MSM Coverage 11/2/11

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Yes. My guess was that he was only there to give DB a ride to the store, since she doesn't drive.

I was also interested in the statement that SB brought her own liquor, which would seem to imply that DB drank the whole box o'wine herself? Unless PN had some before he left?

Has it been confirmed that the box of wine was empty?
I don't know. I've seen many people drink what is offered at a party, be it beer or wine, and then also sip on their own liquor. Some people just do that.

Also, was it not said by CS iirc, that LE took the remaining contents of the wine to measure how much was consumed? So they didn't drink the whole box.
That was on her first "media tour" of the home (which became her only media tour of the home). I took her comments to be typical defense attorney spin or speculation/assumption, designed to be interpreted as fact or create reasonable doubt, rather than info she had gotten from LE. JMO.
Has it been confirmed that the box of wine was empty?

According to CS, LE drained the box in order to measure how much was left.

Of course, that comes from CS, so...grain of salt and all that jazz.

ETA: Well shoot...Merc already answered that. I need more coffee. ;)
This article lays it out as a very plausible story. If you ever lived with someone who drinks to the point of just passing out, you know they do forget things and have blackouts on occasion. So someone may have known that and came in and took Baby Lisa. But the question I have is, if there were 3 kids in the home, why did they target the baby. Most kids taken that we see are around the ages of the boys. I know that night the boys were with her, in her room, but going into a home with 3 people is a huge risk. Even if you know the mom is passed out. I am still leaning towards an accident where mom is involved and dad in covering it up to keep CPS out of the home. If you drink to the point you can't remember or pass out; IMO you have a problem. I can say that because I have lived with these people most of my life and I have the experience to state that.
GMA this morning identified the uncle who went with LE yesterday as Phil Netz. Netz was one of the first people at the house when her parents realized Lisa was missing from her crib.
I wonder why SY is so sure Jersey is not related to the case? Was Jersey not in the area when Lisa disappeared and LE has proof? :waitasec:
If we are to believe the neighbor (Mary H?) he was around that night.
I thought DB said that the kids were inside watching a movie. The 4 yr old must have stayed with DB while her mom went to the liquor store.

Oh yes, it reads that DB was there with the kids while the neighbor went to get her own booze. I don't read anything that says the neighbor even saw baby Lisa at all. She went to the store while DB placed Lisa in the crib. Another report earlier states that her 4 year old daughter saw Lisa that night. Is this the only other person other than DB to see Lisa? The boys won't be allowed another interview. This girl is talking about it. My daughter is 4 and she may or may not answer questions correctly i.e. "Did you see Lisa? Oh yeah...I like to play with her." That kind of thing. So how can police be sure she understands and can communicate what police want to know?
The article linked in the opening post.

Oh, I totally understand that. I was implying that the article states that the brother left 30 min. after dropping her off from the store.

My question is, is he the source? ;-)
Goodmorning Peeps.. please remember that this thread is for MSM and is not a general discussion thread. This lands at random.
About 5 p.m., Netz and Bradley returned from the store. Netz soon left. About 30 minutes later, Irwin headed to work at a Starbucks, but he did not expect the work to keep him away from home as long as it did.


Irwin finished his work at Starbucks at 3:45 a.m. and drove to his Northland home. Though he had worked through much of the night, he had not called home from Starbucks.

This tells me he was supposed to come home earlier. Why didn't he call home if he was going to work so late?

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This article also mentions that JI notices that the cell phones are missing and calls only after he notices that they are missing. Didn't he know that they didn't work at all? This tells me at least one was working.

Irwin called police on his work cellphone, after noticing that the home cellphones were missing.
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Can't you still call 911 even if the phone is restricted as long as it carries a charge?
In da Middle wrote in the now closed MSM thread from yesterday:
Ok, now that KCTV5 has mentioned this, I can. JT has listed 3718 N Lister as his address on court papers. These people have been out of town A LOT. JT has had the police called on him numerous times by the neighbor across the street from 3718 for breaking in THROUGH THE WINDOW! I don't know if there is a link yet available.

According to the video with the landlord who rented a room to Megan and JT a few months ago:
When Megan couldn't pay her rent, she was booted and then JT moved into his friend's home (which happened to be across the street from Jeremy's home).

The video verifying my statement used to be posted at the above address, but now it is gone. The discussion about this video can be found at the link below and up through page 13.

Captain Steve Young: "Quite frankly the guy (Jersey) is not related to this case---homeless or otherwise. This guy is not a suspect."

The N. Lister address is on Jersey's booking sheet. He lied on his booking sheet.
I have seen that video of MW's former landlord--he does say that Jersey stayed across the street. I did not know though that Jersey had been breaking into that house as well.
Is there proof that Jersey stole the neighbor's dog? I can see that stealing a dog can have the same vindictive intention as stealing a baby.
Capt. Young also said earlier in this case that the parents story had no holes in it (paraphrased). I have every faith in LE, be it in this case or any other...I know they are hard working women & men and have the publics best interest at heart. But they do sometimes make pointed statements for their own particular reasons. Also, as new details emerge, former statements are sometimes rendered obsolete. (such as the no holes statement, imo)

I still wish it would come out that Jersey is being set up. I do feel that when the police say he is not a suspect or a POI that they mean it. I think he might hold a wealth of information and they are leaving him in jail to follow up leads that he might give them. You also never know who might visit him and say something to him which will be taped. Who knows anymore. I hope things break on the news today.
About 5 p.m., Netz and Bradley returned from the store. Netz soon left. About 30 minutes later, Irwin headed to work at a Starbucks, but he did not expect the work to keep him away from home as long as it did.


Irwin finished his work at Starbucks at 3:45 a.m. and drove to his Northland home. Though he had worked through much of the night, he had not called home from Starbucks.

This tells me he was supposed to come home earlier. Why didn't he call home if he was going to work so late?
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In another media article, linked & posted here at WS previously, he is quoted as having said he didn't call home because the phones at home were on restricted service. (apparently he thought they wouldn't receive his call)
GMA this morning identified the uncle who went with LE yesterday as Phil Netz. Netz was one of the first people at the house when her parents realized Lisa was missing from her crib.



We FINALLY have a NAME from the MSM !


May TODAY be the day Baby Lisa is found !
The N. Lister address is on Jersey's booking sheet. He lied on his booking sheet.
I have seen that video of MW's former landlord--he does say that Jersey stayed across the street. I did not know though that Jersey had been breaking into that house as well.
Is there proof that Jersey stole the neighbor's dog? I can see that stealing a dog can have the same vindictive intention as stealing a baby.

I just want to say, Jane, to be very clear that the man that Mike Thompson identified is not Jersey, is not Tanko. And I showed Mike Thompson a photograph of John Tanko, the man known as Jersey and he said no that`s the guy -- not the guy. I`ve never seen him before. I want to sure that nobody takes that implication away that it`s John Tanko that has been identified."
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