GUILTY MS - Linda Reed for embezzlement, Copiah County, 2012

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Did anything come of the arrest in Mexico that was supposed to be Linda?
This poor woman needs to be found....she deserves that. I can't believe the media has dropped this...what if this was one of their relatives. Just heartbreaking. :(....really. :praying:
LE along with her employer told Lou (Linda's husband their audit was complete and there was no missing money. I myself do not understand why the news hasn't been given a statement as well. Discusted with media and LE.
LE along with her employer told Lou (Linda's husband their audit was complete and there was no missing money. I myself do not understand why the news hasn't been given a statement as well. Discusted with media and LE.

I hope the audit results are printed in their local newspapers! I think the tale of embezzlement and running away with the money kept people from searching like they would (and should) have. The LE had blinders on too.
Usually just read but, why would someone say there is money missing when that clearly is not the case? Very strange. imo
Reading back Linda was last seen on the Walmart camera at 9:30 pm. Did she set up a blanket to meet someone at night? I don't think she would have done that so she must have made it home? Very strange... moo
Reading back Linda was last seen on the Walmart camera at 9:30 pm. Did she set up a blanket to meet someone at night? I don't think she would have done that so she must have made it home? Very strange... moo

Maybe I need to go back and refresh my memory, but those latex gloves being found in Linda's mobile home just keep nagging at me.

Just a few of the questions that keep going over in my head:

Did someone show up at her place that night and do something to her then go through her computer to get or to delete information?
Was this someone supposed to meet her, and that's why she wanted the gate left open? Or did they just know she would be there with the gate open, so they took the opportunity?
Could this have been one of her clients and there was information on her computer that they didn't want on there and removed or covered up in some way?

FindLinda, do you know if the FBI has done a forensics examination of her computer?

IIRC, the mobile home or her car wasn't processed by LE as a crime scene. Linda was accused of taking money when there's no money missing then they didn't even bother to correct that misinformation to the public. I'm sure the list goes on, it just makes me :furious: The negligent and inept handling of this case is absolutely outrageous and so completely wrong. The family has every reason to contact the state police with a complaint and request for their help. That's jmo, but I can't believe they would not try to do something.
Reading back Linda was last seen on the Walmart camera at 9:30 pm. Did she set up a blanket to meet someone at night? I don't think she would have done that so she must have made it home? Very strange... moo
BBM, HelpLinda can prob confirm, but I believe this is incorrect. There is no evidence that she went back to Walmart or had any intention to outside of what co-workers said.
BBM, HelpLinda can prob confirm, but I believe this is incorrect. There is no evidence that she went back to Walmart or had any intention to outside of what co-workers said.

I was confused about post # 75,after reading again it may be a misprint.
My guess is that someone knew Linda lived during the week behind the business and the wanted to get rid of her for some reason. Either 1) her knowledge of something 2)to be used as a scapegoat 3) a sick perverted thing.
The perp brought gloves to the scene of her home! People committing a crime of opportunity aren't walking around with gloves...
I just wanted to say I still think of Linda and feel concern for her. I wish we could learn more....
Misingm you are correct. Linda did not make it back to walmart that night. Surrounding businesses of employer show she returned to workplace from first walmart trip at 7:51. Walmart surveillance never has her returning after the 7:00 trip and I saw the walmart footage along with the survelance from the other business so it is first hand knowledge.
Misingm you are correct. Linda did not make it back to walmart that night. Surrounding businesses of employer show she returned to workplace from first walmart trip at 7:51. Walmart surveillance never has her returning after the 7:00 trip and I saw the walmart footage along with the survelance from the other business so it is first hand knowledge.[/

Is there any way of knowing when she left her workplace? Is there any surveillance footage of when she left but never returned? Hope that makes sense.
Just checking in to see if there was anything new. As trashy as they have investigated this wonder. Starting to get real PO'ed myself....and can't even imagine how the family must feel. Praying for all involved.......
Misingm you are correct. Linda did not make it back to walmart that night. Surrounding businesses of employer show she returned to workplace from first walmart trip at 7:51. Walmart surveillance never has her returning after the 7:00 trip and I saw the walmart footage along with the survelance from the other business so it is first hand knowledge.[/

Is there any way of knowing when she left her workplace? Is there any surveillance footage of when she left but never returned? Hope that makes sense.

Yeah, it seems like if the surrounding business have footage of someone (Linda) going IN, they should have footage of other persons going IN or going OUT. I guess the only reason why they might not would be if their security cameras only cover a certain portion of the area. Since we know Linda's car (and probably Linda and perp in it) left that night...wouldn't there be footage of the car going back through the gate?
Very odd case, I hope they can find some clues from her cell/work phone or home/work computers. I think the reason she was at work was either the end of the month close out....or it could have even been the end of the year. If so, I doubt she went home for the w/e.

Here's map....and if anything is incorrect, plz let me know.

A = Work
B = Home w/hubby
C = Walmart
D = Vehicle found
E = TES Command Post

Bringing this post back up to keep a map nearby.
Yeah, it seems like if the surrounding business have footage of someone (Linda) going IN, they should have footage of other persons going IN or going OUT. I guess the only reason why they might not would be if their security cameras only cover a certain portion of the area. Since we know Linda's car (and probably Linda and perp in it) left that night...wouldn't there be footage of the car going back through the gate?

Looking at the map, I am not sure if the gate goes all around the property. In fact if you follow the power lines across the highway you could probably meet up with dirt roads leading to where Linda's car was found. HelpFind, does that look right? Is the place that she worked the large shiny building just north of the letter A on the map? Was that her trailer along the west edge?
Since there is no missing money, I think it's safe to assume Linda did not flee to live the high life in Mexico. So many rumors... makes me wonder why. moo
Since there is no missing money, I think it's safe to assume Linda did not flee to live the high life in Mexico. So many rumors... makes me wonder why. moo

Yep, me too!!! It infuriates me to no end that this seems like it's being swept under the rug. WHY??? And why did Mr. Moore come out right off the bat with that missing money idea without even knowing if there was any money missing. Then when it was discovered that no money was actually missing, nothing! Why hasn't it been reported that no money was missing and Linda is still missing, needing to be found! I may be wrong but can't shake the feeling that something is up with his Moore fella, something Linda knew. Is anybody looking for Linda????

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