MS MS - Christian Andreacchio, 21, Meridian, 26 Feb 2014

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Exactly! and the lady who heard the gun shot lives a different apartment building across the street. At least a few people should have heard it, there's no way no one walking in the neighborhood or houses around there never heard anything. I'm kind of convinced that the shooting never took place in the apartment.

How is it even possible no one heard a shot? NOT POSSIBLE!!
Also if you’re hear to cause trouble by posting 4 times in 3 minutes then that’s fine. Please use facts though.

How is it even possible no one heard a shot? NOT POSSIBLE!!

A new mom did hear a gunshot. It’s in the case file. Also the reason Kassie Coleman doesn’t want the case retried is because this case is tied to Bilbo’s son. Bilbo was the DA when thus all happened. He retired and recommended Kassie take his place. Kassie won an election this past November but she is a resident of Georgia. It’s a huge mess of corruption. Kassie is protecting Bilbo.
They 100% did not cooperate with LE. That’s a fact. DS has lied, WG has lied. BM has lied. KC has lied. They’re all a bunch of liars. The most powerful female from Mississippi is having this case looked into by the DOJ. She is a US Senator from a neighboring state and this case is about to get flipped around quickly. Truth is coming! It’s not suicide but think what you wish.

How well did the most powerful female Senator from MS perform on getting the truth out?
I just saw this case tonight on ID and thought i would check WS to see if there was a thread and voila- there is!!!! i find myself resenting police departments and prosecutors like the ones in this case, where there is a possible homicide that is written off as a suicide prematurely- too quickly. Reminds me of the Zahau case. I think the police were just lazy-- for whatever reason- maybe they had a large work load- they took a quick look, said , yep, this is a suicide-case closed. Imagine there was a warrant for the arrest of Whitley and Dylan and they were not arrested, nor were they indicted. Cases like this make me sick. Just the position he was found in was so bizarre--- so many questions, so few answers.
New article out that the family is now being sued by by WG and shockingly not DS but JM. It’s a 47 million dollar defemation lawsuit. I don’t know how to ad a link but if you google it it pops right up.
IMO** I think one big question I have is:

what would it hurt to open up and take another look at this case?

if it truly was suicide, why keep it locked down for the family to endure when they could get closure?

If I was a DA who completely had faith in how the investigation was carried out and believed wholeheartedly that everything went down like they say it did, I’d reopen. Just get it done, let the family have closure, show those who are watching complete transparency. At this point, after fighting this long, there’s obviously some reason they don’t want it looked into.
But I’m not an expert. Any experts willing to weigh in on why things aren’t done this way?
IMO** I think one big question I have is:

what would it hurt to open up and take another look at this case?

if it truly was suicide, why keep it locked down for the family to endure when they could get closure?

If I was a DA who completely had faith in how the investigation was carried out and believed wholeheartedly that everything went down like they say it did, I’d reopen. Just get it done, let the family have closure, show those who are watching complete transparency. At this point, after fighting this long, there’s obviously some reason they don’t want it looked into.
But I’m not an expert. Any experts willing to weigh in on why things aren’t done this way?

I’m not an expert by any means. I totally agree with you btw. Not saying this is the case, but possibly financial constraints could come into play here.
The family is actually looking forward to the case, because they will be able to question WG and DS and information may come forward. I watched a good video on this just last night ironically enough. Not sure if I can link Youtube.
I'm trying to piece together things and what has become ungodly frustrating is the inconsistencies in the storytelling whether it's a vlogger or someone directly involved.

I feel if the truth is the truth the story will never change, and I'm finding things embellished, left out, added, changing, etc. and I haven't even gotten to the deep guts of everything and everyone's story, including Whitley, Dylan, etc. where statements are proven to have changed.

The only person I have come across thus far, whose story has stayed the same, is Christian's brother, Josh. It's verbatim each time he tells it, and not verbatim because it's rehearsed. Again, I'm going off of the stories I've heard told by people a number of times and haven't gotten to everyone.

Sadly I'm starting to question who is telling the actual truth because the stories are changing ever so slightly, or something is added this time around, or left out this time around, or telling their opinion as though it's a fact. The family needs to demand Christian's story be told correctly when doing these podcasts, vlogs, etc. including holding themselves to the same.

I am very impressed with Kendall Rae's vlogumentary. She doesn't allow her opinion cloud the way she interviews, narrates, and she keeps the facts the facts. I don't think people are stopping to think that their opinion, how they narrate, or tell the story is not serving any justice and in fact can be damaging. Stick to the facts, not your opinion or stressing a certain POV to sway the listener or reader. It's really a sad, sad situation and Christian's story needs to be told with NO underlying intentions. Not people smearing, clouding, tweaking, etc. to fit their narrative or hopes of the outcome. I'd have a field day if I were an attorney.
The Generation Why podcast will be covering this case. Think the episode drops 9/6.

I'm actually looking forward to these guys discussing it. IMO, they never seem to have an agenda to push a theory on their audience. They just discuss it, unfiltered but always respectfully.
The Generation Why podcast will be covering this case. Think the episode drops 9/6.

I'm actually looking forward to these guys discussing it. IMO, they never seem to have an agenda to push a theory on their audience. They just discuss it, unfiltered but always respectfully.
I agree! I love them.
This is certainly a sad case, which could have been resolved at the time had there been an adequate investigation. There has been some misinformation out there that I hear repeated at every telling. There is no record of DS luring CA home with stories of WG cheating. CA had a tracker on her phone and knew she wasn’t home. And she wasn’t answering his calls. They were toxic together. CA told his boss that someone owed him a favor and that is why DS came to pick him up. His boss understood he would return before the boat departed, later that day. He would have had to leave his apartment an hour before his reported time of death.
Some of the things that have me stuck on murder (and I lean towards manslaughter) is the gun position, uncocked, lack of blood on the gun itself, and GSR on everyone. The attempt to empty his bank account. The timing seems off for time of death. I don’t believe anyone was at that apartment other than WG, DS & CA. The person reporting otherwise, was someone working with (or for) CA’s mother, who was watching the apartment for her. There just isn’t any other evidence or witness to support it. Maybe if there had been an investigation, this could have been verified. One of the first questions I would like answered was why CA was in the upstairs bathroom? DS was gone and WG was passed out on the couch. (supposedly) The downstairs bathroom would have been empty. He had his ChikFilA cup with him, set nicely in the tub. Or was it HIS cup? It would be good to know these things, but alas no investigation. I was just going to add a short blurb here to follow this thread, and now I have rambled on and on.
Well it has been a while since I have posted on here, but felt it was my obligation to do so since yesterday was Christians birthday. Since I last posted there hasn’t been much in the media besides Jett Miller and Whitley Goodman filing a lawsuit against the Andreacchio family. This seems like a good thing for the family, as I imagine they will able to ask some questions that LE never asked. Now there also seems to be some other stuffing going on behind the scenes. Seems as if the family has turned over new evidence to LE. There also seems to be another leaked video of what was presented to the grand jury. Six different people who sat on the grand jury state’s the case was presented as a cut and dry suicide. Seems as if not much if any evidence pointing to the contrary was presented to the grand jury, which is a joke. I implore all who follow this thread to follow Justice for Christian on twitter. Now I can’t say for sure but I’m pretty sure it is run by his mom or dad, and they post a lot of good info on there that you will not find online or in the media. I watched what Kendall Rae put together and she did an amazing job. It was heartbreaking seeing Rae with a glimmer of hope only for it to be dashed when Kassie Coleman ended up winning. The resilience of Miss Rae is amazing, she and her family went out and found a challenger to take on Coleman, went door to door and she almost accomplished leading Michael Grace to a victory in a republican voting county. The whole family and friends are never going to stop fighting, period! I pray they get the justice they deserve. I also listened to generation why podcast, and while well done I do not agree with what they think happened. I thought to myself maybe I haven’t looked at both sides. Now I firmly believe Christian was murdered, and the crime scene was definitely staged but say generation why’s theory plays out the way they say, there is still serious criminal implications. Here is my problem with their theory though, if he killed himself why touch him? Call the cops and let them deal with. There is no doubt he didn’t not die where his body ended up. I’m not a cop, and I’m not a csi expert, but what I am is a gun enthusiast and ex military. I have multiple kimber 1911’s, and I also have multiple other 1911’s and I’ve never had one that invoked it self once it was fired. Also Kimber is a top of the line brand. The way a 1911 works is, it’s loaded and the magazine is inserted. The 1911 is then cocked by either pulling the hammer back or using the slide. Once cocked and the trigger is pulled the gun fires, recoil energy from the discharging cartridge propellant powers the jointly locked slide that while ejecting the empty cartridge will push the hammer into the cocked position. I’ve been shooting for over 30 years, and have shot 1911’s, which are my favorite gun, for over 20 years, I’ve fired to many rounds to count over the years, and have never had a 1911 that I shot somehow uncock itself. To me and what I know, that is the biggest red flag. Now there are tons of red flags, but to me that is the biggest. There was also the fact that Dylan tried to take his money out of Christian’s bank, but didn’t have his PIN number. He said Christian asked him to do it. Hmmm...if this is true wouldn’t Christian have just given him the pin. Also if you thought your friend was “suicidal” why would you give him his gun back. There was something I heard on Kendall Rae’s videos that Dylan was in jail for something non related to the case, and he bragged to a cell mate, or fellow prisoner stating that him and a buddy robbed Christian for his money while his girl was passed out on the couch while on Xanax. Now this seems plausible, but I still think Whitley is involved. They have been non compliant with cops, and private investigators. If you did nothing wrong and your buddy or your boyfriend killed himself while you were there, why not just tell the truth. You would also think they would be devastated. Dylan seemed way to calm, and Whitney seemed to be acting. Then all the crap that the family has went through since, with what looks to be like a coverup and the DA refusing to do anything. This occurs so much more then people think. Especially when you have either inexperienced LE, or just lazy LE. If this crime had good investigators, this thread would not exist, and Christians family could have finally started the mourning process for their son. Instead they have to keep fighting to keep their sons case in the media and on peoples minds, and hoping that the right person sees this case and is the savior the family needs. I will do my part to help them, as I’m sure so many others will do that have been touched by Christians story and his family and friends. I did not know Christian but I imagine I’d ha e a good time drinking a beer for him, he could’ve been my kid, or your kid. What happened to Christian could happen to your kid or family member. We need to keep fighting for justice for Christian, and all of the other cases like this.
Can someone help me understand why the people, who confirmed they were at the site of the incident, were never photographed? Can anyone confirm if Christian was 'into' mischief like Whitley was? Oh and I was pleased to see she was recently picked up in Key West for drug charges. Sorry, I can't stop now...why does her mother elect to come forward now and say 'my poor dear' - even though years before you threw her
I was thrilled to see Christian’s case make it to 48 hours, that is a big step forward getting this case the attention it needs so the family can finally get justice. I think we will eventually get the results as people associated with this get in trouble for other reasons. The truth will eventually come out!
**everything I’m about to say is my own opinion based on DS statement to police** I have so so many things to say about this case that I don’t even know where to begin. One thing I have not seen in this thread is the issues with the timeline and statement DS gave. DS states that he left his house at 3:45/4am to pick CA up in St. Rose LA and he was supposed to be there at 7:45/8am. According to Mapquest from St. Rose, LA to CA apartment in Meridian, MS is 3hrs and 20mins, but Dylan also stated that when he got there CA wasn’t ready to be picked up yet and he had to wait a moment. Dylan also said they stopped for drinks and to fill his truck up at a gas station. IMO this leads us to believe it took longer than the normal 3hrs and 20mins to make it to the apartment.
According to DS statement, when they first arrived at the apartment and CA walked inside he began asking WG where she had been the night before and this caused an argument. This is when CA supposedly stuck the gun to his head, and after things calmed down they watched a movie.
After the movie DS asked CA if he wanted DS to get some food and CA asked DS for CFA and to get all of his money out of bank and he also was supposed to take WG phone to ATT to get it fixed. DS then states he went to CFA first (wouldn’t their food be cold?) then he went to the bank. He is captured around 12:30pm at the bank on video. He never mentions in his statement again about going to ATT to get WG phone fixed or if he went to ATT after CFA and before the bank, if he went to ATT first, or if he went to ATT last?
He then states when he got back everything was fine and they watched another movie, then CA and WG left to take a little ride. DS then states after CA and WG left he fell asleep and woke up two hours later. When he woke up CA was on the couch smoking, and WG was asleep but doesn’t state where she was in the apartment. This is when DS says he gave CA the gun back and told CA unload it and please don’t touch it (if you’re so worried that you have to tell him this, why give him the gun back at all?) This is when DS says he goes to Best Buy to look at speakers and spoke to a car audio technician.
When he got back he stated he looked for Christian, the bathroom door was shut, he knocked with no answer, went down to talk to WG, went back up and knocked on bathroom door again, still no answer, opened the bathroom door, discovered CA, and yelled to WG and DS called 911.

IMO soooo many things do not add up in this statement and timeline. #1 why did WG not mention CA and her getting into an argument when he first got there and putting the gun to his head in her statement? Why is DS so detailed in his statement but when he speaks about CA putting the gun to his head DS says WG tried to grab the gun from CA. He never mentions who actually got the gun away from CA, how this person got it away, or how DS was able to get it to hide it behind the curtains.
Also, after this DS claims they watched a movie. This doesn’t fit into the timeline IMO. If they didn’t get to the apartment until at least 11:20 (not factoring in their stop for gas and having to wait for CA at the dock) how did CA and WG have time to have an argument, things calm down, then they watch a movie all before DS supposedly went to CFA first then was seen on bank cameras around 12:30? Also, a receipt was found from CFA for 1:06pm but in DS statement he says he went to CFA first then the bank? This is also when DS leaves his supposed trip to ATT out of his statement.
when DS gets back CA and WG go for a ride and he takes a 2 hour nap. When he wakes up CA and WG are back, CA on couch and WG is asleep. He gives CA the gun back and goes to Best Buy. Why was the technician from Best Buy never questioned as to whether or not he saw DS that day and what time it was?
DS didn’t call 911 until 4:44pm but a neighbor supposedly heard a gunshot at 12/12:30pm.
1 call was made from CA cellphone to Matt Miller (the boy WG was with the night before) cellphone at 1:32, 2 more calls to MM at 3:44, 2 more calls to MM at 3:45, 1 call to MM at 3:46, 1 call to MM at 3:47, 1 call to MM at 3:49, 1 call to MM at 3:50. What was so important that someone used CA cellphone to call MM 8 times in the span of 7 minutes? Remember when DS got back to the apartment he claims WG was asleep and was hard to wake up. If it was her making the calls to MM how did she fall so asleep so fast and where was CA during these calls? I highly doubt WG boyfriend CA would allow her to use his phone to call a man they were just arguing about 8 times. And if CA was still alive, was this CA trying to call MM? Why? Was MM ever questioned about these phone calls and what was said? Was WG ever questioned about these phone calls?
I also find it very odd that DS gave dispatch the wrong name to the apartment complex even though he was asked several times to verify, and had been there before. DS also told 911 he needed to get off of the phone with them to call the family, though no calls were made to CA family, just DS and WG family. Why would you not call the family of the deceased first?
Why lie about going to CFA first and then the bank?
Why mention going to ATT to get WG phone fixed but not state if and when you went?

How in the world could they have gotten to the apartment (at the earliest) at 11:20, CA and WG got in an argument, gun was pulled, things calmed down, a movie was watched, DS drove to CFA, the bank, and assumingely ATT, came back to apartment, watches yet another movie, took a 2 hour nap, wakes up, gives the gun back to CA, leaves to go to Best Buy, talks to a technician, comes back to the apartment, discovers CA, and calls 911, all from a time span of 11:20am-4:44pm?
Also DS called a guy named Brett Kennedy at 12:27. BK worked at the bank. Why is he calling a bank employee 3 minutes before he gets there? Why not wait until he gets there to talk to someone? Did they know each other personally? Was BK questioned? What was said during this phone call? DS then calls BK again at 12:55pm. Why would he call him again if he had already went to the bank, been turned away, and left? At 1:12pm BK called DS. At 1:19pm DS calls BK back. At 1:23pm BK calls DS back. At 3:21 BK calls DS back, 5:36 BK calls DA again. Why is this bank employee talking to DS so much on this day? Was he involved somehow? Also, in DS statement to police he stated that he couldn’t get the money because he wasn’t the account holder, although some sources say it’s because he didn’t know the PIN number. If CA gave DS permission to get his money off of his card why wouldn’t CA give him his PIN number? If the workers turned him away for this, why wouldn’t DS just call CA to get the PIN number if CA was still alive? If the workers turned him away because he wasn’t the account holder he could have still called CA and got the PIN number and used the ATM to withdrawal money, but he never even tried to call CA for the PIN number.
In my last comment I also left out that police arrived on scene at 5:04pm. Another call was made to Matt Miller at 5:11pm. This leads us to assume that all of the calls to MM that day were from WG. If your love of your life, as WG describes CA, is upstairs deceased, why would you be calling a boy you and the love of your life were just arguing about that day, 7 minutes after police arrive on scene from your deceased boyfriends phone?!

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