Mr. Chaz Bono on Oprah, Mon. May 9, 2011

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Most of us aren't. There's sexual identity and then there's gender - which is what the doctors put on your birth certificate. Chastity was born female and always will be. Wearing men's clothing won't change that. A 'Boy Named Sue' is still a boy. Being PC won't change anything either. Some of us just refuse to call Chastity a man, beyond that you're looking for an argument where none exists. I don't care what costume she wears. My problem with her and this show is calling her a 'star' as in DWTS. And if all we should opine on is "the bad things happening in the world", then why does this tread topic exist?

Silkprint does not seem to be stating that we shouldn't opine on only the bad thins in the world. She/he appears to be stating surprise that anyone would be worried about Chaz's gender identity, given all the horror in the world. It is certainly, though, an interesting subject and debate.
Most of us aren't. There's sexual identity and then there's gender - which is what the doctors put on your birth certificate. Chastity was born female and always will be. Wearing men's clothing won't change that. A 'Boy Named Sue' is still a boy. Being PC won't change anything either. Some of us just refuse to call Chastity a man, beyond that you're looking for an argument where none exists. I don't care what costume she wears. My problem with her and this show is calling her a 'star' as in DWTS. And if all we should opine on is "the bad things happening in the world", then why does this tread topic exist?

Question for you Tracker. You state that gender is what doctors put on your birth certificate. That indicates that gender is determined b y the appearance of one's genitalia at birth. What do you believe is a person's gender, then, if they are born with ambiguous genitalia? Like intersex people? Would you accept it if a person born intersex, and designated one gender, decides later, when they are older, that the other gender applies?

What do you feel about the case of the lady I cited above, who was born with definite, female genitalia, but whose DNA states she is 100% male? Is she still female, merely because a doctor deemed her to be so at birth?

ETA: Regarding the designation of Chaz as a "star", I can say that there are many of those people on the show I never heard of before or do not recognize as some sort of artist or professional entertainer. Isn't the show for B-rated "stars" or otherwise marginally famous people? I mean, for example, Bristol Palin was on the show and she's only the daughter of a famous politician. Chaz actually put out albums in the 80's. What did Bristol do?
I believe ( not that you are required to care) that what is in the heart and soul of a person is what is important, not what they are encased in. A body is merely a means of allowing the heart and soul to express themselves. Gender is a non-issue in living a good, loving, and productive life.

Some of us just refuse to call Chastity a man
I understand Tracker .
If I talked to people on the street or some family ,I am sure there would be all sorts of opinions .
What I am saying though - In the scope of things . Who cares?
What difference does it make on how someone else chooses to live their life whether anyone else agrees with it or not.
It's all good :)
Question for you Tracker. You state that gender is what doctors put on your birth certificate. That indicates that gender is determined b y the appearance of one's genitalia at birth. What do you believe is a person's gender, then, if they are born with ambiguous genitalia? Like intersex people? Would you accept it if a person born intersex, and designated one gender, decides later, when they are older, that the other gender applies?

What do you feel about the case of the lady I cited above, who was born with definite, female genitalia, but whose DNA states she is 100% male? Is she still female, merely because a doctor deemed her to be so at birth?

ETA: Regarding the designation of Chaz as a "star", I can say that there are many of those people on the show I never heard of before or do not recognize as some sort of artist or professional entertainer. Isn't the show for B-rated "stars" or otherwise marginally famous people? I mean, for example, Bristol Palin was on the show and she's only the daughter of a famous politician. Chaz actually put out albums in the 80's. What did Bristol do?

What is Bono's DNA male or female? It doesn't matter - IMO if you're born with female genitalia, you can never be a male. That's an opinion and only an opinion and is no more a fact than it is to say she now a male.
I think the show started out to be dancing with stars, but has slipped to dancing with has beens and used to be, plus athletes. It should be called Dancing with Celebrities, but as you pointed out, some of them I've never heard of and Bono's only celebrity comes from being the transgendered daughter of Cher.
I don't understand how someone can be born female, become or realize they're homosexual, enter a relationship with a woman, then take hormones and have surgery to become a man but still stay with the same female homosexual partner. There's too much stuff going on for me to grasp.


Speaking for myself only, I'm a woman in a longterm lesbian relationship. But, if my partner decided to switch genders, she'd still be the same person to me, and I'd stick around. I wouldn't be able to throw away our life together over it, because at this point, she's far more than just a female to me, she's my partner.
As one who believes who we truly are is spirit which dwells within this physical vehicle, which is mortal and dies, spirit or soul is eternal-that is our true identity. Understanding is a process and I have certainly come a long way in that process and still continuing to do so. There was a time when I would have said many of the same things posted here about transgender and how can you go from lesbian to wanting to be a male. But, as I have gotten older, and hopefully wiser, I can see that there are issues I never considered since I don't see thru the eyes of a transgendered person.
To me Chaz seems happier and more comfortable now and I wish him the best. I found this interview with David Letterman which I think is really good as David asks many of the questions the average person would have concerning this "condition".
[ame=""]David Letterman -_- Chaz Bono - Part 1 - 2011.05.11 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]David Letterman -_- Chaz Bono - Part 2 - 2011.05.11 - YouTube[/ame]
What is Bono's DNA male or female? It doesn't matter - IMO if you're born with female genitalia, you can never be a male. That's an opinion and only an opinion and is no more a fact than it is to say she now a male.
I think the show started out to be dancing with stars, but has slipped to dancing with has beens and used to be, plus athletes. It should be called Dancing with Celebrities, but as you pointed out, some of them I've never heard of and Bono's only celebrity comes from being the transgendered daughter of Cher.

I agree with you as to the nature of the show. Its title is a bit too lofty.

As to gender, I specifically asked you about intersex people for a reason. You didn't answer that question, really. The reason I asked is because most people, like you, believe that gender is determined by the outward appearance of our genitalia, hence the announcement at birth: "It's a girl!" or "It's a boy!" Many people share your belief that someone born with female genitalia will always be female. Period.

But intersex people evidence that gender may be more than just genitalia. So does the case of the woman I cited who has female genitalia but solidly male DNA. And what about this?:

Caster Semenya, a South African runner, who has had no known hormonal treatments or surgery, had her gender investigated by the IAAF after she broke a world record and her gender was questioned by those who noted her very masculine appearance and voice. She was born with obviously female genitalia:


In order to determine Caster's gender, a gender test was conducted:

"The test, which takes weeks to complete, requires a physical medical evaluation, and includes reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender."

The very existence of people like Caster or intersex people call into question the notion that gender is determined by the appearance of one's genitalia. In fact, a whole team including a "...gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender" were needed to determine Caster's gender. So, how can one be so definitive that genitalia is how we determine gender?

There are various types of intersex. Some have very obvious male genitalia, yet they also have ovaries and a uterus. Some have genitalia that is hard to determine - it looks somewhere in between. What causes it? In the case of one example of a type of intersex, the cause is found to be:

46, XX Intersex. The person has the chromosomes of a woman, the ovaries of a woman, but external (outside) genitals that appear male. This usually is the result of a female fetus having been exposed to excess male hormones before birth. The labia ("lips" or folds of skin of the external female genitals) fuse, and the clitoris enlarges to appear like a penis. Usually this person has a normal uterus and Fallopian tubes. This condition is also called 46, XX with virilization. It used to be called female pseudohermaphroditism. There are several possible causes:

  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (the most common cause).
  • Male hormones (such as testosterone) taken or encountered by the mother during pregnancy.
  • Male hormone-producing tumors in the mother. These are most often ovarian tumors. Mothers who have children with 46, XX intersex should be checked unless there is another clear cause.
  • Aromatase deficiency. This one may not be noticeable until puberty. Aromatase is an enzyme that normally converts male hormones to female hormones. Too much aromatase activity can lead to excess estrogen (female hormone); too little to 46, XX intersex. At puberty these XX children, who had been raised as girls, may begin to take on male characteristics.

In many intersex cases, a hormone disruptor or the introduction of the opposite hormone in utero, via tumor, or otherwise, causes the sex organs to be atypical. Isn't it also possible that some fetuses are flushed with the hormone opposite to themselves but either not to a degree that it would actively change their genitalia or possibly in a manner that leaves their genitalia as originally determined but changes other aspects of the body, like the brain structure, such that the baby born does not feel the gender reflected by their genitalia? That's what some scientists think.

IMO, if it takes a whole team to test a person's gender, than the question of gender is not as simple as looking at someone's genitals, even though that is an easy approach. Science shows that the question of gender is not fixed and not always so easy to determine. And if hormones can cause the appearance of ambiguous genitalia, why can't they cause changes in brain structure as well, in how someone perceives themselves, etc.?

Scientists have, in fact, shown via brain scans that the brains of most transgendered individuals operate like the sex opposite to the one they were born with. In other words, a child born female who feels like a male, has a brain that operates like a male brain, not like a female one:

"Antonio Guillamon's team at the National University of Distance Education in Madrid, Spain, think they have found a better way to spot a transsexual brain. In a study due to be published next month, the team ran MRI scans on the brains of 18 female-to-male transsexual people who'd had no treatment and compared them with those of 24 males and 19 females.
They found significant differences between male and female brains in four regions of white matter – and the female-to-male transsexual people had white matter in these regions that resembled a male brain (Journal of Psychiatric Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.05.006). "It's the first time it has been shown that the brains of female-to-male transsexual people are masculinised," Guillamon says."

What do you think of that? And what are we to do with such people? Tell them that the way they think is wrong? That if they choose to identify in a manner dictated by their brain structure rather than their sex organs, that they are merely wearing a costume and will never be what their brains show they are?

And what if that's your child who feels that way? When you come into the bathroom and find your six year old holding scissors up to his penis, wanting to cut off that piece of himself that to him is shockingly opposite from what he knows himself to be - a "she" - do you tell the kid that he's crazy, completely wrong, will always be a boy and if he tries to express otherwise, he'd be doing nothing different than trick or treating?

Or maybe you would do this?:

[ame=""]AC360 - The 'Sissy Boy' Experiment - Part One - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]The Sissy Boy Experiment Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

(The above case highlights the case of a boy who was gay. But such "treatment" would apply to those who are transgender as well).

I don't know. I'd rather have my kid happy and alive than told that what their brain is telling them is a lie, because it doesn't match their private parts. I'd rather have a kid like this than a kid who wants to cut off their genitals or kill themselves:

[ame=""]Jazz sings "Happiness" while chewing gum at the same time - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Jazz age 9, fun times dancing - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Jazz age 10 Mamma Mia reprise - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]7yr. old Jazz's thoughts on being a Transgender Child - YouTube[/ame]

Sex change is very natural in some species.
Male clownfish may become female if the dominant female in their group dies and in some other species it happens from female to male.
Has nothing to do with the topic.

My point is, you can't change chromosomes.

You can't but chromosomes do not define our whole being, IMO. The genes are just the beginning of our development and then there are a host of internal and environmental factors during the pregnancy that may alter how the genes are expressed (for example, hormone levels, brain development, people with Y chromosome who develop as females because some substances/receptors that are involved in the development of male genitalia do not function normally etc.). Then there is everything in our upbringing that shapes our view of who we are. Chromosomes are important but there is more to gender than chromosomes IMO.
Chromosomes define male/female.

I'm not arguing that she can or can not live as a male. I'm not arguing what made her want to live as a male.
Chromosomes define male/female.

I'm not arguing that she can or can not live as a male. I'm not arguing what made her want to live as a male.

Kimberly, if it was that simple, than why does it take a six week test, a physical medical evaluation, and reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender, to determine gender, as in the case of Caster Semenya? You say chromosomes determine gender, TrackerSam says it's the genitals one is born with and I have provided clear examples of cases that prove there are exceptions to those rules.

In the case of chromosomes, that would be the lady I cited who has definite, female sex organs and looks like a woman but who has completely male DNA:

"Atwood is not a freak -- nor is she half-man, half-woman. But her DNA says she's a man. That's because she has male chromosomes, an X and a Y, instead of two Xs, like most females. It's a disorder of sexual development in the womb called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, or AIS. It can be passed down through the mother or occur as a spontaneous mutation.

"There are probably about seven-and-a-half thousand people, women, in the U.S. with the condition," said Dr. Charmian Quigley, a pediatric endocrinologist."


So Kimberly, can you tell me, do you believe that Atwood is a man or a woman?

I mean, it's easy to repeat the same thing over and over again but with all due respect, to me it means nothing if one is unwilling or unable to address scientific facts that tend to undermine certain definitive statements.

I bring up these "exceptions to the rule", like Caster Semenya's case, Eden Atwood, intersex people, etc., to argue that if they biologically bend gender "rules" than can't transgender people be exceptions to the rule as well? If these cases evidence that gender is not as definitive as some claim, determined absolutely by one's chromosomes or the sex organs they are born with, than who are we to argue that someone like Chaz is inauthentic and simply wearing a costume to hide "her" real self?
This thread is about Chastity Bono. She was born with female genitalia and female DNA.

She was born a female, lived most of her life as a female, and will die a female. No amount of surgery will ever change that.

She did not have any of the things you cited.

It's my opinion. It will not change.

I have no interest in spending my time researching the issue. I don't feel I need to.

We will just have to disagree on this.
You know.... I was watching dancing with the stars last night. My daughter and I didn't know what to say about it. Finally I said it's a lesbian. Just think... you have female genetalia, had your *advertiser censored* removed, but all in all you're still a girl/female aka DNA. She/he danced like a girl. JMO. :waitasec: What an identity crisis Chastity must be going through. What a world of turmoil Chastity was brought into. Then again, Cher, her mother, supports Chaz/Chastity, so what can I say. This one is really tough
This thread is about Chastity Bono. She was born with female genitalia and female DNA.

She was born a female, lived most of her life as a female, and will die a female. No amount of surgery will ever change that.

She did not have any of the things you cited.

It's my opinion. It will not change.

I have no interest in spending my time researching the issue. I don't feel I need to.

We will just have to disagree on this.

Well said. Citing facts in other cases does not change the facts in this one. It's not about Chastity's sexual identity, it's about her gender.
This thread is about Chaz Bono, who gender-identifies as male, in spite of having been born with biological sex characteristics that are female and in spite of being given the name Chastity at birth, and in spite of having enough celebrity as a child that much of the world knows he was born a little girl.

If you (care to) listen to what Chaz says, he very consistently refers to himself as a transgendered person who identifies as male. It's not a difficult concept - especially if one listens to a transgender person speak of how they experience their gender and identity.

Through his various books and appearances, Chaz has shared with the world his experience. And he's shared some rather intimate details - that physically - he's had his female breasts removed and takes male hormones to gain male secondary sex characteristics but he has not yet had transgender surgery below the belt b/c he is not confident in the wisdom of having that rather experimental surgery yet; likely he has health concerns about it. He explains his life is much better living as he identifies - living as a male - and for having made the transitions in sexual characteristics that he's made.

Had Chaz not provided this detail on his physical characteristics, we'd never know what state of transition he was currently living in - would we?

That Chaz will always have female sex characteristics is rather obvious to all. (Especially since he was originally introduced to the world as Chastity.) And to Chaz, I would imagine. ;)

IMO, Chaz would likely not argue with the logic that he was born with female sex characteristics and will die with female sex characteristics - no matter what he does to himself.

In fact, the fact that Chaz is biologically female and, therefore the opposite of his actual gender identity - is the major part of the transgendered experience. We'll ever hear Chaz insisting he has Y chromosomes. Rather what we hear him saying is that the sexual characteristics he was born with just don't match his identity ... and so ... after psychological and medical treatment and long and careful thought ... he decided to do something about it - in an effort to become more comfortable with the body he lives in.

An aside with regard to the hilarious horticultural analogies - did you know that gardeners grow potatoes and tomatoes on the same plant? Wonder if that makes it a potato plant or if it's really a tomato plant? Biologically, it's got to be one thing and logically it can't be the other. So which is it? A tomato plant? A potato plant? :waitasec:

Perhaps we don't really care, just so long as it's alive and productive.

He's making money now. Dancing with the Stars? or whoever was obscene.

Why didn't he living in his own world. Most don't care.

Are there no secrets anymore?
Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Even those such as myself who may be in the minority.

I could care less what she calls herself.

The fact remains, there is no amount of surgery that will change your sex.

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