GUILTY MS - Linda Reed for embezzlement, Copiah County, 2012

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DNA Solves
@copiahtown...the sherriff made the assumption of dementia before he even arrived at the scene and/or spoke to any family. We were adament that Linda did not have dementia.

@LaLilith....we searched within a 3-1/2 mile radius of both car site and her work. Also several locations in Crystal Springs, Gallman and Hazlehurst. We went up and down both north and south sides of I-55 and hey 51. Gravel pits and rural dumping grounds too.
Did the Moores allow police to search their rural property? And were there any water searches?

Did the company have copper wire or other metals that someone might wish to steal?

What can you tell us about the cemetery visit? Why did she happen to go? Who were the flowers for? And how did that person die?

The sheriff must be an idiot. Why would you assume dementia without speaking to anyone first? I'm ready to send an email to the folks who hire and fire police chiefs in that town and let them know that I have serious concerns about how this case has been handled from the start. There's either extreme incompetency, extreme disinterest or some sort of sinister LE involvement in this case.
@heineken man...LE never searched his property to my knowledge. They supissedly used thermal infrared on helicopter Eucharist supissedly checked all lakes ponds etch within a 10 mile radius.

The company had copper and stainless Steel for certain.

The cemetery visit was not uncommon for Linda or her mother. Easter had just past and mothers day was the next week. Linda's family was from Philadelphia and meridian. Taking flowers to the cemetery was done quite often for family members that had past. She had also bought flowers that weekend in Carrollton for her husband to put on his previous wife's grave for mothers day. That shows how good a person she was.
April 26- worked then went grandsonsbball bball game in Gallman with her daughter, son and daughter in law
April 27- she did work then head hone to Carrollton
April 28- she was in Carrolton with husband. Went to stepgrandsobs bball name and I believe stepgrandaughters karate match. Also bought flowers for cemetary
April 29- went to church with husband in Carrollton (I think) then drove to Philadelphia to visit her 87 year old mother and they took flowers to cemetery. In meridian. Then she drovehome to Gallman. Ran to walmart around 7:00. She spoke to her son on the phone while at walmart. Walmart has her on camera checking out around 7:38. Neighboring business has her on surveillance camera arriving back at moored at 7:51. We know she sole to her husband at 8:51. She told him she was getting ready to go to bed. Moored people say they saw her at 8:30 and they say she told them to leave the gate open because she was going back to walmart. They all say she was still at moored when they left between 8:30 and 9:00.

April 30- I think moored called her daughter around 8:00am because she wasn't at work. Her daughter began calling family and friends looking for her and within an hour searched walmart parking lot, contacted LE and other family. We had her cell phone pinged around 10:30am. Family began searching that area and her car was found maybe 12:30 ish by her son and a family friend using the cell coordinates.

BBM Interesting that at 8:30 she reportedly says she is going back to walmart but 21 minutes later when she talks to her husband she says she is getting ready for bed. I know it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind but it makes me wonder if something was up by the 8:51 call.

The only time I have anyone in my home outside of good friends and family is when someone is hired to do something: pest control, electrical work, plumbing, heating and air, painting, etc. Could an employee have said he would look at something she needed repaired as soon as he got off work (something simple like a stuck commode handle, change a hard to reach air filter or light bulb, give an estimate on work to be done)? An employee feigning car trouble and called for help? Work already done by someone on drugs that shows up asking for money or a draw (yes I have had this one happen to me and it was very unnerving)? I could see her offering tea and bananas to employees that were helping her with something. Were the tea bottles and banana peels in her garbage? Did any employees carpool together in groups of 2 or 3? Had she paid someone out of the petty cash and they knew it was there?

The only reason I can see for LE not to process the car, blanket, and mobile home is that they so severely contaminated it from the start that it would be useless and they don't want to outright admit that.
Nothing to add here except:

Tooth came from a bridge that she had in the top and front. Not sure exactly which tooth. Thinking if someone grabbed her from behind to strangle her and if she put up a struggle, this could have broken a bridge...??? Also think that once unconscious they wrapped her in the house blanket then put her in the car and drove to car site. Again then carried her in the blanket to the road. This could explain why dogs only hit on her scent in the car and on the blanket several yards away. No scent of Linda on the ground which makes us think she was carried back to the road and she did not walk herself.

As of today LE still has not processed the inside of the vehicle. And they say they will not. So we are trying to get a family friend to fingerprint it for us as a favor.

Refusing to process the inside of the vehicle?! That is an outrageous miscarriage of justice and completely incompetent to the point of corruption, imo. Have you contacted the State Police? There has to be someone to hold the local authorities accountable, since they don't seem to think they are, imo.
@heineken man...LE never searched his property to my knowledge. They supissedly used thermal infrared on helicopter Eucharist supissedly checked all lakes ponds etch within a 10 mile radius.

The company had copper and stainless Steel for certain.

The cemetery visit was not uncommon for Linda or her mother. Easter had just past and mothers day was the next week. Linda's family was from Philadelphia and meridian. Taking flowers to the cemetery was done quite often for family members that had past. She had also bought flowers that weekend in Carrollton for her husband to put on his previous wife's grave for mothers day. That shows how good a person she was.

This business sounds much like ours. We also have a lot of very expensive, high tech tools and machinery. Though the metals are worth a lot as well. Also, is there a safe where cash was kept? Someone with gambling debts, or drug problems, they would be prime suspects, imo.
BBM Interesting that at 8:30 she reportedly says she is going back to walmart but 21 minutes later when she talks to her husband she says she is getting ready for bed. I know it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind but it makes me wonder if something was up by the 8:51 call.

The only time I have anyone in my home outside of good friends and family is when someone is hired to do something: pest control, electrical work, plumbing, heating and air, painting, etc. Could an employee have said he would look at something she needed repaired as soon as he got off work (something simple like a stuck commode handle, change a hard to reach air filter or light bulb, give an estimate on work to be done)? An employee feigning car trouble and called for help? Work already done by someone on drugs that shows up asking for money or a draw (yes I have had this one happen to me and it was very unnerving)? I could see her offering tea and bananas to employees that were helping her with something. Were the tea bottles and banana peels in her garbage? Did any employees carpool together in groups of 2 or 3? Had she paid someone out of the petty cash and they knew it was there?

The only reason I can see for LE not to process the car, blanket, and mobile home is that they so severely contaminated it from the start that it would be useless and they don't want to outright admit that.

I hate to say it, but for some reason and from my experience, this industry tends to attract laborers with legal, criminal, and drug histories. People on methamphetamines and / or crack cocaine are intensely and typically desperate and can be dangerous and violent as well. Could be a red flag. So why wouldn't LE be investigating this possibility? Unless of course, LE is corrupt as well, as is not that uncommon today.:(
Still here for Linda.... checking in and catching up.

I am really having a strong feeling that those employees who said Linda told them she was going back to Walmart are trying to pull a fast one. It makes absolutely no sense that she would say that at 8:30 but tell husband at 8:51 that she was headed to bed. I know she could have lied to the husband but I just don't believe that's the case. Are the employees that said this the same ones that were polygraphed? I am so frustrated with this case and my heart breaks for Linda's family and loved ones that are frustrated x 100.
Found the name of an investigative reporter on the Clarion Ledger website and sent him an email requesting he interview LE for some straight answers. We shall see.
Found the name of an investigative reporter on the Clarion Ledger website and sent him an email requesting he interview LE for some straight answers. We shall see.

Thanks Bit! Sure hope SOMEONE will get this jump started. Linda's family deserves to know what happened and IMO a perp needs to pay!!!!
Refusing to process the inside of the vehicle?! That is an outrageous miscarriage of justice and completely incompetent to the point of corruption, imo. Have you contacted the State Police? There has to be someone to hold the local authorities accountable, since they don't seem to think they are, imo.

You know what the family could do? I would offer up interviews to any and every station and newspaper in the country. Eventually you end up on Fox News telling them how the officials have done NOTHING to help you find your family member. BASH BASH BASH. What's good for the goose......It's insane and it's really sad that they must feel so helpless....
Its just hard to speak to any media after they have made such crazy false reports and taken things that we said on day two and plugged it in on an embezzelment story three weeks later. They twist everything we say and plug it into "their" story. They are more concerned about the ratings and wow factor than helping to find Linda. We have only had one reported who has reported accurately and that was a lady from fox 40. When we do interview it will be with her. Thank you for all the prayers, suggestions and different insight. We are very blessed to have wonderful friends, church family and a supportive community. As well as new friends that have lived this nightmare helped to keep her story and flyer out in the public.
Its just hard to speak to any media after they have made such crazy false reports and taken things that we said on day two and plugged it in on an embezzelment story three weeks later. They twist everything we say and plug it into "their" story. They are more concerned about the ratings and wow factor than helping to find Linda. We have only had one reported who has reported accurately and that was a lady from fox 40. When we do interview it will be with her. Thank you for all the prayers, suggestions and different insight. We are very blessed to have wonderful friends, church family and a supportive community. As well as new friends that have lived this nightmare helped to keep her story and flyer out in the public.

Don't give up on them that easily. I know that it is a shock to see how articles aren't what they were intended to be if you aren't used to talking to the press. The important thing is to keep getting the story out there. Even if they get 3 out of 4 things wrong on every article the truth will eventually reach. Mostly just getting her name out there is what you need.

The false embezzlement story was probably from the Moore family and I guess they have some pull since they are a big dog in town, but you should be able to get one or two good points in anyway. You could start off by asking Shannon Moore and his family to retract the cooked books story publicly so that everyone in town can get on the same page. They probably won't respond, but the newspapers would love to put that drama out there. Keep the story simple and never attack anyone directly. Asking for them to simply retract their false claims should simple and straight forward enough. If they make any claims otherwise, you just simply quote the FBI and sheriff who said that it is not true.
Its just hard to speak to any media after they have made such crazy false reports and taken things that we said on day two and plugged it in on an embezzelment story three weeks later. They twist everything we say and plug it into "their" story. They are more concerned about the ratings and wow factor than helping to find Linda. We have only had one reported who has reported accurately and that was a lady from fox 40. When we do interview it will be with her. Thank you for all the prayers, suggestions and different insight. We are very blessed to have wonderful friends, church family and a supportive community. As well as new friends that have lived this nightmare helped to keep her story and flyer out in the public.
God bless you all.
@ bit analizer...
1. No they have not. LE polygraghed three employees. Thee were six to eight employees there that night.
2. They were not officially opened. It is a machine/welding shop. So it is not unusual for employees to be there at odd hours and on any given day. If a customer (24 hour manufacturer) has a machine down and need a part made they would get called out.
3. Yes, only one entrance through the gate but there is a spot in the back by Linda's mobile home where the fence does not come completely down to the ground. And a small to medium sized person could crawl underneath it.

Just wondering if there were any customers on the premises the night Linda was last seen. Did Linda have direct contact with customers?

My guess is that Linda wasn't in the business that night to actually do any work, but due to its location she had stopped in, perhaps to drop off reams of paper, and maybe even her tea and bananas. I keep coming back to the thought that she was a victim of someone present at the business that night.
:bump: Praying something breaks in Linda's case and the family gets some answers.
I am not sure what kind of dogs were used. They also used helicopter with thermal imaging.

Strangulation could also explain the broken tooth. ( bridge/partial)

LE went through the mobile home but did not process it(not even fingerprints)
also, there was a pair of laytex gloves on a table in the mobile home. Strange thing is that Linda is allergic to laytex.) We have tried to express this to LE but they don't find it unusual. But we defibately think it is strange.

Hello, helpfindlinda. I bolded the statement above concerning the latex gloves. I am allergic to latex as well. I was a booking/classfication Lieutenant at the facility where I worked. Gloves is a huge part of the searching and fingerprinting of arrestees. You wear them as protection. I was also the authorized person for taking DNA, both blood and cheek swabs, then taught other booking officers how to do it. My point is that no way would a person who is allergic to latex even have any. I had to have special gloves with powder in my work because of the allergy.

Were the latex gloves the kitchen and cleaning type of gloves with the protective felt on the inside? The reason I ask is because I can wear that type of latex glove because of the protective felt. Still, the gloves being placed on a table as if they had been recently used is a red flag to me.

My late husband was retired LE of a rather large city here in Louisiana. I was a commissioned deputy with the parish here for 10 years, so I have been around LE many, many years. I have read every post in this thread up to the one I am replying to. I have never seen an investigation conducted the way this one has.

I almost always come down on the side of LE, but not on this one. IMO, this investigation was botched from the beginning. When LE arrived on the scene of where Linda's SUV was found, they had no idea what they had. Upon arrival, the vehicle and surrounding area should have been cordoned off with crime scene tape. When you don't know what you have, you always approach it as a crime scene.

The vehicle should have been fingerprinted right then and there, IMO. The prints that could have been excluded would have been Linda's and the son's who found the vehicle. Then the vehicle should have been towed for further forensic testing. The husband's prints could have been tentatively excluded for the moment.

The glasses should have been investigated and fingerprinted. The quilt/blanket should have been forensically tested. Was the tooth broken at the top? I could go on and on, but won't. My point is that more wasn't done and it should have been.

LE used to be pretty straight up with the public when their help was needed to locate someone. Sometimes now you would think the family was asking LE for national security information rather than information they are entitled to as the victim's family. LE can and should keep some important points to themselves that only they and the abductor/murderer would know, but this entire shroud of secrecy is ridiculous.

Linda was a long time, loyal employee to the Moore's. For them to so quickly come out and make a statement about the possibility of Linda taking money was wrong of them, IMO. She was doing an almost 24 hour a day job for them by locking/unlocking the property for them 5 days a week and would have notified LE if anything happened at night while she was there. I simply do not 'get' that the Moore's would have come out almost immediately and implied there was maybe 'skimming' going on. Did they offer any proof?

Linda Reed disappeared under suspicious circumstances. I see her as a victim and cannot understand why LE doesn't as well. Negative and possibly untrue, hurtful things have been stated about a possible crime victim. The gossipy, unproven rumors have hurt the case, IMO. Every small town has people who want to repeat gossip and swear to the validity of his/her source, IMO. These people are often wrong.

I am a 62 year old retired widow, mother, and grandmother. I simply cannot envision any woman leaving their friends and family in the fashion that some people think this woman did. If she were close to her own mother, she would never put her elderly mother through this sort of thing, IMO.

Linda's bank account has not been touched, and her credit cards were in her purse. Look at all of the facts in this case and not the gossip or rumors that is turning this victim into an embezzling, runaway woman who only cares about herself. Please give the victim and her family the benefit of the doubt here.

There needs to be a PI involved. While I personally do not care for Nancy Grace or Jane Valez-Mitchell, please appeal to them to get Linda's disappearance on their respective shows.

Okay, I have said my peace! My sympathy lies with the victim and her family here. Something is wrong. Very wrong, IMO.

Tooth came from a bridge that she had in the top and front. Not sure exactly which tooth. Thinking if someone grabbed her from behind to strangle her and if she put up a struggle, this could have broken a bridge...??? Also think that once unconscious they wrapped her in the house blanket then put her in the car and drove to car site. Again then carried her in the blanket to the road. This could explain why dogs only hit on her scent in the car and on the blanket several yards away. No scent of Linda on the ground which makes us think she was carried back to the road and she did not walk herself.

As of today LE still has not processed the inside of the vehicle. And they say they will not. So we are trying to get a family friend to fingerprint it for us as a favor.

Even if the friend should happen to fingerprint the vehicle and find unknown prints, the chain of custody would not have been established with LE. Besides that, fingerprints have to be run through AFIS and that cannot be done unless done by an authorized person. The reason for doing so would have to be recorded in a log book.

Be careful. You would not want 'evidence' deystroyed by someone without a legal reason to fingerprint the vehicle. If I were you, I would leave the vehicle in the condition it was returmed to you. That way, IF you were to ever be successful in having LE, State Police, or the FBI look at it, it would not have been tampered with.

Just a suggestion!


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