Resolved MS - Jackson, WhtFem Pre40, UP83213, Kelly/Baby Girl, room @Residency Inn, Jun'21 - NamUs removed

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Aug 9, 2015
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Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP83213
Female, White / Caucasian
Date Body Found: June 15, 2021
Location Found: Jackson, Mississippi
Estimated Age Range--

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Circumstances of Recovery: White female found in the Residency Inn. Room was rented by an unknown person, who let other people stay there. This female apparently came up and asked if she could shower and take a nap. The other people in the room woke up to find this unknown female was deceased in the bed. The coroner came and took body to their facility where she tried to collect fingerprints. the latent print examiners said there were no identifiable prints the her pads were smooth with no ridges. People she was staying with said she went by the name baby girl or Kelly.
Not much info on backgriund, but sounds like someone overdosed. and in general like some drug den, nobody lets a random stranger walking in sleep in their bed otherwise.

I really hope she can get her name back and her family closure. What a terribly sad case.

Hhhmmm -- learn something new every day!

Mutated DNA Causes No-Fingerprint Disease

Maybe a doctor noted this in her chart somewhere, or remembers?

Or perhaps an LE agency remembers a strawberry blonde who had not fingerprints....

In theory, she has dental charts now. Terrific as long as she has had dental care in life.

Maybe they'll include an image of the tattoo?

Strawberry blonde hair is uncommon. This fingerprint lack seems to be very uncommon. Do you think another LE agency in Mississippi with recognize the description?

Fingers crossed!
Interesting....Adermatoglyphia is an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes a person to have no fingerprints. There are only 4 known extended families worldwide that are affected by this condition.
Some People Don’t have Fingerprints | Fingerprinting Scottsdale

Do we believe this was the case? Could she have some kind of work where fingerprints would faint...did she do it herself to be sure she wasn't recognized when arrested...?
White female found in the Residency Inn.

There actually isn't a Residency Inn. There is a Residence Inn Jackson hotel but that is in Tennessee.

Maybe they changed the name recently. Cant find it in Jackson, MS.

I wonder if Callie Cooper was ruled out being this woman. Can somebody take a look?

Changed content because I made a mistake.
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The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Female, White / Caucasian
Found June 15, 2021, Jackson, Mississippi
Found deceased in a bed in a hotel/motel room?/long stay hotel apartment?
No estimated age range/Adult - Pre 40
5' 0"(60 inches) , Estimated (why estimated?)
Weight 135 lbs, Estimated (why estimated?)
Recognizable face (no PM picture/no reconstruction)
Hair color Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair Description Long hair, blonde with red highlights. Some gray.

No eyecolor descripion??
Possible name Kelly/Kellie (or something that sound like that or is short for another name)/possible AKA Baby girl.

Strange that essential information is missing in the Namus file. Was she properly examined you wonder or did they forget to put more info in, after examination.

Did she had pierced ears/piercings, jewelry, had she given birth, (operational) scars?

edit to add
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Interesting....Adermatoglyphia is an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes a person to have no fingerprints. There are only 4 known extended families worldwide that are affected by this condition.
Some People Don’t have Fingerprints | Fingerprinting Scottsdale

Do we believe this was the case? Could she have some kind of work where fingerprints would faint...did she do it herself to be sure she wasn't recognized when arrested...?

Can You Lose Your Fingerprints?

A Singaporean cancer patient was detained by U.S. customs because his cancer treatment had made his fingerprints disappear.

The patient who was detained for lacking prints had hand–foot syndrome that was caused by his chemotherapy drug. What are some other ways that fingerprints can disappear?

The most prominent of those problems involve bricklayers—who wear down ridges on their prints handling heavy, rough materials frequently—or people who work with lime [calcium oxide], because it's really basic and dissolves the top layers of the skin. The fingerprints tend to grow back over time. And, surprisingly, secretaries, because they deal with paper all day. The constant handling of paper tends to wear down the ridge detail.
Criminals go to Painful Extremes to Mutilate Fingerprints

And when law enforcement gets wind of an altered print they pay close attention. "Imagine burning your finger. Now imagine purposely doing that on all ten of your fingers. Imagine the pain. If someone were to go to those lengths, that's someone we want to know," said Martin.

Massachusetts State Police have a record of at least 20 individuals last year alone who were arrested with deliberately scarred fingertips. Just last week, a doctor was charged in federal court because he allegedly planned to surgically alter the fingerprints of illegal immigrants for a hefty fee. In Europe, law enforcement officials have also reported an uptick in migrant workers discovered with altered fingertips – apparently in an effort to avoid detection by immigration officials.
Can You Lose Your Fingerprints?

A Singaporean cancer patient was detained by U.S. customs because his cancer treatment had made his fingerprints disappear.

The patient who was detained for lacking prints had hand–foot syndrome that was caused by his chemotherapy drug. What are some other ways that fingerprints can disappear?

The most prominent of those problems involve bricklayers—who wear down ridges on their prints handling heavy, rough materials frequently—or people who work with lime [calcium oxide], because it's really basic and dissolves the top layers of the skin. The fingerprints tend to grow back over time. And, surprisingly, secretaries, because they deal with paper all day. The constant handling of paper tends to wear down the ridge detail.

Very interesting to know. Thank you for posting. We don't know the cause of death for Jane Doe. Maybe she was ill and she underwent chemotherapy, but wouldn't she had lost her hair in the process? Is the hand syndrome permanent and her hair came back already?

The other thing I noticed in the file is that no shoes were mentioned...only shorts and a T-shirt. That (and the need for a shower and nap in some "stranger's" room) somehow makes me think she didn't have a job. Could be wrong off course.
Criminals go to Painful Extremes to Mutilate Fingerprints

And when law enforcement gets wind of an altered print they pay close attention. "Imagine burning your finger. Now imagine purposely doing that on all ten of your fingers. Imagine the pain. If someone were to go to those lengths, that's someone we want to know," said Martin.

Massachusetts State Police have a record of at least 20 individuals last year alone who were arrested with deliberately scarred fingertips. Just last week, a doctor was charged in federal court because he allegedly planned to surgically alter the fingerprints of illegal immigrants for a hefty fee. In Europe, law enforcement officials have also reported an uptick in migrant workers discovered with altered fingertips – apparently in an effort to avoid detection by immigration officials. line of thinking too....good to know this.
Very interesting to know. Thank you for posting. We don't know the cause of death for Jane Doe. Maybe she was ill and she underwent chemotherapy, but wouldn't she had lost her hair in the process? Is the hand syndrome permanent and her hair came back already.

The other thing I noticed in the file is that no shoes were mentioned...only shorts and a T-shirt. That (and the need for a shower and nap in some "stranger's" room) somehow makes me think she didn't have a job. Could be wrong off course.
Yeah, probably not a bricklayer or secretary.
The fingerprint thing is really weird.
I'm not understanding no eye color, I do know that people rent rooms for others to use as place to do illegal activities . People who don't want to be known will go to great lengths to alter identity. The no eye color bug's me. Those rooms are used for trafficking or prostitutes. I would like to know who all was in the room when the le showed up, but I'm sure they had Allis
Something I read on FB....after you die people can erase your fingerprints and steal your entire often does this happen?
Here is the Recidence Inn by Marriott Residence Inn Jackson The District at Eastover 1248 Eastover Drive, Jackson, Mississippi 39211 USA

Circumstances of Recovery: White female found in the Residency Inn. <I think it was the Residence Inn> Room <probably a studio, with two beds and a sofabed> was rented by an unknown person <????? they don't know who paid for the room, how would that work, you need a creditcard> who let other people stay there. This female apparently came up and asked if she could shower and take a nap. The other people in the room woke up to find this unknown female was deceased in the bed.

Kind of a BS story if you ask me. This doesn't looks like a place where you stumble upon..... and most certainly not upon an at random room. She must have known the address and the room number and was there for other purposes.

In lots of hotels visitors have to register at the front desk, for security reasons. Weren't there any special measures because of Covid?

Learned a few things from reading this

- You can rent a room/studio for extended stay
- There are no cameras around the hotel (someone's truck was stolen in broad daylight)
- There are handicap rooms with an outside exit door.
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These places are very shady, prepaid credit cards. I find it hard to even process how the staff/owner turn Thier heads for Money, covid isn't even a reason. The Love of Money is the root of evil. People are scared of others or losing their income. I know that these crimes have been around but it seems like fear of losing money is to high and criminal behavior is becoming the norm.
These places are very shady, prepaid credit cards. I find it hard to even process how the staff/owner turn Thier heads for Money, covid isn't even a reason. The Love of Money is the root of evil. People are scared of others or losing their income. I know that these crimes have been around but it seems like fear of losing money is to high and criminal behavior is becoming the norm.

We don't know the cause of death, so we don't know if there was a crime committed. She could have OD-ed or died of natural causes. Still no age range mentioned. Maybe she was a lot older then what we (at least I do) think if we hear the name Kelly/Baby girl. The fact that the Namus file is not very accurate and filled in sloppy, makes me think this was not a homicide victim, but I could be wrong. I have the feeling that the ME or LE thinks something like "oh...just one more, no priority".

Looking at the picture of Callie Cooper, I think she could be this Jane Doe. I wonder if her family send this in. Raises also another there something to know about JD dentals? I wonder if JD had a gap between her front teeth, like Callie has, would they leave that out of the file?

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