MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/7/11

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so-they found other outfit that looks like the one in that photo-but its not Lisa's per DB...Is that correct..I would like to know if DB brought Lisa's dress to show Edith! That is a strange find!
I took it as it also could have been maybe the first look didn't find it, maybe found it later. Therefor both statements being true of it not being found then being found. It was Edith looking for them at the house. Maybe she had to get clarification of where else to look.
This outfit being found is almost as bad as the abandoned house with the diapers,food etc..can this case get any stranger!!
JMO but I think it's extremely unlikely that an outfit similar to Lisa's would accidentally end up in the search site. I've never seen any discarded baby clothing just lying here and there, so it's rare in itself, and what are the odds that a random baby outfit would resemble Lisa's?

I think it's courtesy of someone who knew about the photo and the planned search and likes to stir things up as a cruel prank.

I agree, Halloween or no, it is beyond belief that a similar item would just happen to have been "out there". No way. If it happened, someone put it there, for whatever reason.
Any idea when the picture of Baby Lisa actually wearing the little Pebble print was taken?
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Thank you for the welcome....and why didn't you tell me this sleuthing could be so addicting?!? (-:
I know-I can see maybe a disney outfit,something common,but that dress is somewhat different!
Not that different. I have seen it no less than 3 times since this case broke. I don't know how many times before because it didn't mean anything then. When I saw it every time I thought of this baby.
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Bolded for emphasis.. MK is losing major credibility IMO from her twisting and manipulating her reporting on this case!!.. She teases immediately preceding a commercial break with extremely "leading" statements such as this one for example.. She stated that after the break she report how LE has exhausted the abduction theory.. When infact that's as misleading as hell and after the break the report was that herself(media) were pretty much casting aside the intruder theory... So, to clarify.. It is the MEDIA that's saying they're casting aside the intruder theory.. IT WAS NOT SAID BY LE.. IT WAS SAID BY THE MEDIA.

If you listen carefully, in her defense, she states "quoted" in both the "moving on" for the sightings and Jersey. She was quoting LE.

What upset me was the detective she had on stated they boys had not been interviewed---when they had right after BL's disappearance.
I agree, Halloween or no, it is beyond belief that a similar item would just happen to have been "out there". No way. If it happened, someone put it there, for whatever reason.

A sneaky, stinky red herring. jmo
YES, thank you. i just said the same thing upthread a few posts (also provided a link to the ridiculous segment in question) but you said it better than i did. MK is really annoying the heck out of me, first with the 2 hour interview with the parents that she only aired >20 minutes of, and now this. though i suppose it's not fair to blame on her, it's probably the network's fault.

Yes, askforina I feel the same frustration as well and IMO the blame goes to both the network as well as the individual reporter Megyn Kelly.. Prior to this case I liked Megyn and for the most part respected her reporting(and actually have a relative that knows Megyn personally).. But the way she has chosen to handle and report this case IMO not only lowers her credibility, but IMO literally puts her reporting in the same exact category as the rag tabloids.. I don't get it at all why she(and i purposefully say "she" rather than the network.. Because MK has more than enough pull at Fox to report on a case the way she chooses or feels comfortable with)feels the need to put the "extra spin" in her reporting the Irwin case. I mean it's quite salacious all on it's own with the early admissions of heavily drinking.. But of course thats
just my opinion..

But as far as the 2 hour interview that we know that she did with parents several weeks ago and literally took that 2 hours worth of footage and cut and pasted it into 60-90second vignettes that she paired alongside Judge Janines totally edited with cuts and pastes footage from a couple weeks prior.. Then after showing the 60second blurbs back to back(that with one Megyn actually tells the viewers that DB then said.." Bla.. Bla.." After the video was over!!.. I was like, oh really? Well, if that's what DB said then why did u not just play us that part of video?.. Why would After a video clip would you then tell the viewer that DB made a certain statement??.. IT WAS EXTREMELY SHODDY AND MISLEADING REPORTING!!).. It was rag type reporting imo!! but most of all I, much like you really question where the remaining 1 hour and 40mins worth of footage from the interview with the parents is?!?!?.. And I've searched for it.. It's no where to be found as IMO they've not released it(as is SOP for any remaining raw footage..) The media outlet after using the edited out portions for their broadcast or article.. Then will release the raw footage on their websites for any/all who care to view it.. I find it extremely strange and odd that the teeny tiny percentage used out of the total of 2 hours of footage is still the only footage available from the extensive interview with Deborah and Jeremy..WTH??

The youngest boy was 30 minutes. Older boy was 50 minutes. KCPD says TODAY that they second round of interviews HAS not been scheduled. Someone may have told Fox but they have not told KCPD.

Above BBM.. And this is precisely what I mean in my taking issue with Fox and its reporters regarding the Irwin case!!! It's truly as if they are taking what they feel, think, or just wanna say about this case and get on international broadcasts and say it!! Who cares if it's true, honest, *or accurate.. That matters not!! They just say what they want, when they want, and how they want!! They don't ever later come back and retract their pitifully false, inaccurate reports.. Nope, they just carry on to the next issue as if they never had even said the false bunk.. It's pathetic and it's no better than the rag tabloids!! Have they no accountability!!??! It certainly seems to me that they are not held accountable to anyone for ANYTHING.. therefor we can expect this type reporting to just continue and IMO will only escalate in their carelessness and absolute inaccurate reporting of the "news"!.. Again jmo, tho!!
I am just saying..What are the chances of a dress being found and looking like one Lisa has in the woods,who would throw a dress like that in the woods-hmm

This reminds me of the Minnie Mouse dress found in the Caylee Anthony case!!:waitasec:That dress wasn't hers either!!
That dress is kinda of original or different, should I say-why would there be one like it is the woods,,where would someone else get one like it???
This is a moment in a case where you just go...HMMM-What is going on!!!!!

Wouldn't take a hour of time to whip it up with a sewing machine. Leopard print is in every store that offers material too, imo.

****Pebbles costume who not have closed seams ;)
The dress is another co-hinky-dinky, and those I do not believe in.
Animal prints are HUGE this season! Kathie Lee was wearing leopard hose on the Today show this morning. I thought they looked ridiculous, but I'm sure she's a major trend-setter :D

I bought me some cozy "Scotties" jammies at Macy's last week and donned them in time for the verdict in the Conrad Murray trial this afternoon when I recalled that the King of Pop had shown up in jammies for his child molestation trial.

This outfit being found is almost as bad as the abandoned house with the diapers,food etc..can this case get any stranger!!

I agree, Halloween or no, it is beyond belief that a similar item would just happen to have been "out there". No way. If it happened, someone put it there, for whatever reason.

A sneaky, stinky red herring. jmo

Wouldn't take a hour of time to whip it up with a sewing machine. Leopard print is in every store that offers material too, imo.

****Pebbles costume who not have closed seams ;)

In My opinion this was either a deliberate red herring or a cruel joke, or some combination of both. It's possible that it was a discarded Halloween costume, but that seems less likely to me. How many kids lose those out in the woods? If this search area was announced and planned…someone planted this there. My best guess is JUST TO BE MEAN! For what it's worth, I'm going to add my :twocents: to this by sharing a photo of my daughter in her leopard print dress. This was taken January 18, 2008…quite a while ago. She is five now, but those animal prints are very popular. She had a zebra print dress too.

I am overwhelmed with the smilies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wait till you come downstairs to the "members only" section of WS!! :great:
I'll just leave it at that!!!
In My opinion this was either a deliberate red herring or a cruel joke, or some combination of both. It's possible that it was a discarded Halloween costume, but that seems less likely to me. How many kids lose those out in the woods? If this search area was announced and planned…someone planted this there. My best guess is JUST TO BE MEAN! For what it's worth, I'm going to add my :twocents: to this by sharing a photo of my daughter in her leopard print dress. This was taken January 18, 2008…quite a while ago. She is five now, but those animal prints are very popular. She had a zebra print dress too.

Is it possible that this was not just a cruel joke, but an intentional distraction from someone involved? Someone who needs to throw the current course of LE off track? JMO/ MOO
Is it possible that this was not just a cruel joke, but an intentional distraction from someone involved? Someone who needs to throw the current course of LE off track? JMO/ MOO

I thought of that to,but DB says its not Lisa's dress,cause hers was in the house when Edith brought the one they found.I have to believe this dress was put there for some other reason..why I don't know!
Is it possible that this was not just a cruel joke, but an intentional distraction from someone involved? Someone who needs to throw the current course of LE off track? JMO/ MOO
If that was the case, why would it have been found in the house?:waitasec:
BBM.That is not good news, they don't have enough to charge anyone. IMO!
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Originally Posted by aks9847
jimspellmancnn jim spellman
Lots more tomorrow: Info on some new figures ( you guys have been very patient about this) plus troubling comments from a local DAs office..

I guess it is all in the way that we each personally view the statement, "plus troubling comments from a local DA's office." as to what each of our opinions are on what is it's meaning.. It could be so very many different things but mostly what I take away from it is a question of was it "THE DA's OFFICE" that is in charge of handling the specific case of Lisa Irwin?? I notice that he does state it as "local DA's office" which would make some believe it to be "THE DA's OFFICE" that will be prosecuting Lisa's case.. I find it strange to say the least "if" these "troubling" statements did in fact come from the DA's office that will be prosecuting Lisa's case.. Imo it'll be "troubling" IF that's who is making statements to the media regarding the case..jmo, tho!!

But then again I guess a "local DA's office" could mean a different DA's office than that Office handling Lisa's case?? Idk??..*shrug*.. but if that's the case and it is an unrelated DA then IMO there is absolutely Nothing of any significance that's going to be in these "troubling" statements..due to their not being privy to anymore than what we the public already have and know..

Who knows?? Guess we'll just have to wait til tomorrow to hear from Jim just who and what they've got to say..
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