MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/29/11

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What is he stressed about that someone asked some difficult questions and he was unable to answer them? That he wasn't allowed to just talk and spin a tale? That JP is a little more sharp than he realized? That he did nothing to help his client tonight? That not everyone believes in paid spin? Should I stop now. :floorlaugh:

:rocker: Keep singing it, Sista!
Anyone notice the banner on the show saying the parents are working on a reward fund?...:banghead:
CW: where's t baby; where's t evidence t mother did anything to t baby?...t interrogation of 2 kids 20+ days later>i can't expect they would remember anything...a third party is involved here either in collaboration or...[paraphrased]

Epiph: Stunned.

After watching BS, I have a question. 2 phones were restricted and not working, correct? The other phone (from his dad?) worked? Isn't that right? or am I disremembering?
When Bill said driving the family around had nothing to do with the case then the Judge should have asked him why you are doing it? You said you were paid to find Lisa period.
I've heard tactic used in that way. Tactic is a subset of strategy, right? A strategy is made up of multiple tactics. When speaking of a boxer who ducks his head a lot, for example, one might say "that's a so and so tactic" of that boxer.

I think he was basically saying that's one of the things that falls under JT's overall strategy.

It's an unusual use of language, but it's not linguistically absurd imo.

Right. Usually employed against an adversary. :floorlaugh:
Call? What call? You know the phones don't work (until they do).

Sounds to me like Stanton, the BSer himself, was trying to implicate MW. I too have wondered if possibly MW knows the drinking buddy/light monitoring neighbor, but why would the neighbor use an Irwin/Bradley phone to call MW? Was Judge Jeanine stating fact that the neighbor knows MW, or did she pose it as a question? TIA for anyone who heard it. That call is bugging the you-know-what outta me.

OT/P.s. If MW is not involved at all, I hope she heard the show tonight and comes out guns a blazin'. When Vasco DeGama called his presser after being implicated for a meaningless phone call, I was literally clapping (man, that guy was a sharp dresser).

I'll have to go back and read, but I'm almost positive I heard Judge Jeanine say MW is known in the neighborhood. If MW is involved or not, I predict a media deal in her near future. Just $aying.
After watching BS, I have a question. 2 phones were restricted and not working, correct? The other phone (from his dad?) worked? Isn't that right? or am I disremembering?

We don't know for certain, we can only speculate. I have no doubt LE does know for certain and knows how vital it is or isn't to the case.
Bill Stanton is a hired gun who came into this missing baby case and I have caught him lying 3 times about facts of the case. Someone is paying him to come in and lie on tv.

His latest lie was there is a video of a man walking out of the woods with a baby in his arms.

The only reason I can think of for him lying like this is to influence a jury down the road.

Haha! And Joe Tacopina said the same thing last weekend on the same show!
Don't have cable so will have to catch reruns on Cirrus Radio HLN where each time I've heard BS or JT my blood boils that these two characters have been hired to represent DB & JI! Innocent or guilty, DB & JI are young and not getting their needs met with these two, IMO. Neither BS or JT are familiar with the case and either misspeak as I have heard JT do, or as Dr.Fessel suggests, BS just lies.

Could BS have been so hyper tonight because he thought he might be next on JT's firing block? :floorlaugh:
After watching BS, I have a question. 2 phones were restricted and not working, correct? The other phone (from his dad?) worked? Isn't that right? or am I disremembering?
Oh it is more complicated then that, listening to the babel you hear they got the phone from the dad because Deb broke hers. All lies and misinformation put out there.
:rocker: Great point Judge!!!

Why was DB searching for the phones,,,,,,if she knew that she could not make outbound calls on them.................Hmmmmmmmmmmm?????

OT/ I am posting with 2 white :cat::cat: sitting on my lap, batting at the fun computer screen. We adopted these sweet sisters just today!!

Coming in after the final whistle, but:

"Why was DB searching for the phones...?"....yay for da Judge! (mostexcellentpoint)

"We adopted these sweet sisters just today!!"...yay for ya'll!!! (mostexcellentaction)
Bill Stanton joining in! Little upset. Get the facts out there. LE great, media adding value. Reward out there. Where family is now, is not relevant. How did phone call come out? Asking the validity of the call. Witnesses are key, seen walking with a baby. So disturbed at what they see, they make calls. Baby can be alive. JJ, what are parents doing? Bill, people are banging on their door. They are under stress. I don't work for them. You ell me how they did it.

He says he will do what necessary to keep the case out there. Won't interfere. JJ-Do D&J know phone lady? JJ says the neighbors know her! Bill, she may not know them, but knows someone connected. Then he won't confirm the phone call.

He goes over every scenario in his head, trying to figure is out. Commercial

I didn't see the show; just following here.

Did Judge Jeanine say the neighbors know MW as in "people in the neighborhood" or was she referring to "the neighbors", the specific ones who drink wine together, monitor each other's lights and such? Could you tell by the context of her statement? TIA!
Dangle a carrot. A little cryptic. She (MW) may not KNOW THEM (parents) but she may known someone else in the picture.

So he's alluding to a "kidnapper". Someone that really did take the baby? Really?

C'mon. He's run scenerios - either DB just doing it; or JI doing it; - if they did so why would they take the phones? C'mon - why didn't Mark F. speak up and say something?

Well if someone did kidnap the baby and steal the phones, it would make sense that they are the ones that called MW. And so far MW's claim that she doesn't know WHO answered her phone sounds like, as another poster put it, "Officer really, it wasn't my pot". I mean random kidnaps do happen right beside parents beds.
:rocker: Great point Judge!!!

Why was DB searching for the phones,,,,,,if she knew that she could not make outbound calls on them.................Hmmmmmmmmmmm?????

OT/ I am posting with 2 white :cat::cat: sitting on my lap, batting at the fun computer screen. We adopted these sweet sisters just today!!

Just started reading so I am not sure if this has been answered. Even though the phones are off to outgoing calls you can still call 911
I've heard tactic used in that way. Tactic is a subset of strategy, right? A strategy is made up of multiple tactics. When speaking of a boxer who ducks his head a lot, for example, one might say "that's a so and so tactic" of that boxer.

I think he was basically saying that's one of the things that falls under JT's overall strategy.

It's an unusual use of language, but it's not linguistically absurd imo.

You're right. It's linguistically sound, but I don't think he really intended to use the word "tactic" since it sounds like "defense maneuvering" in that context and may lead some to wonder why the criminal defense team needs a strategy for allowing interviews of the boys of innocent parents.

If I were Joe, I'd cringe a little and wish Bill had chosen a more euphemistic way of putting it. ;)

ETA: I noticed upthread that someone who was watching pointed out that he may have been simply shortening JT's last name rather than using the word "tactic." So, as Joey on Friends would say, it might be a "moo" point. :)
Oh it is more complicated then that, listening to the babel you hear they got the phone from the dad because Deb broke hers. All lies and misinformation put out there.

David Netz, DB's father stated he gave the phone to DB because her cell was broken - so one broken and one working. I'm thinking the other was JI's personal phone.
Bill Stanton just lied on Judge Jeanine and said a man was seen on video walking out of the woods carrying a baby. This is the third lie I have heard him tell. Who is paying him to get on national TV and lie about a missing baby case?

That sounds familiar though. There are a couple of new sightings this week. Do we know this is not true? I may have missed it. TIA.
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