Movie Line Contest--Boulder

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The Boulder Camera conducted a movie line contest every year---and posted the results in January. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that the killer of JBR conducted his own movie line contest writing the "Ransom" note. The quotes and similarities to certain movies can't be ignored----those were in his/her mind. If it was a kidnapping gone bad, and the perps would have been successful otherwise, they would have had a good laugh when the ransom note became public. I don't think the Ramseys could have come up with the note, because they didn't know the movies or the plots.

Sunday, January 28, 1996
Page: 1C

Camera Film Critic

We've lost count. Once again, for we can't remember how many years, Marty Mapes and Andrea Birgers have won our annual Movie Lines contest. Of a possible 70 points, they got 51. They will win 30 free rentals from the Video Station.

We tried to make this year's contest easier than in past years, but fewer contestants played. Go figure.

But for all of you who played our game but didn't bother to send in your guesses, here are the correct answers.

1. "The deal is, the men in Denver are dead. No wonder I'm changing towns again," Whitney Houston says as she drives to Phoenix.

2. "Look at me," John Travolta repeatedly says as a form of intimidation - repeated with less success by other characters - in "Get Shorty."

3. "Houston, we have a problem," Tom Hanks, as astronaut Jim Lovell, reports a serious malfunction with notable understatement in "Apollo 13."

4. "It's good to be dead," Leslie Nielsen sinks his teeth into the line in "Dracula: Dead and Loving It."

5. "You're not anybody in America if you're not on TV. What's the point of doing anything worthwhile if no one is watching?" asks murderous, media-mad weatherwoman Nicole Kidman in "To Die For."

6. "What's the point of living in L.A. if you're not in the movies?" asks Delroy Lindo as a drug dealer who wants to become a movie producer in "Get Shorty."

7. "When you go home, do you ever sit there and wonder, "Who ARE these people? Where the hell did I come from?"' Holly Hunter wonders in "Home for the Holidays."

8. "This is my first time at the White House. I'm trying to savor the Capraesque quality of the experience," Annette Bening tells a black security guard - who knows exactly what she's talking about - in "The American President."

9. "Who's the boss between mommy and me? I'm the boss. Mommy is the decision maker, but I'm the boss," Woody Allen explains to his son in "Mighty Aphrodite."

10. "Sometimes it just takes a fairy," cross-dressing Patrick Swayze says of the magic he has worked on a town in "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar."

11. "This kind of certainty comes once in a lifetime," Clint Eastwood says in wooing Meryl Streep in "The Bridges of Madison County."

12. "If this is dying, then I don't think much of it," Jonathan Pryce dryly quips on his deathbed in "Carrington."

13. "We don't have to like each other. We're family," Holly Hunter informs her sister in "Home for the Holidays."

14. "We're both named after great singers of the past who now do infomercials," says Alicia Silverstone, as Cher, of her pal Dionne, in "Clueless."

15. "God help me, I love thee," Gary Oldman proclaims to Demi Moore in "The Scarlet Letter."

16. "His best part was when he played the crippled gay guy who climbed Mount Whitney," John Travolta says of Danny DeVito in "Get Shorty."

17. "What's that odious smell? Teenagers!" Paul Freeman oozes in "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie."

18. "I don't blend in at a family picnic," Val Kilmer, dressed in black rubber, warns Nicole Kidman in "Batman Forever."

19. "I will maroon you on a rock ... instead of splitting you with my bulkhead as you deserve!," Geena Davis, a notorious lady pirate and scourge of the 17th century Caribbean, declares in "Cutthroat Island."

20. "You couldn't catch crabs from a $20 hooker," Walter Matthau snaps when Jack Lemmon boasts about his fishing prowess in "Grumpier Old Men."

21. "My bark is worse than my bite," Linda Hunt, as a wise willow tree, tells John Smith in "Pocahontas."

22. "I don't even know you," Steve Martin exclaims in chagrin after mistakenly being given a prostate exam in "Father of the Bride II."

23. "There are worse things than death - and I can do all of them," techonvillain Fisher Stevens threatens in "Hackers."

24. "Was that over the top? I can never tell," asks Jim Carrey, as the Riddler, after an especially zany outburst in "Batman Forever."

25. "I write doodads because it's a doodad sort of town," Jennifer Jason Leigh says in defending her writing in "Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle."

26. "Sometimes being a ***** is all a woman has to hold onto," according to Kathy Bates, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Judy Proffet in "Delores Claiborne."

27. "Oh well, now I must die," Johnny Depp sighs after a sexual conquest in "Don Juan DeMarco."

28. "Rude and interesting are not the same thing," American Meg Ryan lectures Frenchman Kevin Kline in "French Kiss."

29. "I can tell when a woman wants me," Richard Gere tells Julia Ormond in "First Knight."

30. "You have a real gratitude problem," Chris O'Donnell tells Val Kilmer after saving his life without thanks in "Batman Forever."

31. "I have translated the hieroglyphics! They say, "We are watching you!'" Tim Curry burbles in his Romanian accent in "Congo."

32. "I'll be the judge of that," Sylvester Stallone intones in "Judge Dredd."

33. "This is as real as it gets," Gene Hackman informs the crew in "Crimson Tide."

34. "I know I'm not normal but I'm trying to change," says misfit Toni Collette in "Muriel's Wedding."

35. "It's airborne!" Dustin Hoffman says of the killer virus in "Outbreak."
Maikai, how do you know that the Ramseys didnt know those movies or the plots? Because they said so (as if parents that murdered their child wouldnt lie?

The R's had a home theater in their Atlanta home prior to JBRs death and a media/tv room in the Boulder home. They watched movies, give me a break, at JR's age, he wants us to believe that he had never seen Dirty Harry? Funny how Patsy who had never seen Speed, knew it was about a runaway bus.....
I dont think that RN, was written with a particular set of movies in mind, as much as it was written from the memory of what the movies show a ransom note looking like, (if that makes sense.
Agatha, great minds think beat me to it.....most of what i was trying to reply with you've already mentioned...I had to go away and put my reply on hold, but think I have a chance to post it now....

I don't think the Ramseys could have come up with the note, because they didn't know the movies or the plots."

How do you know for sure what movies they saw in their lifetime, or plots they knew about? ....Because John Ramsey said they did not see those movies, and/or didn't remember seeing the movies, but that he saw Speed, without the sound, etc? So you're basing it on his statements about having not seen any or all of those movies ever...distancing himself from knowledge of those movies, and even stating he didn't like that kind of movie, perhaps?

Taking his statements for fact would probably be a mistake in this case; taking them with a grain of salt might not be:

They had a home theater in their house, movie posters on the wall, and per this statement below:

LINDA WILCOX: "Well, they each had a pile of books in the corner by the bed. Even though they had nightstands. Originally the nightstands weren't there until they redid the upstairs. And even afterwards, they tended to just throw the books there. So, I kind of knew who read what. So, Patsy's side had things like, you know poems for women and not really what I would consider true trash-like Harlequin romances, but more like Mary Higgins Clark, woman novels. Some of them, I had even read. John's side of the bed was usually some kind of suspense-thriller. He tended to buy books by, what I call, by the numbers, I mean whatever's number 1 on the bestseller lists. Occasionally it would be something like the 7 habits of successful people, or financial things or even a (didn't hear) occasionally. But, generally it was some kind of suspense novel."

Other examples of JR not being truthful:

LINDA WILCOX: One, I keep hearing a lot of little things, misconceptions, that I wanted to clear up. The other, I personally have a very hard time with the Ramseys going on national television, blatantly lying and not having anyone speak up to contradict what they are saying.

PETER BOYLES: An example?

LINDA WILCOX: An example, when John Ramsey says to the camera, I didn't know she wet the bed, or not very much. I happen to know myself, he walked upstairs, she had wet her bed, I came in on a Monday morning and he said, "Could you change her bed? She's wet it again." The thing that strikes me as odd, I knew her between 2 1/2 and 4. During that time, she did wet the bed but it wasn't chronic. It was every now and then. Early on, I mean 2 1/2 year olds always do, I mean it seems like they always have accidents. But, it got progressively worse. I would think that a 6 year old would wet the bed less than a 4 year old or a 2 year old. It actually got worse, it was moderate, she didn't have rubber sheets at that point, a pull-up would hold it. But her and Burke both wet the bed. Burke was 7 years old and he also wet the bed. I didn't think it was odd at the time, because it sometimes runs in families and it's more common in boys. And, their parents were lazy".

From this:

LOU SMIT: Would there have been anything -- I know there was a bedwetting problem or something. And they do have certain kinds of devices for bedwetting to avoid the leak. I don't know what that means. But anything on that ever occurred that you recall?

JOHN RAMSEY: I mean we read about that, and of course, I don't know if JonBenet had a bedwetting problem; I'm not sure she did. I think all kids wet their beds; I know my older kids certainly did. The kids used to wear these all
night pampers or whatever they were called. I wouldn't classify it as a bedwetting problem that I was aware of.

MIKE KANE: You weren't aware of one?


MIKE KANE: I guess that's a relative term, a bedwetting problem. And I don't mean to define it, but just for our purposes here, let's define it as once a week.


MIKE KANE: Let's say that is a problem. Were you aware whether under that definition that maybe once a week or more that she would wet the bed?

JOHN RAMSEY: I wasn't even aware of that. But I think that wouldn't be at all abnormal.

Who's lying?

Anything and everything related to the case: from their own child's bedwetting problem, to the RN, to their own tissue box, bowl of pineapple, notepad, items used in crime, flashlight, and of course, knowledge of movies referenced in the Ransom Note...all things Rs claimed no knowledge of.

But JR did read suspense novels regularly, and had books of them by his bed...
And this statement, contradictory in and of itself by him, still says, whether you believe him or not, that he would read a John Douglas novel, and be interested in that type of material:

MIKE KANE: Okay. What about "MindHunter", John Douglas's book was there in the house, had you purchased that?

JOHN RAMSEY: No. It was there in '96? Interesting.

MIKE KANE: Was it interesting?

JOHN RAMSEY: I never never heard of John Douglas or that book before.

MIKE KANE: So you never read that?

JOHN RAMSEY: No. I bought one of his books the next summer, his newer book.

....sigh....perfect example of distancing himself from any and all knowledge of anything that could be related to the crime during that timeframe, but admitting he does/would read that kind of book, as he supposedly bought the next newest one from John Douglas anyway. I guess he is suddenly now interested in that kind of book and author, but was not previously? No.

He watched movies with Burke as well, and Burke watched tv movies a lot, and JR sent JonBenet to bed with a bottle and a movie a lot to get her to bed as well...

Regardless of what they said, how can you really know what movies they did or did not see in each of their lifetimes? You cannot. And their contradictory statements and behavior renders taking them for their word unreliable.
LOL, most of what you were going to say...LOL... Mine is a paragraph and yours is the book... Excellent Job Shark, Excellent job!!!!!!!!!

Where Im from, thats called tag teaming....LOL
The only videos found in the house were mostly kid can bet if there were any extortion type tapes Steve Thomas would have been all over that. They probably checked video stores too, for tapes the Ramseys checked out. The ransom note followed the sequence of events in Dirty Harry. I believe that movie was from the 70's. No one interviewed could say either Ramsey was into extortion movies. The note appeared to have influences from "Ransom", "Dirty Harry," "Speed"....the picture with the red X from "Ricochet." Some think there was similarities to one other movie--forget the name, but it was a comedy where Bette Midler was kidnapped, and I believe was on TV that night.
JR said when they watched a movie it was usually rented or seen on tv. if you believe him that time too, anyway....

but either way, the movies found in a home do not indicate the only movies someone has ever seen. movies can be seen on regular tv programming, cable, in a theater, rented, on a plane, at another person's home....'90s timeframe of we know now there is so much more media available...

extortion movies, suspense-thrillers, action dramas, kidnapping/ransom movies, whatever you want to call them...

JOHN RAMSEY: Well, I liked Harrison Ford movies, "Indiana Jones", things that have airplanes and boats and stuff going on".

Linda Wilcox, former R housekeeper, DID say that JR liked suspense-thriller stories as well, as most of the books he read and had piled up on his side of the room were as such.

PR was a writer, journalism degree holder, studied and acted drama, and had much time in bed watching tv and reading, due to her illness.

Ruthless People: Bette Midler / Ransom kidnapping movie.
Yes, Ruthless People was on TV that night. If anyone had ever said the Ramseys had a particular interest in the extortion movies, that would be one thing. They never saw "Ransom." Based on Patsy's lifestyle, I doubt she watched any of the ones that have similarties to the RN, let alone be able to remember the lines. Likewise John. It just doesn't jive to me.
just because they said it or didn't say it doesn't make it true.

countless examples of contradictory, misleading, or blatant lies have been supplied.
Likewise John.

Not likewise John. He liked suspense-thrillers, movies with 'stuff going on' and action, and had seen Speed, Dirty Harry, Indiana Jones movies, and whatever else he saw in his lifetime. He continued to read John Douglas after the murder as well.

...depending on if you believe what he says those times too though.

that's the prob: he says one thing then says exactly opposite later.

We could argue round and round about what he or PR supposedly did or did not see based on any statement at any given time. Neither of us will know for sure. And neither you nor i can definitively say that any one of the Ramseys saw or never saw a particular movie for sure based on only what they said.
Not likewise John. He liked suspense-thrillers, movies with 'stuff going on' and action, and had seen Speed, Dirty Harry, Indiana Jones movies, and whatever else he saw in his lifetime. He continued to read John Douglas after the murder as well.

...depending on if you believe what he says those times too though.

that's the prob: he says one thing then says exactly opposite later.

We could argue round and round about what he or PR supposedly did or did not see based on any statement at any given time. Neither of us will know for sure. And neither you nor i can definitively say that any one of the Ramseys saw or never saw a particular movie for sure based on only what they said.

I can't say they never saw any of the movies---I just don't think they would have the recall of the movie themes/lines. And if they hadn't planned the murder, and it was an accident as some think---they had a lot of staging to do in a small window. And they wouldn't have had to stage if it was accidental. Just call 911--accidents happen. And you have two parents that would have had to immediately decided to work together to do this elaborate coverup. BTW: I don't know if you've been to Boulder or not. There is a mystery bookstore that was call "Rue Morgue" that has been there since at least the 70's. They feature local writers on a table. Possibly at Christmas they featured Christmas mysteries. It is located kitty corner from where the new Pasta Jay's is--think it was being remodelled at the time, and JR had an interest in it. The name is changed, because they finally got on the internet, and another business had that named---a *advertiser censored* site. In any event, I always wondered if the perp may have visted that store.
just because they said it or didn't say it doesn't make it true.

countless examples of contradictory, misleading, or blatant lies have been supplied.

There may have been some contradictory statements, but in the whole scheme of things I don't recall anything major or deliberate.
Yes, Ruthless People was on TV that night. If anyone had ever said the Ramseys had a particular interest in the extortion movies, that would be one thing. They never saw "Ransom." Based on Patsy's lifestyle, I doubt she watched any of the ones that have similarties to the RN, let alone be able to remember the lines. Likewise John. It just doesn't jive to me.

I think it's much ado about nothing.
There may have been some contradictory statements, but in the whole scheme of things I don't recall anything major or deliberate.

Anyone besides ME care to jog Maikai's memory?
Anyone besides ME care to jog Maikai's memory?

Well, here goes...

The movie "speed" was shown on a flight the Ramseys took.

What man John's age has not watched "Dirty Harry" movies??? I am Patsy's age and I watched Dirty Harry.

The Ramseys have claimed they would rent movies and watch them in the master bedroom. Who installs a humongous movie screen in their master bedroom and not watch movies?

Johns favorite movie was "Animal House" starring John Belushi...huh?

Makai...I can't believe after all these years you still believe the Ramseys claims of not watching movies referenced in the rn to be true. They have been caught in lie after lie...
Well SD, I've been trying, but I grow weary.

"We only see what we know"
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Believe me, whaleshark, I KNOW the feeling! How many times do we have to tread the same ground?
Well, here goes...

The movie "speed" was shown on a flight the Ramseys took.

What man John's age has not watched "Dirty Harry" movies??? I am Patsy's age and I watched Dirty Harry.

The Ramseys have claimed they would rent movies and watch them in the master bedroom. Who installs a humongous movie screen in their master bedroom and not watch movies?

Johns favorite movie was "Animal House" starring John Belushi...huh?

Makai...I can't believe after all these years you still believe the Ramseys claims of not watching movies referenced in the rn to be true. They have been caught in lie after lie...

I'm not saying they never watched them---just that they don't remember much about them let alone specific lines. JR did say he thought they showed Speed on a flight, but he didn't have head phones on.

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