Mr. Kyle's Memories

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Does Benjamin post here at all? It sure would help getting input from him and clarification on some of the posts.
some possible other avenues to explore in relation to the foodservice/restaurant area.

check w/ food distributors in colorado. this is a tight network everyone knows everyone. if he worked in or was building/designing/setting up new restaurants this would be a good place to start.

contact the national restaurant assoc., maybe they can put out his picture.

most food distribution companies (Sysco, GFS, US Foods etc...)have food shows in the fall, could his picture be put out???
It's possible w/ his knowledge (electrical, i think) that he setup the kitchens, he may have maintained the drinking systems (pop, coffee etc...). Definitely, look into the restaurant equipment end. It's possible he delivered for a distribution company. They get excellent benefits (good teeth), it is quite the work out (good physical shape), and pays fairly well. He could have also been a sales rep, or a vendor rep. Try to tap into Colorado restaurant community. Everyone knows everyone, someone will remember...
I'm interested in this but I surely won't be home to watch Dr. Phil and I don't have a fast enough internet connection to be able to watch the show online.

Could someone here be kind enough to relay interesting points or highlights here?

Just a little side note:

Before this week, I have never heard of BK or his situation. It could be that many other people haven't as well. Hopefully this national broadcast will reach more people who are not familiar as well. The answers for BK may be just around the corner.
I haven't cross checked all the eliminated matches, but his pictures on doe seem to be an almost perfect match to Benjamin Kyle Professor Emeritus in Chemical Engineering at Kansas State University. His phone number there is 785-532-5584. His e-mail is and his web site is listed as

Did anyone ever send an email to this professor?
mcdraw I can't get the link to work with the photo of the professor.
Can't find a photo of the professor thru google either. You a much better sleuther than I am ! Can you re-post the link?

My husband is from Shreveport Louisiana and he remembers Arthur Treacher fish and chips from 35 years ago. They no longer have any in Shreveport but Benjaman Kyle doesn't have the Louisiana accent. Not even a trace of it.
Also we lived in the Cayman Islands at one time and Benjaman Kyle does not have a trace of the accent from there so I don't believe he is from the Cayman Islands. They have some very strong accents in the Caymans. Hard to understand their English.

From watching him on the show, when he said that he went to Georgia to see the ocean, I got the feeling that he was dealing with something very traumatic at the time he was beaten and left for dead. Perhaps he had a wife or child die and that's why no one has missed him? It seems like there would be other family members that would report him missing but perhaps he got divorced and became homeless afterwards and no one reported him missing because they suspect he is on the streets somewhere. He could have become depressed from a divorce or death in the family and ended up homeless as a result.

He is an educated man and seems like he would have had a white collar type job so he is not the stereotypical homeless person but not all of the homeless are alcoholics and drug addicts.

Ramblin'........ sorry
Thanks for the welcome Websurfer!

passionategray: I actually think there is more info here within this forum than was brought up on the show. One thing that did stand out on the show to me as being 'made more of' than the feel I got for it here at the forum was that Benjaman feels he was born in Indianapolis, In. I know Indiana was mentioned here but I had not take away the feeling that he felt strongly that's where he was born. (I probably just didn't read a post attentively tho.)

His nurse friend, I forget her name but she's posted here a few times, was there as well and she spoke briefly.

Other than that and just being glad to see him on tv, speaking and moving - a live person - I watched the whole show waiting for some depth... I was disappointed in that aspect.
Hi everyone. I've been lurking here for a while. This is my first post, but I have been fascinated with this case for about a month or so now, particularly since I have lived in the Indianapolis area for my entire life.

Something just FEELS familiar about this guy. I don't know his name, but he just *feels* like someone I've seen before. I am a great deal younger than Mr. Kyle, but I attended Catholic school on the North side of Indianapolis. It's possible I may have seen him at church or at one of the grade schools I played sports at. He is about my dad's age, or a little older. I don't know how much time has elapsed since he was last in Indianapolis (of course it couldn't have been after 2003), but something about this guy just seems...I he's someone from my town. His voice and accent seem native to this region, too.

I would like to help in any way possible. From what was said on Dr. Phil, he seems to *know* in some way that he attended Catholic school here in Indy. I do know a great deal about the Catholic community here, so if I can be of any service, I'd love to answer questions or anything.
I don't remember ever reading Benjaman was certain he was in Georgia specifically to go to the sea. He said that without hesitation and with conviction. I really believe this is important, though I can't say exactly why I feel that way.....yet!
Hi everyone. I've been lurking here for a while. This is my first post, but I have been fascinated with this case for about a month or so now, particularly since I have lived in the Indianapolis area for my entire life.

Something just FEELS familiar about this guy. I don't know his name, but he just *feels* like someone I've seen before. I am a great deal younger than Mr. Kyle, but I attended Catholic school on the North side of Indianapolis. It's possible I may have seen him at church or at one of the grade schools I played sports at. He is about my dad's age, or a little older. I don't know how much time has elapsed since he was last in Indianapolis (of course it couldn't have been after 2003), but something about this guy just seems...I he's someone from my town. His voice and accent seem native to this region, too.

I would like to help in any way possible. From what was said on Dr. Phil, he seems to *know* in some way that he attended Catholic school here in Indy. I do know a great deal about the Catholic community here, so if I can be of any service, I'd love to answer questions or anything.


Please please send BK's information to your Dad and friends his age to see if it sparks anything-it cannot hurt and it may help immensely! We have flyers and letters throughout the threads that we can get to you if you want to do it via email...anything would be so appreciated!!!!
Thanks for the welcome Websurfer!

passionategray: I actually think there is more info here within this forum than was brought up on the show. One thing that did stand out on the show to me as being 'made more of' than the feel I got for it here at the forum was that Benjaman feels he was born in Indianapolis, In. I know Indiana was mentioned here but I had not take away the feeling that he felt strongly that's where he was born. (I probably just didn't read a post attentively tho.)

His nurse friend, I forget her name but she's posted here a few times, was there as well and she spoke briefly.

Other than that and just being glad to see him on tv, speaking and moving - a live person - I watched the whole show waiting for some depth... I was disappointed in that aspect.

That is interesting.

I know it's a stretch, but can we start verifying places of birth for people that are missing? I don't know if there's a place where birth records can be accessed online...but it's worth it to know if a few people that are on the list that haven't been ruled out yet have been born in Indiana.

(I'm new at sleuthing so if my idea is too dumb or impossible, sorry! :) )
I haven't cross checked all the eliminated matches, but his pictures on doe seem to be an almost perfect match to Benjamin Kyle Professor Emeritus in Chemical Engineering at Kansas State University. His phone number there is 785-532-5584. His e-mail is and his web site is listed as

Clarify....If this man is teaching at this College now, how can it be the same guy? Or am I horribly confused! LOL!!
If BK was injured on a loading dock and then went missing and was later declaired dead, closest of kin would have most likely inherited any settlement from his injuries. The question is would they want him identified now???

Could we search legal inheritance records of missing in his age bracket legally declared dead?
Hi everyone. I've been lurking here for a while. This is my first post, but I have been fascinated with this case for about a month or so now, particularly since I have lived in the Indianapolis area for my entire life.

Something just FEELS familiar about this guy. I don't know his name, but he just *feels* like someone I've seen before. I am a great deal younger than Mr. Kyle, but I attended Catholic school on the North side of Indianapolis. It's possible I may have seen him at church or at one of the grade schools I played sports at. He is about my dad's age, or a little older. I don't know how much time has elapsed since he was last in Indianapolis (of course it couldn't have been after 2003), but something about this guy just seems...I he's someone from my town. His voice and accent seem native to this region, too.

I would like to help in any way possible. From what was said on Dr. Phil, he seems to *know* in some way that he attended Catholic school here in Indy. I do know a great deal about the Catholic community here, so if I can be of any service, I'd love to answer questions or anything.

Are you active in the Catholic Community? I think maybe if we could get flyers to the catholic churches there, especially the ones with schools that it could help a lot.
You're right Fairy, I remember him saying it now and remember thinking "wow, he's definite on that." Glad you mentioned it.

I don't remember ever reading Benjaman was certain he was in Georgia specifically to go to the sea. He said that without hesitation and with conviction. I really believe this is important, though I can't say exactly why I feel that way.....yet!
Hi PamBeesly, welcome! :) Exciting to have someone in that area who can be "feet on the ground" so to speak. Glad you're here!
I'm not sure how easy/hard it would be but it's a smart focus, I agree.

That is interesting.

I know it's a stretch, but can we start verifying places of birth for people that are missing? I don't know if there's a place where birth records can be accessed online...but it's worth it to know if a few people that are on the list that haven't been ruled out yet have been born in Indiana.

(I'm new at sleuthing so if my idea is too dumb or impossible, sorry! :) )
This one confused me too. I don't recall reading that the professor was missing. My understanding is that he happens to have the same name - or is there more to it than that? It's been a while since I looked at the professor info... could it be that this man was our Benjaman's professor and that is why he was drawn to the name??

cacnotcam, here's the side by side comparison pics for our Benjaman and the professor: In case you had not seen it.

Clarify....If this man is teaching at this College now, how can it be the same guy? Or am I horribly confused! LOL!!
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