love to see it, if anyone knows...
In this clip: Judge Strickland orders a psych eval, and makes the "bizarre" comment. Is there a clip where he comments on the results of the eval? I would love to see it, if anyone knows...

I don't know if JS commented but I do know that on the earliest NG shows she commented a lot on the fact that she'd had a Psych Eval done and there was no Psychiatric disorder found...
Isn't it incredible from the viewpoint of an outsider that a woman who is proclaiming her innocence of *murdering her own toddler* won't even take the stand to testify?

Really: think about that. If I was in jail on a DP or murder charge, and I was genuinely innocent, there would unfortunately be NOTHING that my DT could say to keep me from the stand. I wouldn't care if it would make extra work for them, or that they may advise me to keep my mouth shut. I wouldn't be able to sit silently for the thought of a single person thinking I may be guilty- I would literally go down screaming my side of the story from the rooftops. I would never be able to sit by twiddling my thumbs or playing with post-it notes and pads of drawing paper while the world kept turning all around me determining the rest of my life without my voice being heard.

She truly just doesn't give a fig. This whole issue of entitlement goes right down to, "you had better do something to get me off!" without her participation in cleaning up her own mess that she made. Everyone has been doing it for years- since the day she was born. And if the chloroform is what ended up killing Caylee, in a way I think it's just one more demented, cowardly manner she got what she wanted- in her head SHE didn't do it: the chloroform did it. It wasn't like the child was shot or strangled (sorry for the graphic imagery) which would have been a physical act of aggression using her hands; rather it was a "soft" murder in the sense that she chose a manner that was sort of one step removed from the grisly details of death. Caylee probably only looked like she was sleeping, so in her sick head it doesn't really "count" as a "real" murder. No wonder she doesn't care about her defense. If she's not a "real" murderer, then of course she's entitled to somebody getting her off. Just like she's been entitled to everything in life; be it stolen items from Target paid for by somebody else, to not having to spend eternity in a jail cell, which cramps her fabulous partying lifestyle.

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