GUILTY MS - Amanda Price, 31, murdered at her New Albany home, 5 Dec 2011

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An armed masked bandit in the back yard in a rain storm. Curiouser and curiouser.

and more curious still: It happened at the very moment they returned from a trip. Armed burglar in the yard at 10 PM. Strange.

No one knows the specifics about what he might have been aware of (lights turning on, activity inside the house), but wouldn't it be reasonable to assume a burglar would want to high tail it out of there if he saw people returning home? Or was he surprised so suddenly that he shot her in a panic, then the husband as he responded? Did the dog bark and startle him?
New Albany shooting baffles police (
Police Chief David Grisham says all they know is what the victim's husband Ron Price describes happened that night.
"We don't really know what the motive was. We don't have any real physical evidence at the scene and that makes it much more difficult. The only thing Mr. Price can tell us is that there was one lone gunman dressed in black clothes with a mask on his face armed with a handgun," Chief Grisham said.

Chief Grisham says a shell casing found at the scene is being examined for any fingerprints at the State Crime Lab.
the rest at link above
Not making any conclusions here, but I'm sure the police will be looking most carefully into their life together, personal relationships, financial situation, insurance policies, etc.

That's standard procedure, I would think.
Autopsy Report Gives Insight in New Albany Murder (
New Albany Police Chief David Grisham told Amanda's husband, Ron Price, was not the shooter.
"We want to expel the rumors. Nobody's been arrested yet," said Police Chief Grisham.
"We don't have any prime suspects. We're still gathering evidence and chasing down tips to try to generate a suspect,” Grisham said.
"There's nothing to lead us to believe that it is domestic related,” said Grisham. "We're thoroughly convinced a gunman came into the house and shot Mr. and Mrs. Price."

An autopsy revealed that Amanda Price couldn't have shot herself.
"This could've been a plan robbery attempt that went bad or it could've been someone that had some ill will toward Mr. and Mrs. Price," said Grisham.
the rest at link above
I hate being such a cynic...wife killed, husband only injured and expected to recover. Will apologize now for my bad thoughts...:(

I had the same thought, immediately. This has been all over our news since New Albany is about 20 minutes from where I live. Maybe I've watched too many true crime t.v. shows but my hinky meter went off. I feel bad for thinking it but some things just don't make any sense about this case.
Exactly, Colette.

New Albany, Mississippi is my hometown. Although I moved away years ago, my family and I come "home" 2 or 3 times a year for visits, and I'm in constant contact with friends and family who still live there. From the second the story broke, I felt a strong sense that this was a murder -- too many red flags and details that don't pass even a cursory smell test -- and that this case was far above and beyond the abilities of the local police department to handle. The local "good ol' boys" don't exactly have the "resources" (I'm being extremely tactful, here) with which to take on a case such as this. This lack of experience and "resources" is compounded by the fact that the local police and I dare say the entire town, from the get-go, refuse to entertain any scenario other than that a lone, random- shooter committed this truly heartless, senseless crime. Granted, I don't know the victims, but from all accounts they were "the perfect couple" and Über-Christians -- free from reproach or even the mere suggestion of "trouble in paradise", and damn anyone straight to Hell for even suggesting the tiniest hint that it could possibly be otherwise. I think we all know the danger in that line of thinking. I realize people are practically canonized when something like this happens in a small town, but apparently this couple were truly special and beloved by all. I noticed on the murder victim Amanda's Facebook page, which at this time is still up and "open", a family member had posted (several weeks ago) a popular bit of prose about holding out for "the perfect guy" and said, "This reminded me of you and Sir Roncelot". By which I inferred, that at least to that family member, Ron was Amanda's chivalrous Knight, like Lancelot. Perhaps that lovely compliment was a true characterization of their marriage, but I certainly have no idea if it is or not. My point is that if all was not as it seemed, and law enforcement allows their objectivity to be compromised and swayed by all the hero-worship, then they might as well be investigating this crime with their hands and feet bound, and with hoodwinks on their heads. And cotten stuffed in their ears.

Of course, I don't have any proof the husband did it, or hired someone to do it . . . or if the shooting was pre-meditated, regardless of who pulled the trigger, but I think we all can agree that in a bigger town the first thing the police would do, the very FIRST thing, would be to set about clearing the most likely suspect -- the husband -- just to get that bit of business squared away. Since the husband's injuries weren't life-threatening, I'd imagine his hands would fairly quickly be bagged to test for gun powder residue, and his shoulder would be examined and photographed to document any tell-tale powder burns. Was this done? I can't say for sure, but my guess would be, no, it most likely was not. Was the crime scene preserved and kept pristine as possible during the aftermath? Most assuredly not! News reports state the mayor of New Albany raced to the scene and arrived ahead of law enforcement and E.M.S., and was holding the couple's young daughter in his arms by the time the first police cruiser pulled into the driveway. Other news reports have "people" traipsing in and out of the house and around the grounds and who knows what-all.

And then there's the matter of the husband postponing surgery so he could hurry up and get back to his daughter and other family. Perhaps, it was for the reason he gave, to comfort them and be with them, but's it's quite strange, nonetheless. For whatever reason, he did not want to be in the hospital in Tupelo, approximately 20 miles away. My suspicious mind thinks that's kinda weird that he wouldn't just get that minor medical matter (bullet removal, according to the Police Chief) over and done with, but maybe that's just me and my suspicious mind.

Other forum members have mentioned a few of the red flags and "troubling aspects" with which this case is rife, and I feel somewhat validated in knowing I'm not the only one who immediately saw
the classic signs of spousal muder in this case, because believe me, I dare not speak of my suspicions with anyone other than my best friend, also a New Albany native, and my husband, both of whom share my extreme distress that this case WILL be bungled by a refusal to look into any theory that might suggest the husband was involved in any way. He needs to be cleared first, if he's innocent, but the whole town is in a complete and utter tizzy over the fear of a lone, masked prowling around at night with a gun. Perhaps they should be afraid, but what if the only person ever in danger was the coach's wife, Amanda Price? From the coffeshops to Facebook, area residents are truly in a panic-fueled rage. What if their rage is misplaced? What if someone gets away with murder because no one would ever suspect them?

I'm also troubled by the obvious lack of professional objectivity and competence being displayed by the Police Chief. He's even misquoted known details of the case during media interviews. I know this man, and I'm being tactful and kind when I say that if it were *my* dear, loved one who was murdered, I'd feel zero confidence, absolutely zero confidence in the abilities of this man and his police force to be able to solve this case and bring justice for Amanda Price. This has the potential to turn into a never-solved mysterious cold case, or even one in which an innocent person is arrested and prosecuted in an attempt by law enforcement to get this tragedy "solved" by any means necessary.

Thank you for allowing me to join and voice my concerns. I don't dare post this on a local site, because I will be eaten alive. This tragedy is on my mind constantly, and I'm so afraid someone is going to get away with murder because the murderer knew he or she could get away with it in New Albany, Mississippi.
Hello and welcome to WS, BrendaStarr. Sterling first entry, much to consider.
Bravo to everything you said Brenda! My thoughts almost word for word. I guess I have watched way too many trials, ID, read too many Ann Rule books but my first reaction to hearing that he had been shot in the shoulder and was expected to make a full recovery & she was shot & killed in the chest was "uh oh".

God bless those in New Albany, but most of the comments I've heard, they won't even entertain the possibility that this crime was not random at all. If they want to stick their heads in the sand I suppose it's their right but I choose to live in reality. I wonder if the husband had some other occupation, like a janitor or McDonald's if he'd be put on such a pedastal. What is it about hero worship of football coaches?!?

When discussing this case, I choose my words carefully because for all I know, it could be the one percent of just random, horrible luck for this family. But it doesn't pass the smell test with me. Most importantly, Amanda deserves justice & I hope it is swift.
Thank you, wfgodot, for the kind welcome.

Shopper, thank you so much for the validation. I, too, thought, "Wow, maybe I read too many true-crime books and watch too much true-crime television, but this does not smell right at all! Like you, the fact that one spouse was fatally wounded, and the other spouse was merely winged is something we've heard of time and time again. My hinkey meter went off and I said, "uh oh", too! When one starts to factor in all those other troubling details, it just seems so obvious to many of us that the husband needs to be ruled out first.

You're spot on when you posit that a man with a less popular position in town, with a humbler job, wouldn't be sitting protected on a padded pedastal. Perhaps their faith that he's not a suspect is warranted. I surely hope so, for the sake of Amanda amd her devasted family and friends.
Excellent thoughts, BrendaStarr, and WELCOME to WS!

I still find it odd that a masked burglar would find it necessary to shoot a housewife who could not identify him rather than simply running away. Was he so startled that he simply reacted without thinking? And why wait around to shoot the husband? It must have taken him a few seconds to get out there on the lawn.

A simple burglary becomes a double shooting?? Doesn't make sense. He fires at the wife with deadly accuracy in the dark, yet only wings the husband, who was much more of a threat.

The other odd thing (coincidence?) is this happened at precisely the moment they returned from a trip. Didn't the shooter see lights coming on in the house, people walking through the house? Wouldn't the dog be suddenly barking on their return? Most dogs do. I think that would be enough to get me to leave if I were a burglar. Did the wife immediately proceed from the front door to taking the dog out back, giving him no time to leave?
Exactly Joe, it was the alleged burgler being masked and in the yard that makes this not make any sense to me. I was willing to go buy the shooting, even after my initial reaction but that just doesn't wash with me. The alleged burgler could've easily gotten away without shooting anyone so why the overkill?

And in these days of people being desperate enough to rob, it seems like someone would turn somebody in for the reward pretty quickly. Of course, LE are probably keeping a lot of info to themselves, which is fine so there could be a lot going on we don't know about at this time. I would like to know if Mrs Price had a life insurance policy/policies. She probably did through her employment but those aren't always substantial. But anything additional??

There has been no reporting on this in days. Like BrendaStarr mentioned, local LE may not be up to the task and then that whole football coach being a rockstar thing, it may never be solved.
There has been no reporting on this in days. Like BrendaStarr mentioned, local LE may not be up to the task and then that whole football coach being a rockstar thing, it may never be solved.

Exactly on the football coach thing; other parts of the story set my hinky-meter to humming, but that was certainly noticed too, and noted in the context that, somehow, coaches, particularly in small towns, seem to be placed on some sort of moral throne.
Those are the same details that are troubling me, JOEfromLB, and thank you for the welcome.

I find it especially troubling that the police chief and now the medical examiner are making no effort to be objective in investigating this case. The police chief carelessly mangles known facts when he says in a news interview that someone "came in the house" and shot her. The only witness, the husband, says the shots came from the yard area as Amanda stood on the porch. The medical examiner doesn't refer to Amanda's killer by a neutral term such as "shooter", but as "the intruder", which appears to indicate he also has no professional objectivity, but rather has been swayed by public opinion, not facts.

The police did not immediately secure the crime scene, either, according to anecdotal accounts; instead, they waited until any evidence that might've been gathered was already compromised or destroyed, and possibly tampered with. Because they are inexperienced in that type of crime scene investigation, and because they also have blinders on, IMO.

The police chief tells us the husband is not the shooter, but doesn't tell us how he "knows" this. My guess is his "knowledge" is more likely just the heartfelt conviction, of practically everyone, that they "know for a fact in their heart" (try to apply logic to that one!) that Ron didn't kill his wife. Perhaps he didn't, but that kind of blind loyalty from law enforcement, without any facts to support it, has no place in a murder investigation; and it exposes local law enforcement as woefully inept amateurs.

It chills me to the bone that there is a possibility the real reason Amanda screamed is not because she startled an intruder in the yard, but because she saw someone she knew and loved pointing a gun to her chest.
Again BrendaStarr, well said. Esp the part about LE stating how they "know for a fact" that the husband is totally in the clear. That makes them sound so unprofessional and small-minded and incompetent. I am hoping they are saying that when in actuality they are going over everything about the Price's with a fine tooth comb, and are just wanting him to get comfortable enough to get sloppy.

Also, I roll my eyes anytime people start in on that "perfect couple" non-sense. Really?!? Is it so impossible to believe that they didn't have ugly fights or money problems or weren't as in love as they presented themselves to be? Hello, the EXACT same thing was said about Scott & Laci Peterson and look where he sits today. I don't go around airing my dirty laundry because it's just not my style but believe me, my husband and I can & do have nasty arguments and there are times I'd LOVE to be on my own. But if you saw us out and about, you'd never know it. Not because we are putting on an act, we just keep our problems at home.
Shopper, we can surely hope, can't we -- that LE secretly is on top of this and playing their cards close to their collective vest.

Yeah, all that "perfect couple, morally superior" stuff carries zero weight with me when I hear about it in connection with a crime such as this. We're not jaded, we just know when things feel hinky!
Why is the perp being described as a burglar? Did they take anything or enter the home at any time? Break a gate or anything to enter the yard? Being in someone's yard near the home is probably trespassing, but I'm not sure why it's being called a burglary. It looks like a fenceless yard from the photos.

In the three recent "car burglaries" mentioned in the article, were they taking the cars or just breaking into a car to steal stereos, etc?

Seems very amateurish for a professional thief. Sounds like teenagers or druggies.

Reminds me of Amy Fisher.
mycroft, here's a link about the arrest of two people who are accused of stealing a car and breaking into a home:

As for the car break-ins that occurred in the area the night of the shootings, it was reported that items were reported missing from cars, but no cars were stolen.

As for the shooter being called a "burglar", that's just part of the local "assumption" that the shooter was the same one or ones breaking into cars that night, and that Amanda was shot when she startled the shooter in her yard as she stepped out onto the back porch to take the dog out. Nothing was reported stolen from the Price residence. This extrapolating by residents and police that the shooter was there to rob the place, is just muddying the waters, so to speak.

I don't know whether the cops can't keep the facts straight, Ron Price is adding to or changing his story, or the media is misreporting things or being given the wrong info, but there're conflicting reports on just about everything, now.
Thanks for the article BrendaStarr. Sounds like the two people arrested in the car cases are in fact druggies.

I've read over your extensive post again. Random thoughts/reaction:

I hadn't realized that the car cases happened on the same night as the Price shooting. I thought perhaps someone had borrowed that MO as a cover.

It doesn't add up to shoot someone in a situation that probably wouldn't even be investigated if the perp had just walked away, or even made some kind of excuse as to why they were there, but people looking for a fix don't have much sense. Although, wearing a mask makes it harder to make excuses.

I know there's that Agatha Christie story, Death on the Nile, the husband shoots himself in the leg as part of the cover, but it seems to me that shooting yourself, or hiring someone to shoot you, is too risky even for the most arrogant of perps to plan.

I had browsed over the statement that the mayor was immediately on hand. That seems odd unless they were friends or were programmed into each others phones. As public officials they may well have been acquainted. I wouldn't go searching for a phone number, but if I was in trouble I might call the big names in my phone to get help ASAP. What is your mayor's professional background? Lawyer? Doctor?

Shooting one person in an open space, in a state of panic is one thing. But why would you stick around to shoot the second, and then not finish him off? Particularly if you're working with a second person, and also need time to alert them that you both need to flee.

Also weird that you report the mayor holding the child as LE arrives. Was their front door not locked? Did he walk in (I assume) the rear crime scene to find the child? Was the husband ambulatory at the time the mayor and LE arrived?

If I read correctly, the dog was on the front porch. Also strange unless he was terrified by noise. Not to be graphic, but dogs like their owners, and dogs like blood and things that smell like their owners. I'm always fascinated by the behavior of unharmed dogs in crime cases. The dog is free, walks away from a bleeding owner out back, but stays on the front porch? In the face of an intruder, the dog doesn't stand it's ground even by fleeing into the house. Odd. At minimum, I would expect bloody pawprints from the dog exploring its owners.
Brenda Andrew had herself shot by her lover so that her husband could be conveniently gunned down in their garage...she had a shoulder wound and survived of course. Also, there was a man in Florida who shot himself 5 times on the beach, in order to murder his wife...he had looked up on the internet where to shoot himself and survive...can't think of his name...those are just two that come to mind...
Anyway, JMO. It is not unheard of.

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