
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What was Casey's motive to Kill?

  • Caylee interfered with Casey's partying lifestyle

    Votes: 45 9.3%
  • Caylee tattled on Casey to Cindy

    Votes: 15 3.1%
  • Revenge/rage against Cindy

    Votes: 83 17.2%
  • Tony didn't want a little girl around

    Votes: 22 4.6%
  • more than one of the above

    Votes: 366 75.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Could be. Could be. BUT the vocabulary is so very different for every child. I remember, I was looking online once to see what my three year old daughter "should" know. She does not know 900 some odd words. Not even close. If I were to do something shady in front of her, she would not be able to report back what she had witnessed. Not even close!! Yes, she does talk, but I do not believe at this point, she was a risk of spilling the beans on KC. Maybe next year though for sure. But not at three. IMO, that article is not very realistic about the speech abilities of any three year old that I have ever met, including my own.
Could be. Could be. BUT the vocabulary is so very different for every child. I remember, I was looking online once to see what my three year old daughter "should" know. She does not know 900 some odd words. Not even close. If I were to do something shady in front of her, she would not be able to report back what she had witnessed. Not even close!! Yes, she does talk, but I do not believe at this point, she was a risk of spilling the beans on KC. Maybe next year though for sure. But not at three. IMO, that article is not very realistic about the speech abilities of any three year old that I have ever met, including my own.

I agree that it totally depends on the child. I have a 3 year old who tells every aspect of her day to her father. I can't even sneak and take her to McDonalds without her spilling the beans. I will say though when a video camera is on her she plays shy. I would say that my daughter knew 900 words at 2 1/2years old. She has even begun putting letters together to read.
From Clint's account on the GVS interview him and Caylee would do flashcards etc. so it appears someone was working on her vocabulary with her. I would guess it was to keep up appearances and have everyone think Caylee was intelligent, KC worked with her for the attention of it.
makes sense, she probably didn't want Caylee to slip up and mention to grandma that mommy gave her "medicine" (chloroform) to fall asleep or sleeping in the trunk while mommy "worked" (partied)
Additionally, remember that according to Cindy, Caylee called her great-grandmother sometime in July (after she had been kidnapped by ZG) and when asked how she might have gotten the number, Cindy stated it must have been programmed in the phone. So if this information is true, then obviously not only could Caylee talk but she could also read.
I too thought of this and i think if her talking wasn't a problem yet, it was soon going to be.
Additionally, remember that according to Cindy, Caylee called her great-grandmother sometime in July (after she had been kidnapped by ZG) and when asked how she might have gotten the number, Cindy stated it must have been programmed in the phone. So if this information is true, then obviously not only could Caylee talk but she could also read.

Well, my daughter has "called" people before. On accident, but has somehow managed to call the right people, based on her getting into my recent calls. She has called my husband and my MIL. LOL. I still find it hard to believe that she could go into a phone and look up a number and dial the proper one at three. Unless this is something that she was worked with on for many hours! JMO!
More than likely though it was all a lie as told by Cindy (as usual).
<snip from PattyG>
When I watch the video of Caylee on June 15th, it appears her vocabulary is limited. About the only clear words are Mama, Papa, and maybe "all done."


In my opinion, in that video of Caylee with the book at the nursing home, Caylee is not "talking." Caylee is "pretending to read out loud."
So she's going "bla bla bla mama bla bla papa bla blablablabla all done" as she's turning the pages.
Caylee's getting old enough to blow her mom's cover has been my working theory for quite a while. It occurred to me that nearly twenty years ago when I was married and my husband was having an affair, it was my daughter who first started dropping suspicious hints. She started speaking of a friend named Amanda (I'd never heard of Amanda), started mentioning places she'd been with her father that I didn't know he'd taken her, and other things that brought up questions. Her father was not able to keep his hidden activities a secret for very long while toting his daughter around (he was her primary caregiver at the time). It's not that she came right out and "told on him", it was just that her unfiltered babbling would now and then reveal that things weren't always as her dad said they were.

Her age at the time she started giving away his secrets? Two months shy of her third birthday.
Oh but I assume Caylee could talk pretty well because Cindy said she was in contact with Casey but she wouldn't let her TALK to Caylee? maybe?

I have often wondered if Caylee ever referred to the babysitter by name.A 3 year old is also very truthful,my son spoke in small sentences at 18 may "fantisize" (sp) but the dont usually lie.When they showed the video of Caylee at the table with the book I heard her speak quite plain.
IMO Nore
When I watch the video of Caylee on June 15th, it appears her vocabulary is limited. About the only clear words are Mama, Papa, and maybe "all done."

You are right about this Patty (I had never watched the video before) except that at age 2-3 children begin answering "yes/no" questions with accuracy so had she come home from being with the "nanny" and CA asked, "did you go to DW today?" and Caylee could have replied "no".. etc. etc..

It is odd that she isn't more intelligible if this video were taken when she was almost 3 years old. (June 15th? right?)

In the video I hear "I am hungry" , "cookie", "papa", "mama" , "bite", "I'm done", "have a cookie", "paper" and "eat more"

Also, chances are that KC and the grandparents would have understood more than the unfamiliar listener b/c they would be attuned to her idosyncracies.
Well, my daughter has "called" people before. On accident, but has somehow managed to call the right people, based on her getting into my recent calls. She has called my husband and my MIL. LOL. I still find it hard to believe that she could go into a phone and look up a number and dial the proper one at three. Unless this is something that she was worked with on for many hours! JMO!

Children pick up things fast. : ) When my friend's daughter was two she picked up the phone and called someone in Florida. We live in Indiana.
From what I remember, all her Friends didn't start looking at her that way until all this started happening...but maybe I'm wrong in this.

Many of her Friends were aware of little lies and brushed them off as little white lies.
You are right about this Patty (I had never watched the video before) except that at age 2-3 children begin answering "yes/no" questions with accuracy so had she come home from being with the "nanny" and CA asked, "did you go to DW today?" and Caylee could have replied "no".. etc. etc..

It is odd that she isn't more intelligible if this video were taken when she was almost 3 years old. (June 15th? right?)

In the video I hear "I am hungry" , "cookie", "papa", "mama" , "bite", "I'm done", "have a cookie", "paper" and "eat more"

Also, chances are that KC and the grandparents would have understood more than the unfamiliar listener b/c they would be attuned to her idosyncracies.

I know this has probablly been discussed ad nauseum, but she really LOOKED younger than "almost 3" in that video as well. I've seen pictures of her where she seems to look older. So many mysteries to unravel on this case...
I agree with you completely. She spoke like a child of about 1 l/2. My two kids could form complete sentences when they were 2 (short but complete).
Almost as if nobody ever communicated with her.

Or like she was speech delayed because of all the various drugs casey had been giving her to make her sleep through parties.
That's what I thought too, not much communication from the family to help Caylee with words.

yes, very much like a child I took care of. he is still in speech therapy which has helped a great deal. he is 6&1/2 now. Even at five it was hard to understand him. It was due to lack of communication with him for the first two and half years, then being in a daycare with children younger than him (after I stopped watching him).

EDIT: Upon watching the 20/20 videos, I heard her talking... saying things like "good girl" when she is less than two.
It was talked about on the general thread awhile back when Cindy pointed to the newborn pic of Caylee and said that it was her personality to keep her eye out and you better behave. Caylee was getting old enough to tell that Mommy didn't work, that she slept in bed with Mommy and guys, that she wanted to live with grandma, and no telling what else. Casey, if she's a sociopath, could also see this as rejection and be very bitter.

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