MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #11

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This is another problem I have with the murder theory. Someone should have seen something if another person was involved. Car lights, a person walking or running away, or some other evidence of outside involvement. They have nothing, imo. There has to be a logical reason.

I disagree with your conclusion that someone "should have seen something" if it was murder and not suicide. We don't know how long the fire was burning when it was reported to 911.

If the 911 eyewitness drove along Herron Road before the fire was spotted, consider the following:

(1) If perp(s) escaped CS by car, they may or may not have passed 911 caller's car.
(2) If 911 car approached CS from either direction and perp(s) car left CS in same direction of travel, they would not have passed each other.
(3) If 911 car approached CS from either direction and perp(s) car left CS driving toward approaching 911 car, they would not have aroused any suspicion unless they were still close to the fire.
(4) If any other car passed the 911 car besides the perp(s) car, then either that other car saw the fire and did not report it, or it passed the CS before the fire started.
(5) If the perp(s) car did pass by the 911 car going in the opposite direction, then it would have been the last car the 911 car passed before reaching the fire, unless someone else turned onto Herron between the fire and the approaching 911 car, after the perp(s) car passed where the "someone else" car turned onto the highway.
(6) There was a time lag between Jessica's last conversation and the 911 call. I suggest that was ample time for perp(s) to make a clean getaway.
(7) If perp(s) escaped on foot, then there are plenty of woods adjacent to the road in that area to conceal their movements. Unless LE had a K-9 unit on scene, or fanned out in an intensive manhunt that evening, it is doubtful someone on foot would have been spotted.

If on the other hand the 911 witness saw the fire from a nearby house instead of driving by, then none of the above would apply.

Such petty original can't use profanity on the phone? Interesting, I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

Unless, of course, he was speaking to LE, and they did not appreciate the "attitude" coming from the other end of the conversation...
Barely...and not for long.
She was alive, with the possible ability to explain what took place, and to identify the means by which it did.

Unless that was all so much hot air from authorities, whose job it is to find the truth and to solve the crime.
I disagree as she had gone back home from Leahs as 'a different person' according to her mother. I think if she had been depressed and contemplating suicide the first person to sense something like that would be her mother = mother's intuition. If I had been suicidal the last way to end my life would not have been to drink and snort gasoline and put fire in my mouth in order to burn to death.
But we aren't discussing what you would have done if you decided to end it. I would never have considered my friend who did pour gasoline all over herself and then proceed to set herself on fire as choosing that way to go out either, but she did. We cannot know what is in another person's mind at the time they decide to take drastic measures to end their suffering. Suicide isn't meant to be painless in many cases, and as a last act of contrition, includes a punishment of their own making.

I still don't believe she drank or had fluid poured into her mouth/throat. However, it is possible she inhaled fumes and they ignited. If so, there is no way I believe she spoke to anyone immediately after they found her.
I feel my points were not connected regarding the domestic abuse and lack of a current boyfriend. I feel the killer knew her very, very well. Perhaps he, no, strike that, he was, and most likely still is a junkie/addict. Ya know, the shooting up kind. There are pictures on the internet. Dig deep into Social Media...At the risk of repeating myself, she was in danger due to domestic violence yet she had no boyfriend ATT.

MHO and all that jazz and I could be totally wrong because I don't know who lit this 19yof on fire while she was alive.

DeDee, I don't go on SM sites (other than here), so I don't have access to the info that may be you do. And not sure I understand what you are saying: something specific happened to Jessica freshman year?; If it wasn't boyfriend related then did family member or stranger or someone else sexually/physically abuse her?; not sure who is a drug user with needles? I still think that my original suspect(s) is in play and piece together from SM (that's available to me) that he may be a cocaine user/dealer, he has motive, likely a long term trusted friend, but if he is in a gang it's not the reason for him murdering Jessica. So gang issue may be ancillary imo. Can you discuss at least what relation your person (injecting drug user) was to Jessica, without specifics, ie friend, family, or family friend, but I don't need specific relation ie second cousin. Now I am curious what you deep SM investigators discovered!
PeterThomasFan, please read post #225 from Tricia. ;) Not allowed here.

Didn't see Tricia's post. :facepalm: Just popped in to post the article which I just got done reading (it's a long read btw).

It was in fact a very well-written and informative piece. I learned a few insightful things that I didn't think of before or see posted here for that matter. It certainly didn't read like a tabloid or leave many details out – that of which we (all) already know.

IMO, MSM often times leaves me more confused and asking more questions.
She began seeing black men. Why?

Oh, sure we all bleed red. However, there could another reason why she sought men of the black race. And it wasn't to feed any drug habit. Was it pay back or revenge for something that happened earlier in her life?

Found this case via the not MSM article, which was actually quite thorough and good, although it also covered some of the nastier sides of web sleuthing in general in regards to this case's particulars. To try to put this as delicately as possible, this question is difficult to answer posed the way it is although I doubt any offense is meant.
Quite simply: Most white women start dating black men because black men are white men are asian men are men like any other men. With the entire range of qualities represented within any other race/ethnicity. It's not a transgressive act in the majority of places in the U.S. (I hope, or we are in worse shape then I'd like to think), and it's weird imho to say she "sought men of the black race". That's as nicely as I can put it right now.
Certainly women are free to date whomever attracts them. I assume everyone on this forum has seen the picture with BRudd and Jess kissing. I think that photo was a big "in your face" to someone close to her who might be considered a bigot.

We know Jess' dad was/is a racist. He broke her computer and took her car away in an attempt to keep her away from the black race. Jess' mom said the N word while being interviewed by the author of the blog. I believe there was someone else very, very close to her who held the same opinions.

What I am saying is this. JMO If Jess was angry, hurt, betrayed by a white male bigot, her power was to date men of the black race in an effort to anger or get even with the WM. The bigot uses; not a dealer, that I'm aware of.

BC was the first to tell us that Jess went to Leah's due to domestic abuse. It wasn't RDT who gave Jess the black eye the week before. BC says he thinks he knows who the killer is. In my world, I suspect he has discussed his feelings about his suspect with LEO. OTOH, there may be one real good reason he may never tell anyone his suspicions. Ben has never been a suspect, according to the lead detective. And I believe him.

Remember Tom Dees reported that he interviewed her friends and what they told him made him feel physically ill. That's how I feel, too.
I don't have video editing software, but I think it would be nice to have every video recorded interview put together into one YouTube video. Show all video interviews related to the case from each person such as all GM, DR, LF,ST, M&M, etc.

If one were skilled enough in video editing, I'd wager the interviews could be arranged in a way that makes the storyline come together.

I'm confident the crime can be solved by a micro examination of each video recorded public interview of known interviewees along with social media activity.

I also believe that SM holds more answers than one can imagine. Guilty consciousness delete and edit SM. Guilt free individuals rarely delete or edit mass amounts of SM activity. Alphabet agencies can access before and after, and current views of all SM activity of the known and unknown players. Knowing what changes were made to any form of social media and by whom, will speak volumes IMO.
I disagree with your conclusion that someone "should have seen something" if it was murder and not suicide. We don't know how long the fire was burning when it was reported to 911.

If the 911 eyewitness drove along Herron Road before the fire was spotted, consider the following:

(1) If perp(s) escaped CS by car, they may or may not have passed 911 caller's car.
(2) If 911 car approached CS from either direction and perp(s) car left CS in same direction of travel, they would not have passed each other.
(3) If 911 car approached CS from either direction and perp(s) car left CS driving toward approaching 911 car, they would not have aroused any suspicion unless they were still close to the fire.
(4) If any other car passed the 911 car besides the perp(s) car, then either that other car saw the fire and did not report it, or it passed the CS before the fire started.
(5) If the perp(s) car did pass by the 911 car going in the opposite direction, then it would have been the last car the 911 car passed before reaching the fire, unless someone else turned onto Herron between the fire and the approaching 911 car, after the perp(s) car passed where the "someone else" car turned onto the highway.
(6) There was a time lag between Jessica's last conversation and the 911 call. I suggest that was ample time for perp(s) to make a clean getaway.
(7) If perp(s) escaped on foot, then there are plenty of woods adjacent to the road in that area to conceal their movements. Unless LE had a K-9 unit on scene, or fanned out in an intensive manhunt that evening, it is doubtful someone on foot would have been spotted.

If on the other hand the 911 witness saw the fire from a nearby house instead of driving by, then none of the above would apply.


Regarding my last sentence, I was curious whether any of the surrounding residents (houses ~1000' away) could have seen the car fire. See attached "Crime Scene.jpg" layout of the area. All five of the houses selected would have lines-of-sight passing through stands of trees, so the view was more than likely blocked. One possibility is that the loom from the fire was high enough above the surrounding trees to be seen, but I doubt any smoke was visible due to the darkness, unless it was illuminated by the flames below it. My guess is, the 911 caller was in a car. We'll find out if and when arrests are made and the case goes to trial. In the meantime....


Crime Scene.jpg
IMO, MSM often times leaves me more confused and asking more questions.

Amen, MSM has become more like the tabloids .... changing their stories to suit themselves = lack of integrity (think Brian Williams) ..... I think Tricia should write a book.
Regarding my last sentence, I was curious whether any of the surrounding residents (houses ~1000' away) could have seen the car fire. See attached "Crime Scene.jpg" layout of the area. All five of the houses selected would have lines-of-sight passing through stands of trees, so the view was more than likely blocked. One possibility is that the loom from the fire was high enough above the surrounding trees to be seen, but I doubt any smoke was visible due to the darkness, unless it was illuminated by the flames below it. My guess is, the 911 caller was in a car. We'll find out if and when arrests are made and the case goes to trial. In the meantime....

It would depend on the terrain .... I know that part of MS is hilly.
There is a hunting club behind the gates I believe. Wonder if anyone was there and saw it. The old SM is now scrubbed. Anymore clues?
Her keys were found at 124 Main Street.
But we aren't discussing what you would have done if you decided to end it. I would never have considered my friend who did pour gasoline all over herself and then proceed to set herself on fire as choosing that way to go out either, but she did. We cannot know what is in another person's mind at the time they decide to take drastic measures to end their suffering. Suicide isn't meant to be painless in many cases, and as a last act of contrition, includes a punishment of their own making.

I still don't believe she drank or had fluid poured into her mouth/throat. However, it is possible she inhaled fumes and they ignited. If so, there is no way I believe she spoke to anyone immediately after they found her.
...I still don't believe she drank or had fluid poured into her mouth/throat. However, it is possible she inhaled fumes and they ignited. If so, there is no way I believe she spoke to anyone immediately after they found her.

This has already been posted, so just an fyi, there are cases where victim burned significantly and was able to name killers (; Experiment - Try talking like you are at the dentist's and have something in your mouth, you can speak from back of throat/neck w/o using tongue to say "eric", but try adding a different consonant _ in front of _ERIC without using tongue to form word. Certain consonants are difficult if you can't use tongue to pronunciate.

I'd liked to buy a consonant for $54K, Pat Sajak...
_RECK _etc.

*note- found a case from forum of another girl burned/murdered name Jennifer Lee Chambers back in 2007, it would be quite a coincidence if she and Jessica were relatives ( Respect everyone's opinion, but I think Jessica named her killer(s); the most important thing is finding out what happened to Jessica, apprehend perp(s) if she was murdered and prevent this from happening to someone else regardless. Jmo/
Something from Down Under yesterday, nothing really new. Again, the on-line amateur detective sites on SM are getting dinged, this time internationally. I assume that includes the efforts here on WS. Oh, well:

Not familiar with Australian MSM, so this may or may not get yanked by our ever watchful moderator, Tricia. Just curious whatever happened to Bessie, the Janis Joplin look-a-like? Did we burn her out?
Her keys were found at 124 Main Street.

Phoebeb, I've seen that information before, mentioned in a graphic on a non-MSM website, along with the word "alleged" in parenthesis. Is there any MSM source confirming they were found there?

If so, who found them, LE or other persons, and when? Assuming they were not duplicates, wouldn't that location imply the perp(s) traveled from the CS toward Courtland proper, discarding the keys as they drove by?
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