MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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This is slightly O/T, but since WS posters were discussing firefighters and arson recently, there is a "fire cult" of volunteer FFs that have been committing arson in Mississippi recently. There is nothing that indicates that to me in Jessica's case...but thought would post because I swear there are so many potential criminal leads, criminal activity and motives in this case. You just can't make this stuff up. I really think that LE/FBI have solid leads but all has been EERILY quiet even on Anon and other sites (I hope this is a good sign) and lots of serious LE/FBI investigative legwork hopefully is going on. Many kudos to those working on Jessica's behalf, it seems like a complicated case.

But in the meantime here is the link on "fire cult"
Just FYI: Hancock County (where this group is) is on the MS coast, far away from Panola County.

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Just FYI: Hancock County (where this group is) is on the MS coast, far away from Panola County.

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Yes, I just looked it up, thanks Melodylane. I don't think this volunteer fire "cult" has anything to do with JC's murder, but for some reason it's being described as "cult", so that makes me think more "followers" and may be more widespread than local area. The reason I posted it though is because there was some discussion about whether FF ever commit arson. I'm sure it's probably a very miniscule percentage, but it does happen and there is a group in MS that was recently arrested for it. And hopefully there are no more involved.

Just to add- The house fire on same night may or may not be related to Jessica's case, but I have not heard anything either way. It's probably unrelated, but no one has said if the house fire was accidental/arson or related to JC (if someone knows about other fire determination, please post link). Hypothetically, if there has been an unusual increase of fires in the area recently, and if connected to JC, then LE/ATF may be profiling for serial arsonists. Even if LE/FBI/ATF were looking for "serial arsonists", the chances of them being FFs are small. But if a local Courtland/Batesville firefighter had some significant connection to that cult, then obviously it would be more of a link. And I don't know if LE/FBI/ATF suspect serial arsonists of murdering Jessica, so it's a major stretch to consider house fire related to car fire and Jessica's death. I have no idea though and don't necessarily think house fire was related unless it was a distraction to keep Fire dept away from Herron site. Idk/Jmo and hypos
Interesting response about the other fire on Justice for Jessica facebook page...

Was it established as to where/if Jessica went to a party?

Interesting response about the other fire on Justice for Jessica facebook page...


I copied and pasted the Facebook* comment below:

GH&#8206;Justice For Jessica
Thank-you Bessie for catching my memory lapse of :tos:

* from the 'Justice For Jessica' page


Can you provide an approved link to this info?
Thanks, Steve. We definitely need a link to where JC's mother made these statements.

When looking at the justice for Jessica page look at a poster GH. I peek in on his twitter. He may be on to something, or at least, uncovering the so-called party....JMO
I've removed the posts until we get a link. In the meantime, please do not discuss what was posted.

I've removed the posts until we get a link. In the meantime, please do not discuss what was posted.

Good thing you did. Because it was about to get brutal. Unless he shows us a link; I think he tried to slip us a mickey. Lol
I'm so confused. I don't have enough time in my life to spend here to keep up with every detail!!! UGH!
Going to run this back up the flagpole, because it was with some of the stuff that got deleted...

If Jessica did say a name, what if instead of being the perp, it was the name of someone else she thought might be in danger and wanted to warn?
I'm so confused. I don't have enough time in my life to spend here to keep up with every detail!!! UGH!

There aren't more verified details at this point, only some unverified posts about party, so you are not alone (and we can't discuss). The questions/issues that we/public are still majorly in the dark about and would help to know regarding leads imo are:

1. Was there a party and did JC attend, did anyone else attend? This has never been verified publicly.
2. Was the house fire classified as arson and was it related to JC? Again never verified publicly.
3. I think JC's ex-bf mentioned something about a different BF hurting JC that was one of his friends in video interview awhile back, but I would like to know a. if Jessica was a ever a victim of domestic violence, b. who were Jessica's boyfriends since BR (casual or serious), c. Who was interested in JC?, d. who if any assaulted JC and if they were convicted?, and e. did anyone in her "friends/bfs" use harder drugs and deal same, like cocaine or crystal meth or etc?
4. What accelerant was used?
5. There's an awful lot of "scrubbing" online accounts, who's doing it and why?
6. Names (ick)
7. 500 people in that town, where was everyone between 630p-731p, starting with the most likely POIs?
(There's not alot of verified info out there, but if DV cases then publicly available)

Here is a CNN video with psychologist who I think raises a really interesting point that the perpetrator may have been following Jessica for awhile (almost like stalking her). (ie friends of ex-bfs, ex-bfs, or guys at work that seemed unnaturally focused on JC). I know from experience some of my ex-bfs friends have tried to stay friends or date me after my break-up with ex-bf long after our break-up and they were not discreet about being interested in me while dating ex-bf. Anyway, I think this is a really good video for understanding psychopathy and perp(s) with some reasons why they commit such horrific crimes, "thrill kills" they need to escalate crime to get "thrill." I don't know if it's been posted, or if "stalking" has been discussed but here is video again (and since we can't discuss other things at the moment thought I would post it).

Forensic Psychologist&#8203; Dr. Judy Ho analyzes the killer in the case of burned Mississippi teen, Jessica Chambers

There aren't more verified details at this point, only some unverified posts about party, so you are not alone (and we can't discuss). The questions/issues that we/public are still majorly in the dark about and would help to know regarding leads imo are:

1. Was there a party and did JC attend, did anyone else attend? This has never been verified publicly.
2. Was the house fire classified as arson and was it related to JC? Again never verified publicly.
3. I think JC's ex-bf mentioned something about a different BF hurting JC that was one of his friends in video interview awhile back, but I would like to know a. if Jessica was a ever a victim of domestic violence, b. who were Jessica's boyfriends since BR (casual or serious), c. Who was interested in JC?, d. who if any assaulted JC and if they were convicted?, and e. did anyone in her "friends/bfs" use harder drugs and deal same, like cocaine or crystal meth or etc?
4. What accelerant was used?
5. There's an awful lot of "scrubbing" online accounts, who's doing it and why?
6. Names (ick)
7. 500 people in that town, where was everyone between 630p-731p, starting with the most likely POIs?
(There's not alot of verified info out there, but if DV cases then publicly available)

Here is a CNN video with psychologist who I think raises a really interesting point that the perpetrator may have been following Jessica for awhile (almost like stalking her). (ie friends of ex-bfs, ex-bfs, or guys at work that seemed unnaturally focused on JC). I know from experience some of my ex-bfs friends have tried to stay friends or date me after my break-up with ex-bf long after our break-up and they were not discreet about being interested in me while dating ex-bf. Anyway, I think this is a really good video for understanding psychopathy and perp(s) with some reasons why they commit such horrific crimes, "thrill kills" they need to escalate crime to get "thrill." I don't know if it's been posted, or if "stalking" has been discussed but here is video again (and since we can't discuss other things at the moment thought I would post it).

Forensic Psychologist&#8203; Dr. Judy Ho analyzes the killer in the case of burned Mississippi teen, Jessica Chambers


Thanks for sharing ... interesting info to consider. I've wondered if JC might have met a friend of a friend somewhere, perhaps at Sonic or the store she worked, who has slipped under the radar because he (I'm thinking he) frequented the area but doesn't live there. The whole "thrill kill" thing is so scary. It seems like certain drugs could contribute to that as well.

One problem, IMO, is that there are so many inconsistencies and cryptic pieces of info (I don't mean on here) in this case. It's just hard making sense of it. For example, there's a youtube screen shot on the JforJ page that might implicate someone but could be fabricated, for all I know. And then the photos from yesterday ... also very weird. I think we're really lucky to have good mods that keep us from going down (and getting stuck in) rabbit holes. This case seems to have a lot of them.
Remember this was at night time...The car was fully engulfed in flames...according to chief...Doubt they could tell much about it upon arrival..

On another note...Someone has posted on Justice for Jessica asking about the other fire...

And some mysterious photos alleged to be of Jessica have appeared..The person posting them seems to be saying he got them from Jessica when asked where they came from...

"Lisa : Do you recall the date of these photos?"


I'm totally confused about these photos (granted, I just woke up, but still ...). I guess the one on the left *could* be her, but the one on the right? Or is the point that the one on the left (B&W) kind of resembles the one on the right, though the hair is reddish and eyes brown in that one? Perhaps the question to LD should be is it even JC?

Am I missing something?

The person in the photos doesn't look like JC at all, even if JC had contacts and dark hair. The person in the photos has different nose and face structure imo and looks like someone who probably has dark hair and eyes naturally but tried to lighten it up with red or blonde. Jessica had naturally blonde hair and like most blondes it may have turned darker blonde the older she got, so she may have had it highlighted when older but not dark like girl in pics. Who is person that posted those and why, weird. Jmo/

The person who posted them is confident they are her...and when asked where he got them, Jessica is his response...I have seen what makeup and lighting can do and I have seen someone do photo analysis with accuracy to identify a person.... LD is aware the photos are posted but remains quiet on the subject...No confirmation...If it was me I would be asking tons of questions from this Wilson, especially as they have suggested the photos came from her deceased daughter...

From the Justice for Jessica FB page...the poster asking about the other fire responds, when asked if any luck, says no luck FF says part of investigation...Not sure who/what FF is...

The problem here, as with most Social Media which must be taken as rumor or here say, is that this "Wilson" is not a real person. He has a total of 2 friends and 3 pictures. It is a brand new FB account and the name is a take-off of the Tom Hanks movie "Castaway". The soccer ball was named "Wilson" because that is the Mfg. and "Hanks" was the actor. This person's facebook is a compilation of links to crime stories and he seems to enjoy being cryptic and evasive.
His response to where he got the pictures seems to allude to the possibility that Jessica is still alive and he got the pictures from her.

Total crackpot and not worth considering IMO

Let us not forget that LD was with her dying daughter as she took her last breath. I started getting sucked into that picture thing and the cryptic FB poster "Wilson" until I remembered;

"And I just looked at her and said, 'I know you're in pain, Baby, if you want to go, you can go.' And she took her last breath."

ETA: Still catching up so forgive me if I just dragged out that thing I didn't want to give credit to, if that makes sense, :blush:

The problem here, as with most Social Media which must be taken as rumor or here say, is that this "Wilson" is not a real person. He has a total of 2 friends and 3 pictures. It is a brand new FB account and the name is a take-off of the Tom Hanks movie "Castaway". The soccer ball was named "Wilson" because that is the Mfg. and "Hanks" was the actor. This person's facebook is a compilation of links to crime stories and he seems to enjoy being cryptic and evasive.
His response to where he got the pictures seems to allude to the possibility that Jessica is still alive and he got the pictures from her.

Total crackpot and not worth considering IMO


It is a 50/50 chance the photos are real/fake...I took it that the photos were given to him before she was burned...not after...

If you looked at my fb page you would see zero friends, zero post, and a pic of something other than a person...But I am real...My friends can see me...Here I have zero friends, no pic and a name from no one would guess...We do it to remain anonymous/protected...That does not make us total crack pots..It makes us safe..If a local I can understand why he/she would make a page like that..Even as a non local and my account settings private..I would make an anonymous account to post on FB pages discussing homicides....

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