Motive For Murder

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I am sticking to a motive of jealousy and rage as I have from almost the beginning. This was personal, but it may have started out as a fight about work related issues. It crossed that line and led to the strangulation very quickly that day.
"They note the e-mail exchange in which Clark objected to Le being lax with protocols for tending lab mice. Le responded in a conciliatory tone, which fits what investigators have learned about her.

What would not fit would be for her to have been any less conciliatory in person when she encountered Clark at the lab the day of the killing.

Investigators speculate that he criticized her for some additional lapse in protocol. His concern was likely less the animals' welfare than his need to be in charge, if only when it came to mice.

Everything everybody knows about Le suggests she would not seek to put him in his place or somehow demean him.

More likely, she was simply distracted. Her wedding was just five days away. Her mind was no doubt filled with thoughts about her hair, her dress, the guest list. And she was trying to get all her pressing lab work done.

Read more:

(bold emphasis is mine)

There is absolutely no evidence that Le was anything other than popular, pleasant and professional. I really wish people would stop maligning Le's character when there is NOTHING to back such accusations up.
I have been a physician for 30 years. And, let me tell you there can be huge control freaks in this field. Some men are OK if another guy is involved but are nuts when the authority figure/MD /reseacher is a woman. I was a Dept. Chair and had to discuss remediation activities with another MD. His face became red/he clinched his fists and came after me.
I RAN for MY LIFE!!! He really wanted to hurt me!!! This individual had major control issue and poor interpersonal relationships with women. Strong women scared the H--- out of him. Anc, I'm not quiet. I don't thing Annie provoked him verbally- it doesn't seem to be her nature. I really agree with the distracted theory- Um- OK- but, I'm in a hurry- got a class to teach.--His interpretation- You think you're better then me you b------- you've have a hot shot class to teach!! Explosion- but, he could have stopped. That's what maturity and true control is about. You can't just get mad and kill people.
Hi folks...just loggin in..


Hi Puffster! Yes, lots. There's a thread started for it.

[ame=""]Clark may of had HELP??? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Interesting link, based on this they have enough evidence to put him away for life.
I still think she unintentionally instigated it with an attitude he did not cope with very well.
I can't put my finger on it. JMO
I wonder how his girlfriend feels? does she feel lucky it is not her, or does she feel that this cant be real?

With this much evidence I imagine it can go to trial pretty fast.

FWIW, it's been my experience that even agreeing instead of disagreeing with someone who's looking for a 'fight' can make them even angrier....they want a scene & when they don't get it, they really go off!!
You don't necessarily have to have a ring to be "officially" engaged.

True. I've very married and never had an engagement ring and don't want one. Still, his friends on CNN last night said they didn't know about an engagement. An odd pair, those two on Larry King. One hardly said a word and the other wouldn't shut up!
I have been a physician for 30 years. And, let me tell you there can be huge control freaks in this field. Some men are OK if another guy is involved but are nuts when the authority figure/MD /reseacher is a woman. I was a Dept. Chair and had to discuss remediation activities with another MD. His face became red/he clinched his fists and came after me.
I RAN for MY LIFE!!! He really wanted to hurt me!!! This individual had major control issue and poor interpersonal relationships with women. Strong women scared the H--- out of him. Anc, I'm not quiet. I don't thing Annie provoked him verbally- it doesn't seem to be her nature. I really agree with the distracted theory- Um- OK- but, I'm in a hurry- got a class to teach.--His interpretation- You think you're better then me you b------- you've have a hot shot class to teach!! Explosion- but, he could have stopped. That's what maturity and true control is about. You can't just get mad and kill people.
It has been my experience with friends who spent the majority of their years in school that their relationship skills are often lacking. They put so much time and effort into studying which left them at a distinct disadvantage when it came to personal relationships. They did not acquire the coping skills to deal with people on other levels outside of their expertise. I believe this is why they focus on "bedside manner" for Physicians now. ;)

I do agree with your assessment there are many male control freaks in your field. I am sorry you had to experience someone who felt threatened by your position and had such a lack of control over his own outbursts. Anger management should be required for some.
Yes, there's the possibility that he hit her very hard then realized that he could get in serious trouble for doing it so he killed her in a vain attempt to keep her from reporting it.

:waitasec: he thought he would get in trouble for hitting her :waitasec:
But figured that murder is no trouble at all? :waitasec:
seems to me Annie's history shows, some arrogance, and berating of some.... I read it right here on this thread somewhere.

The reason that jumped out at me...IS.....
I had an instinct that this girl looked down at him, and behaved as if she is better then he is....
I have seen that behaviour amongst Asian people often in the work place.
While they can be very polite, they can also be colder then ice with an attitude, and a nose up in the air.
It is only my hinky meter, a sense I got instantly as I learned and read this case. He may have had one screw loose, (low self esteem) and she tugged on it with her berating and down looking at him. MOO

Annie was American.

I'm a predominately white man with some Middle Eastern ancestry and I actually moved to Asia from America just so I wouldn't have to put up with arrogant, condescending white Christians in the workplace and it was the best thing I ever did. And I don't think we can lump Asians in one barrell. I've lived in northeast and southeast Asia, and lumping them all together is like lumping people in Montreal and Tijuana together as "North Americans", like they're the same. For example, Koreans and Vietnamese are nothing alike. To me, Koreans act like Germans, and Vietnamese act like Turks.

What I think happened is this: Annie moved from California to the east coast and on top of that, she was about to marry a guy with European ancestry. Clearly, she had a VERY independent streak, which would've probably caused her to get tired of the constant pestering by a control freak a whole lot faster than most.

My dad is a control freak and I'm very independent. My mom puts up with his crap, but sometimes it gets extremely frustrating to me to the point to where I end up telling him, "Damn, dad. I love you, but I don't need to be nitpicked and told what to do every four or five f--king seconds." He gets angry when I do that and says I'm evil. Add in that Rayray, unlike my dad, is a violent psychopath and you end up with a dead body.
Well, yes and no. I started out as a lab tech so I know what Missy is talking about. I had a full slate of work assigned to me by the PI and would still have grad students and post docs in the lab try to get me to do the experiments that they were supposed to be doing themselves. I fell for it because I was young and naive. I learned better when the PI got angry because I couldn't keep up with the work he assigned me. He told me I worked for him, not for them. They'd still try it, though.

I think women and minorities are probably more likely to be targeted for this type of treatment. I always tell my husband (who is a sweet guy, by the way) that I have experienced so many more things that people tried with my just by virtue of me being a small woman. My husband is a 6'4" white man. Who is going to try to pull one on him? Not that it can't happen, but people do pick their targets.
Or maybe he should have been on medication but was never diagnosed?

Maybe he was on an SSRI, but is bipolar, which is a baaaaad combination. Can make them manic. And bipolar often presents in the 20s or at least by the late 20s, I think.
I think you are right - it could be something very simple. But if PTSD, bipolar, intermittent explosive disorder - wouldn't that have manifested in previous behavior with other students in the lab. A history so to speak. Or are you suggesting the illness is new?

I agree with Tonto. I think all it is is that they were having a heated argument and she did something that triggered his rage. We all have something that will trigger our rage but most of us have a buffer that will slow us down long enough to get under control, some people don't and I think he is one of them. There could been several other things going on in his life also that weren't going on ever before that helped trigger this rage so that is why it never manifested before.

I never thought that this premeditated or about romance he lost control and killed her due to an argument.
The New York Daily News says investigators theorize Le was distracted because of her upcoming wedding and research workload, and was not as serious and conciliatory to Clark as he would have liked in regards to lab protocol.

I TOTALLY get that. I had a man who was "after" me, had told others he was going to "get" me. I'm such a non people person it took me forever to even get what was going on. Duh. And the supposed "infraction" was that I didn't do something he told me to do (get out a flyer on something) of which I had no memory whatsoever. If he'd just have asked me again (How's that flyer coming along?) I would have done it. He was someone who had moved up by virtue of longevity and was a very insecure person. Even his boss admitted that. He was so focused on me, though. Scary.
Not to take from the seriousness of the post, but sorry, I had to lol at myself at the bolded-I just got a bright red Mustang convertible I am at all not comfortable driving. My SUV quit and I had to get a new vehicle-my hubby said get something to hand over to our son in two years because he is almost old enough to drive and an honors student and deserves his dream vehicle. I wanted a pretty blue BMW, kiddo wanted the Mustang. He's very quiet and studious, very nerdy but loves flashy flashy convertibles. Hubby is studious and geeky and loves red flashy cars too. Both quiet personalities that love to drive fast and have flashy cars. (did I mention I can rattle windows with the stereo? SIGH)

Anyway, back on topic, can we say for sure he bought the car? If it was older it could still be whatever his parents bought him in high school. Which also gets into the whole was this child spoiled and coddled and allowed to get away with behaviors otherwise frowned upon. My older son had some authority issues before he joined the Marines and let me tell you, he did not get a dream vehicle. He got something to get to and from work once he had a job, but dad could take anytime he screwed up. A lot of kids his age though, the parents were determined to buy fabulous rides for their kids in order to secure popularity for the kid. And our high school has a 37% poverty rate, I heard from one of the girls trying to get a teaching job here. These kids drove nicer cars than mine, and I was a corporate stylist in a fairly nice sized company-and hubby is a network engineer. These parents drove 20 year old vans while their kids drove new sports cars.

I agree that when people choose their cars it says something about them, but I've had cars I got used that would not have been my first choice, including one red one. I did not want a red car at all. I think we'd have to know whether or not this was his choice.
Nothing personal shoebox, but I disagree with some of the things written here. What could Le have possibly said that would have instigated a normal person to actually kill her? The blame here is not on Le and her possible words, but on the suspect and his inability to either let words roll off his back or interpret words in a non-reactionary, non-defensive way. She might have never been rude or arrogant towards him, but by her being a young, smart, successful woman he might have been prejudiced and defensive towards whatever she said and did in the first place.

I have a big problem with the interpretation of the "butt" anecdotes used as proof of certain aspects of Le's character. I am close to Le's age, and the underwear-with-pads prank among friends would not be considered seriously offensive among pretty much any other age-similar people I know. The mailing the picture of her butt to Princeton, while more questionable in taste, also would not be considered seriously offensive. Inappropriate? Yes. Cause for internal debate over her morality and integrity? Uh, no.

I have seen way more questionable, non-politically-correct, risque pranks, comments and jokes on a daily basis during college than those two of Le's actions. Daily.

If two butt jokes are seriously informing and coloring the perception of Le's integrity and character for some people, I really, really hate to think what would happen to most of the people I know of a similar age if their less demure words and actions were published. Really.

The underwear thing is maybe funny. I would not hire someone I'd found out had sent photos of their butt to a school that denied them. I do find that odd.
If you surf for *advertiser censored* MANY of the sites are heavy into Asian women sex related stuff. It seems that Asian men are into kinkier stuff than the Americans are.

Without going into the type of *advertiser censored*'s the Asians post let me say it usually has to do with abuse and rape.

I am betting this guy had some sort of Asian fetish and after seeing countless videos of Asian women in all sorts of compromising positions he decided to act out one of these fantasy's. I suspect after he was done with her he realized that she was going to have him arrested and he had to kill her to keep her from going to the police.
The only reason that I would say this is probably not the case is because it seems he had prior problems with her.

This article (<br> ) gives me a lot more to think about -

* RC allegedly 'lied' on his resume' re: worked on a farm
* the lab tech job is considered highly stressful (fear of disciplinary action, euthanizing the very animals they are caring for on a daily basis, being viewed as a 'janitor' by the researchers, etc)
* RC allegedly berated 'several' researchers

Some thought Mr. Clark went beyond the bounds of his position. A team leader in the Amistad building said that several of his researchers complained last year that Mr. Clark was rude to them, prompting the team leader to alert Mr. Clark’s supervisor.

“He would berate them for minor infractions,” said the man, who requested anonymity. “Everyone enforces rules, but he enforced them in an officious manner.”

I'm thinking he just snapped & Annie was on the receiving end of it because she was so much smaller than him....let's say, for the sake of theorizing, he is stressed out daily @ his job, maybe hasn't slept well (or at all) in the last nite or 2 for whatever reason(s), or any combination of other factors that makes his fuse a little shorter - and boom! He just loses his ability to control himself & Annie becomes his victim.

He panics immediately - because he really has not been fantasizing about murdering anyone - and starts running around like the proverbial headless chicken trying to cover up.

The pictures I've seen of RC post-arrest suggest to me that he is really sick at the thought of what he did.

IDK - could have this all wrong & may even change my mind by tomorrow. After all, he did alledgedly lie to get the job @ Yale.

NEhoo, I like reading what everybody else has to say.
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