MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #12

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A member questioned on the last thread post #1008 if the CS was Jessica's actual crime scene shown in the news video. I assumed it would be for why would a news reporter use footage from another car fire? For hours, I studied each frame of the alleged Courtland CS in that news footage.

I cannot remember now, since the link was posted in early December 2015 by rbarber; however, I did find out the car fire seen in the video is not from Jessica's CS. It was footage used from many months prior to her death. Annoying, isn't it? I feel deceived by the wmca news station but I've already forgiven them for that.

Peppermintswirlz, to answer your question about an alternate theory on Jessica's head gash, the answer is yes. gingersnap posted that the intense heat from the fire could have caused Jessica's skull to fracture. gingersnap, of course, provided a lengthy explanation as well as provided a link for her information. She is also a highly trained specialized Registered Nurse.

“Hard for me to trust anybody anymore,” says Ben, in the same news clip as the "alleged" Jessica Chambers CS.

I know what you mean, Bro, I know what you mean. I wonder what “stock” footage the WMC ActionNews5 TV editors spliced (or spiced) into their “live” coverage of 9/11 events – the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Reminds me of something I once heard said about a prevaricator: The truth is in him, it just doesn’t get out too often.

Next on tonight’s ActionNews5 entertainment hour: Abraham Lincoln, live from Orlando, FL. “It’s a small, small world nah-nah-nah-nah-nah…”

DeDee, here’s my 12/7/15 post. It contained a different link than the one with the car fire footage:

Here’s your post from 12/7/15, where the fire scene footage first emerged. Your post included the same link twice, but I think you intended for the first one to me my link based on your comments:

And here’s where bbbd4u called into question whether it was the actual CS on Herron Road:

And here’s where you concluded it must be authentic:

Wish you could remember what it was you found in the link of mine from early December that made you ultimately decide the fire scene was -not- authentic footage after all.
That might have been the smoking crack (or cooking meth) scenario; or perhaps the carelessly discarded cig; or a flaw in vehicle manufacture that LE -- not a strong suit here, imho -- missed.

I have wondered if it was an accident by cooking meth in a Coke bottle . It happens often . But LE calls it a murder so they must know that the cause of the fire is gasoline. Right ? I sure hope all these arrests mean the case is about to get cracked wide open.

Who was the person (passerby or perhaps even one of the perps) on Herron Rd who called in the fire? The answer would go a long way to helping solve the murder.(in my opinion)This is a circular question. Any answer you discover is ambiguous. Mississippi does not release emergency calls or communications.

This information is mostly from various thread's i.e. #10 thread has a lot of interesting posts:

Justin Turner, a member of the Courtland fire department reported the first call was an hour or so before the call for Jessica came in and that some of the firefighters were at the station in Courtland after having returned from the first call. ?When the Herron Rd call first toned over the radio it sounded as if it was only a car fire in a remote location (sounded like when people burn cars for insurance). He had been to the previous call and had just gone to get dinner. Whoever called the fire in didn't mention a victim.When Justin Turner heard the tone 'the call went out as a car fire' whoever reported it did NOT mention seeing a person on fire. The first responders in no way expected or were aware of what they were about to encounter.


Color highlighting added by me.

Not sure if you've seen this news video:

It was a live broadcast from the CS, the same morning that Jessica died in Memphis. In it, the reporter states that the 911 caller saw a burning car AND a person standing near the vehicle badly burned, on the side of the road.

In Columbo-fashion, I return for one more thing...

Another little golden nugget from this one year-old news clip: "Now they are looking for the two men who were with her last night..."
Color highlighting added by me.

Not sure if you've seen this news video:

It was a live broadcast from the CS, the same morning that Jessica died in Memphis. In it, the reporter states that the 911 caller saw a burning car AND a person standing near the vehicle badly burned, on the side of the road.

In Columbo-fashion, I return for one more thing...

Another little golden nugget from this one year-old news clip: "Now they are looking for the two men who were with her last night..."

As a freshman I took a humanities class. There was no text. Instead we read periodicals and newspapers on microfiche from international publications. We also used eyewitness personal letters,memories,diaries and autobiographies of individuals who participated in the events of that era.

It seems that in Jessica's murder perhaps social media i.e. Jessica's FB page has been a more reliable way to understand the timeline leading to and immediately after the discovery of Jessica's murder.People like Justin Turner a firefighter who was at the scene of the first fire with Cole Haley and heard the tone for Herron Rd crime scene is a credible witness. I truly believe that the tone went out on Herron Road as a car fire as Justin has stated.

There are people at the crime scene who I am concerned could use the timeline to create an alibi. I apologize but I choose to not belabor this point. You can come to your own conclusion as to my concerns. I do not want to make this thread about my interpretation of the timeline.

I am not blaming reporters from major media i.e. the one you quote. This is my opinion only;BUT there was questionable protocol in the initial stewardship(in my opinion) to secure and protect the crime scene on Herron Road.I am concerned it was to create,report and control the release of the official narrative of the crime scene Herron Road Dec 6,2015.

I could go on with more examples but I think you understand my point of view.

Please feel free to criticize my post.

LE has proven themselves to be questioned at best thus far. IMO, most of the statements coming from the DA seem like a public service announcement to the killer/s more than anything. "I don't anticipate an arrest", ring a bell? We also can't forget that every news source has different 'details' about what happened, and that the 'timeline' has been subjective at best. Regarding the gasoline, let's also not forget that the first person to state this was Ali, who was promptly 'cleared' & relocated. Lastly, who could EVER forget in their lifetime, the video clip of the police 'investigators' using an actual video camera to record a television, which was playing back security footage-controlled by the same clerk, Ali. OH- we can't exclude Cha Cha talking about JC being at a party on camera in an interview shortly after JC's murder... or the smirk on the face of the former (or current? former?) Mrs. Mista when interviewed, also on camera for the world to see. These are only the gems that stick out to me at the moment as being particularly frustrating to me. Finally, as coincidental as it may be (a horrible, horrible one that I cannot fathom experiencing this as a parent), I do not see any association with JC's & her brother's deaths.

I have wondered if it was an accident by cooking meth in a Coke bottle . It happens often . But LE calls it a murder so they must know that the cause of the fire is gasoline. Right ? I sure hope all these arrests mean the case is about to get cracked wide open.
LE has proven themselves to be questioned at best thus far. IMO, most of the statements coming from the DA seem like a public service announcement to the killer/s more than anything. "I don't anticipate an arrest", ring a bell? We also can't forget that every news source has different 'details' about what happened, and that the 'timeline' has been subjective at best. Regarding the gasoline, let's also not forget that the first person to state this was Ali, who was promptly 'cleared' & relocated. Lastly, who could EVER forget in their lifetime, the video clip of the police 'investigators' using an actual video camera to record a television, which was playing back security footage-controlled by the same clerk, Ali. OH- we can't exclude Cha Cha talking about JC being at a party on camera in an interview shortly after JC's murder... or the smirk on the face of the former (or current? former?) Mrs. Mista when interviewed, also on camera for the world to see. These are only the gems that stick out to me at the moment as being particularly frustrating to me. Finally, as coincidental as it may be (a horrible, horrible one that I cannot fathom experiencing this as a parent), I do not see any association with JC's & her brother's deaths.

You might want to edit out that Ali comment. Since he has been cleared by LE, he is off limits here and your post is in serious jeopardy of the light saber (as is this one). But I agree, someone posting a comment about gasoline being poured down Jessica's throat the same evening as it was actually done seems like the last person I would have "cleared"... Like the old joke about the thermos, how do it know?

...let's also not forget that the first person to state this was Ali, who was promptly 'cleared' & relocated. Lastly, who could EVER forget in their lifetime, the video clip of the police 'investigators' using an actual video camera to record a television, which was playing back security footage-controlled by the same clerk, Ali.
I do not see any association with JC's & her brother's deaths.

Our understanding of the initial timeline on Herron Road is almost completely due to social media & Ali! Who can possibly forget the still smoldering burned out photo of Jessica's Kia posed in front of the M&M. I think Ali forced the hands of some of the officers swore to follow protocol in the investigation at Jessica's crime scene. As the narration of events evolved it was immediately noted the chain of custody had been broken. To conclude the crime scene was not properly secured and processed & the reporting and narration of events on Herron Road were riddled with shrugs,oops,lapses,back tracking,holes big enough to drive a semi through,empty promises,lame excuses and grand standing of epic proportions. Please note this is 'My opinion only')

In fact I could make a case that the intent at Jessica's fiery crime scene ---was to be like so many other 'deaths' in Panola County ---a tragic 'accident'. You brought this to my mind in closing your above post reminding me of yet another tragic car 'accident' that took the life of Ben Chambers Jr.

“Hard for me to trust anybody anymore,” says Ben, in the same news clip as the "alleged" Jessica Chambers CS.

I know what you mean, Bro, I know what you mean. I wonder what “stock” footage the WMC ActionNews5 TV editors spliced (or spiced) into their “live” coverage of 9/11 events – the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Reminds me of something I once heard said about a prevaricator: The truth is in him, it just doesn’t get out too often.

Next on tonight’s ActionNews5 entertainment hour: Abraham Lincoln, live from Orlando, FL. “It’s a small, small world nah-nah-nah-nah-nah…”

DeDee, here’s my 12/7/15 post. It contained a different link than the one with the car fire footage:

Here’s your post from 12/7/15, where the fire scene footage first emerged. Your post included the same link twice, but I think you intended for the first one to me my link based on your comments:

And here’s where bbbd4u called into question whether it was the actual CS on Herron Road:

And here’s where you concluded it must be authentic:

Wish you could remember what it was you found in the link of mine from early December that made you ultimately decide the fire scene was -not- authentic footage after all.

The link above is from the original footage wmca used again in the news video story that we are discussing. The original footage was used in a story in 02/2015, as Janice Broach reports.

As I have most recently stated, I feel duped by wmca but understand they have admitted the footage used was NOT from Jessica's crime scene.

rbarber, why don't you do us all a favor and send the news station an email to verify what I have written here is the truth? TIA
I have wondered if it was an accident by cooking meth in a Coke bottle . It happens often . But LE calls it a murder so they must know that the cause of the fire is gasoline. Right ? I sure hope all these arrests mean the case is about to get cracked wide open.

Don't hold your breath, SCHMAE. None of the arrests have anything to do with Jessica's death. IMHO, it is one way to prance a few drug dealers, counterfeiters, etc out to the public to say: "See. We have been so busy trying to solve Jessica's murder, look what we have done."

We all know the TL is funky. Cole Haley states that he called the Sheriff immediately. Within minutes, not hours, Darby orders the car removed from the CS. Then, Darby holds a presser to inform us this case will not be solved overnight and they do not expect an arrest anytime soon.

Residents cleared:
1) Ali - the owner who poses with guns at his gas station and posts pictures of the burned car informing us that gas was poured down Jessica's throat.

2) BC - was he returning from shopping in Memphis or was he in the shower when notified?

3) BB - aka the gas can man. How do the authorities really know he used the fuel purchase to fill his generator?

That's all folks. Everybody else is a suspect. As in all murder cases, it's love or money. Follow the money. Who has whined about money? When have you seen anyone in any video weep for Jessica? Think about the discussion that was taking place att.

IMOHO, this case will not be solved because "they" don't want it solved. They told us that in the first press conference.

Burn girl gets some justice
By Jim Clark
Published: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:24 PM CST

"Norma LeAnn Horn, 30, can now breathe a sigh of relief, knowing her tormentor, Christopher Mink, 46, is in the penitentiary..."

“She (Jessica) had lighter fluid down her nose and throat, set on fire, left for dead which are all the exact same things that happened to me in north Mississippi, not two hours from where she was murdered,” Horn told Cardillo. “She was also in an interracial relationship at some point.”

“We have been in contact with Panola County. I’ve talked with their sheriff. We’ve had their investigators come over and look at our (Horn) case,” Johnson said. “They were very satisfied that their murder is connected to some type of gang activity.”

Earlier this month, Panola County officers arrested 17 suspected area gang members on gun, drugs, and counterfeit charges.

But Panola County District Attorney John Champion said, “I don’t anticipate any of these [arrests] being directly tied to the Chambers case, but in their plea negotiations, all will be given the opportunity to help themselves – and maybe that will bring us closer to the truth.”

There also have been rumors the Mink case might be gang related.

There is more information in the rest of the story about Ms Horn regarding gangs. And it's not the ones we have been talking about.

If there is not a link provided, it is only my opinion. Do not take this post anywhere else on the internet without my permission which will not be granted.

The link above is from the original footage wmca used again in the news video story that we are discussing. The original footage was used in a story in 02/2015, as Janice Broach reports.

As I have most recently stated, I feel duped by wmca but understand they have admitted the footage used was NOT from Jessica's crime scene.

rbarber, why don't you do us all a favor and send the news station an email to verify what I have written here is the truth? TIA

I'm on it, DeDee...

Bonsoir Madame,

A member questioned on the last thread post #1008 if the CS was Jessica's actual crime scene shown in the news video. I assumed it would be for why would a news reporter use footage from another car fire? For hours, I studied each frame of the alleged Courtland CS in that news footage.

I cannot remember now, since the link was posted in early December 2015 by rbarber; however, I did find out the car fire seen in the video is not from Jessica's CS. It was footage used from many months prior to her death. Annoying, isn't it? I feel deceived by the wmca news station but I've already forgiven them for that.

Peppermintswirlz, to answer your question about an alternate theory on Jessica's head gash, the answer is yes. gingersnap posted that the intense heat from the fire could have caused Jessica's skull to fracture. gingersnap, of course, provided a lengthy explanation as well as provided a link for her information. She is also a highly trained specialized Registered Nurse.

Thank you for your thoroughness DeDee. IIRC, it was reported that the fire crew had just been to a small kitchen fire of sorts or of an outdoor air conditioning unit fire, not too far away.

I always wondered if it had been an accidental drug related mishap why Jessica was left burning in the car and couldn't get out with her supposed companions if as reported she may have not been or was probably not alone? Why was she not seen by whomever reported it as the firefighter saw her in plain site? Could she have been laying down already or still in the car when the witness passed by? Why did the firefighter feel watched? You can see on Jessica's car the areas where gas had been poured and burned hotter, around the door handles. That may have coincided with removing evidence of finger prints too around the door handles. So if the perps had time to do that why would they not have time to save Jessica from the fire?

I hope in this new year, Jessica Chambers family, friends and community have the answers they seek and that justice is rendered.

The link above is from the original footage wmca used again in the news video story that we are discussing. The original footage was used in a story in 02/2015, as Janice Broach reports.

As I have most recently stated, I feel duped by wmca but understand they have admitted the footage used was NOT from Jessica's crime scene.

rbarber, why don't you do us all a favor and send the news station an email to verify what I have written here is the truth? TIA

Done. I will publish my request and response, if and when I receive one from WMC Action News 5. In the meantime, here is a bio for the reporter who published the story (she's a da-yum Yankee, only kidding):
Done. I will publish my request and response, if and when I receive one from WMC Action News 5. In the meantime, here is a bio for the reporter who published the story (she's a da-yum Yankee, only kidding):

As promised, my wordy request:

Dear Ms. Phillips.

By way of introduction, I am a participant in an on-line discussion group about the subject murder case, currently under investigation in Panola County, MS. As part of our discussions, we were reviewing a news story published on-line by your station on December 4, 2015:

In this story, there was an embedded video that provided background on various aspects of the case. One seven-second segment of the video, beginning at the 1:08 and ending at the 1:15 time marks, shows what appears to be a Panola County LE cruiser at night, along with private vehicles of first responders, at what is presumed to be the Jessica Chambers crime scene on Herron Road, at least based on context. Some in our discussion group think that, based on the visual clues in this clip, that it is real footage from the crime scene the night Jessica was attacked, while others think it is just “stock” footage (not from the CS) spliced into the news story to improve the visual narrative.

Would you please get with your news team members who put together this video and let me know which it is, “real” or “stock” footage?

I’ve also noticed in one of the two comments below your on-line article that at one point, the same video included the image of a handcuffed individual at around the 1:08 time mark. But that was apparently edited out of the video after the initial release of the story. The story byline does indicate an ”update” on 12/04/2015 at 7:47 PM EST. But that comment was posted on Dec 7, 2015, at 8:18am, three days later. That implies yet another, unacknowledged, ”update” to this story. Do you have an explanation?

As a precaution, I wish to remain anonymous, since the perpetrator(s) are still at large. But if you must know my identity before responding, please reply to this email address and I will provide it.


And WMC Action News 5's prompt and succinct response:

Thanks for your email. This was file footage from a story we did on the Chambers case in February of 2015. It was NOT from the night of her death. It should have been referenced in the story. We have corrected the edit and discussed the issue with our team.

Thanks for your email.

Tammy Phillips
News Director
WMC Action News 5
Memphis, Tennessee

Voilà, Mon ami!
Inspector Jacques Clouseau of the Sûreté (incognito, but of course)
I am impressed that the reply was received in a timely fashion. Jolly good job, Inspector Clouseau. Your tireless work ethics are impeccable. Maybe that's why we adore you.
Would anyone mind pointing out to me where they noted the correction in the article?

I don't believe the December 2015 article and its imbedded video have been edited, knowi, but instead the earlier February 2015 video was revised. If you&#8217;ll click on the following link, and watch that earlier video from around 0:29 seconds to 0:41 seconds you will see the same footage used in the later compilation. What I BELIEVE has been changed is the voice over in that part of the original news video. It now states clearly that the images of flashing blue lights in the night and a handcuffed person in a patrol car were taken on a Tuesday night on the street where Jessica Chambers lived with her mother, not on Herron Road on the evening of December 6, 2014:

I guess they decided to leave the more recent article and video alone. Or maybe changes are still in progress -- Dunno.

Why do people keep talking about finding her in the car when everything i have read states the was found walking stumbling down the road on fire one ever said it was like a walking dead scene .and from there the fire trucks came and helped her and thats where she said or whispered many times eric or derrick as well to the medic in the ambulance she repeated it again eric or derrick..
Link to article DeeDee refers to in her post:

Notice there was no mentioning of Jessica walking down the street. The article stated she was more dead than alive. Oh, but she was chatting with the FCCH even though she was burned beyond recognition and died within 4 hours after the intense flash fire.

You've about got me convinced, DeDee. This is from the published (not the on-line) version of the PEOPLE magazine article:

"The doctor told us they couldn't even put a [breathing tube] in because all this was gone," says Debbie, putting her hand to her own throat. "He said she breathed fire."

Not sure who Debbie is. She's not mentioned any where else in the article.


Must've been this lady, mentioned in one of the on-line articles:

But Jessica's organs were already shutting down. "Her heart was the last to go," says Debbie Chambers, Jessica's stepmom. The teen died at 2:37 a.m.

Debbie is Jessica's stepmother. Ben Chamber's Sr third wife. Jessica sometimes referred to Debbie fondly as her mother.

Why do people keep talking about finding her in the car when everything i have read states the was found walking stumbling down the road on fire one ever said it was like a walking dead scene .and from there the fire trucks came and helped her and thats where she said or whispered many times eric or derrick as well to the medic in the ambulance she repeated it again eric or derrick..

CanManEh~I think these post are a great way to start. From there in the beginning of the thread Bessie always provides background links for even more information on every aspect of this crime.

I hope this helps. Perhaps there are others who might weigh in?

I am impressed that the reply was received in a timely fashion. Jolly good job, Inspector Clouseau. Your tireless work ethics are impeccable. Maybe that's why we adore you.

Thank you for zees kind words, my fellow Sleuther. I merely bring my vast intellect, specialized scientific methods, and understanding of the criminal mindset to bear on the crim... Not now, Cato, not NOWWWW
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