Mr and Mrs. George Anthony / How do they cope with living in the same home ?

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They're probably united in a common bond right now with hope that Casey gets life or found innocent in some false hope that they can get her mental help. Cindy is so used to being scapegoated and blamed for everything that she is able to now stand the public blaming her for everything.
Well, people can say "I would have to leave the house" where something like a death or other tragedy happened, but the reality of life in terms of finances, mortgages, finding another house one can afford to live in, packing, paying to move, etc. often factor into staying where one is.

And, on the other side of things, there can be a sense of comfort in remembering how much a lost loved one enjoyed a certain place.

In my own family we have a family "second home" that my late beloved father built many years ago with his own father. My dad loved this place and over the years we have had - and continue to have - some of our best times as a family there. And to this day I always feel very close to my dad when I'm there. Other family members have made similar comments. And it is not a disturbing feeling, it is a good, almost comforting feeling.

One evening my adult nephew said to me "When we're here I keep having the feeling that grandpap is going to walk in through that door any minute!" and I looked at him and smiled and said "Me too. Nice, isn't it?"

i can't imagine their thoughts about Caylee walking in the door are all that sweet. her mother, their daughter, murdered her. (allegedly). and they know why she did it. (imo) not the same as grandpa drifiting out of this life.
i can't imagine their thoughts about Caylee walking in the door are all that sweet. her mother, their daughter, murdered her. (allegedly). and they know why she did it. (imo) not the same as grandpa drifiting out of this life.

Yes, but those are not the memories of Caylee that permeate that house, and everyone grieves differently. I cremated my son and I keep his ashes near me always. This helped me to move on from the physical place the memories were made, but the place those memories of my boy RESIDE is in my heart. :heart: I will carry those with me always. For me, they are not in a house. However, four years later, I immediately block any images of his fatal car accident. I cant even go there...still. :cry:

I imagine they have no memory of the murder or what might have happened, just the good things. Like Caylee singing you are my sunshine my only sunshine... i think that's imprinted on all of us, I don't know about you, but I do know the memory of Caylee singing her little song is impermeably stamped on my heart. :rose:
How do they cope? I think they're covering a multitude of emotions with heavy medications, but deep down I don't think they're coping at all.

Was it a letter from cindy to casey saying that she used to find peace and solitude in Caylee's room, but was having a hard time even going in her bedroom anymore? I seem to recall that.
Now she just refers to Caylee's room as a flooded room that smells of decomposition (or however she phrased it). It's sad and disgusting.
Perhaps it is as simple as just dividing the house into sides by using tape to mark boundaries on the floor. I think there was an episode of The Brady Bunch like that long ago.
The Anthonys elected to blame others (mostly law enforcement) for all manner of things from the very beginning. Instead of placing their anger where it would be most logical (on KC) they are "triangulating" and making a "third party" the culprit. The "third party" is everyone aside from KC.

In effect this is how GA & CA operate as a "team". First they hate the detectives, then the FBI, then the searchers, then Padilla, then the protesters, then the attorneys, then the news people, then the "bloggers"--the list is endless, but it gives the Anthonys something to do and makes it so they do not have to face reality. They can stay in the house because they don't think KC is a murderer. They think SODDI.
Yes, but those are not the memories of Caylee that permeate that house, and everyone grieves differently. I cremated my son and I keep his ashes near me always. This helped me to move on from the physical place the memories were made, but the place those memories of my boy RESIDE is in my heart. :heart: I will carry those with me always. For me, they are not in a house. However, four years later, I immediately block any images of his fatal car accident. I cant even go there...still. :cry:

I imagine they have no memory of the murder or what might have happened, just the good things. Like Caylee singing you are my sunshine my only sunshine... i think that's imprinted on all of us, I don't know about you, but I do know the memory of Caylee singing her little song is impermeably stamped on my heart. :rose:

Thank you for your post and for the insight you share due to your tragic loss. It is the many pieces of the pain puzzle that WS members share that help us get through each day and work together to solve crimes.:beats:

hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I've had a stressful eve at home and in RL. Your post is the first i've read since I got on and your take on their relationship made me laugh my butt off! Thank YOU!

I'm not sure if we can use our own lives as examples but George reminds me of my exhusband. My exhusband always let me be the boss, the strong one, the nag at times. He liked it and one of the reasons we divorced (besides the girlfriend thing) was that I didn't want to be his wife and his Mother. Luckily (hah) for him he found someone else who did and still does 23 years later. But after we divorced it hit me, he liked it because he could always blame everything on someone else, nothing was ever his fault because someone always made him do everything. George reminds me of my exhusband.
Yes, but those are not the memories of Caylee that permeate that house, and everyone grieves differently. I cremated my son and I keep his ashes near me always. This helped me to move on from the physical place the memories were made, but the place those memories of my boy RESIDE is in my heart. :heart: I will carry those with me always. For me, they are not in a house. However, four years later, I immediately block any images of his fatal car accident. I cant even go there...still. :cry:

I imagine they have no memory of the murder or what might have happened, just the good things. Like Caylee singing you are my sunshine my only sunshine... i think that's imprinted on all of us, I don't know about you, but I do know the memory of Caylee singing her little song is impermeably stamped on my heart. :rose:

Hugs for you, Watergirl. (((hugs)))
Perhaps it is as simple as just dividing the house into sides by using tape to mark boundaries on the floor. I think there was an episode of The Brady Bunch like that long ago.

You reminded me of the funniest thing. Remember this?
I'm not sure if we can use our own lives as examples but George reminds me of my exhusband. My exhusband always let me be the boss, the strong one, the nag at times. He liked it and one of the reasons we divorced (besides the girlfriend thing) was that I didn't want to be his wife and his Mother. Luckily (hah) for him he found someone else who did and still does 23 years later. But after we divorced it hit me, he liked it because he could always blame everything on someone else, nothing was ever his fault because someone always made him do everything. George reminds me of my exhusband.

I think I've met him! Is this your ex?


Sorry. It's late.
Listen closely to what Mark says here, he says he had a pretty good understanding of what had happened to Caylee, having been right in the middle of the matter for a long while. If he knew, mom and pop knew, imo. Absolutely.
So it is two years now that they have been living with their shrine and their lies.

His advice to George and Cindy, "Let go and let God".
Listen closely to what Mark says here, he says he had a pretty good understanding of what had happened to Caylee, having been right in the middle of the matter for a long while. If he knew, mom and pop knew, imo. Absolutely.
So it is two years now that they have been living with their shrine and their lies.

His advice to George and Cindy, "Let go and let God".

Let's put GA aside, because he nearly admitted he knew, to the police early on. And LA, set him aside because he dodges and weaves from the real question of whether his sister did this.

Cindy: CA darn well knew, and while she didn't admit it, she did not always deny it, either, when confronted by several people-Including Mark, including Rob Dick/LP....I think there was even one other gentleman, can't remember who, that directly told CA that KC was not in good shape, and she got upset but did not deny....
Didn't RD/LP have her in their trailer crying because she basically knew what was happening? She did not say it to them out loud, but she cried and did not object.
These are small admissions on her part, but I definately see them as admissions.
We've been dealing with this almost as long as Caylee was alive, because Caylee wasn't quite 3 when this started," Caylee's grandmother Cindy Anthony said. "So it seems like this nightmare has lasted longer than the moments than we had with her. That makes it very, very difficult.

"And I miss the last three years that I could have had with her, or the last two years. And then thinking about her starting school..," Cindy said before breaking into tears.

CLICK HERE to see ABC News' Casey Anthony Case TIMELINE.

Though she maintains her daughter Casey is innocent and has "faith in the system," Cindy Anthony said that she did initially consider that Casey could have played a part in Caylee's disappearance. Acknowledging that a jury might feel the same way, Cindy Anthony said, "Anything can happen" when Casey goes to trial in the spring.

"I mean the thought did cross our mind in the very beginning. There may have been an accident," Cindy said. But Cindy said she dismissed the thought, even though Casey refused to tell her where Caylee was.
"I'm not angry about it so much as I am frustrated because I might be able to better understand why she's where she's at now. Because, I still truly believe that she is innocent," the grandmother said. "There's got to be a motive there that's much greater than this whole picture

My belief is since the State of Florida is seeking the death penalty, CA has to do what she can to save ICA...even as she knows the truth but since she doesn't know the "motive" (BS, she does know) she's able to con herself into thinking something positive. Why do you think GA who had an emotional tie to RC, tell her he thinks it was an accident that least this is what they hope and they knew this would get out to the public. It's all about self soothing themselves and creating doubt, dirtying the jury pool, but in doing so they are denying Caylee justice...JMHO

The silence in that home must be deafening, it must haunt them daily but for ICA's sake, they will deny, deny, deny until the end of time. I also don't see what the defense attorney will find in Ohio...they've been gone from there for over 19 years and I doubt they keep in touch with family in Ohio. They have managed to alientate themselves from everyone. I see no family support anywhere other than the support GA/CA/LA give to ICA...JMHO

I pray justice delayed is not justice denied for Caylee Marie...the true victim of this entire family....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
This is my first time starting a thread. I don't remember this really being discussed, perhaps it was awhile ago. Anyway, with Halloween having just passed, school having started about 8 weeks ago, more or less and Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up,I can't help but wonder about how they stay sane living in the home Caylee lived in for her short life. She would have probably started kindergarten this year. Did their hearts break when they watched buses going by ? Did they open the door to trick-or -treaters and think of what could have been ? I realize that many of the websleuths community have lost a child and go through this grief process continually. I 10000% apologize if this bothers anyone else. I just wonder how they can deny what happened to Caylee and WHO caused that to happen , and at the same time, watch other children who would be around Caylee's age, doing the things little ones do everyday. And the support of the person accused of this tragedy is ridiculous. I am wondering if they play little mind games, pretending that KC is somewhere else, not jail. Maybe telling thmselves that Caylee died of natural causes so they can deal with seeing other children and not agonize. Again, my apologies to those who have lost a child and deal with these same feelings every day. I cannot imagine the pain. I am not saying that a child who dies of natural causes is not agonizing. It must be horrible pain. I just think they may think this way so they can continue to support "mother of the year. " I need to take some tums now. Or a stiff drink !!

I'm not sure if this answers your question or not but as most on here know, my brother & his wife were brutally murdered in 2008. My fondest memories of his family is right here in my home. They visited often & would do a head count on their children( They had 6) before leaving. I still chuckle when I remember him doing the head count. :)
IMHO, people who are wrought with guilt, sadness, desperation do not take vacations, do not seek the spotlight and certainly don't tattoo their body with memorials. The Anthony's may forever live in denial, far from reality of what "was" Caylee's beautiful life.
I agree with some of the posts above that they are probably staying in the house out of a sense of denial and financial concerns. I would think that if they were not in denial, the unhappy memories (e.g. protestors, numerous police visits, unhappy neighbors, etc.) would outweigh the positive memories and they would move if finances permitted.

I always wondered how the parents of the infamous Barbie and Ken killers could remain in their houses, especially the Homolka parents, after what Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo did to her little sister Tammy (b.January 1, 1975 - d. December 24, 1990) in their basement Christmas Eve. But it turns out that they just sold their house last year. The parents had gone about their daily lives in their small city as usual. I am surprised the neighbors did not want the house razed.

The house where Homolka and Bernardo lived and where they video taped and killed two other school girls was torn down.

Apparently Mrs. Homolka never believed her daughter did anything wrong. She thought Karla helped Bernardo kill three teens because Karla had been a battered spouse. Even though the video tapes proved shortly afterward that Karla was a willing participant. Now THAT is denial.

Also the neighbours of the killer Colonel want his house, where he killed a young woman, torn down:

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