MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/29/11

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BS likes an open mic. He doesn't fare well with being pinned down. It is easier for him to spin with a totally captive audience and no questions. They have the wrong guy on this public relations team IMO.

I pegged him as a nightclub act the first time he spoke in KC>
BS has his skivvies in a bunch tonight! He's MAD.

:crazy: Or......maybe BS is a faker,,,,just like DB.

They both pour on the (fake) emotions as a deflection when the questioning gets tough.

BS needs a pocket thesaurus. TACTIC? LOL

To be honest, I thought he was saying Joe Tac... but, we all know tactic makes equal sense.

BS's blood pressure seemed a little high tonight, JJP has some tactics of her own, obvi. :lol:

Why I took the family away. "There are people banging on their door. There are people hanging around outside".

But he didn't say where he took them.

He is adamant - he wants someone to tell him how either parent DID THIS. Tell me how they did this. GMAB.

Well, Wild Bill,,,,,,,we don't know how Scott killed Laci.

But,,,,,we know that he killed her.

And look where Little Scotty is today. :seeya:
To be honest, I thought he was saying Joe Tac... but, we all know tactic makes equal sense.

BS's blood pressure seemed a little high tonight, JJP has some tactics of her own, obvi. :lol:

Respectfully, BBM. Yes, that is exactly what BS said referring to JT [for short-Joe Tac]. Didn't want to transcribe it.
Bill Stanton is a hired gun who came into this missing baby case and I have caught him lying 3 times about facts of the case. Someone is paying him to come in and lie on tv.

His latest lie was there is a video of a man walking out of the woods with a baby in his arms.

The only reason I can think of for him lying like this is to influence a jury down the road.

I've a feeling Cyril Wecht was measured in what he said so he doesn't blow any potential future involvement he might be offered as well.
I can't even keep up with the BS anymore.

Can someone please pass me a cup-o-wine? MK?
Mr. Malapropism. Can't find words - doubt he's gonna find a baby.

I don't think he was ever hired to find a baby. MOO He is a paid public relations person and I see epic fail in that department by this man. If you can't gain the public trust, you cannot turn public opinion.
To be honest, I thought he was saying Joe Tac... but, we all know tactic makes equal sense.

BS's blood pressure seemed a little high tonight, JJP has some tactics of her own, obvi. :lol:

That makes sense and is probably right. He frequently makes mistakes with his wording, though. Noticed that early on.
Bill Stanton getting very fired up about the phone call........if DB or JI did it, where did they take the phones to, and why?

(sorry but the "hotter" he gets the less sense he's making)

:gavel: I think that Wild Bill is flustered cuz the Judge is cleaning his clock.

MAN she is good!!!!!!! :great:
I agree with MF!

Dangle a carrot. A little cryptic. She (MW) may not KNOW THEM (parents) but she may known someone else in the picture.

So he's alluding to a "kidnapper". Someone that really did take the baby? Really?

C'mon. He's run scenerios - either DB just doing it; or JI doing it; - if they did so why would they take the phones? C'mon - why didn't Mark F. speak up and say something?

I will always stand on the side of Mark Fuhrman.

MW may know DB's brother. Do we have any info on the brother? How many cell numbers does DB have. It appears at least two phones were working, yet it was told they were "restricted".

This case seems more like the cummings case every day. There are at least two explanations for everything they say...when it goes to three, we have arrived.

Hey, call your little brother and have him give you a ride to buy your own. :floorlaugh:

Call? What call? You know the phones don't work (until they do).

Sounds to me like Stanton, the BSer himself, was trying to implicate MW. I too have wondered if possibly MW knows the drinking buddy/light monitoring neighbor, but why would the neighbor use an Irwin/Bradley phone to call MW? Was Judge Jeanine stating fact that the neighbor knows MW, or did she pose it as a question? TIA for anyone who heard it. That call is bugging the you-know-what outta me.

OT/P.s. If MW is not involved at all, I hope she heard the show tonight and comes out guns a blazin'. When Vasco DeGama called his presser after being implicated for a meaningless phone call, I was literally clapping (man, that guy was a sharp dresser).
Bill Stanton is a hired gun who came into this missing baby case and I have caught him lying 3 times about facts of the case. Someone is paying him to come in and lie on tv.

His latest lie was there is a video of a man walking out of the woods with a baby in his arms.

The only reason I can think of for him lying like this is to influence a jury down the road.

Unless Bill is watching a different video that I am, I can't even tell if the white blob is a man or a woman. Why does he keep insisting it's a man? That's why we call it a white blob.


I've heard tactic used in that way. Tactic is a subset of strategy, right? A strategy is made up of multiple tactics. When speaking of a boxer who ducks his head a lot, for example, one might say "that's a so and so tactic" of that boxer.

I think he was basically saying that's one of the things that falls under JT's overall strategy.

It's an unusual use of language, but it's not linguistically absurd imo.
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