MS MS - Christian Andreacchio, 21, Meridian, 26 Feb 2014

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Batman's Mommy

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Mar 2, 2014
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I've looked for a post on this, but couldn't locate one.

I feel so sorry for this poor family. Three years later, and they still have no closure.

This was initially ruled a suicide, but the family disagrees. The facts do not seem to match up with a suicide. There seems to be a possible financial motive, but I'm unsure if it has been verified.


I've looked for a post on this, but couldn't locate one.

I feel so sorry for this poor family. Three years later, and they still have no closure.

This was initially ruled a suicide, but the family disagrees. The facts do not seem to match up with a suicide. There seems to be a possible financial motive, but I'm unsure if it has been verified.

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"• If Christian, who is right-handed, shot himself in his right temple, how did the pistol end up between his left leg and the outside of the bathtub?

• Why was the gun, a .45 Kimber semi-automatic 1911 pistol, found in an uncocked position with a live round in the chamber if it had been fired?

• If the death was definitively a suicide, why did the coroner rule it as “undetermined?”

• Why did forensic experts hired by the Andreacchio family conclude that the blood splatter in the bathroom and the location of a bullet hole near an electrical outlet above the sink and behind Christian did not line up with what would have happened if he had shot himself while kneeling over the tub?

“Things just didn’t fit,” said Meridian Police Chief Benny Dubose. He came on board after former chief Lee was fired following allegations of sexual harassment and what Mayor Percy Bland referred to as a “loss of confidence” in Lee’s ability to lead the department. Dubose decided to reopen the case."

Meridian mystery: Was death a suicide … or murder?
Meridian mystery: Was death a suicide … or murder?

"According to the timeline prepared by the attorney for the*Andreacchio family:*

• Swearingen told the police that when he and Christian arrived at the apartment that morning, Goodman and Christian immediately began arguing. Swearingen said that during the course of the argument Christian put a gun to his head and threatened to shoot himself. Goodman, however, never mentioned this incident to police.

• After the situation with Christian and Goodman calmed down, Swearingen said he told them he was leaving to get food and asked if they wanted anything.*Swearingen says Christian gave Swearingen his debit card and told him to pick up the food.

• Swearingen says Christian also told him to “go to the credit union and take all of his money out of his account,” in addition to going to the phone store to fix Goodman’s phone, which had reportedly been broken in the argument, the timeline states.

• Swearingen is seen on video footage*at Christian’s credit union attempting to withdraw money around 12:30 p.m. He was not able to retrieve it because he didn’t have Christian’s PIN number. Around that same time he made a call to Christian’s phone.*

• When Swearingen returned to the apartment later that afternoon, apparently after also making a trip to Best Buy, he saw Goodman asleep on the couch. He then went upstairs to look for Christian, whom he found in the bathroom, his body slumped over the bloody bathtub.

Goodman’s version of events, as prepared by the attorney, differs in key ways:

• Goodman never mentioned Christian putting a gun to his head to police, either that day or in later interviews. In fact, that night when being driven to the police station, she told an investigator that she “doesn’t believe she ever heard him (Christian) talk about hurting himself.”

• Goodman said that because she had taken Xanax the night before, she slept through the gunshot that killed Christian and did not wake up until Swearingen came home."
I can’t believe this is the only thread about this! This case was just brought to my attention because it turns out someone involved now works right next to us. I watched the true crime series on it and am shocked. I have seen so many other people arrested, charged and convicted on sooooo much less! I’m very confused about all of this!
This seems like a colossal failure by the police department. Even the most inexperienced of police departments could have figured out something stinks about just the crime scene itself, let alone the multiple stories by Dylan and Whitley, or the fact Dylan is on surveillance video trying to take all of Christians money out of the bank or Whitley asking about Christian putting her on a life insurance policy. I also own the same gun used to end Christians life and there is only one way that hammer gets uncocked, and that is by doing it manually. This is obviously not something a person who just took a shot through the temple would or could do. Any capable detective would have solved this case pretty quickly. It is infuriating that the incompetence of the police departments investigation or lack there of, of the crime scene has blocked this case from being concluded. I really feel for the parents, family, and friends of Christian. Two people should be in prison for Christians murder. I just hope and pray that one day soon someone comes along that can take this case home, or Dylan or Whitley confide in the the right person who does the right thing and Christian finally gets the justice he deserves.
Living in the town that she now does, I can say that every. Single. Person. That knows about this thinks she was involved one way or another. I feel so bad for his family. Like I said before I have seen people convicted in far less and the fact that he was seen trying to take out money and all of the other facts presented seems like a pretty good case to me. Sure she can explain the gun residue on her hand from “maybe” shooting a gun the night before BUT besides that how can they explain everything else. Some many things were over looked in this case by police it is honestly sickening. From what I had seen they did say they would charge them but it wasn’t for what the family wanted is that correct?
From my understanding Dayday what occurred was the original chief who told the officers at the scene to wrap it up after 45 minutes without even looking at the scene himself, lost his job a new chief took over. When the parents and the parents investigator spoke to the new chief he also agreed that this was not a suicide but a homicide. He wrote up arrest warrants for Whitley and Dylan. They were then taken to the judge and he signed them, but before they were ever served the new chief took new warrants to the judge for Whitley and Dylan but instead of what should have been first or second degree murder charges the charge was negligent homicide/manslaughter, which is killing a person without malice, which is nowhere near what the charge should have been for Whitley, and Dylan. Allegedly the chief told the judge they couldn’t prove anything beyond that. This is where the judge denied signing the warrants as the family also objected. I really can’t believe there isn’t more coverage of this case. It has picked up some steam in the recent months, but initially it received zero media attention. His family tried and tried to get the media involved but were denied, they tried to by ad space in the paper and were denied, they even tried to pay for billboard space and were denied. I don’t think his mom and dad and family have even had a chance to even mourn there son due to them having to be the actual detectives themselves. I hope to god they get these two at some point. It seems as Whitley is a psychopath so I think time is of the essence before she does something like this again.
Yes!! You are one hundred percent correct. I should not have said poor work on all the police, they were just doing what they were told. It’s still just crazy to me, there seem to be so many things that are so inconsistent with it being a suicide that although circumstantial I think a jury could find them guilty. Neither one of them seem to even care about the whole thing I think that’s why bothers me most.
How come no reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest of CA murderer(s)? Can we donate to a reward fund? Does anybody know? I’m sure a big reward will get SOMEONE to talk. That’s all they need, one person to come forward. I’m sure these two blabbed to someone, aren’t they drug users?
Well as far as Dylan I’m not sure of drug use, from my understanding he has disappeared from the public eye. As for Whitley she allegedly had a Xanax and marijuana problem. Christian even had his brother attempt to give Whitley a drug test while he was doing a stint on the tug boat. He told his brother to kick her out if she flunked. When his brother confronted her she refused to take the test and told him she would not be clean so there was no point. Every time he would get his heart set on kicking her out and getting rid of her she would sweet talk her way back into his heart. Every time he would do a month on the boat she would go out and sleep around and party. I guess he would turn a blind eye to this behavior as she has told him about how she had a horrible childhood, which seems to still be up for debate. At one point he moved her in to his parents before Christian had moved out. They liked her at first and also felt bad for her but within a month they kicked her out of the house, at which forced Christian to get an apartment with his brother so he could stay with Whitley. I guess Christian had a little sister, I’m not sure of the age difference but Christian was 19, the sister was in the age range of 9-11. Her and Christian had a very strong relationship and I guess this infuriated Whitley and she would lie and would do different things to get the sister in trouble while acting like she was trying to help her. Whitley is on a whole other level as far as being an evil manipulator. If everyone gets a chance and want to hear more information about Christian and this case there is a podcast that’s approaching it’s 3rd podcast called Culpable, it has high production quality and has tons and tons of great info. True crime daily has 5 or 6 different videos on YouTube also. I just hope everyday this case gets more publicity and the truth comes out.
As inferno88 said, the Culpable podcast is very good and comprehensive. I just finished episodes 1-5. I highly recommend it. Here is a link:
[It is also available on iTunes]

Also, Danelle Hallan's podcast hits the highpoints of the case. Here's the YouTube link:

I'm still confused about the Jeep that had the gun in it. I thought it was the vehicle that Christian drove to the Magnolia parking lot for his tugboat job -- where he left it while he was on the tugboat for his 30-day stint. How did the jeep get back to Meridian? Very confusing. ( SMH)

Well, since I am new to this case, I need to start reading here first, at Websleuths. This cuts through all the flotsam and jetsam that is available "out there." Here's a question: the tugboat that Christian was on when he abruptly left that day was, I think, the M/V Magnolia. What does the designation "M/V" mean?
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This seems like a colossal failure by the police department. Even the most inexperienced of police departments could have figured out something stinks about just the crime scene itself, let alone the multiple stories by Dylan and Whitley, or the fact Dylan is on surveillance video trying to take all of Christians money out of the bank or Whitley asking about Christian putting her on a life insurance policy. I also own the same gun used to end Christians life and there is only one way that hammer gets uncocked, and that is by doing it manually. This is obviously not something a person who just took a shot through the temple would or could do. Any capable detective would have solved this case pretty quickly. It is infuriating that the incompetence of the police departments investigation or lack there of, of the crime scene has blocked this case from being concluded. I really feel for the parents, family, and friends of Christian. Two people should be in prison for Christians murder. I just hope and pray that one day soon someone comes along that can take this case home, or Dylan or Whitley confide in the the right person who does the right thing and Christian finally gets the justice he deserves.

Great post, inferno88. I could not agree more!
A few points that I don't think have been mentioned that would be worth further investigation.

Concerning the hole in the bathroom wall around the light switch. I generally try to cut the wall to see if a bullet can be recovered either embedded in a stud or sitting at the base of the wall between the two drywall panels. I don't know if this has been done, but a lot of information could be gathered from a fired bullet, including caliber and comparison to Christian's gun to see if the bullet could have been fired from his gun (since the gun was found in a state that hints at not being fired or at least altered). If the apartment is still there, and there was only an entrance on one side of the wall, this bullet is likely still in that wall somewhere and could still be recovered even now.

Gunshot residue on a human hand generally only lasts about 4-6 hours because it's a pretty fragile piece of evidence that is easily wiped or cleaned off. Simply putting your hands in your pockets is enough to wipe gunshot residue away. Whitley's alibi of shooting a gun the previous night would not be good enough to explain that she had gunshot residue on her hands 24 or more hours later. Gunshot residue on Christian's hands really just makes sense since he was the victim of a gunshot wound. Gunshot residue really just gives the information that a person was around a gun that was fired. A person who has been shot has obviously been around a gun that has been fired. Finding gunshot residue on Christian's hand really means nothing. The gunshot residue on the second witness's hands is also very suspicious.

I'm assuming the Kimber .45 is of the 1911 style of pistol. The action of these guns generally would leave the hammer cocked after firing. It would be interesting to know if the gun had any cycling problems however. Sometimes during suicides (or any contact type gunshot wound), firearms do not cycle properly because people press the firearm up against their skin. This can cause problems with the firearm properly ejecting and then loading the next round. 1911 style firearms sometimes also suffer the defect of being able to be accidentally discharged by being dropped or hit on something. The possible scenario I could think of for the Kimber .45 is that is didn't cycle properly from being pressed up against the head, then the hammer released when it was dropped. This still does not explain a possible bullet hole in the wall by the light switch, and why it would be really important to see if there is a fired bullet in that wall.

I'm also not sure if there was an exit wound, but if there was, there would be some kind of bullet strike or hole on the wall to the left of Christian. If there was an exit wound with no sign of a bullet hole to his left, I would expect there to be a fired bullet or at least fired bullet fragments somewhere on the floor or in the tub. If there is not an exit wound, was there a bullet recovered at autopsy that was compared to the Kimber .45? This could also give a lot of information, most interesting of which would be if the bullet recovered at autopsy or from the wall were a 40 caliber (like the gun Whitley was supposedly shooting the night before).

This is all based on what I heard in the podcast Culpable as well. It would be nice to see scene photos, especially to evaluate the bloodstains.

I also haven't heard much about them trying to do location traces on the cell phones they were all carrying. It would be good to know where the potential suspects were at in the days surrounding Christian's death.
Listened to the latest episode of Culpable and the issues keep on rolling in from a forensic standpoint.

They are taking the Kimber .45 found at the scene and submitting it for a "drop test" when they should be submitting the gun for a "function test" and comparison to the fired cartridge case found at the scene.

They were also going to wing it with luminol. Most agencies that do this test for latent blood now use bluestar because it's easier to mix and has a sustained and brighter glow (based on my experience). None of this would have mattered though because you need a tripod, good camera and special exposure techniques to get pictures since the reaction is temporary. It will also dilute what trace amount of blood is left every time you spray it, so ideally you only spray it once to find it and once to get a good photo.

I'm glad the family has some people helping them out now. Smaller agencies really don't get the exposure to crime scenes like this potentially staged one enough and generally spend their training budget on other training besides forensics.
Wow, I sincerely thought this case would have a much longer thread on it.
I originally heard of it through Danelle Hallan's video.
To me its so evidently clear that this is so much more than a suicide. Blood evidence, bullet trajectory, trying to pull money out, not hearing a gun go off in an apartment, the gun be uncocked. It's so unfair for the family that this case had not/ has not been looked into more.

Somebody knows something, and Danelle shared an update on her video that Dylan and his girlfriend waited outside a restaurant that Christian's sister was at. They then proceeded to beat up the sister's boyfriend. And Dylan's girlfriend had a gun on her. There is video evidence of the altercation. To me, that screams guilt. If you weren't guilty of something... why would you be beating up the deceased person's family members?
I'm probably odd one out on this but I believe this poor young man committed suicide. No murder. No coverup.

I have been listening to the Culpable podcast and have yet to hear, if it was murder, what happened. I want to be walked through that scenario.

We might have an cast of undesirable characters but that does not equal murder.

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