MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/30/11

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Yes. Considering they don't even appear to know who answered MW's phone that was called by the Irwin's phone in the wee hours, and don't seem all that interested in pursuing it, I'd say we're approaching a cold case.

RBBM. Four interviews is not enough to indicate that LE is pursuing this lead? How many times, then, would be enough? Five, ten, or how many?
There's no doubt LE are working very hard piecing together the bits of info they have. They have so much more than we have and seem to still be missing that one clue to tie it up. It has to be so frustrating!

Since the media sought out MW, why don't they seek out her ex-husband? Has LE talked with him? You can bet if there was someone else in the picture with MW at the time the ex-husband would tell LE to get himself cleared. (Point being, MW did not answer her phone to take the call).
Yes. Considering they don't even appear to know who answered MW's phone that was called by the Irwin's phone in the wee hours, and don't seem all that interested in pursuing it, I'd say we're approaching a cold case.

..all we've had is a couple of sentences from MW, we don't have any idea if LE is pursuing it or not------although they had already questioned her 4 times, so it looks like they're on it.

..we do know--------who has NOT been 'pursuing it'-----their own P.I. wildBill !--he was asked last night on judgeJ if he had spoken to her-----"No".

..that-----is weird to me, they finally have someone who has been identified ( unlike the strangers carrying a baby in a diaper, or the "blob" @ the gas station ) ----and their own P.I. hasn't spoken to her to see what she might have to say ??
Saying this is close to a "cold case" makes no sense to me. What may be "cold" is a lead to where Lisa can actually be found...but I think LE has gathered information and is awaiting more results to determine if they are indeed on the right track in keeping the case more or less local. If they don't get the results they may expect, I am confident they will continue to pursue other avenues.
Saying this is close to a "cold case" makes no sense to me. What may be "cold" is a lead to where Lisa can actually be found...but I think LE has gathered information and is awaiting more results to determine if they are indeed on the right track in keeping the case more or less local. If they don't get the results they may expect, I am confident they will continue to pursue other avenues.

I would hope and pray they were pursuing other avenues from DAY 1.
..all we've had is a couple of sentences from MW, we don't have any idea if LE is pusuing it or not------although they had already questioned her 4 times, so it looks like they're on it.

..we do know--------who has NOT been 'pusuing it'-----their own P.I. wildBill !--he was asked last night on judgeJ if he had spoken to her-----"No".

..that-----is weird to me, they finally have someone who has been identified ( unlike the strangers carrying a baby in a diaper, or the "blob" @ the gas station ) ----and their own P.I. hasn't spoken to her to see what she might have to say ??

My understanding is BS is not licensed in the state of Missouri and therefore he may be limited to what he can or cannot do. Furthermore, if MW is a potential witness, LE may not want her talking to anybody regarding evidence in the case. I think that is one of the reasons her answers to the reporter were cryptic and yes she sounded nervous. Was she caught off guard? Perhaps. All she had to do is walk away. I wish she had.
There's no doubt LE are working very hard piecing together the bits of info they have. They have so much more than we have and seem to still be missing that one clue to tie it up. It has to be so frustrating!

Since the media sought out MW, why don't they seek out her ex-husband? Has LE talked with him? You can bet if there was someone else in the picture with MW at the time the ex-husband would tell LE to get himself cleared. (Point being, MW did not answer her phone to take the call).

I guess we really don't know that even. That is only what MW told the media. What actually happened may be a whole different story.
There's no doubt LE are working very hard piecing together the bits of info they have. They have so much more than we have and seem to still be missing that one clue to tie it up. It has to be so frustrating!

Since the media sought out MW, why don't they seek out her ex-husband? Has LE talked with him? You can bet if there was someone else in the picture with MW at the time the ex-husband would tell LE to get himself cleared. (Point being, MW did not answer her phone to take the call).

1st BBM:

I agree ... and IMO, unfortunately I think the "one" clue LE needs is Baby Lisa ... and I do not believe she will be found alive because I trust the HRD dogs that HIT in the home ... MOO ...

2nd BBM :

"Since the media sought out MW" :

The question is HOW did the "media" get MW's name and the info about the 2:34 a.m. cell phone call -- especially since LE is NOT talking ?

I am wondering if :

MW or someone from the DB and JI's "camp" gave out that little tidbit to the media ... or ...

Did LE give it out -- WHICH I DOUBT THEY DID ... they are keeping everything so "close to the vest" as they say ... I just do NOT see LE giving out the name of the cell phone call to a reporter, AND, LE has NOT had any press conferences recently to give out any info ...

So WHO is it that gave the reporter MW's name about her cell phone getting the 2:34 a.m. phone call from one of DB's phones ?

MOO ...
If Bill S. isn't licensed to practice P.I. work in MO...why is he there?
If Bill S. isn't licensed to practice P.I. work in MO...why is he there?

No, he's not licensed in MO. He's there to find the truth, no matter where it leads him, blah blah blah. He is there because someone is paying him to be there - IMO, damage control.
If Bill S. isn't licensed to practice P.I. work in MO...why is he there?

Yep ... and I sure would like to know WHO sent him there and WHY !

:innocent: And ... I would like to answer what I really think ... but :silenced:

If Bill S. isn't licensed to practice P.I. work in MO...why is he there?

He was hired by the benefactor. Some are speculating that his role is not a PI role but a body guard. JT is not licensed to practice in MO either but he's there to give the parents legal advice.

Wish we knew who this benefactor was. Maybe some of this would make a lot more sense.
He was hired by the benefactor. Some are speculating that his role is not a PI role but a body guard. JT is not licensed to practice in MO either but he's there to give the parents legal advice.

Wish we knew who this benefactor was. Maybe some of this would make a lot more sense.

Body guard, really?? What do you think is going on??
I don't see the media as the problem. The media may not have the right to ask questions at a vigil. They do have the right to cover the vigil.

I see the problem lying with the parents and their noncooperation with LE and local media as the problem.

I agree. What should the media do - pack up n' leave? If the media wasn't there folks would be upset. Media is there, folks are upset. too many cars, too much noise, cigarette butts - oh the horror.

What's more important? Finding out what happened to baby Lisa or dealing with a bit of noise and inconvenience? Trust me, I know how these things roll - we've had many high profile cases in San Diego. If you're a neighbor, you deal. The victims pain and suffering overrides any inconvenience a neighbor may feel for a couple weeks, or a month.

All I can say is this is about finding baby Lisa, and am pleased as punch the media is covering it. Even if they are rude!


Body guard, really?? What do you think is going on??

Stanton left the police department, opened a private investigation agency and became a personal bodyguard

Speculation came after he was allegedly called to take the family to an undisclosed location this weekend. His role may be to protect the family but that's just pure speculation considering he doesn't have a PI license for the State of Missouri. I have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.
He was hired by the benefactor. Some are speculating that his role is not a PI role but a body guard. JT is not licensed to practice in MO either but he's there to give the parents legal advice.

Wish we knew who this benefactor was. Maybe some of this would make a lot more sense.

I have always suspected it might be JJP. :winko: I have no explanation for why I think this but I suspected it from day one.

That would sure explain BS's stressed and flustered reaction in the last interview.

What a way to raise the ratings and I suspect she's smarter than JT and BS. She sure played hardball and caught him off guard the other night.:innocent:
I agree. What should the media do - pack up n' leave? If the media wasn't there folks would be upset. Media is there, folks are upset. too many cars, too much noise, cigarette butts - oh the horror.

What's more important? Finding out what happened to baby Lisa or dealing with a bit of noise and inconvenience? Trust me, I know how these things roll - we've had many high profile cases in San Diego. If you're a neighbor, you deal. The victims pain and suffering overrides any inconvenience a neighbor may feel for a couple weeks, or a month.

All I can say is this is about finding baby Lisa, and am pleased as punch the media is covering it. Even if they are rude!



I don't think anyone wants them to pack up and leave. Some common decency would be nice though. Also doing their job as professionals is in order. (as an example I wouldn't have a job if I were noisy and/or left my cigarette butts everywhere.) I also think they should practice journalism rather than sensationalism, but that's jmo.

ETA and making sure that what they publish is correct would be a good thing too!
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