MS MS - Christian Andreacchio, 21, Meridian, 26 Feb 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm probably odd one out on this but I believe this poor young man committed suicide. No murder. No coverup.

I have been listening to the Culpable podcast and have yet to hear, if it was murder, what happened. I want to be walked through that scenario.

We might have an cast of undesirable characters but that does not equal murder.

There are several things that don't add up to suicide in this case. I use the FARO scanner for work they talked about in the last episode, I also do trajectory, blood stain pattern analysis and am training in firearms examination.

To summarize what doesn't make sense, I would consider the following points. It was stated the body was in full rigor (locked into position due to the decomposition process) which takes several hours to set in. This does not fit the timeline for the stories given by witnesses or the 911 call.

Lividity, or livor mortis, (purple blue tint that is easily seen) was present in two different parts of the body that indicates the dead body was likely face up (lividity on the back of the calf) then moved to face down leaning into the tub (causing lividity to his front side). Lividity is caused by blood settling due to gravity once the heart stops pumping. The best explanation for this is that the body was moved at some point.

The bullet trajectory makes no sense for where the body is positioned and where the bullet ended up. The wound on his head shows the bullet was traveling right to left and slightly downward. The bullet exited the left side, but somehow left no mark on the wall of the tub. There was however a hole in the wall behind and above him. Based on the wound indicating a right to left and downward trajectory, he would have been standing and facing the opposite way based on the hole in the wall. This also indicates the body was moved.

The FARO scanner, once uploaded and the scans processed, creates a 3D model of crime scenes. It looks like a very realistic video game with very small error rates, usually only a few millimeters if scanned correctly. The model indicated the body would have been in the way of the door opening if it was always in the position it was found in. No witness mentioned having a hard time getting the door open. So this calls into question if the door was actually open and not closed like the witness said.

Blood stains found in the bathroom also indicate the door was open when the shooting occurred, as blood stains were found on what would have been the exterior of the door (if it was closed). The types of blood stains that were found were apparently also of the type that show directionality (where they came from). These are made from blood flying through the air and indicated the blood came from inside the bathroom, if the door was open. These factors support the door being open and not closed as stated by witnesses.

Next is the position of the gun. It was located under the body and under his left leg. The bullet entered the right side of his head, which would indicate the gun was in his right hand. It would make the most sense that the gun would be on his right side or somewhere close to where his right hand ended up. You don't necessarily drop the gun once you shoot yourself. There is no more muscle control, so your fingers don't straighten out, they generally stay in like a loose grip position. So the gun falling from a kneeling position and then bouncing over to be under his left leg is improbable.

The condition of the bullet is interesting as well. They stated there was material embedded in the bullet that was consistent with drywall, which supports the hole in the wall being the fatal bullet. This supports the idea he was moved into the tub again. An interesting note about the bullet though is it seems like they indicated the hollow point bullet didn't expand like it is designed too (it opens up and looks a bit like a flower). This can happen if the hollow point gets plugged with material. It wasn't mentioned, but the bullet passed through both sides of the skull and didn't expand before hitting the drywall and picking up that material (supposedly). This is interesting because the bullet is intended to expand once it hits tissue. With the contact wound to the head, it should have hit tissue first. Either the bone plugged the hollow point or deformed it enough that it didn't expand for this to work, although I don't think they mentioned it being deformed. This opens up the possibility the bullet that was recovered wasn't the fatal bullet and only hit drywall. This is assuming the bullet wasn't deformed or plugged by the skull first.

These thoughts are only based off the podcast as I haven't seen any of the actual items of evidence though.

Hope the summary helps.
Things are being left out of the podcast. For instance, the bloodstains on the outside of the door happened after the body was removed. They were not there in initial crime scene photos.

The lividity on the legs is front, right, and back of right calf. Indicating being repositioned during the critical times where lividity is fixing. How could he be on his back to get lividity on only one calf and nowhere else? His body was transported to another city for the autopsy. His legs were more on the side with the right leg lowest. We do not know how he was moved, or what happened in that time.

Also, there was documented damage to the tub with a dime sized piece of fiberglass and debris in the bottom of the tub by the first Pi the family hired.
Things are being left out of the podcast. For instance, the bloodstains on the outside of the door happened after the body was removed. They were not there in initial crime scene photos.

The lividity on the legs is front, right, and back of right calf. Indicating being repositioned during the critical times where lividity is fixing. How could he be on his back to get lividity on only one calf and nowhere else? His body was transported to another city for the autopsy. His legs were more on the side with the right leg lowest. We do not know how he was moved, or what happened in that time.

Also, there was documented damage to the tub with a dime sized piece of fiberglass and debris in the bottom of the tub by the first Pi the family hired.

It would be nice to see the same photos you were able to see, but from the description in the podcast, not many photos were taken. If the bloodstains were truly "spatter stains," these are very small stains and could easily be missed. Many spatter stains are 1 millimeter or less in width and only 1-3 millimeters in length. Easily missed unless a close up photo is being taken with intent to photo the spatter stains. Spatter stains are also created with blood in flight, after it has been acted on by some other force. An explanation would have to be generated on how these bloodstains were created that makes more sense with less explanation than "the stains were created when the shooting occurred" to truly be valuable.

The leg could be explained where the back of the calf was toward the ground and that leg lower than the rest of the body. The blood starts to pool at this lower point by gravity, the body is then moved before the lividity is totally fixed, and starts settling toward the lowest parts of the front of the body.

The fact the investigators missed both a hole in the drywall and possibly damage to the tub is still very concerning. I would also expect to see lots of spatter stains around this damage in the tub if it was damage created by the bullet exiting the skull. I would also expect to see lots of tissue on the tub near this damage and in the tub given a contact wound from a .45 caliber pistol. This also doesn't explain the material consistent with drywall embedded in the hollow point bullet.

A bullet strike or hole in the tub actually creates more problems as well. If his head was in the tub at the time of the shooting, his hand with the gun would also be in the tub. This would mean after he shot himself, the gun has to fly out of the tub and to the left side and under his left leg. Recoil would push the gun to the right and would not be enough to launch the gun out of the tub. His shooting arm also has to go from being in the tub, to outside the tub and under his body, with his body on top of the arm. This is based off the description of the body in the podcast.

One thing I haven't heard of yet that is interesting is whether there was a fired cartridge case and if there was, where it was located. I also haven't heard anything about firearms identification being done on the recovered bullet. We don't really know this bullet even came from the .45 pistol Chris owned, especially with a lack of a corresponding fired cartridge case.
Why does this case not get more attention on Websleuths? Culpable is the best podcast I’ve ever heard and this case has become as important as the Dermonds and JB BEASLEY and Tracie case.

This case can be solved!
Well after hearing the new episode of Culpable, and hearing the leaked audio from Captain Jay Arrington meeting with investigators, and appointed district attorney Cassie Coleman, I’m mind blown. First it does sound like Captain Jay Arrington does seem to care about this case, and although I don’t agree with his complete assessment, it is by far a step forward. It is a real shame a good detective has never got ahold of this case, or from the beginning. If they would have had a good interrogator hammer out interviews early on, this case would have been long solved. This would have saved the Andreacchios years of pain and heartache. Every time I see Rae in an interview it breaks my heart. You can see how she has become hardened and completely broken inside, but also exudes amazing strength for her family and friends. The people responsible for this murder, the officials who have displayed corruption and idiocy, I would be scared, because this women is coming for you all. Never mess with a mother’s kids. Mrs Andreacchio is most definitely a force to be reckoned with. Now as for Captain Arrington's theory I just don’t agree. My main issue is Arrington assuming that Dylan is telling the truth about the threat Christian allegedly made with the gun. What if there was no threat and this was all pre meditated for Christian’s money? The interview with Matt when he said he thought they were trying to set him up. This very well could have been true. Once you move Christian from the toilet there is some sort of foul play going on. To sit and listen to Cassie Coleman and Arrington elude to one that Bilbo Mitchell is possibly corrupt, and two that the crime scene was definitely staged, was enlightening, but if the crime scene was definitely staged, why in the hell are these two not in jail? Law enforcement should be pursuing them and placing extreme pressure on Dylan and Whitley. Then Cassie Coleman says she needs new evidence to do a new grand jury, what? You just stated the crime scene was definitely altered. Again, what? Then the people from the AG’s office stating they are not going to let Andreacchio’s dictate what they do. So infuriating. The Andreacchio family just keeps hitting roadblock after roadblock, I pray that they catch a break one of these days and Christian can finally get the justice he deserves.
This is just a theory, but what if Whitley was told by Christian that he had made her the beneficiary of his life insurance policy. Which started a conversation between Whitley and Dylan, to kill Christian for his money. So possibly they decide to involve Matt Miller in their conspiracy as a fall guy. So Dylan calls Christian and says Whitley is driving around in his car with a “drug dealer.” I think it is possible they were possibly trying to get both Matt and Christian in the same area and maybe kill them both at the same time or at separate times to make it look like they shot each other. Of course Matt didn’t go to Christians so maybe they moved to plan b, and staged the suicide scene. Just my speculation.
The mysterious death of Andreacchio is now being investigated in the podcast Culpable, available on offered a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible for Andreaccio’s death.

“The amount of exposure that we can generate for a case opens the door for new information, tips and witnesses to come forward, many of whom do not feel comfortable talking to police,” says Donald Albright, Tenderfoot executive producer. “In Christian’s case too many have turned a blind eye. It’s much harder to do that when we shine a bright light on their activities and go places where law enforcement is unwilling to go.”

Suicide or Murder: Was Christian Andreacchio's Death Self-Inflicted, or Was He Killed By A Friend?
It would be nice to see the same photos you were able to see, but from the description in the podcast, not many photos were taken. If the bloodstains were truly "spatter stains," these are very small stains and could easily be missed. Many spatter stains are 1 millimeter or less in width and only 1-3 millimeters in length. Easily missed unless a close up photo is being taken with intent to photo the spatter stains. Spatter stains are also created with blood in flight, after it has been acted on by some other force. An explanation would have to be generated on how these bloodstains were created that makes more sense with less explanation than "the stains were created when the shooting occurred" to truly be valuable.

The leg could be explained where the back of the calf was toward the ground and that leg lower than the rest of the body. The blood starts to pool at this lower point by gravity, the body is then moved before the lividity is totally fixed, and starts settling toward the lowest parts of the front of the body.

The fact the investigators missed both a hole in the drywall and possibly damage to the tub is still very concerning. I would also expect to see lots of spatter stains around this damage in the tub if it was damage created by the bullet exiting the skull. I would also expect to see lots of tissue on the tub near this damage and in the tub given a contact wound from a .45 caliber pistol. This also doesn't explain the material consistent with drywall embedded in the hollow point bullet.

A bullet strike or hole in the tub actually creates more problems as well. If his head was in the tub at the time of the shooting, his hand with the gun would also be in the tub. This would mean after he shot himself, the gun has to fly out of the tub and to the left side and under his left leg. Recoil would push the gun to the right and would not be enough to launch the gun out of the tub. His shooting arm also has to go from being in the tub, to outside the tub and under his body, with his body on top of the arm. This is based off the description of the body in the podcast.

One thing I haven't heard of yet that is interesting is whether there was a fired cartridge case and if there was, where it was located. I also haven't heard anything about firearms identification being done on the recovered bullet. We don't really know this bullet even came from the .45 pistol Chris owned, especially with a lack of a corresponding fired cartridge case.

You can see some photos on John Landon's YouTube video of this case. He does have pictures of the bullet and some interesting information from specialist
I am listening to the Culpable podcast. I am shocked that this thread is not going crazy. I am so conflicted. I felt like it was a not brainer all the way up to I think it was the 7th episode and they read Christian's text messages to Whitley then I was like WOW. But there is way too much evidence that says there is no way this was a suicide.
The one thing that always gets me is the .45 kimber being uncocked. I own the same gun and have shot thousand of rounds with it and the only way that it gets uncocked is if someone manually does it. Also the tub would have been a mess as a .45 would have created a decent exit wound and it also would have shattered the tub or at least struck the tub at a high velocity. I mean it’s now obvious that he was not killed in the position he was found in. Cassie Coleman states the crime scene was staged as does the investigator, and the attorney general attorneys agree with her. It’s just baffling they think this and seem to know this, but nothing has been done about it. Why all these unsavory characters were seriously interrogated right after this is reprehensible. I also don’t understand why this case has not blown up.
Not sure how much traction this case will gain on WS as LE has not named any suspects or POI. This case has been ruled a suicide. There are many people who feel otherwise and are passionate in their stance.

It's tragic this young man is gone. I'm still of the opinion it was by suicide.

I walked away from listening to the Culpable podcast with the opinion these were a group of young adults, one being a teen at the time of CA death, who all made horrible decisions, may have been involved in illegal activity, attempted to cover up said activity after the death of CA, were toxic and even more toxic with each other. However, this does not equal murder. I kept waiting for a detailed scenario to be presented that showed murder, a walk through of that murder scenario, that never came for me.

I DESPISED the treatment of the people this podcast and private investigation firm tracked down and the interactions with them they recorded for the show.

Perhaps those people should consider / start with a cease and desist against certain individuals. IMO, they cooperated with LE and were not charged or convicted of what some are accusing them of.
They 100% did not cooperate with LE. That’s a fact. DS has lied, WG has lied. BM has lied. KC has lied. They’re all a bunch of liars. The most powerful female from Mississippi is having this case looked into by the DOJ. She is a US Senator from a neighboring state and this case is about to get flipped around quickly. Truth is coming! It’s not suicide but think what you wish.

Not sure how much traction this case will gain on WS as LE has not named any suspects or POI. This case has been ruled a suicide. There are many people who feel otherwise and are passionate in their stance.

It's tragic this young man is gone. I'm still of the opinion it was by suicide.

I walked away from listening to the Culpable podcast with the opinion these were a group of young adults, one being a teen at the time of CA death, who all made horrible decisions, may have been involved in illegal activity, attempted to cover up said activity after the death of CA, were toxic and even more toxic with each other. However, this does not equal murder. I kept waiting for a detailed scenario to be presented that showed murder, a walk through of that murder scenario, that never came for me.

I DESPISED the treatment of the people this podcast and private investigation firm tracked down and the interactions with them they recorded for the show.

Perhaps those people should consider / start with a cease and desist against certain individuals. IMO, they cooperated with LE and were not charged or convicted of what some are accusing them of.
I DESPISE the treatment the family has received from LE, the D.A., and the AG’s office. If he were my son I really could careless how someone who possibly hid something or did something to my son was portrayed. Did you listen to the leaked footage of Cassie Coleman, Captain Harrington, and the AG’s office? They all agreed that the murder scene was definitely staged. Now this might not amount to murder, it definitely is criminal, and should be investigated fully. Something that should have been done from day one. The only people in my eyes that have been mistreated in this whole deal is the close family and friends of Christian, and Christian himself. Rae isn’t ever giving up, so I am very hopeful that eventually the truth will come out.
As inferno88 said, the Culpable podcast is very good and comprehensive. I just finished episodes 1-5. I highly recommend it. Here is a link:
[It is also available on iTunes]

Also, Danelle Hallan's podcast hits the highpoints of the case. Here's the YouTube link:

I'm still confused about the Jeep that had the gun in it. I thought it was the vehicle that Christian drove to the Magnolia parking lot for his tugboat job -- where he left it while he was on the tugboat for his 30-day stint. How did the jeep get back to Meridian? Very confusing. ( SMH)

Well, since I am new to this case, I need to start reading here first, at Websleuths. This cuts through all the flotsam and jetsam that is available "out there." Here's a question: the tugboat that Christian was on when he abruptly left that day was, I think, the M/V Magnolia. What does the designation "M/V" mean?
Marine Vessel?
The one thing that always gets me is the .45 kimber being uncocked. I own the same gun and have shot thousand of rounds with it and the only way that it gets uncocked is if someone manually does it. Also the tub would have been a mess as a .45 would have created a decent exit wound and it also would have shattered the tub or at least struck the tub at a high velocity. I mean it’s now obvious that he was not killed in the position he was found in. Cassie Coleman states the crime scene was staged as does the investigator, and the attorney general attorneys agree with her. It’s just baffling they think this and seem to know this, but nothing has been done about it. Why all these unsavory characters were seriously interrogated right after this is reprehensible. I also don’t understand why this case has not blown up.

This is what brought me to the thread. No way a person can suicide and leave an uncocked .45 Kimber.

My experience is that many people absolutely refuse to back down once they've made a public statement or determination. I guess that's why so many LE agencies today stay so quiet. I think this intractable human trait impedes many investigations.

It does seem really obvious he wasn't killed in the bathroom (although possibly quite nearby, as there are the droplets of blood on the outside of the bathroom door). Whoever staged the scene had time to clean up and has had even more time since then. I'm not far enough into the podcast to know just how much luminol was sprayed around. I don't imagine there's any official explanation for the blood mist on the outside of the bathroom door.

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