ACTIVE SEARCH Australia. Man wanted after pouring hot coffee on baby in park, Brisbane, Queensland. 27th August 2024

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I am just not sure if he can be extradited for a criminal charge less than murder, is all. This was an awful crime, but is it extraditable?
In case nobody has answered this yet, according to the wikipedia entry in the post immediately below your own, the criminal charge may not be minor. So I presume no shoplifting, unpaid speeding tickets etc. An awful attack like this causing severe injury - physical and emotional - to the baby and untold anguish to the parents, I don't think it could be termed 'minor' in anybody's book. MOO
Interesting info, lots more at link, may be useful in other cases, posting here because the perp was described as being 'tan, imo, speculation, fwiw.
Type I
  • Very fair; very light ivory skin tone
  • Freckles common
  • Usually blond hair and light-colored eyes
Always burns; never tans
Type II
  • Fair
  • Light white to pale tan skin tone
  • Light eyes and hair
Burns easily; tans minimally
Type III
  • Fair to medium tan skin tone
  • Eye and hair color vary
Burns moderately; tans moderately
Type IV
  • Medium, beige-olive skin tone
  • Moderate pigmentation
  • Usually dark hair and eyes
Burns minimally; tans easily
Type V
  • Medium brown skin tone
  • Heavy pigmentation. Usually dark hair and eyes.
Rarely burns; tans profusely
Type VI
  • Dark brown to black skin tone
  • Heavy pigmentation
  • Dark hair and eyes
Never burns*; tans profusely
Based on: Fitzpatrick T. The validity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI. Arch Dermatol. 1988;124:869-871.

*Most experts now agree that sunburn does occur in people with very dark skin.''
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Interesting info, lots more at link, may be useful in other cases, posting here because the perp was described as being 'tan, imo, speculation, fwiw.

''Fitzpatrick skin pigmentation classification scale​

Skin type is determined by several factors, including genetics, as indicated by skin color and reaction to sun exposure. The scale below classifies skin by complexion and tolerance of sunlight. Many practitioners use it to determine how likely a patient is to get skin cancer.''​

Type I
  • Very fair; very light ivory skin tone
  • Freckles common
  • Usually blond hair and light-colored eyes
Always burns; never tans
Type II
  • Fair
  • Light white to pale tan skin tone
  • Light eyes and hair
Burns easily; tans minimally
Type III
  • Fair to medium tan skin tone
  • Eye and hair color vary
Burns moderately; tans moderately
Type IV
  • Medium, beige-olive skin tone
  • Moderate pigmentation
  • Usually dark hair and eyes
Burns minimally; tans easily
Type V
  • Medium brown skin tone
  • Heavy pigmentation. Usually dark hair and eyes.
Rarely burns; tans profusely
Type VI
  • Dark brown to black skin tone
  • Heavy pigmentation
  • Dark hair and eyes
Never burns*; tans profusely
Based on: Fitzpatrick T. The validity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI. Arch Dermatol. 1988;124:869-871.

*Most experts now agree that sunburn does occur in people with very dark skin.''

The perp was described as "tanned"
as an euphemism of him being Asian.

IDK why it wasn't stated clearly.

After all,
it is obvious that some people are Causcascian, some are Asian, some are Black, etc.

These are simple facts.

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The perp was described as "tanned"
as an euphemism of him being Asian.

IDK why it wasn't stated clearly.

After all,
it is obvious that some people are Causcascian, some are Asian, some are Black, etc.

These are simple facts.

So hard to imagine what point the perp might be making by attacking a baby, particularly using coffee as opposed to plain boiling water...
Often skin colour is described in terms of food or beverage or flowers, some consider that a racist practice, others considered it complimentary.
Some(like the baby) may be described as having a peaches/roses and cream tone, while others- might be described as being of a coffee tone.
Mix the two, and a description might be a cafe latte, or a tanned individual, imo, speculation.
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So hard to imagine what point the perp might be making by attacking a baby, particularly using coffee as opposed to plain boiling water...
Often skin colour is described in terms of food or beverage or flowers, some consider that a racist practice, others considered it complimentary.
Some(like the baby) may be described as having a peaches/roses and cream tone, while others- might be described as being of a coffee tone.
Mix the two, and a description might be a cafe latte, or a tanned individual, imo, speculation.

Everybody should be proud of their heritage :)

The Earth is the home for ALL.
Everybody should be proud of our heritage :)
The Earth is a home for ALL.
Exactly, maybe that was a part of the perp's seemingly vindictive act, imo
Trying to be as discreet and respectful as possible in sharing my first impression regarding a possible motive in this case, no offense intended to anyone!
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I've been following since it was first posted and, for some reason, this thought just popped into my head.

What if this was a test/training run for something more nefarious? The fact that he had a change of clothing, somewhat hid his identity, potentially provided LE with false tips/ID of the perp and (finally) seemed to be running surveillance on the investigation. All of this, to me, suggests a highly organized, intelligent individual, with some type of background such an law enforcement, military, etc.

Was the perp testing his ability to commit a violent act, evade LE and leave the country and, if successful, plan a much more devastating (mass casualty) attack in the future?
I've been following since it was first posted and, for some reason, this thought just popped into my head.

What if this was a test/training run for something more nefarious? The fact that he had a change of clothing, somewhat hid his identity, potentially provided LE with false tips/ID of the perp and (finally) seemed to be running surveillance on the investigation. All of this, to me, suggests a highly organized, intelligent individual, with some type of background such an law enforcement, military, etc.

Was the perp testing his ability to commit a violent act, evade LE and leave the country and, if successful, plan a much more devastating (mass casualty) attack in the future?

It might all also mean a person suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

obsession of being followed,
feeling unsafe/in danger,
hearing voices,
being hunted by all kinds of Secret Services, etc.

Who knows? :rolleyes:
Is it common in Australia to refer to someone as a foreign national? I ask this because here in the US, I’ve only heard that term used for a Chinese national, in the context of an inability to extradite. We have extradition with most other countries, but not China.

For other circumstances, we usually just describe them as a citizen of another country.
In case nobody has answered this yet, according to the wikipedia entry in the post immediately below your own, the criminal charge may not be minor. So I presume no shoplifting, unpaid speeding tickets etc. An awful attack like this causing severe injury - physical and emotional - to the baby and untold anguish to the parents, I don't think it could be termed 'minor' in anybody's book. MOO

Yes, I wasn't trying to suggest it was 'minor'. And he certainly warrants facing a heavy sentence. I just have never heard of an extradition for anything less than murder. (Except in massive fraud cases.) But this case may be a first of its kind. IDK

I am currently reading a book where a German citizen - Jens Söring - was fighting extradition from the UK to the US (on double-murder charges). He wanted to be sent to Germany instead, where the penalties for his crime and age were lighter. They finally got him to trial in the US 5 years after the crime. I think it can be a very complicated process.

Is it common in Australia to refer to someone as a foreign national? I ask this because here in the US, I’ve only heard that term used for a Chinese national, in the context of an inability to extradite. We have extradition with most other countries, but not China.

For other circumstances, we usually just describe them as a citizen of another country.

I think they are using that very proper term because they are hiding what country he is a citizen of ... "for investigative reasons".
Otherwise I think they would say British citizen, Canadian citizen, Chinese citizen, or whatever.

Is it common in Australia to refer to someone as a foreign national? I ask this because here in the US, I’ve only heard that term used for a Chinese national, in the context of an inability to extradite. We have extradition with most other countries, but not China.

For other circumstances, we usually just describe them as a citizen of another country.
I think they're using it because they're not revealing the name of the country at this time. So, they can't say 'Midgardian national/citizen, Joe Bloggs' in their copy. So all they can say is 'foreign national'. That shows he's not a citizen or permanent resident of Australia without saying where he actually is a citizen.

Yes, I wasn't trying to suggest it was 'minor'. And he certainly warrants facing a heavy sentence. I just have never heard of an extradition for anything less than murder. (Except in massive fraud cases.) But this case may be a first of its kind. IDK
The reason I mentioned 'minor' was - that's the criteria according to the wikipedia article on extradition to Australia: the crime may not be minor.

In fact, I've just googled it and here is the answer: Extradition from Australia is allowed for any offence that carries a maximum penalty of at least 12 months' imprisonment (or other deprivation of liberty). This is set out in the definition of 'extradition offence' in section 5 of the Extradition Act.24.04.2024
EXTRADITION ACT 1988 - SECT 5 Interpretation

This case may be the first of its kind in terms of extradition, but there is obviously a proviso in Australian law for extradition due to crimes other than murder. Note: I do see that Australian law is about extradition FROM Australia, not TO Australia, but these laws/agreements seem to be partially reciprocal. So, we will see. MOO
I am currently reading a book where a German citizen - Jens Söring - was fighting extradition from the UK to the US (on double-murder charges). He wanted to be sent to Germany instead, where the penalties for his crime and age were lighter. They finally got him to trial in the US 5 years after the crime. I think it can be a very complicated process.

I'm sure it can be complicated and especially long drawn-out. In Jens Söring's case possibly more complicated than some because iirc there are countries hesitant to extradite to a country such as USA where the death penalty may be carried out. No death penalty in Australia though. So that should ease the extradition process somewhat (MOO) so long as the perp comes from a country with an extradition treaty/agreement with Australia, which we don't know yet.
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Thanks @SouthAussie and @iamshadow21
I hope he’s not in China. I hope he’s from the US. I want to watch TV when his scrawny tail gets perp-walked in cuffs onto a plane and sent straight over to Oz.

I don't think he's from China purely because they sound hopeful of successful extradition. China does not allow extradition of their citizens, full stop.

Thanks @SouthAussie and @iamshadow21
I hope he’s not in China. I hope he’s from the US. I want to watch TV when his scrawny tail gets perp-walked in cuffs onto a plane and sent straight over to Oz.


I have been thinking about what DI Dalton said .. that they missed him by 12 hours.

A flight to the US/Canada/UK and many northern hemisphere places takes more than 12 hours. So I am guessing that he went to a country where he could be off the plane, and heading elsewhere within 12 hours.
Otherwise, one would hope they would have managed to have him delayed/held by customs and immigration authorities at his destination.


Detectives are "devastated" they missed the suspect in the baby coffee attack flying out of Australia by just 12 hours, Detective Inspector Paul Dalton said. Link
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I have been thinking about what DI Dalton said .. that they missed him by 12 hours.

A flight to the US/Canada/UK and many northern hemisphere places takes more than 12 hours. So I am guessing that he went to a country where he could be off the plane, and heading elsewhere within 12 hours.
Otherwise, one would hope they would have managed to have him delayed/held by customs and immigration authorities at his destination.


Detectives are "devastated" they missed the suspect in the baby coffee attack flying out of Australia by just 12 hours, Detective Inspector Paul Dalton said. Link
He could have flew to Honolulu in 9 hours, then on to San Fran. I am still hoping with my fingers crossed it’s US.

He could have flew to Honolulu in 9 hours, then on to San Fran. I am still hoping with my fingers crossed it’s US.

I suspect he's in South East Asia.

He's Asian in appearance. I agree he looks like he could have some Chinese heritage, and many countries in South East Asia have big communities of Chinese heritage, some of them hundreds of years old and with their own languages, food heritage and culture. Australia has a large amount of people living and working here from all over Asia and the Pacific, some permanently, some for short periods of time.

I would now hope that the international community and airports and other security and border and customs offices are on a global watch for the suspect. And all are perusing their video, cameras, and techniques to find this individual.

Yes might be much to ask, and for what some might consider a lesser offense. (I do not.) But it is quite unfortunate that things were apparently not locked down well once the event occured.

This WFLA News September 10, 2024 online article by Bill Gallucio entitled ‘International Manhunt Launched For Man Who Threw Hot Coffee On Baby‘ seems to suggest this to be the case.

Why his identity has not been released is IMO dismaying. MOO


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